987 resultados para ABSOLUTE ALPHA POWER


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Introduction: The saccadic paradigm has been used to investigate specific cortical networks involving attention. The behavioral and electrophysiological investigations of the SEM contribute significantly to the understanding of attentive patterns presented of neurological and psychiatric disorders and sports performance. Objective: The current study aimed to investigate absolute alpha power changes in sensorimotor brain regions and the frontal eye fields during the execution of a saccadic task. Methods: Twelve healthy volunteers (mean age: 26.25; SD: +/- 4.13) performed a saccadic task while the electroencephalographic signal was simultaneously recorded for the cerebral cortex electrodes. The participants were instructed to follow the LEDs with their eyes, being submitted to two different task conditions: a fixed pattern versus a random pattern. Results: We found a moment main effect for the C3, C4, F3 and F4 electrodes and a condition main effect for the F3 electrode. We also found interaction between factor conditions and frontal electrodes. Conclusions: We conclude that absolute alpha power in the left frontal cortex discriminates the execution of the two stimulus presentation patterns during SEM. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An H-infinity control strategy has been developed for the design of controllers used in feedback controlled electrical substitution measurements (FCESM). The methodology has the potential to provide substantial improvements in both response time and resolution of a millimetre-wave absolute photoacoustic power meter.


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Brain mechanisms associated with artistic talents or skills are still not well understood. This exploratory study investigated differences in brain activity of artists and non-artists while drawing previously presented perspective line-drawings from memory and completing other drawing-related tasks. Electroencephalography (EEG) data were analyzed for power in the frequency domain by means of a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) was applied to localize emerging significances. During drawing and related tasks, decreased power was seen in artists compared to non-artists mainly in upper alpha frequency ranges. Decreased alpha power is often associated with an increase in cognitive functioning and may reflect enhanced semantic memory performance and object recognition processes in artists. These assumptions are supported by the behavioral data assessed in this study and complement previous findings showing increased parietal activations in non-artists compared to artists while drawing. However, due to the exploratory nature of the analysis, additional confirmatory studies will be needed.


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This study sought to explore whether the so-called 'paradoxical' task-related increases in the alpha bandwidth of the human electroencephalogram result from increases in evoked (phase locked), as opposed to induced (non-phase locked), activity. The electroencephalograms of 18 participants were recorded while they engaged in both auditory sensory-intake tasks (listening to randomly generated 'tunes') and internally directed attention tasks (imagining the same randomly generated tunes) matched for auditory input. Measures of evoked (phase locked) and induced (non-phase locked) activity were compared between tasks. Increases in induced alpha power were found during internal attention. No experimental effects were observed for evoked activity. These results are not entirely consistent with proposals that 'paradoxical' alpha indexes the evoked inhibition of task irrelevant processing.


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Abstract Background The present study examined absolute alpha power using quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) in bilateral temporal and parietal cortices in novice soldiers under the influence of methylphenidate (MPH) during the preparatory aiming period in a practical pistol-shooting task. We anticipated higher bi-hemispheric cortical activation in the preparatory period relative to pre-shot baseline in the methylphenidate group when compared with the control group because methylphenidate has been shown to enhance task-related cognitive functions. Methods Twenty healthy, novice soldiers were equally distributed in control (CG; n = 10) and MPH groups 10 mg (MG; n = 10) using a randomized, double blind design. Subjects performed a pistol-shooting task while electroencephalographic activity was acquired. Results We found main effects for group and practice blocks on behavioral measures, and interactions between group and phases on electroencephalographic measures for the electrodes T3, T4, P3 and P4. Regarding the behavioral measures, the MPH group demonstrated significantly poorer in shooting performance when compared with the control and, in addition, significant increases in the scores over practice blocks were found on both groups. In addition, regarding the electroencephalographic data, we observed a significant increase in alpha power over practice blocks, but alpha power was significantly lower for the MPH group when compared with the placebo group. Moreover, we observed a significant decrease in alpha power in electrodes T4 and P4 during PTM. Conclusion Although we found no correlation between behavioral and EEG data, our findings show that MPH did not prevent the learning of the task in healthy subjects. However, during the practice blocks (PBs) it also did not favor the performance when compared with control group performance. It seems that the CNS effects of MPH demanded an initial readjustment period of integrated operations relative to the sensorimotor system. In other words, MPH seems to provoke a period of initial instability due to a possible modulation in neural activity, which can be explained by lower levels of alpha power (i.e., higher cortical activity). However, after the end of the PB1 a new stabilization was established in neural circuits, due to repetition of the task, resulting higher cortical activity during the task. In conclusion, MPH group performance was not initially superior to that of the control group, but eventually exceeded it, albeit without achieving statistical significance.


