988 resultados para ACC oxidase
Introduction. We present some protocols aiming at partially characterizing banana fruit quality through measurement of some key biochemical parameters. The principle, key advantages, starting plant material, time required and expected results are presented. Materials and methods. This part describes the required laboratory materials and the steps necessary for achieving four protocols making it possible to measure sugar, organic acids and free ACC contents, and in vitro ACC oxidase activity. Results. Standard results obtained by using the protocols described are presented in the figures.
Com o objetivo de caracterizar, por via imunoquímica, a enzima ACC (ácido 1-carboxílico-1-aminociclopropano) oxidase em frutos climatéricos, foram preparados anticorpos policlonais específicos para esta proteína. Utilizou-se, como antígeno, uma proteína recombinante, produzida em Escherichia coli K38/pGP1,2, contendo o vetor de expressão pT7-7A4 no qual foi inserido um clone de DNA da ACC oxidase. A especificidade dos anticorpos foi demonstrada pela técnica de "Western blot", a partir de extratos protéicos de maçãs e tomates em diferentes estágios de maturação. Verificou-se que o aumento da produção de etileno, quando os frutos passaram do estágio pré-climatérico para o climatérico, está diretamente correlacionada com o aumento da síntese da ACC oxidase. Em estágios de maturação mais avançados houve uma redução da produção de etileno e da atividade ACC oxidase, mas esta proteína continuava presente. Quando o "Western blot" foi realizado com tomates transgênicos, onde a produção de etileno e a síntese da ACC oxidase foram inibidos em mais de 95%, nenhuma reação imunoquímica foi detectada. O conjunto de resultados obtidos indica que os anticorpos detectam especificamente ACC oxidase.
Foi estudada a expressão da ACC oxidase em maçãs, cv. Jonagold, colhidas no estádio pré-climatérico e armazenadas sob refrigeração em atmosfera normal (0ºC, 95% UR - AN) e controlada (0ºC, 95% UR, 1,5% O2 e 2,5% CO2 - AC), durante 180 dias. Na instalação do experimento, aos 90 e aos 120 dias, foram coletadas amostras para a determinação da firmeza de polpa, da acidez total titulável, dos sólidos solúveis totais, da produção de etileno, da atividade ACC oxidase e para a detecção imunoquímica das isoformas desta enzima. A dosagem da atividade ACC oxidase foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa a partir de extrato protéico solúvel acrescido de 250µM de ACC, 10µL de sulfato ferroso e 30µL de ascorbato de sódio. Para a detecção imunoquímica utilizou-se a técnica "western blot", com anticorpos policlonais anti-ACC oxidase de maçã, após separação das proteínas em eletroforese e isoeletrofocalização. Não foi detectada ACC oxidase em maçãs pré-climatéricas. Porém, após 120 horas em condições ambientais, houve a síntese dessa enzima e um incremento na produção de etileno. A refrigeração não exerceu controle na síntese da ACC oxidase e produção de etileno, resultando em significativas perdas físico-químicas nas frutas armazenadas em AN. Já a utilização de AC permitiu controlar a via de biossíntese do etileno, pela inibição da síntese da ACC oxidase, mantendo o material com boa qualidade para o consumo in natura. A adição de ACC e dos cofatores aumentou a atividade ACC oxidase e alterou o pI da ACC oxidase.
P>The aim of the work was to shed light into histological, physiological and molecular changes of Fagus sylvatica seedlings infected with the root pathogen Phytophthora citricola with the final goal to distinguish between local and systemic responses. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis proved that P. citricola was able to grow from infected roots into hypocotyl and epicotyl tissue of F. sylvatica seedlings. Light microscopy showed many collapsed parenchyma cells of the cortex without being penetrated by the pathogen. Hyphae were mainly growing intracellular in parenchyma and xylem tissue. Transmission electron microscopy displayed disintegration of xylem vessels and of parenchyma cells. Inhibition of water uptake of infected beech seedlings was positively correlated with the concentration of zoospores used in the experiment. In addition, a split root experiment indicated that invertases were possibly involved locally and systemically in the conversion of sucrose of P. citricola infected roots. During the growth of the pathogen in roots, a transient expression of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)-oxidase gene was quantified in leaves which was detected in parallel with the first peak of a biphasic ethylene outburst. Additionally a systemic upregulation of aquaporin transcripts was mainly detected in leaves of beech seedlings infected with P. citricola.
Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o papel do etileno e do peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) na formação do aerênquima em ciclos de seleção genética da cultivar de milho BRS 4154, sob alagamento. Plantas dos ciclos C1 e C18 foram submetidas a alagamento por 7 dias, com coleta das raízes aos 0 (controle, sem alagamento), 1 e 7 dias. Foram analisados: a expressão gênica das enzimas ACC sintase (ACS), ACC oxidase (ACO), dismutase do superóxido (SOD) e peroxidase do ascorbato (APX); a produção de etileno e o conteúdo de H2O2; a atividade da enzima ACO; e a proporção de aerênquima no córtex. Não houve expressão de ACS e ACO. Houve variação na atividade de ACO e na produção de etileno. A expressão da SOD foi maior em plantas C1 e a da APX, em C18, com redução aos 7 dias. O conteúdo de H2O2 não diferiu entre os tratamentos. A proporção de aerênquima aumentou com o tempo, tendo sido maior em plantas C18 e relacionada à taxa de formação do aerênquima. O tempo de alagamento e o nível de tolerância do ciclo de seleção influenciam a produção do etileno. A expressão da APX indica maior produção de H2O2 no início do alagamento.
O armazenamento de caquis é uma ferramenta importante na manutenção da qualidade e no prolongamento da oferta do fruto após a colheita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de AVG em pré-colheita, e do 1-MCP, em pré e pós-armazenamento, sobre a manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita e seu efeito na incidência de distúrbios em caquis 'Fuyu' armazenados em atmosfera controlada a -0,5 ºC e transferidos a condição de ambiente (20 ºC) por 6 dias. Os tratamentos foram: [1] controle; [2] aplicação de AVG (123 g ha-1); [3] aplicação de 1-MCP (1,0 µL L-1) em pré-armazenamento; [4] aplicação de AVG e 1-MCP em pré-armazenamento; [5] aplicação de 1-MCP em pós-armazenamento; [6] aplicação de AVG e 1-MCP em pós-armazenamento. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto à qualidade na ocasião da colheita, visando à caracterização do lote e, após quatro meses de armazenamento a -0,5 ºC e mais seis dias a 20 ºC, quanto à firmeza da polpa, pH, coloração da casca, índices de amaciamento e de escurecimento, teores de sólidos solúveis e de acidez titulável, respiração, produção de etileno, além da atividade da enzima ACC oxidase. Os resultados indicaram que a aplicação de 1-MCP em pré ou em pós-armazenamento foi eficiente em conter o amaciamento da polpa de caquis 'Fuyu' previamente armazenados em atmosfera controlada a -0,5 ºC e mantidos a 20 ºC por seis dias. Todavia, o uso deste fitorregulador em pré-armazenamento ocasionou maior escurecimento da epiderme. O uso de AVG em pré-colheita não retardou a maturação de caquis 'Fuyu' armazenados na mesma condição.
Objetivou-se estudar o comportamento fisiológico de frutos de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.), da cv. Kadá, transformados geneticamente, via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, com o clone de DNA pMEL1, em orientação antisenso, e de frutos desta mesma cultivar, não transformados. O estudo fisiológico foi realizado avaliando-se a duração do ciclo de maturação dos frutos, amadurecidos na planta e após a colheita no estádio verde-maduro, e sua produção de etileno. Os frutos transformados amadurecidos na planta tiveram um ciclo total médio de 27 dias, enquanto os amadurecidos após a colheita, tiveram este intervalo prolongado a 50 dias. Ao contrário, os tomates não transformados apresentaram um ciclo de maturação mais acelerado quando colhidos no estádio verde-maduro, em relação aos frutos amadurecidos nas plantas. Os valores foram, em média, de 20 e 30 dias, respectivamente. Estes resultados estão correlacionados com as variações na produção de etileno observada nos dois genótipos. Frutos não transformados produziram, em média, 10,46 nL de etileno.g-1.h-1, enquanto os transgênicos tiveram sua produção de etileno diminuída para 0,13 nL.g-1.h-1. Pode-se concluir, então, que a redução da produção de etileno, verificada nos tomates transformados, é necessária, mas não é suficiente para prolongar o ciclo de maturação e aumentar a durabilidade dos frutos. Para que isto ocorra, é necessário que se proceda à colheita dos tomates no estádio verde-maduro.
