973 resultados para ACID-TREATED RATS
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of dietary antioxidant supplementation with alpha-tocopherol and alpha-lipoic acid on cyclosporine A (cyclosporine)-induced alterations to erythrocyte and plasma redox balance. Rats were randomly assigned to either control, antioxidant (alpha-tocopherol 1000 IU/kg diet and alpha-lipoic acid 1.6 g/kg diet), cyclosporine (25 mg/kg/day), or cyclosporine + antioxidant treatments. Cyclosporine was administered for 7 days after an 8 week feeding period. Plasma was analysed for alpha-tocopherol, total antioxidant capacity, malondialdehyde, and creatinine. Erythrocytes were analysed for glutathione, methaemoglobin, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, alpha-tocopherol and malondialdehye. Cyclosporine administration caused a significant decrease in superoxide dismutase activity (P < 0.05 control versus cyclosporine) and this was improved by antioxidant supplementation (P < 0.05 cyclosporine versus cyclosporine + antioxidant; P < 0.05 control versus cyclosporine + antioxidant). Animals receiving cyclosporine and antioxidants showed significantly increased (P < 0.05) catalase activity compared to both groups not receiving cyclosporine. Cyclosporine administration induced significant increases in plasma malondialdehyde and creatinine concentration (P < 0.05 control versus cyclosporine). Antioxidant supplementation prevented the cyclosporine induced increase in plasma creatinine (P < 0.05 cyclosporine versus cyclosporine + antioxidant; P > 0.05 control versus cyclosporine + antioxidant), however, supplementation did not alter the cyclosporine induced increase in plasma malondialdehyde concentration (P > 0.05 cyclosporine versus cyclosporine + antioxidant). Antioxidant supplementation resulted in significant increases (P < 0.05) in plasma and erythrocyte alpha-tocopherol in both of the supplemented groups compared to non-supplemented groups. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with alpha-tocopherol and alpha-lipoic acid enhanced the erythrocyte antioxidant defence and reduced nephrotoxicity in cyclosporine treated animals.
Dopamine D2 receptors are involved in ethanol self- administration behavior and also suggested to mediate the onset and offset of ethanol drinking. In the present study, we investigated dopamine (DA) content and Dopamine D2 (DA D2) receptors in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity in the liver and plasma of ethanol treated rats and in vitro hepatocyte cultures. Hypothalamic and corpus striatal DA content decreased significantly (P\0.05, P\0.001 respectively) and homovanillic acid/ dopamine (HVA/DA) ratio increased significantly (P\0.001) in ethanol treated rats when compared to control. Scatchard analysis of [3H] YM-09151-2 binding to DA D2 receptors in hypothalamus showed a significant increase (P\0.001) in Bmax without any change in Kd in ethanol treated rats compared to control. The Kd of DA D2 receptors significantly decreased (P\0.05) in the corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats when compared to control. DA D2 receptor affinity in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of control and ethanol treated rats fitted to a single site model with unity as Hill slope value. The in vitro studies on hepatocyte cultures showed that 10-5 M and 10-7 M DA can reverse the increased ALDH activity in 10% ethanol treated cells to near control level. Sulpiride, an antagonist of DA D2, reversed the effect of dopamine on 10% ethanol induced ALDH activity in hepatocytes. Our results showed a decreased dopamine concentration with enhanced DA D2 receptors in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats. Also, increased ALDH was observed in the plasma and liver of ethanol treated rats and in vitro hepatocyte cultures with 10% ethanol as a compensatory mechanism for increased aldehyde production due to increased dopamine metabolism. A decrease in dopamine concentration in major brain regions is coupled with an increase in ALDH activity in liver and plasma, which contributes to the tendency for alcoholism. Since the administration of 10-5 M and 10-7 M DA can reverse the increased ALDH activity in ethanol treated cells to near control level, this has therapeutic application to correct ethanol addicts from addiction due to allergic reaction observed in aldehyde accumulation.
