898 resultados para ACULEATA


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O Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor (PNSD), localizado a noroeste do Estado do Acre, é considerado uma das áreas de maior diversidade da Amazônia. A importância de se considerar insetos em programas de conservação tem sido muito enfatizada. Vespas solitárias e sociais são componentes muito importantes dos ecossistemas, devido à posição que ocupam nas redes alimentares. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ecológica rápida da fauna de vespas do PNSD, para subsidiar a elaboração de um plano de manejo do referido parque. A amostragem foi realizada em 12 sítios de coleta, situados no interior de oito tipologias de vegetação. Os insetos foram coletados através de armadilhas Malaise, as quais foram expostas em todos os sítios por 24 horas, totalizando 288 horas de amostragem. Foram consideradas nas análises vespas das famílias Chalcididae, Eucharitidae, Evaniidae, Mutillidae, Pompilidae, Crabronidae e Vespidae. Ao todo, foram coletados 366 indivíduos distribuídos em 40 gêneros e 85 espécies. Os gêneros Ephuta (Mutillidae), Trypoxylon (Crabronidae) e Conura (Chalcididae) foram os mais ricos em espécies. Os sítios localizados na região norte do PNSD, considerada zona intangível e zona primitiva, foram os mais ricos em espécies. Cerca de 65% das espécies foram exclusivas a um único sítio, o que significa que as amostras possuem pequena similaridade faunística. Algumas espécies coletadas são consideradas raras.


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Frutos de palmeira bocaiuva (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd.), coletados em Dourados (MS) e Presidente Epitácio (SP), foram analisados quanto ao aspecto biométrico, a composição química e as características físicas, visando a avaliar seu potencial alimentício. Os frutos de bocaiuva das regiões de procedência não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si nas características biométricas. O rendimento médio da polpa foi de 42% em relação ao fruto inteiro, sendo superior ao encontrado na literatura para outros frutos de palmeiras. As determinações físicas e químicas da polpa dos frutos das regiões de Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo caracterizam a polpa como sendo pouco ácida (pH 5,70 a 6,29). As amostras de Dourados - MS, foram consideradas mais doces (14,53% de açúcares redutores totais) e com maior teor de vitamina C (34,57 mg.100 g-1) em relação às amostras de Presidente Epitácio-SP (11,46 mg.100 g-1). Porém, a intensidade da cor amarelo-laranja foi maior na polpa dos frutos de Presidente Epitácio (SP), sugerindo maior conteúdo de carotenoides.


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Pereskia aculeata Mill. (Ora-pro-nóbis) is a native cactaceae from tropical America, whose leaves have high protein content. In Brazil it is found in all territorial extension between the states of Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul. Most studies have focused on chemical characterization of the leaves of this specie. The objective was to assess the carotenoids profile and the total polyphenols present in the fruits of P. aculeate. Carotenoids were determined by HPLC-PAD (high performance liquid chromatography - photodiode array detector), total polyphenols were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu and vanillin methods. Trans-β-carotene was the main carotenoid, followed by α-carotene, lutein and other minor carotenoids. It was found 64.9 ± 1.1 mg.100g-1 of gallic acid equivalent, 14.8 ± 0.2 mg.100g-1 of catechin equivalent. Carotenoid identification of P. aculeate fruits are presented here by the first time and indicate that these fruits can be researched as source of bioactive substances, especially antioxidant and provitamin A carotenoids.


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A espécie Parkinsonia aculeata L. ocorre em zonas áridas, semiáridas e subúmidas, encontrando-se dispersa em várias regiões do planeta, onde é empregada em diferentes usos. Porém, em determinados ambientes, como caatinga e ecossistemas associados do Nordeste brasileiro, a espécie apresenta caráter invasor. Dessa forma, um experimento foi desenvolvido em abrigo telado para avaliar os efeitos da salinidade no comportamento germinativo e vegetativo de plantas de Parkinsonia aculeata. Inicialmente, o material de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo foi irrigado com água salina (0,2; 1,5; 3,0; 4,5; e 6,0 dS m-1). Em seguida, foram acondicionados 16 kg de cada substrato em vasos plásticos com capacidade para 21 L, e os tratamentos foram arranjados em blocos casualizados com nove repetições. Após a emergência, 10 dias após a semeadura, realizou-se o desbaste, deixando quatro plântulas por vaso. As variáveis avaliadas foram: emergência, índice de velocidade de emergência, concentrações das clorofilas a, b e total, diâmetro do caule no nível do solo, altura e número de folhas, 69 dias após a semeadura. O aumento da salinidade no solo de não salino (CEes < 2 dS m-1) para ligeiramente salino (4 dS m-1 > CEes > 2 dS m-1) e moderadamente salino (8 dS m-1 > CEes > 4 dS m-1) estimulou a emergência, o crescimento inicial e a produção de clorofila nas plantas de Parkinsonia aculeata, ao contrário do que ocorre com a grande maioria das espécies. Em parte, isso explica o sucesso de sua proliferação em determinados sítios da caatinga.