La resistencia genética mediada por los genes R es uno de los sistemas de defensa de las plantas frente a patógenos y se activa una vez que los patógenos han superado la defensa basal que otorgan la cutícula y pared celular. Los mecanismos de resistencia genética se inician a su vez, por el reconocimiento de productos derivados de genes de avirulencia de los patógenos (avr) por parte de las proteínas R. Tanto la respuesta de defensa basal como la respuesta de defensa por genes R están influenciadas por patrones de regulación hormonal, que incluye a las principales hormonas vegetales ácido salicílico (SA), ácido jasmónico (JA) y etileno (ET). En tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) uno de los genes R es el gen MiG1, que confiere resistencia a nematodos formadores de nódulos (Meloidogyne javanica, M. incognita y M. arenaria). Uno de los eventos más importantes que caracterizan a la respuesta de resistencia es la reacción hipersensible (HR), que está mediada por la activación temprana de una serie de sistemas enzimáticos, entre los que destaca el de las peroxidasas (PRXs) Clase III. Su función es importante tanto para limitar el establecimiento y expansión del nematodo, al generar ambientes altamente tóxicos por su contribución en la producción masiva de ROS, como por su implicación en la síntesis y depósito de lignina generando barreras estructurales en el sitio de infección. Además de estos mecanismos de defensa asociados a la resistencia constitutiva, las plantas pueden desarrollar resistencia sistémica adquirida (SAR) que en la naturaleza ocurre, en ocasiones, en una fase posterior a que la planta haya sufrido el ataque de un patógeno. Así mismo hay diferentes productos de origen químico como el benzotiadiazol o BTH (ácido S-metil benzol-(1,2,3)-tiadiozole-7-carbónico ester) que pueden generar esta misma respuesta SAR. Como resultado, la planta adquiere resistencia sistémica frente a nuevos ataques de patógenos. En este contexto, el presente trabajo aborda en primer lugar el análisis comparativo, mediante microarrays de oligonucleótidos, de los transcriptomas de los sistemas radicales de plantas de tomate de 8 semanas de edad de dos variedades, una portadora del gen de resistencia MiG1 (Motelle) y otra carente del mismo y, por tanto, susceptible (Moneymaker), antes y después de la infección por M. javanica. Previo a la infección se observó que la expresión de un gran número de transcritos era más acusada en la variedad resistente que en la susceptible, entre ellos el propio gen MiG1 o los genes PrG1 (o P4), LEJA1 y ER24, lo que indica que, en ausencia de infección, las rutas hormonales del SA, JA y ET están más activas en la raíz de la variedad resistente. Por el contrario, un número mucho menor de transcritos presentaban su expresión más reducida en Motelle que en Moneymaker, destacando un gen de señalización para sintetizar la hormona giberelina (GA). La infección por M. javanica causa importantes cambios transcripcionales en todo el sistema radical que modifican sustancialmente las diferencias basales entre plantas Motelle y Moneymaker, incluida la sobreexpresión en la variedad resistente de los transcritos de MiG1, que se reduce parcialmente, mientras que las rutas hormonales del SA y el JA continuan más activas que en la susceptible (evidente por los genes PrG1 y LEJA1). Además, los cambios asociados a la infección del nematodo se evidencian por las grandes diferencias entre los dos tiempos post-infección considerados, de tal forma que en la fase temprana (2 dpi) de la interacción compatible predomina la sobreexpresión de genes de pared celular y en la tardía (12 dpi) los relacionados con el ARN. En el análisis de la interacción incompatible, aunque también hay muchas diferencias entre ambas fases, hay que destacar la expresión diferencial común de los genes loxA y mcpi (sobrexpresados) y del gen loxD (reprimido) por su implicación en defensa en otras interacciones planta-patógeno. Cabe destacar que entre las interacciones compatible e incompatible hubo muy pocos genes en común. En la etapa temprana de la interacción compatible destacó la activación de genes de pared celular y la represión de la señalización; en cambio, en la interacción incompatible hubo proteínas principalmente implicadas en defensa. A los 12 días, en la interacción compatible los genes relacionados con el ARN y la pared celular se sobreexpresaban principalmente, y se reprimían los de proteínas y transporte, mientras que en la incompatible se sobreexpresaron los relacionados con el estrés, el metabolismo secundario y el de hormonas y se reprimieron los de ARN, señalización, metabolismo de hormonas y proteínas. Por otra parte, la técnica de silenciamiento génico VIGS reveló que el gen TGA 1a está implicado en la resistencia mediada por el gen MiG1a M. javanica. Así mismo se evaluó el transcriptoma de todo el sistema radical de la variedad susceptible tras la aplicación del inductor BTH, y se comparó con el transcriptoma de la resistente. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que el tratamiento con BTH en hojas de Moneymaker ejerce notables cambios transcripcionales en la raíz; entre otros, la activación de factores de transcripción Myb (THM16 y THM 27) y del gen ACC oxidasa. Las respuestas inducidas por el BTH parecen ser de corta duración ya que no hubo transcritos diferenciales comunes a las dos fases temporales de la infección comparadas (2 y 12 dpi). El transcriptoma de Moneymaker tratada con BTH resultó ser muy diferente al de la variedad resistente Motelle, ambas sin infectar, destacando la mayor expresión en el primero del gen LeEXP2, una expansina relacionada con defensa frente a nematodos. Las respuestas inducidas por los nematodos en Moneymaker-BTH también fueron muy distintas a las observadas previamente en la interacción incompatible mediada por MiG1, pues sólo se detectaron 2 genes sobreexpresados comunes a ambos eventos. Finalmente, se abordó el estudio de la expresión diferencial de genes que codifican PRXs y su relación con la resistencia en la interacción tomate/M. javanica. Para ello, se realizó en primer lugar el estudio del análisis del transcriptoma de tomate de la interacción compatible, obtenido en un estudio previo a partir de tejido radical infectado en distintos tiempos de infección. Se han identificado 16 unigenes de PRXs con expresión diferencial de los cuales 15 se relacionan por primera vez con la respuesta a la infección de nematodos. La mayoría de los genes de PRXs identificados, 11, aparecen fuertemente reprimidos en el sitio de alimentación, en las células gigantes (CG). Dada la implicación directa de las PRXs en la activación del mecanismo de producción de ROS, la supresión de la expresión génica local de genes de PRXs en el sitio de establecimiento y alimentación pone de manifiesto la capacidad del nematodo para modular y superar la respuesta de defensa de la planta de tomate en la interacción compatible. Posteriormente, de estos genes identificados se han elegido 4: SGN-U143455, SGN-U143841 y SGN-U144042 reprimidos en el sitio de infección y SGN-U144671 inducido, cuyos cambios de expresión se han determinado mediante análisis por qRT-PCR y de hibridación in situ en dos tiempos de infección (2 dpi y 4 dpi) y en distintos tejidos radicales de tomate resistente y susceptible. Los patrones de expresión obtenidos demuestran que en la interacción incompatible la transcripción global de los 4 genes estudiados se dispara en la etapa más temprana en el sitio de infección, detectándose la localización in situ de transcritos en el citoplasma de las células corticales de la zona meristemática afectadas por el nematodo. A 4 dpi se observó que los niveles de expresión en el sitio de infección cambian de tendencia y los genes SGN-U144671 y SGN-U144042 se reprimen significativamente. Los diferentes perfiles de expresión de los genes PRXs en los dos tiempos de infección sugieren que su inducción en las primeras 48 horas es crucial para la respuesta de defensa relacionada con la resistencia frente a la invasión del nematodo. Por último, al analizar el tejido radical sistémico, se detectó una inducción significativa de la expresión en la fase más tardía de la infección del gen SGN-U144042 en el genotipo susceptible y del SGN-U143841 en ambos genotipos. En este estudio se describe por primera vez la inducción de la expresión sistémica de genes de PRXs en tomate durante la interacción compatible e incompatible con M. javanica lo que sugiere su posible implicación funcional en la respuesta de defensa SAR activada por la infección previa del nematodo. ABSTRACT Plants defend themselves from pathogens by constitutive and/or induced defenses. A common type of induced defense involves plant resistance genes (R), which are normally activated in response to attack by specific pathogen species. Typically, a specific plant R protein recognizes a specific pathogen avirulence (avr) compound. This initiates a complex biochemical cascade inside the plant that results in synthesis of antipathogen compounds. This response can involve chemical signaling, transcription, translation, enzymes and metabolism, and numerous plant hormones such as salicylic acid (SA), jasmonates (JA) and ethylene (ET). Induced plant defense can also activate Class III peroxidases (PRXs), which produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), regulate extracellular H2O2, and play additional roles in plant defense. R-gene activation and the resulting induced defense often remain localized in the specific tissues invaded by the plant pathogen. In other cases, the plant responds by signaling the entire plant to produce defense compounds (systemic induction). Plant defense can also be induced by the exogenous application of natural or synthetic elicitors, such as benzol-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothionic acid. There is much current scientific interest in R-genes and elicitors, because they might be manipulated to increase agricultural yield. Scientists also are interested in systemic induction, because this allows the entire plant to be defended. In this context, one of the aims of this investigation was the transcriptoma analysis of the root systems of two varieties of tomato, the resistant variety (Motelle) that carrier MiG1 and the susceptible (Moneymaker) without MiG1, before and after infection with M. javanica. The overexpression was more pronounced in the transcriptoma of the resistant variety compared with