A recently developed capillary electrophoresis (CE)-negative-ionisation mass spectrometry (MS) method was used to profile anionic metabolites in a microbial-host co-metabolism study. Urine samples from rats receiving antibiotics (penicillin G and streptomycin sulfate) for 0, 4, or 8 days were analysed. A quality control sample was measured repeatedly to monitor the performance of the applied CE-MS method. After peak alignment, relative standard deviations (RSDs) for migration time of five representative compounds were below 0.4 %, whereas RSDs for peak area were 7.9–13.5 %. Using univariate and principal component analysis of obtained urinary metabolic profiles, groups of rats receiving different antibiotic treatment could be distinguished based on 17 discriminatory compounds, of which 15 were downregulated and 2 were upregulated upon treatment. Eleven compounds remained down- or upregulated after discontinuation of the antibiotics administration, whereas a recovery effect was observed for others. Based on accurate mass, nine compounds were putatively identified; these included the microbial-mammalian co-metabolites hippuric acid and indoxyl sulfate. Some discriminatory compounds were also observed by other analytical techniques, but CE-MS uniquely revealed ten metabolites modulated by antibiotic exposure, including aconitic acid and an oxocholic acid. This clearly demonstrates the added value of CE-MS for nontargeted profiling of small anionic metabolites in biological samples.
Hydrophilic interaction chromatography–mass spectrometry (HILIC–MS) was used for anionic metabolic profiling of urine from antibiotic-treated rats to study microbial–host co-metabolism. Rats were treated with the antibiotics penicillin G and streptomycin sulfate for four or eight days and compared to a control group. Urine samples were collected at day zero, four and eight, and analyzed by HILIC–MS. Multivariate data analysis was applied to the urinary metabolic profiles to identify biochemical variation between the treatment groups. Principal component analysis found a clear distinction between those animals receiving antibiotics and the control animals, with twenty-nine discriminatory compounds of which twenty were down-regulated and nine up-regulated upon treatment. In the treatment group receiving antibiotics for four days, a recovery effect was observed for seven compounds after cessation of antibiotic administration. Thirteen discriminatory compounds could be putatively identified based on their accurate mass, including aconitic acid, benzenediol sulfate, ferulic acid sulfate, hippuric acid, indoxyl sulfate, penicillin G, phenol and vanillin 4-sulfate. The rat urine samples had previously been analyzed by capillary electrophoresis (CE) with MS detection and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. Using CE–MS and 1H NMR spectroscopy seventeen and twenty-five discriminatory compounds were found, respectively. Both hippuric acid and indoxyl sulfate were detected across all three platforms. Additionally, eight compounds were observed with both HILIC–MS and CE–MS. Overall, HILIC–MS appears to be highly complementary to CE–MS and 1H NMR spectroscopy, identifying additional compounds that discriminate the urine samples from antibiotic-treated and control rats.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Bone is a mineralized tissue that is under the influence of several systemic, local and environmental factors. Among systemic factors, estrogen is a hormone well known for its inhibitory function on bone resorption. As alveolar bone of young rats undergoes continuous and intense remodeling to accommodate the growing and erupting tooth, it is a suitable in vivo model for using to study the possible action of estrogen on bone. Thus, in an attempt to investigate the possibility that estrogen may induce the death of osteoclasts, we examined the alveolar bone of estrogen-treated rats.Fifteen, 22-d-old female rats were divided into estrogen, sham and control groups. The estrogen group received estrogen and the sham group received corn oil used as the dilution vehicle. After 8 d, fragments containing alveolar bone were removed and processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-an osteoclast marker. Quantitative analysis of the number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was carried out. For detecting apoptosis, sections were analyzed by the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) method; TUNEL/TRAP combined methods were also used.The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts per mm of bone surface was significantly reduced in the estrogen group compared with the sham and control groups. TRAP-positive osteoclasts exhibiting TUNEL-positive nuclei were observed only in the estrogen group. In addition, in the estrogen group the ultrastructural images revealed shrunken osteoclasts exhibiting nuclei with conspicuous and tortuous masses of condensed chromatin, typical of apoptosis.Our results reinforce the idea that estrogen inhibits bone resorption by promoting a reduction in the number of osteoclasts, thus indicating that this reduction may be, at least in part, a consequence of osteoclast apoptosis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The etoposide is an anticancer drug that interacts with topoisomerase II. Thirty-day-old rats received intraperitonially 2mg/kg of etoposide for 30 consecutive days. Their testes were analyzed in the adult phase under light microscopy according to histomorphometric and stereological parameters. Random 3mum-thick-paraplast sections of testis were stained with periodic acid-Schiff reaction and Harris' hematoxylin method. Serum testosterone level and reproductive performance were also investigated. The results showed an accentuated decrease in the frequency of germinal lineage cell types and differentiated spermatogonia were the most affected cell types. Morphometric and stereological testicular parameters exhibited highly, significant reductions in adult etoposide-treated rats. Their reproductive performance diminished but their serum testosterone level was not significantly altered. The mortality frequency of the progenies was 100%.
