673 resultados para ADOLESCENT SUICIDE


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Suicidal behaviour among young people represents a major public health problem. This study seeks to compare the major sociological, clinical, schooling and family features of suicidal and non-suicidal subgroups of adolescents hospitalised in the Health Foundation Center for French Students of neufmoutiers en Brie (France). All these adolescents suffered from the severe mental disorders. The adolescents from the suicidal subgroup presented significantly fewer psychoses and more mood disorders than those of the non-suicidal subgroup. Half of the patients from the suicidal subgroup presented some features of personality disorders, mostly borderline personality disorders. Nevertheless, their global functioning was more frequently improved between admission and discharge than was the case for the non-suicidal group.


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Background: Adolescent suicide attempts are disproportionally prevalent and frequently of low severity, raising questions regarding their long-term prognostic implications. In this study, we examined whether adolescent attempts were asso- ciated with impairments related to suicidality, psychopathology, and psychosocial functioning in adulthood (objective 1) and whether these impairments were better accounted for by concurrent adolescent confounders (objective 2). Method: Eight hundred and sixteen adolescents were assessed using interviews and question- naires at four time points from adolescence to adulthood. We examined whether lifetime suicide attempts in adolescence (by T2, mean age 17) predicted adult out- comes (by T4, mean age 30) using linear and logistic regressions in unadjusted models (objective 1) and adjusting for sociodemographic background, adolescent psychopathology, and family risk factors (objective 2). Results: In unadjusted analyses, adolescent suicide attempts predicted poorer adjustment on all outcomes, except those related to social role status. After adjustment, adolescent attempts remained predictive of axis I and II psychopathology (anxiety disorder, antisocial and borderline personality disorder symptoms), global and social adjustment, risky sex, and psychiatric treatment utilization. However, adolescent attempts no longer predicted most adult outcomes, notably suicide attempts and major depressive disorder. Secondary analyses indicated that associations did not differ by sex and attempt characteristics (intent, lethality, recurrence). Conclusions: Adolescent suicide attempters are at high risk of protracted and wide-ranging im- pairments, regardless of the characteristics of their attempt. Although attempts specifically predict (and possibly influence) several outcomes, results suggest that most impairments reflect the confounding contributions of other individual and family problems or vulnerabilites in adolescent attempters.


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Background: Adolescent suicide attempts are disproportionally prevalent and frequently of low severity, raising questions regarding their long-term prognostic implications. In this study, we examined whether adolescent attempts were asso- ciated with impairments related to suicidality, psychopathology, and psychosocial functioning in adulthood (objective 1) and whether these impairments were better accounted for by concurrent adolescent confounders (objective 2). Method: Eight hundred and sixteen adolescents were assessed using interviews and question- naires at four time points from adolescence to adulthood. We examined whether lifetime suicide attempts in adolescence (by T2, mean age 17) predicted adult out- comes (by T4, mean age 30) using linear and logistic regressions in unadjusted models (objective 1) and adjusting for sociodemographic background, adolescent psychopathology, and family risk factors (objective 2). Results: In unadjusted analyses, adolescent suicide attempts predicted poorer adjustment on all outcomes, except those related to social role status. After adjustment, adolescent attempts remained predictive of axis I and II psychopathology (anxiety disorder, antisocial and borderline personality disorder symptoms), global and social adjustment, risky sex, and psychiatric treatment utilization. However, adolescent attempts no longer predicted most adult outcomes, notably suicide attempts and major depressive disorder. Secondary analyses indicated that associations did not differ by sex and attempt characteristics (intent, lethality, recurrence). Conclusions: Adolescent suicide attempters are at high risk of protracted and wide-ranging im- pairments, regardless of the characteristics of their attempt. Although attempts specifically predict (and possibly influence) several outcomes, results suggest that most impairments reflect the confounding contributions of other individual and family problems or vulnerabilites in adolescent attempters.