susceptible, before infection, including the MiG1 gene, PrG1 (or P4) genes, LEJA1 and ER24, indicating that hormone SA, JA and ET are active in the resistant variety. Moreover, GA hormone presents an opposite behavior. M. javanica infection causes significant transcriptional changes in both compatible (Moneymaker-M. javanica) and incompatible (Motelle-M. javanica) interaction. In the incompatible transcriptome root system, was notably reduced the expression of the MiG1 gene, and a continuity in the expression of the hormonal pathways of SA and JA. In other hand, transcriptional profile changes during compatible interaction were associated with nematode infection. The large differences between the two times point infection considered (2 dpi and 12 dpi) indicates an overexpression of cell wall related genes in the first phase, and conversely an overexpression of RNA genes in the late phase. Transcriptoma analysis of incompatible interaction, although there were differences between the two phases, should be highlighted the common differential gene expression: loxA and mcpi (overexpressed) and loxD gene (suppressed), as they are involved in defenses in other plant-pathogen interactions. The VIGS tool has provided evidence that TGA 1a is involved in MiG1 mediated resistance to M. javanica. Likewise, the systemic application of BTH was assessed and compared with susceptible and resistant variety. Root system transcriptoma of BTH treatment on leaves showed the activation of Myb transcription factors (THM16 and THM27), the ACC oxidase gene. and the LeEXP2 gene, encoding for an expansin enzyme, related with defense against nematodes. The activation appears to be reduced by subsequent infection and establishment of nematodes. To assist in elucidate the role of tomato PRXs in plant defence against M. javanica, the transcriptome obtained previously from isolated giant cells (GC) and galls at 3 and 7 dpi from the compatible interaction was analysed. A total of 18 different probes corresponding to 16 PRX encoding genes were differentially expressed in infection site compared to the control uninfected root tissues. Most part of them (11) was down-regulated. These results yielded a first insight on 15 of the PRX genes responding to tomato–Meloidogyne interaction and confirm that repression of PRX genes might be crucial for feeding site formation at the initial stages of infection. To study the involvement of PRX genes in resistance response, four genes have been selected: SGN-U143455, SGN-U143841 and SGN-U144042 consistently down-regulated and SGN-U144671 consistently up-regulated at infection site in compatible interaction. The expression changes were determined by qRT-PCR and in situ location at 2 dpi and 4 dpi, and in different root tissues of resistant and susceptible plants. Early upon infection (2 dpi), the transcripts levels of the four genes were strongly increased in infected tissue of resistant genotype. In situ hybridization showed transcript accumulation of them in meristem cortical cells, where the nematode made injury. The results obtained provide strong evidence that early induction of PRX genes is important for defence response of the resistance against nematode invasion. Moreover, the induction patterns of SGN-U144042 gene observed at 4 dpi in distal noninfected root tissue into the susceptible genotype and of SGN-U143841 gene in both genotypes suggest a potential involvement of PRX in the systemic defence response.
Mutant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) deficient in functional phytochrome B exhibits reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and constitutively expresses a shade-avoidance phenotype. Under relatively bright, high red:far-red light, ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B-mutant cultivars progresses through cycles in a circadian rhythm; however, the phytochrome B mutant produces ethylene peaks with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild type. Time-course northern blots show that the mutant's abundance of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase mRNA SbACO2 is cyclic and is commensurate with ethylene production, and that ACC oxidase activity follows the same pattern. Both SbACO2 abundance and ACC oxidase activity in the wild-type plant are very low under this regimen. ACC levels in the two cultivars did not demonstrate fluctuations coincident with the ethylene produced. Simulated shading caused the wild-type plant to mimic the phenotype of the mutant and to produce high amplitude rhythms of ethylene evolution. The circadian feature of the ethylene cycle is conditionally present in the mutant and absent in the wild-type plant under simulated shading. SbACO2 abundance in both cultivars demonstrates a high-amplitude diurnal cycle under these conditions; however, ACC oxidase activity, although elevated, does not exhibit a clear rhythm correlated with ethylene production. ACC levels in both cultivars show fluctuations corresponding to the ethylene rhythm previously observed. It appears that at least two separate mechanisms may be involved in generating high-amplitude ethylene rhythms in sorghum, one in response to the loss of phytochrome B function and another in response to shading.