Background: Ninety percent of cases of diabetes are of the slowly evolving non-insulin-dependent type, or Type 2 diabetes. Lack of exercise is regarded as one of the main causes of this disorder. In this study we analyzed the effects of physical exercise on glucose homeostasis in adult rats with type 2 diabetes induced by a neonatal injection of alloxan. Methods: Female Wistar rats aged 6 days were injected with either 250 mg/ kg of body weight of alloxan or citrate buffer 0.01 M (controls). After weaning, half of the animals in each group were subjected to physical training adjusted to meet the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition by swimming 1 h/day for 5 days a week with weight overloads. The necessary overload used was set and periodically readjusted for each rat through effort tests based on the maximal lactate steady state procedure. When aged 28, 60, 90, and 120 days, the rats underwent glucose tolerance tests (GTT) and their peripheral insulin sensitivity was evaluated using the HOMA index. Results: The area under the serum glucose curve obtained through GTT was always higher in alloxan-treated animals than in controls. A decrease in this area was observed in trained alloxan-treated rats at 90 and 120 days old compared with non-trained animals. At 90 days old the trained controls showed lower HOMA indices than the non-trained controls. Conclusion: Neonatal administration of alloxan induced a persistent glucose intolerance in all injected rats, which was successfully counteracted by physical training in the aerobic/anaerobic metabolic transition. © 2008 Mota et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
It has been demonstrated that histamine interferes with the recruitment, formation and activity of osteoclasts via H1- and H2-receptors. Cimetidine is a H2-receptor antagonist used for treatment of gastric ulcers that seems to prevent bone resorption. In this study, a possible cimetidine interference was investigated in the number of alveolar bone osteoclasts. The incidence of osteoclast apoptosis and immunoexpression of RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand) was also evaluated. Adult male rats were treated with 100mg kg-1 of cimetidine for 50days (CimG); the sham group (SG) received saline. Maxillary fragments containing the first molars and alveolar bone were fixed, decalcified and embedded in paraffin. The sections were stained by H&E or submitted to tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) method. TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling) method and immunohistochemical reactions for detecting caspase-3 and RANKL were performed. The number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts, the frequency of apoptotic osteoclasts and the numerical density of RANKL-positive cells were obtained. Osteoclast death by apoptosis was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In CimG, TRAP-positive osteoclasts with TUNEL-positive nuclei and caspase-3-immunolabeled osteoclasts were found. A significant reduction in the number of TRAP-positive osteoclasts and a high frequency of apoptotic osteoclasts were observed in CimG. Under TEM, detached osteoclasts from the bone surface showed typical features of apoptosis. Moreover, a significant reduction in the numerical density of RANKL-positive cells was observed in CimG. The significant reduction in the number of osteoclasts may be due to cimetidine-induced osteoclast apoptosis. However, RANKL immunoexpression reduction also suggests a possible interference of cimetidine treatment in the osteoclastogenesis. © 2012 The Authors Journal of Anatomy © 2012 Anatomical Society.