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Background: There is growing evidence that individual EEG differences may aid in classifying patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and also help predict clinical response to antidepressant treatment. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of EEG frequency band power, alpha asymmetry and prefrontal theta cordance towards escitalopram response prediction and MDD diagnosis, in a multi-site initiative. Methods: Resting EEG (eyes open and closed) was recorded from 64 electrodes in 44 depressed patients and 20 healthy controls at baseline, 2 weeks post-treatment and 8 weeks post-treatment. Clinical response was measured as change from baseline MADRS of 50% or more. EEG measures were analyzed (1) at baseline (2) at 2 weeks post-treatment and (3) as an ‘‘early change” variable defined as change in EEG from baseline to 2 weeks post-treatment. Results: At baseline, responders exhibited greater absolute alpha power in the left hemisphere versus the right while non-responders showed the opposite. Responders further exhibited a cortical asymmetry of greater right relative to left activity in parietal areas. Groups also differed in baseline relative delta power with responders showing greater power in the right hemisphere versus the left while non-responders showed the opposite. At 2 weeks post-treatment, responders exhibited greater absolute beta power in the left hemisphere relative to right and the opposite was noted for non-responders. The opposite pattern was noted for absolute and relative delta power at 2 weeks post-treatment. Responders exhibited early reduction in relative alpha power and early increments in relative theta power. Non-responders showed a significant early increase in prefrontal theta cordance. Absolute delta power helped distinguish MDD patients from healthy controls. Conclusions: Hemispheric asymmetries in the alpha and delta bands at pre-treatment baseline and at 2 weeks post-treatment have moderate to moderately strong predictive utility towards antidepressant treatment response. These findings have significant potential for improving clinical practice in psychiatry by eventually guiding clinical choice of treatments. This would greatly benefit patients awaiting relief from depressive symptoms as treatment optimization would help overcome problems associated with delayed recovery. Our results also indicate that resting EEG activity may have clinical utility in predicting MDD diagnosis.


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Thesis (Ph.D, Neuroscience Studies) -- Queen's University, 2016-08-27 00:55:35.782


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A simple apparatus to measure the absolute thermoelectric power of solids in the temperature range 4·2–300K is described. The cryostat and the associated instrumentation is simple to operate. Representative data of measurements on metallic wire and pressed pellets are given. An accuracy of better than 10% in absolute thermopower can be obtained in this apparatus.


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Archbishop James Ussher's manuscript notebooks allow us to observe the making of a Calvinist absolutist and to orientate the archbishop's beliefs about royal power within European Reformed thought as a whole. By 1643, Ussher was preaching a polished and complete theory of absolute royal power, and it is possible to track the development of this political theory forward from his undergraduate days in the 1590s. Throughout his life Ussher engaged anxiously with Reformed theologians abroad, who generally favored limited rather than absolute monarchy. Nevertheless, Ussher shared with these Reformed colleagues both an antipathy to aspects of Aristotelian politics and a commitment to the divine institution of royal power. Finally, despite Ussher's hostility to Laudian innovations in the Irish Church, his heartfelt political beliefs made him a firm supporter of Stuart absolutism throughout the Three Kingdoms.