The Arabidopsis mutants eto1 (ethylene overproducer) and eto3 produce elevated levels of ethylene as etiolated seedlings. Ethylene production in these seedlings peaks at 60 to 96 h, and then declines back to almost wild-type levels. Ethylene overproduction in eto1 and eto3 is limited mainly to etiolated seedlings; light-grown seedlings and various adult tissues produce close to wild-type amounts of ethylene. Several compounds that induce ethylene biosynthesis in wild-type, etiolated seedlings through distinct 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase (ACS) isoforms were found to act synergistically with eto1 and eto3, as did the ethylene-insensitive mutation etr1 (ethylene resistant), which blocks feedback inhibition of biosynthesis. ACS activity, the rate-limiting step of ethylene biosynthesis, was highly elevated in both eto1 and eto3 mutant seedlings, even though RNA gel-blot analysis demonstrated that the steady-state level of ACS mRNA was not increased, including that of a novel Arabidopsis ACS gene that was identified. Measurements of the conversion of ACC to ethylene by intact seedlings indicated that the mutations did not affect conjugation of ACC or the activity of ACC oxidase, the final step of ethylene biosynthesis. Taken together, these data suggest that the eto1 and eto3 mutations elevate ethylene biosynthesis by affecting the posttranscriptional regulation of ACS.
To identify genes involved in papaya fruit ripening, a total of 1171 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from randomly selected clones of two independent fruit cDNA libraries derived from yellow and red-fleshed fruit varieties. The most abundant sequences encoded: chitinase, 1-aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase, catalase and methionine synthase, respectively. DNA sequence comparisons identified ESTs with significant similarity to genes associated with fruit softening, aroma and colour biosynthesis. Putative cell wall hydrolases, cell membrane hydrolases, and ethylene synthesis and regulation sequences were identified with predicted roles in fruit softening. Expressed papaya genes associated with fruit aroma included isoprenoid biosynthesis and shikimic acid pathway genes and proteins associated with acyl lipid catabolism. Putative fruit colour genes were identified due to their similarity with carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthesis genes from other plant species. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Natural flower induction is a major pineapple industry problem. It usually occurs when shortening days and low temperatures give raise to increased ethylene production in the leaf tissue and plant stem apex which in turn stimulates flowering. Natural flowering fruit matures 4 to 6 weeks ahead of the normal summer harvest resulting in the need for extra harvest passes and considerable yield losses. Ethylene is produced through the sequential action of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase. Our team has cloned an ACC synthase gene from pineapple (ACACS2), which is expressed in meristems and activated under the environmental conditions that induce flowering in nature. Genetic constructs have been produced containing ACACS2 in sense orienta¬tion to induce silencing of the host gene in the plant by co-suppression mechanisms. Two independent lines of transgenic plants have been produced and field trials have been conducted in Queensland for four years in order to study the characteristics of the transgenic lines. We have identified a group of transgenic plants demonstrating inherited flowering delay and confirmed co-suppression of the ACACS2 gene due to methylation.