Chronic administration of glucocorticoids (GC) leads to characteristic features of type 2 diabetes in mammals. The main action of dexamethasone in target cells occurs through modulation of gene expression, although the exact mechanisms are still unknown. We therefore investigated the gene expression profile of pancreatic islets from rats treated with dexamethasone using a cDNA array screening analysis. The expression of selected genes and proteins involved in mitochondria] apoptosis was further analyzed by PCR and immunoblotting. Insulin, triglyceride and free fatty acid plasma levels, as well as glucose-induced insulin secretion, were significantly higher in dexamethasone-treated rats compared with controls. Out of 1176 genes, 60 were up-regulated and 28 were down-regulated by dexamethasone treatment. Some of the modulated genes are involved in apoptosis, stress response, and proliferation pathways. RT-PCR confirmed the cDNA array results for 6 selected genes. Bax alpha protein expression was increased, while Bcl-2 was decreased. In vivo dexamethasone treatment decreased the mitochondrial production of NAD(P)H, and increased ROS production. Concluding, our data indicate that dexamethasone modulates the expression of genes and proteins involved in several pathways of pancreatic-islet cells, and mitochondria dysfunction might be involved in the deleterious effects after long-term GC treatment.
Zymosan-induced peritonitis is associated with an increased production of reactive nitrogen oxides that may contribute to the often-observed failure of multiple organ systems in this model of acute inflammation. Quantitative biochemical evidence is provided for a marked 13-fold increase in protein-bound 3-nitrotyrosine (NTyr), a biomarker of reactive nitrogen oxides, in liver tissue of zymosan-treated rats. In order to investigate the localization of NTyr in this affected tissue, a monoclonal antibody, designated 39B6, was raised against 3-(4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetamido) propionic acid-bovine serum albumin conjugate and its performance characterized. 39B6 was judged by competition ELISA to be approximately 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than a commercial anti-NTyr monoclonal antibody. Binding characteristics of 39B6 were similar, but not identical, to that of a commercial affinity-purified polyclonal antibody in ELISA and immunohistochemical analyses. Western blot experiments revealed high specificity of 39B6 against NTyr and increased immunoreactivity of specific proteins from liver tissue homogenates of zymosan-treated rats. Immunohistochemical analysis of liver sections indicated a marked zymosan-induced increase in immunofluorescent staining, which was particularly intense in or adjacent to nonparenchymal cells, but not in the parenchymal cells of this tissue. Quantitative analysis of fractions enriched in these cell populations corroborated the immunofluorescent data, although the relative amounts detected in response to zymosan treatment was greatly reduced compared to whole liver tissue. These results demonstrate the high specificity of the newly developed antibody and its usefulness in Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis for NTyr, confirm the presence of NTyr by complementary methods, and suggest the possible involvement of reactive nitrogen oxides in hepatic vascular dysfunction.
The existence of loss and gain of chromosomes, known as aneuploidy, has been previously described within the central nervous system. During development, at least one-third of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) are aneuploid. Notably, aneuploid NPCs may survive and functionally integrate into the mature neural circuitry. Given the unanswered significance of this phenomenon, we tested the hypothesis that neural differentiation induced by all-trans retinoic acid (RA) in pluripotent stem cells is accompanied by increased levels of aneuploidy, as previously described for cortical NPCs in vivo. In this work we used embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells undergoing differentiation into NPCs. Ploidy analysis revealed a 2-fold increase in the rate of aneuploidy, with the prevalence of chromosome loss in RA primed stem cells when compared to naive cells. In an attempt to understand the basis of neurogenic aneuploidy, micronuclei formation and survivin expression was assessed in pluripotent stem cells exposed to RA. RA increased micronuclei occurrence by almost 2-fold while decreased survivin expression by 50%, indicating possible mechanisms by which stem cells lose their chromosomes during neural differentiation. DNA fragmentation analysis demonstrated no increase in apoptosis on embryoid bodies treated with RA, indicating that cell death is not the mandatory fate of aneuploid NPCs derived from pluripotent cells. In order to exclude that the increase in aneuploidy was a spurious consequence of RA treatment, not related to neurogenesis, mouse embryonic fibroblasts were treated with RA under the same conditions and no alterations in chromosome gain or loss were observed. These findings indicate a correlation amongst neural differentiation, aneuploidy, micronuclei formation and survivin downregulation in pluripotent stem cells exposed to RA, providing evidence that somatically generated chromosomal variation accompanies neurogenesis in vitro.