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The seedling production stage is the key to achieve uniformity in tree breeding stage. This study evaluated "bocaiúva" (Acrocomia aculeata) seedling formation, with pre-germinated seeds in different substrates and protected environments, in the University of Mato Grosso do Sul State, Aquidauana, MS. As substrates, we used 100% cattle manure (M), 100% cassava branches (CB), 100% vermiculite (V), 50% cattle manure + 50% cassava branches, 50 % cattle manure + 50% vermiculite, 50% cassava branches + 50% vermiculite and ⅓ cattle manure + ⅓ cassava branches + ⅓ vermiculite. These substrates were tested in a greenhouse covered with 150 µm low density polyethylene (LDPE) film under thermo-reflective screen with 50% shading under film; black screen with 50% shading on the sides; black monofilament screen with 50% shading set on roof and sides; and aluminized thermo- reflective screen with 50% shading set on roof and sides. The completely randomized experimental design with 5 replications of 5 plants each was adopted. Initially, data were submitted to analysis of substrate individual variance in each growing environment, then performing the waste mean square evaluation and their environment joint analysis for comparison. The best growing environment is the thermo-reflective screen compared to LDPE greenhouse and black screen set. All substrates containing manure are recommended for bocaiúva seedlings formation. The pure cassava branch is not indicated for seedling, even using chemical fertilizer.


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Foi demonstrado que uma condição em búfalos caracterizada pelo aumento de uma das bochechas é causada pelo acúmulo das sementes da palmeira "mucajá"(Acrocomia aculeata, fam. Arecaceae) e de capim no vestíbulo oral, durante a ruminação. Esse acúmulo de sementes causou atrofia por compressão com adelgaçamento e desvio medial do osso mandibular correspondente e exposição das raízes dos dentes molares. Aparentemente os frutos dessa palmeira possuem boa palatabilidade para búfalos.


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Protein characterization and results of proximate composition and mineral analyses of fruit kernels of bocaiuva, Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd., are reported. The kernels presented high contents of oil (51.7%), protein (17.6%) and fiber (15.8%). The seeds´ soluble proteins were isolated according to their solubility. The main separated proteins were globulins (53.5%) and glutelins (40.0%). Moreover, the presence of low molecular mass proteases in these two fractions was shown by the SDS-PAGE method. The assays of protease-inhibitory and hemagglutinating activities showed that bocaiuva´s protein fractions were not resistant to trypsin or chymotrypsin activities and that both had low lectin content. The globulin in vitro digestibility assay resembled a casein standard. Neither globulin nor glutelin enzymatic hydrolyses increased significantly (p < 0.05) after heat treatment. Threonine and lysine are the most limiting amino acids, respectively from two major protein fractions of the bocaiuva kernel, globulin (47.1% amino acid score) and glutelin (49.5% amino acid score), in terms of the theoretical profiles for children in the age range of 2 to 5 years recommended by the FAO/WHO. Bocaiuva kernels are found to be rich in calcium, phosphorus and manganese compared to some fruit nuts such as cashew and coconut.


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Com o objetivo de incentivar o consumo e o aproveitamento de alimentos oriundos do Cerrado Brasileiro, foram determinados os teores de umidade, lipídios totais, proteínas, carboidratos, cinzas, fibra, minerais e os principais carotenóides da polpa de bocaiúva, Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. A porção comestível do fruto (polpa e amêndoa) representou aproximadamente a metade do peso total do fruto. A polpa apresentou 52,99% de umidade, 8,14% de lipídios totais, 1,5% de proteínas, 22,08% de carboidratos, 1,51% de cinzas e 13,76% de fibra. O valor energético foi estimado em 167,67 kcal.100 g-1 de polpa úmida, o qual mostrou-se superior ao de outros frutos da região Centro-Oeste. Entre os minerais avaliados, a maior concentração foi a do potássio (766,37 ± 18,36 mg.100 g-1), seguida do cálcio (61,96 ± 2,30 mg.100 g-1) e do fósforo (36,70 mg.100 g-1). Relacionando-se os resultados de minerais às IDR de referências dos mesmos, a polpa de bocaiúva pode ser classificada como rica em cobre para crianças, como fonte de zinco e potássio para crianças e como fonte de cobre e potássio para adultos. A polpa mostrou-se rica em β-caroteno (49,0 ± 2,0 µg.g-1 de polpa integral), principal carotenóide identificado no fruto analisado, podendo contribuir com o enriquecimento da dieta regional em programas de suplementação alimentar, como uma fonte natural desse nutriente e dos minerais cobre, potássio e zinco.


