84 resultados para ACN
Anàlisi de la qualitat informativa de les tres agències amb implantació a Catalunya – EFE, Europa Press i ACN – a través d’un estudi de la seva història, dels seus llibres d’estil i d’un anàlisi ortogràfic, gramàtic i lèxic de les notícies que publiquen.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología Médica) UANL
Reseña sobre el libro 'Hermanos de sangre' de Ramón Acín Fanlo. La obra trata aspectos que giran en torno a la Guerra Civil y los primeros años de posguerra. Además, se expone una biografía del autor y obras más conocidas.
Resumen Introducción: el tratamiento de cicatrices de acné y post-quirúrgicas con láseres fraccionales abre una frontera en el manejo de una patología con una alta incidencia alrededor del mundo y sobre la cual no existe un tratamiento gold-standar. Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de los láseres fraccionales en el manejo de cicatrices post acné y postquirúrgicas y al determinar los eventos adversos más comunes asociados al uso de esta tecnología. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática (Cochrane, Pub Med, Science Direct, Ovid, Hinari, Interscience y Lilacs,) de ensayos clínicos controlados publicados hasta diciembre de 2009. Se seleccionaron cuatro ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados con base en su calidad metodológica y se extrajeron los siguientes datos: tamaño de la muestra, parámetros, tipo de cicatrices, resultados, eventos adversos y grado de satisfacción. Igualmente se estudiaron una amplia variedad de revisiones en cuanto a la fisiopatología, morfología y severidad de las cicatrices y los métodos actuales de tratamiento. Resultados: la tecnología fraccional es efectiva en el tratamiento de cicatrices de acné y post-quirúrgicas al lograr mejoría en textura, color y aspecto general, que osciló entre el 50 y 70% evidenciada en los estudios incluidos en la revisión (24, 25, 26, 27). La satisfacción de los pacientes superó el 60%. Se observó una baja incidencia de efectos adversos de carácter leve y transitorio, corta incapacidad y la principal de ellas fue la hiperpigmentación postinflamatoria. Conclusión: la fototermólisis fraccional es efectiva y segura en el tratamiento de cicatrices de acné y post-quirúrgicas y presenta ventajas frente a otros sistemas (26, 27). Los métodos que combinan diferentes láseres aportan un mayor beneficio. Palabras clave: fototermólisis fraccional, láseres fraccionados, cicatrices post-acné, cicatrices postquirúrgicas, cicatrización.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
A selective method using three-phase liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) in conjunction with LC-MS-MS was devised for the enantioselective determination of chloroquine and its n-dealkylated metabolites in plasma samples. After alkalinization of the samples, the analytes were extracted into n-octanol immobilized in the pores of a polypropylene hollow fiber membrane and back extracted into the acidic acceptor phase (0.1 M TFA) filled into the lumen of the hollow fiber. Following LPME, the analytes were resolved on a Chirobiotic V column using methanol/ACN/glacial aceti acid/diethylamine (90:10:0.5:0.5 by volume) as the mobile phase. The MS detection was carried out using multiple reaction monitoring with ESI in the positive ion mode. The optimized LPME method yielded extraction recoveries ranging from 28 to 66%. The method was linear over 5 - 500 ng/mL and precision (RSD) and accuracy (relative error) values were below 15% for all analytes. The developed method was applied to the determination of the analytes in rat plasma samples after oral administration of the racemic drug.
Cancellation tasks have been largely used to evaluate visuospatial function and attention. Cognitive evaluation of low literacy subjects remains a challenge in developing countries, when it becomes necessary to distinguish between what is pathological and what is biased by low education. Performance of river bank dwellers of the Amazon region was studied, in a structured nonverbal cancellation task, verifying their searching strategies (randomized/organized), time of completion, number of correct cancelled targets and number of false-positive targets. A difference was observed in performance and searching strategies between illiterates and literates with only a few years of schooling (mean= 0.8, S.D.=1.6 years of education) across all measures. There was a significant difference between literate groups in the searching strategy, as well as between illiterates who had never attended school and those who had, showing that a minimal contact with graphic presentations and organization of writing was able to modify this cognitive function. (C) 2007 National Academy of Neuropsychology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
QuEChERS method was evaluated for extraction of 16 PAHs from fish samples. For a selective measurement of the compounds, extracts were analysed by LC with fluorescence detection. The overall analytical procedure was validated by systematic recovery experiments at three levels and by using the standard reference material SRM 2977 (mussel tissue). The targeted contaminants, except naphthalene and acenaphthene, were successfully extracted from SRM 2977 with recoveries ranging from 63.5–110.0% with variation coefficients not exceeding 8%. The optimum QuEChERS conditions were the following: 5 g of homogenised fish sample, 10 mL of ACN, agitation performed by vortex during 3 min. Quantification limits ranging from 0.12– 1.90 ng/g wet weight (0.30–4.70 µg/L) were obtained. The optimized methodology was applied to assess the safety concerning PAHs contents of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and farmed seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Although benzo(a)pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the carcinogenic risk of PAHs in food, was not detected in the analysed samples (89 individuals corresponding to 27 homogenized samples), the overall mean concentration ranged from 2.52 l 1.20 ng/g in horse mackerel to 14.6 ± 2.8 ng/ g in farmed seabass. Significant differences were found between the mean PAHs concentrations of the four groups.
A methodology based on microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and LC with fluorescence detection (FLD) was investigated for the efficient determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) regarded as priority pollutants by the US Environmental Protection Agency and dibenzo(a,l)pyrene in atmospheric particulate samples. PAHs were successfully extracted from real outdoor particulate matter (PM) samples with recoveries ranging from 81.4±8.8 to 112.0±1.1%, for all the compounds except for naphthalene (62.3±18.0%) and anthracene (67.3±5.7%), under the optimum MAE conditions (30.0 mL of ACN for 20 min at 110ºC). No clean-up steps were necessary prior to LC analysis. LOQs ranging from 0.0054 ng/m3 for benzo( a)anthracene to 0.089 ng/m3 for naphthalene were reached. The validated MAE methodology was applied to the determination of PAHs from a set of real world PM samples collected in Oporto (north of Portugal). The sum of particulate-bound PAHs in outdoor PM ranged from 2.5 and 28 ng/m3.
QuEChERS original method was modified into a new version for pesticides determination in soils. The QuEChERS method is based on liquid–liquid portioning with ACN and was followed by cleanup step using dispersive SPE and disposable pipette tips. Gas chromatographic separation with MS detection was carried out for pesticides quantification. The method was validated using recovery experiments for 36 multiclass pesticides. Mean recoveries of pesticides at each of the four spiking levels between 10–300 µg/kg of soil ranged from 70–120% for 26 pesticides with RSD values less than 15%. The method achieved low limit of detection less than 7.6 µ g/kg. Matrix effects were observed for 13 pesticides. Matrix effects were compensated by using matrix-matched calibration. The method was applied successfully using d-SPE or DPX in the analysis of the pesticides in soils from organic farming and integrated pest management.
La síndrome SAPHO és una entitat clínica i radiològica que combina la sinovitis, l’acné, la pustulosis, la hiperostosis i la osteïtis. En aquesta sèrie es recullen les característiques clíniques de 52 malalts i es revisen les exploracions complementàries realitzades, principalment la gammagrafia òssia i la tomografia computada. Després d’analitzar les característiques radiològiques de la tomografia computada trobem un denominador comú: l’esclerosi, les erosions i la hiperostosi. La concordància amb els resultats d’altres sèries, recolze aquesta síndrome com una entitat ben definida clínica i radiològica.