This study analyzes the fluorimetric determination of alanyl- (Ala), glutamyl- (Glu), leucyl-cystinyl- (Cys) and aspartyl-aminopeptidase (AspAp) urinary enzymatic activities as early and predictive biomarkers of renal dysfunction in cisplatin-treated rats. Male Wistar rats (n = 8 each group) received a single subcutaneous injection of either saline or cisplatin 3.5 or 7 mg/kg, and urine samples were taken at 0, 1, 2, 3 and 14 days after treatment. In urine samples we determined Ala, Glu, Cys and AspAp activities, proteinuria, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), albumin, and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL). Plasma creatinine, creatinine clearance and renal morphological variables were measured at the end of the experiment. CysAp, NAG and albumin were increased 48 hours after treatment in the cisplatin 3.5 mg/kg treated group. At 24 hours, all urinary aminopeptidase activities and albuminuria were significantly increased in the cisplatin 7 mg/kg treated group. Aminopeptidase urinary activities correlated (p<0.011; r(2)>0.259) with plasma creatinine, creatinine clearance and/or kidney weight/body weight ratio at the end of the experiment and they could be considered as predictive biomarkers of renal injury severity. ROC-AUC analysis was made to study their sensitivity and specificity to distinguish between treated and untreated rats at day 1. All aminopeptidase activities showed an AUC>0.633. We conclude that Ala, Cys, Glu and AspAp enzymatic activities are early and predictive urinary biomarkers of the renal dysfunction induced by cisplatin. These determinations can be very useful in the prognostic and diagnostic of renal dysfunction in preclinical research and clinical practice.
Recent evidence suggests that insulin may influence many brain functions. It is known that intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of nondiabetogenic doses of streptozotocin (STZ) can damage insulin receptor signal transduction. In the present study, we examined the functional damage to the brain insulin receptors on central mechanisms regulating glomerular filtration rate and urinary sodium excretion, over four periods of 30 min, in response to 3 µl insulin or 0.15 NaCl (vehicle) injected icv in STZ-treated freely moving Wistar-Hannover rats (250-300 g). The icv cannula site was visually confirmed by 2% Evans blue infusion. Centrally administered insulin (42.0 ng/µl) increased the urinary output of sodium (from 855.6 ± 85.1 to 2055 ± 310.6 delta%/min; N = 11) and potassium (from 460.4 ± 100 to 669 ± 60.8 delta%/min; N = 11). The urinary sodium excretion response to icv insulin microinjection was markedly attenuated by previous central STZ (100 µg/3 µl) administration (from 628 ± 45.8 to 617 ± 87.6 delta%/min; N = 5) or by icv injection of a dopamine antagonist, haloperidol (4 µg/3 µl) (from 498 ± 39.4 to 517 ± 73.2 delta%/min; N = 5). Additionally, insulin-induced natriuresis occurred by increased post-proximal tubule sodium rejection, despite an unchanged glomerular filtration rate. Excluding the possibility of a direct action of STZ on central insulin receptor-carrying neurons, the current data suggest that the insulin-sensitive response may be processed through dopaminergic D1 receptors containing neuronal pathways.