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Telephone counselling is an accessible and confidential means by which distressed young people can seek help. Telephone counselling services were funded under Australia's National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy between 1997 and 2000. In this study, the effectiveness of telephone counselling for young people seeking help in the context of suicidal ideation or intent was evaluated in an investigation of calls made by suicidal young people to a telephone counselling service. Independent raters measured callers' suicidality and mental state at the beginning and, end of 100 taped counselling sessions. Changes in suicidality and mental state were measured using a reliable rating scale developed for the study. Significant decreases in suicidality and significant improvement in mental state were found to occur during the course of counselling sessions, suggesting positive immediate impact.-Limitations of the study with respect to longer-term outcomes and the relevance of the results for suicide prevention are discussed. Notwithstanding the study limitations, the results lend support for continuing development of hotline services.


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Introduction: There is currently a need for research into indicators that could be used by non-clinical professionals working with young people, to inform the need for referral for further clinical assessment of those at risk of suicide. Method: Participants of this repeated measures longitudinal study, were 2603, 2485, and 2246 school students aged 13, 14, and 15, respectively, from 27 South Australian Schools. Results: Perceived academic performance, self-esteem and locus of control are significantly associated with suicidality. Further, logistic regression of longitudinal results suggests that perceived academic performance, over and above self-esteem and locus of control, in some instances, is a good long-term predictor of suicidality. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of The Association for Professionals in Services for Adolescents.


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Cette étude vise à comprendre et à expliquer la résilience des familles endeuillées par le suicide d’un adolescent . Lorsque le suicide d’un adolescent survient, comme il s’agit d’une mort violente, inattendue, auto-infligée et qu’elle ne s’inscrit pas dans l’ordre normal de la vie, la famille est confrontée à une situation de crise qui nécessite, de sa part, une mobilisation importante d’énergie. On remarque que, malgré cette épreuve, la plupart des familles continuent à fonctionner. Le concept de résilience familiale qui fait référence à la capacité d’une famille de rebondir face à une situation de crise peut expliquer ce phénomène. C’est pourquoi le but de cette étude a été de proposer une théorie du processus de résilience à partir de ce que vivent les familles endeuillées par le suicide de leur adolescent. Le modèle McGill en soins infirmiers constitue la toile de fond théorique compte tenu de sa vision familiale, de sa croyance dans les forces de la famille et de l’importance du rôle de collaboration des infirmières. Pour atteindre le but de notre étude, une approche par théorisation ancrée, inspirée de la vision straussienne, a été choisie. L’échantillonnage théorique a été constitué de données obtenues à l’aide : d’entrevues semi structurées (13) avec les membres de sept familles rencontrés soit de façon individuelle, en couple ou en groupe (n=17 participants); de documents personnels remis par les participants (journal intime, homélie …); d’un questionnaire sociodémographique; et de notes de terrain. Une analyse comparative continue des données à travers une triple codification a permis de proposer une théorisation en profondeur du processus de résilience familiale suite au suicide d’un adolescent. Les principaux résultats indiquent que, dans un premier temps, la famille est confrontée à un cataclysme engendré par le suicide lui-même et influencé par le contexte familial, le contexte social et les émotions vécues. S’ensuit une période de naufrage plus ou moins importante compte tenu des bouées de sauvetage présentes au sein et dans l’entourage des familles. La présence de ces bouées intra et extrafamiliales permet un rebondissement plus ou moins rapide des familles. Par la suite, différentes actions intra et extrafamiliales permettent aux familles d’émerger malgré cette blessure indélébile, c’est-à-dire apprendre et grandir à travers cette expérience. L’analyse a également permis de dégager quatre types de résilience familiale selon que le rebondissement est rapide ou tardif et que l’émergence est continue ou non, soit le processus de résilience des familles énergiques centrifuge et centripète, de la famille stupéfaite, de la famille combattante et de la famille tenace. Cette étude permet d’approfondir la compréhension du vécu des familles endeuillées par le suicide d’un adolescent et d’aider les professionnels de la santé à mieux adapter leurs interventions en fonction des besoins des familles, des bouées de sauvetage présentes et des actions susceptibles de favoriser leur émergence.