Previous studies (Stavroulakis and Sfakiotakis, 1993) have shown an inhibition of propylene-induced ethylene production in kiwifruit below a critical temperature range of 11-14.8 degrees C. The aim of this research was to identify the biochemical basis of this inhibition in kiwifruit below 11-14.8 degrees C. 'Hayward' kiwifruit were treated with increasing propylene concentrations at 10 and 20 degrees C. Ethylene biosynthesis pathways and fruit ripening were investigated. Kiwifruit at 20 degrees C in air started autocatalysis of ethylene production and ripened after 19 d with a concomitant increase in respiration. Ethylene production and the respiration rise appeared earlier with increased propylene concentrations. Ripening proceeded immediately after propylene treatment, while ethylene autocatalysis needed a lag period of 24-72 h. The latter event was attributed to the delay found in the induction of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACC synthase) activity and consequently to the delayed increase of l-aminocyclopropane l-carboxylic acid (ACC) content. In contrast propylene treatment induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACC oxidase) activity with no lag period. Moreover, transcription of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes was active only in ethylene-producing kiwifruit at 20 degrees C. In contrast, treatment at 10 degrees C with propylene strongly inhibited ethylene production, which was attributed to the low activities of both ACC synthase and ACC oxidase as well as the low initial ACC level. Interestingly, fruit treated with propylene at 10 degrees C appeared to be able to transcribe the ACC oxidase but not the ACC synthase gene. However, propylene induced ripening of that fruit almost as rapidly as in the propylene-treated fruit at 20 degrees C. Respiration rate was increased together with propylene concentration. It is concluded that kiwifruit stored at 20 degrees C behaves as a typical climacteric fruit, while at 10 degrees C behaves like a non-climacteric fruit. We propose that the main reasons for the inhibition of the propylene induced (autocatalytic) ethylene production in kiwifruit at low temperature (less than or equal to 10 degrees C), are primarily the suppression of the propylene-induced ACC synthase gene expression and the possible post-transcriptional modification of ACC oxidase.
Previous studies (Stavroulakis and Sfakiotakis, 1993) have shown an inhibition of propylene-induced ethylene production in kiwifruit below a critical temperature range of 11-14.8 degrees C. The aim of this research was to identify the biochemical basis of this inhibition in kiwifruit below 11-14.8 degrees C. 'Hayward' kiwifruit were treated with increasing propylene concentrations at 10 and 20 degrees C. Ethylene biosynthesis pathways and fruit ripening were investigated. Kiwifruit at 20 degrees C in air started autocatalysis of ethylene production and ripened after 19 d with a concomitant increase in respiration. Ethylene production and the respiration rise appeared earlier with increased propylene concentrations. Ripening proceeded immediately after propylene treatment, while ethylene autocatalysis needed a lag period of 24-72 h. The latter event was attributed to the delay found in the induction of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACC synthase) activity and consequently to the delayed increase of l-aminocyclopropane l-carboxylic acid (ACC) content. In contrast propylene treatment induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACC oxidase) activity with no lag period. Moreover, transcription of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes was active only in ethylene-producing kiwifruit at 20 degrees C. In contrast, treatment at 10 degrees C with propylene strongly inhibited ethylene production, which was attributed to the low activities of both ACC synthase and ACC oxidase as well as the low initial ACC level. Interestingly, fruit treated with propylene at 10 degrees C appeared to be able to transcribe the ACC oxidase but not the ACC synthase gene. However, propylene induced ripening of that fruit almost as rapidly as in the propylene-treated fruit at 20 degrees C. Respiration rate was increased together with propylene concentration. It is concluded that kiwifruit stored at 20 degrees C behaves as a typical climacteric fruit, while at 10 degrees C behaves like a non-climacteric fruit. We propose that the main reasons for the inhibition of the propylene induced (autocatalytic) ethylene production in kiwifruit at low temperature (less than or equal to 10 degrees C), are primarily the suppression of the propylene-induced ACC synthase gene expression and the possible post-transcriptional modification of ACC oxidase.
We investigated the gene expression profiles of different members of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxilic acid (ACC) synthase (EC gene family in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) during the post-harvest-induced senescence process. Using RT-PCR, three different cDNAs coding for ACC synthase (BROCACS1, BROCACS2 and BROCACS3) were amplified from floret tissue at the start of the senescence process. The three genes share relatively little homology, but have highly homologous sequences in Arabidopsis thaliana, and could be functionally related to these counterparts. Southern analyses suggest that BROCACS1 and BROCACS3 are present as single copy genes, while there are probably two copies of BROCACS2. All three genes showed different expression patterns: BROCACS1 is likely to be either wound - or mechanical stress-induced showing high transcript levels after harvesting, but no detectable expression afterwards. BROCACS2 shows steady expression throughout senescence, increasing at the latest stages, and BROCACS3 is almost undetectable until the final stages. Our results suggest that BROCACS1 could be required to initiate the senescence process, while BROCACS2 would be the main ACC synthase gene involved throughout the post-harvest-induced senescence. BROCACS3's expression pattern indicates that it is not directly involved in the initial stages of senescence, but in the final remobilization of cellular resources.