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Le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal (TCSP) est une parasomnie se caractérisant par la perte de l’atonie musculaire, la paralysie qui accompagne généralement le sommeil paradoxal, suivie de l’apparition de comportements indésirables et souvent violents. Des études suggèrent que le TCSP idiopathique (TCSPi) est fortement lié au développement ultérieur de la maladie de Parkinson, de la démence à corps de Lewy et de l’atrophie multisystémique. En effet, des signes subtils de neurodégénérescence sont observés chez ces patients, notamment un ralentissement de l’activité électrique cérébrale (EEG) à l’éveil et la présence de troubles cognitifs. Le but de cette thèse est 1) d’évaluer sur le plan transversal la contribution du trouble cognitif léger (TCL) dans le ralentissement de l’EEG à l’éveil observé chez ces patients et 2) d’évaluer la valeur prédictive des mesures de l’EEG à l’éveil mesurées au temps de base par rapport au développement d’une maladie neurodégénérative (MND) lors du suivi longitudinal. Dans le cadre de la première étude, l’EEG à l’éveil d’un groupe de patients avec un TCSPi présentant des atteintes cognitives a été comparé à celui d’un groupe de patients sans troubles cognitifs et à des sujets témoins sains. Seuls les patients avec un TCL affichaient un ralentissement de l’EEG d’éveil plus prononcé au niveau postérieur, c’est-à-dire une puissance relative thêta plus élevée dans les régions pariétale, temporale et occipitale, une puissance relative alpha plus faible dans les régions occipitale et temporale, en plus d’un ratio spectral (ondes lentes sur ondes rapides) plus élevé dans ces régions en comparaison avec les deux autres groupes. De plus, le ratio spectral corrélait négativement avec les fonctions attentionnelles/exécutives, visuospatiales et la mémoire épisodique verbale. La deuxième étude a quant à elle évalué l’EEG à l’éveil au temps initial de patients qui ont développé une MND sur une période de 3,5 ans en comparaison à celui de patients qui sont demeurés idiopathiques et à un groupe de témoins sains. Les patients avec un TCSPi qui ont évolué vers une MND présentaient une augmentation de la puissance de l’activité absolue delta et thêta, en plus d’un ratio spectral plus élevé dans les cinq régions corticales en comparaison avec les deux autres groupes. Cette thèse suggère ainsi que le ralentissement de l’EEG à l’éveil dans le TCSPi est relié à la présence d’un TCL concomitant. De plus, ces anomalies sont associées à un plus grand risque de développer une maladie de Parkinson, une démence à corps de Lewy ou une atrophie multisystémique à court terme chez ces patients. Le ralentissement de l’EEG à l’éveil semble donc être un marqueur prometteur d’une neurodégénérescence cérébrale plus sévère chez les patients souffrant d’un TCSPi.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine schmalbandige kontinuierliche kohärente Lyman-α-Quelle basierend auf Festkörperlasersystemen zur zukünftigen Kühlung von Antiwasserstoff vorgestellt. Die fundamentalen Festkörperlasersysteme ermöglichen es im Vier-Wellen-Misch-Prozess zur Erzeugung der Lyman-α-Strahlung nicht nur die 6^1S – 7^1S-Zwei-Photonen-Resonanz des Quecksilbers sondern erstmals auch die 6^1S – 6^3P-Ein-Photonen-Resonanz zur Erhöhung der Konversionseffizienz optimal zu nutzen. In ersten Messungen wurden 0,063nW Leistung bei Lyman-α erzeugt. Mit dieser Lyman-α-Quelle war es, durch die Nähe des ersten fundamentalen Lasers zur Ein-Photonen-Resonanz, erstmals möglich den kompletten Verlauf der Phasenanpassungskurve des Vier-Wellen- Misch-Prozesses aufzunehmen. Neben den fundamentalen Lasersystemen und der Lyman-alpha-Erzeugung selbst, wird in dieser Arbeit die Detektion der produzierten Lyman-α-Strahlung mit einem Photomultiplier vorgestellt, die soweit optimiert wurde, dass eine zuverlässige Abschätzung der erzeugten Leistung möglich ist. Für diesen Zweck wurde zudem ein Teststand aufgebaut, mit dem die Transmissivität der Optiken, welche in der Lyman-α-Apparatur verwendet werden, bei 121,56nm gemessen wurde. Des Weiteren wird hier eine vielseitige Rechnung vorgestellt, mit der die erzeugte Leistung bei Lyman-α, unter anderem in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur, der Absorption des ersten fundamentalen Laserstrahls, dem Dichteprofil des Quecksilberdampfes und unter dem Einfluss eines Puffergases, bestimmt wird.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine kontinuierliche, kohärente Strahlungsquelle bei 121,56nm, der Lyman-alpha Linie in Wasserstoff, vorgestellt. Diese Lyman-alpha Quelle soll zur zukünftigen Laserkühlung von Antiwasserstoff dienen. Die Strahlung wird durch Vier-Wellen-Mischen in Quecksilberdampf produziert. Dabei wird ein Festkörperlasersystem zur Erzeugung der Fundamentalstrahlen eingesetzt. Zur Erhöhung der nichtlinearen Suszeptibilität wird die 6^1S-7^1S Zwei-Photonen-Resonanz ausgenutzt. Zusätzlich wird mit Hilfe eines durchstimmbaren ultravioletten Lasersystems die 6^1S-6^3P Ein-Photon-Resonanz genutzt, was es erlaubt, die nichtlineare Suszeptibilität des Mischprozesses um Größenordnungen zu erhöhen. Um den Einfluss der 6^1S-6^3P Ein-Photon-Resonanz zu untersuchen, wurden zunächst die Phasenanpassungstemperaturen bei verschiedenen Verstimmungen der ultravioletten Strahlung zur 6^3P Resonanz vermessen und festgestellt, dass kleinere Verstimmungen zu niedrigeren Phasenanpassungstemperaturen führen. Es konnte sowohl theoretisch wie auch experimentell gezeigt werden, dass diese niedrigeren Phasenanpassungstemperaturen bei kleinen Verstimmungen der Erhöhung der Lyman-alpha Erzeugung durch die größere nichtlineare Suszeptibilität bei kleinen Verstimmungen entgegenwirken. Bei immer kleineren Verstimmungen zur 6^3P Resonanz limitiert die Absorption der ultravioletten Strahlung die Lyman-alpha Erzeugung. Ein positiver Effekt der niedrigeren Phasenanpassungstemperaturen ist, dass es möglich wird, auf das bisher nötige Puffergas in der Quecksilber-Dampfzelle zu verzichten, was die Lyman-alpha Erzeugung um einen Faktor 1,7 erhöht. Damit war es möglich, die bisherige Effizienz der Lyman-alpha Erzeugung zu verbessern. Es wurde eine Lyman-alpha Leistung von 0,3nW erreicht. Zusätzlich zum Einfluss der 6^3P Resonanz auf die Lyman-alpha Erzeugung wurde ein weiterer Effekt beobachtet. Durch die Nähe der 6^1S-6^3P Ein-Photon-Resonanz wird auch mehr Besetzung in das obere 7^1S Niveau der Zwei-Photonen-Resonanz gepumpt. Dadurch konnte erstmals eine kontinuierliche Lasertätigkeit auf der 6^1P-7^1S Linie in Quecksilber bei 1014nm beobachtet werden.