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This review explores the influence to suicide in print and electronic media, and considers both real and fictional deaths. The conclusion appears inescapable that reports about celebrities which are multi-modal, repeated, explicit, front page, glorify the suicide, and describe the method lead to an increase in deaths from suicide, particularly in the region in which reports are published. The paper argues that even if there was multi-national agreement to international guidelines, media will continue to report suicide when it is considered to be a matter of public interest. What appears crucial is a collaborative approach between professionals and the media to promote a negative attitude toward suicide without increasing stigma toward those with mental health problems.


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Background - Neural substrates of emotion dysregulation in adolescent suicide attempters remain unexamined. Method - We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neural activity to neutral, mild or intense (i.e. 0%, 50% or 100% intensity) emotion face morphs in two separate emotion-processing runs (angry and happy) in three adolescent groups: (1) history of suicide attempt and depression (ATT, n = 14); (2) history of depression alone (NAT, n = 15); and (3) healthy controls (HC, n = 15). Post-hoc analyses were conducted on interactions from 3 group × 3 condition (intensities) whole-brain analyses (p < 0.05, corrected) for each emotion run. Results - To 50% intensity angry faces, ATT showed significantly greater activity than NAT in anterior cingulate gyral–dorsolateral prefrontal cortical attentional control circuitry, primary sensory and temporal cortices; and significantly greater activity than HC in the primary sensory cortex, while NAT had significantly lower activity than HC in the anterior cingulate gyrus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. To neutral faces during the angry emotion-processing run, ATT had significantly lower activity than NAT in the fusiform gyrus. ATT also showed significantly lower activity than HC to 100% intensity happy faces in the primary sensory cortex, and to neutral faces in the happy run in the anterior cingulate and left medial frontal gyri (all p < 0.006,corrected). Psychophysiological interaction analyses revealed significantly reduced anterior cingulate gyral–insula functional connectivity to 50% intensity angry faces in ATT v. NAT or HC. Conclusions - Elevated activity in attention control circuitry, and reduced anterior cingulate gyral–insula functional connectivity, to 50% intensity angry faces in ATT than other groups suggest that ATT may show inefficient recruitment of attentional control neural circuitry when regulating attention to mild intensity angry faces, which may represent a potential biological marker for suicide risk.


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PURPOSE Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents. Self-harm is the most important risk factor for suicide, yet the majority of self-harm does not come to the attention of health services. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative incidence of adolescent suicide, hospital-treated self-harm and self-harm in the community. METHODS Annual suicide rates were calculated for 15-17 year-old in the Cork and Kerry region in Ireland based on data from the Central Statistics Office. Rates of hospital-treated self-harm were collected by the Irish National Registry of Deliberate Self-Harm. Rates of self-harm in the community were assessed using a survey of 3,881 adolescents, the Child and Adolescent Self-harm in Europe study. RESULTS The annual suicide rate was 10/100,000. Suicide was six times more common among boys than girls. The annual incidence rate of hospital-treated self-harm was approximately 344/100,000, with the female rate almost twice the male rate. The rate of self-harm in the community was 5,551/100,000, and girls were almost four times more likely to report self-harm. For every boy who died by suicide, 16 presented to hospital with self-harm and 146 reported self-harm in the community. For every female suicide, 162 girls presented to hospital with self-harm and 3,296 reported self-harm. CONCLUSIONS Gender differences in relative rates of self-harm and suicide are very large, with boys who have harmed themselves at particularly high risk of suicide. Knowledge of the relative incidence of self-harm and suicide in adolescents can inform prevention programmes and services.