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BACKGROUND: Bioactive compounds are capable of providing health benefits, reducing disease incidence or favoring body functioning. There is a growing search for vegetable oils containing such compounds. This study aimed to characterize the pulp and kernel oils of the Brazilian palm species guariroba (Syagrus oleracea), jeriva (Syagrus romanzoffiana) and macauba (Acrocomia aculeata), aiming at possible uses in several industries.RESULTS: Fatty acid composition, phenolic and carotenoid contents, tocopherol composition were evaluated. The majority of the fatty acids in pulps were oleic and linoleic; macauba pulp contained 526 g kg(-1) of oleic acid. Lauric acid was detected in the kernels of all three species as the major saturated fatty acid, in amounts ranging from 325.8 to 424.3 g kg(-1). The jeriva pulp contained carotenoids and tocopherols on average of 1219 mu g g(-1) and 323.50 mg kg(-1), respectively.CONCLUSION: The pulps contained more unsaturated fatty acids than the kernels, mainly oleic and linoleic. Moreover, the pulps showed higher carotenoid and tocopherol contents. The kernels showed a predominance of saturated fatty acids, especially lauric acid. The fatty acid profiles of the kernels suggest that these oils may be better suited for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries than for use in foods. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Vegetable oils are important sources of essential fatty acids. It is, therefore, important to characterize plant species that can be used as new oil sources. This study aimed to characterize the oils from guariroba (Syagrus oleracea), jeriva (Syagrus romanzoffiana), and macauba (Acrocomia aculeata). The physicochemical characterization was performed using official analytical methods for oils and fats, free fatty acids, peroxide value, refractive index, iodine value, saponification number, and unsaponifiable matter. The oxidative stability was determined using the Rancimat at 110 degrees C. The fatty acid composition was performed by gas chromatography. The results were submitted to Tukey's test for the medium to 5% using the ESTAT program. The pulp oils were more unsaturated than kernel oils, as evidenced by the higher refractive index and iodine value, especially the macauba pulp oil which gave 1.4556 and 80 g I(2)/100 g, respectively, for these indices. The kernel oils were less altered by oxidative process and had high induction period, free fatty acids below 0.5%, and peroxide value around 0.19 meq/kg. The guariroba kernel oil showed the largest induction period, 91.82 h.


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Despite their spiny nature, Aiphanes palms are popular as ornamentals. They can be grown in various soil conditions, but achieve fast, luxuriant growth in sheltered positions with plenty of water. Shaded conditions are the best when plants are young. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fruit maturation stage and light on the germination of seeds of A. aculeata. Fruits were collected at three different maturation stages: (1) yellow, (2) red, (3) collected on the ground without the fleshy mesocarp (removed by birds and insects). The fleshy mesocarp was also removed in treatments (1) and (2). All fruits were then treated with thiram and 25 seeds per plot were seeded in trays full of sand. The treatments (2) and (3) were subdivided in two other treatments: (a) 12 h photoperiod, (b) continuous darkness. The temperature was maintained at 30 degrees C. Seed germination began 34 days after sowing. After 160 days, the final germination percentage was (1) 54,67%, (2a) 61,33%, (2b) 65,33%, (3a) 38,00% and (3b) 45,33%. The best treatment was (2) independently of the light conditions.


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This study aimed to characterize the pulp and kernel of guariroba (Syagrus oleracea), jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) and macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) palm fruits, through their proximate composition, carotenoids contents and tocopherol composition. The three kernels showed to be composed mainly of lipids and proteins, as the three pulps, of carbohydrate and fiber. In the kernels the levels of lipids ranged from 45.17 to 56.37% and proteins from 15.46 to 28.61%. In the pulps the total fiber content ranged from 20.26 to 26.98%. The pulps also presented a significant amount of ash, which represents a significant mineral content, especially in the guariroba (5.16%). Moreover, the pulp oils showed higher carotenoids and tocopherol contents. The jerivá pulp oil contained carotenoid and tocopherol on average 1219 μg/g and 323.50. mg/kg, respectively. The consumption of the whole fruit, pulp, and kernel supplies important quantities of many necessary nutrients for human diet, including vitamins A and E. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The potential of natural and heat-treated Macauba palm cake as adsorbent for the removal of Methylene Blue (MB) and Congo Red (CR) from solution has been investigated. Equilibrium adsorption was attained in <7 h and the process was favored at pH 5.0 for MB and pH 6.5 for CR with an adsorbent (g):adsorbate (mL) ratio of 1:200 and an initial concentration of adsorbate of 25 mg L−1. The maximum adsorption capacities of the natural and heat-treated materials were, respectively, 25.80 and 32.30 mg g−1 for MB, and 32.00 and 20.30 mg g−1 for CR. The isotherm model proposed by Sips represented most adequately the adsorption of MB and CR. The adsorptions of the dyes were best described in terms of a pseudo second-order reaction. Thermodynamic parameters such as ΔHo, ΔSo and ΔGo were calculated. The adsorption process was found to be endothermic and spontaneous. Macauba palm cake is adequate for the removal of waste dye from industrial effluents by virtue of its abundance, low cost and efficiency of adsorption.