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BACKGROUND Psychomotor disturbances are a main clinical feature of major depressive disorder (MDD) but little is known about their EEG signature. One of the most replicated EEG findings in MDD is resting frontal asymmetry in the alpha band (FAA), which is thought to be a correlate of withdrawal behavior and reduced approach motivation. The purpose of this study was to assess psychomotor alterations, alpha band power, FAA and investigate the association between them. METHODS 20 MDD patients and 19 healthy subjects were enrolled. Alpha power and FAA scores were calculated from a resting state EEG. Wrist actigraphy was recorded from the non-dominant arm for 24 h and activity level scores (AL) were extrapolated from the wakeful periods. RESULTS MDD patients had a left-lateralized frontal alpha activity and lower AL scores when compared to healthy subjects. A significant correlation was found between mean FAA and AL scores. A negative covariance between power in the lower alpha range and AL scores over the motor cortex bilaterally was detected. LIMITATIONS Relatively small sample size. Patients were pharmacologically treated with antidepressants. CONCLUSIONS This study replicates the finding of left-lateralized FAA and lower AL scores in MDD patients, and establishes the first evidence of significant correlations between alpha power, FAA scores and measures of motor activity, which may be interpreted as an expression of impaired motivational drive in MDD.


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The electrical transport properties and lattice spacings of simple cubic Te-Au, Te-Au-Fe, and Te-Au-Mn alloys, prepared by rapid quenching from the liquid state, hove been measured and correlated with a proposed bond structure. The variations of superconducting transition temperature, absolute thermoelectric power, and lattice spacing with Te concentration all showed related anomalies in the binary Te-Au alloys. The unusual behavior of these properties has been interpreted by using nearly free electron theory to predict the effect of the second Brillouin zone boundary on the area of the Fermi surface, and the electronic density of states. The behavior of the superconducting transition temperature and the lattice parameter as Fe and Mn ore added further supports the proposed interpretation as well as providing information on the existence of localized magnetic states in the ternary alloys. In addition, it was found that a very distinct bond structure effect on the transition temperatures of the Te-Au-Fe alloys could be identified.