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Background: Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide. Mental disorders are among the strongest predictors of suicide; however, little is known about which disorders are uniquely predictive of suicidal behavior, the extent to which disorders predict suicide attempts beyond their association with suicidal thoughts, and whether these associations are similar across developed and developing countries. This study was designed to test each of these questions with a focus on nonfatal suicide attempts. Methods and Findings: Data on the lifetime presence and age-of-onset of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) mental disorders and nonfatal suicidal behaviors were collected via structured face-to-face interviews with 108,664 respondents from 21 countries participating in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. The results show that each lifetime disorder examined significantly predicts the subsequent first onset of suicide attempt (odds ratios [ORs] = 2.9-8.9). After controlling for comorbidity, these associations decreased substantially (ORs = 1.5-5.6) but remained significant in most cases. Overall, mental disorders were equally predictive in developed and developing countries, with a key difference being that the strongest predictors of suicide attempts in developed countries were mood disorders, whereas in developing countries impulse-control, substance use, and post-traumatic stress disorders were most predictive. Disaggregation of the associations between mental disorders and nonfatal suicide attempts showed that these associations are largely due to disorders predicting the onset of suicidal thoughts rather than predicting progression from thoughts to attempts. In the few instances where mental disorders predicted the transition from suicidal thoughts to attempts, the significant disorders are characterized by anxiety and poor impulse-control. The limitations of this study include the use of retrospective self-reports of lifetime occurrence and age-of-onset of mental disorders and suicidal behaviors, as well as the narrow focus on mental disorders as predictors of nonfatal suicidal behaviors, each of which must be addressed in future studies. Conclusions: This study found that a wide range of mental disorders increased the odds of experiencing suicide ideation. However, after controlling for psychiatric comorbidity, only disorders characterized by anxiety and poor impulse-control predict which people with suicide ideation act on such thoughts. These findings provide a more fine-grained understanding of the associations between mental disorders and subsequent suicidal behavior than previously available and indicate that mental disorders predict suicidal behaviors similarly in both developed and developing countries. Future research is needed to delineate the mechanisms through which people come to think about suicide and subsequently progress from ideation to attempts.


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Objective: This study examined the risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation for young adolescent males and females. Method: A large cohort of students in their first year of high school completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Adolescent Suicide Questionnaire. The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation was modelled using non-parametric kernel-smoothing techniques. Results: Suicidal ideation was more frequently reported by females compared with males which was partly explained by females having higher mean depression scores. At moderate levels of depression females also had a significantly higher risk of suicidal ideation compared with males and this increased risk contributed to the overall higher levels of female ideation. Conclusions: The risk relationship between depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation is different for young adolescent males and females. The results indicate that moderate levels of depressive symptomatology can be associated with suicidal ideation (especially among young females) and that for these young people a suicide risk assessment is required.


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Au niveau mondial, la mort par suicide occupe fréquemment la deuxième ou troisième place des causes de décès chez les adolescents (AIPS, 2009). Afin de prévenir le suicide chez les jeunes, une meilleure compréhension des facteurs associés s’avère donc nécessaire. La présente étude avait pour but d’identifier les facteurs de protection d’adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire relatant les habitudes de vie et facteurs psychosociaux a été analysé. Le risque suicidaire a été évalué à partir de la version adaptée pour adolescents du SAD PERSONS Scale (Juhnke, 1994). L’échantillon de l’étude comprenait 101 jeunes de 12 à 17 ans atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Des analyses descriptives, des tests de t, des analyses de variance, des corrélations et des régressions ont été utilisées afin de vérifier la relation entre le risque suicidaire et les facteurs de protection. Il ressort que, pour les adolescents de l’étude, être satisfait du soutien reçu, avoir un bon soutien affectif parental, avoir plusieurs sources de lecture par semaine, souper plusieurs fois avec sa famille par semaine, ne pas fumer de cigarette, ne pas avoir beaucoup d’amis qui fument la cigarette, ne pas consommer d’alcool, ne pas consommer de drogue ainsi que de ne pas mélanger la consommation d’alcool et de drogue peuvent tous agir, individuellement, comme facteurs de protection du suicide chez des adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Par ailleurs, les analyses effectuées ne révèlent aucune relation significative entre les habitudes scolaires, l’activité physique, les habitudes de sommeil, l’estime de soi et le risque suicidaire des adolescents de l’étude. Enfin, miser sur les facteurs de protection du suicide identifiés par la présente étude constitue une nouvelle piste intéressante pour les infirmières et des recommandations pour la recherche et la pratique infirmière sont suggérées.