17 resultados para ABSCESSUS
Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing mycobacteria responsible for progressive pulmonary disease, soft tissue and wound infections, and can contaminate clinical specimens. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are generally considered environmental organisms though M. abscessus has not featured frequently in environmental studies, particularly those examining potable water. In a study of Brisbane potable water, M. abscessus was isolate from ten different locations. The incidence of disease due to M. abscessus has been increasing in Queensland. Aim: To compare genotypically the M. abscessus isolates obtained from water to those obtained from human clinical specimens. Methods: From a study of Brisbane potable water between 2007 and 2009, ten isolates confirmed as M. abscessus were recovered. In addition, one strain was isolated from a rainwater tank of a patient with disease due to M. avium, and another from the swimming pool of a patient with M. intracellulare disease. A random sample of 74 clinical isolates referred to the QLD Mycobacterial reference laboratory during the same time period was available for comparison using repPCR strain typing (Diversilab). Results: The drinking water isolates formed two distinct strain patterns (A and B) that shared >90% similarity. The tankwater isolate (pattern C) shared >85% similarity with the potable water isolates, but the pool isolate (D) was distinctly different. Fifty-three clinical isolates clustered tightly (>95% similarity) with the Group A potable water isolates, 4 patients with Group B. Thirteen patient isolates clustered with the Rainwater tank isolate. One patient matched the pool isolate. There were a further 3 patient isolates that were unrelated to the water isolates. No differences were found between strain types in terms of geographic origin, gender, age, or site/type of infection. Conclusion: The high degree of similarity between strains of M. abscessus from potable water and strains causing infection in humans from the same area, strengthens the possibility that drinking water may be a source of infection in these patients.
Background Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing mycobacterium responsible for progressive pulmonary disease, soft tissue and wound infections. The incidence of disease due to M. abscessus has been increasing in Queensland. In a study of Brisbane drinking water, M. abscessus was isolated from ten different locations. The aim of this study was to compare genotypically the M. abscessus isolates obtained from water to those obtained from human clinical specimens. Methods Between 2007 and 2009, eleven isolates confirmed as M. abscessus were recovered from potable water, one strain was isolated from a rainwater tank and another from a swimming pool and two from domestic taps. Seventy-four clinical isolates referred during the same time period were available for comparison using rep-PCR strain typing (Diversilab). Results The drinking water isolates formed two clusters with ≥97% genetic similarity (Water patterns 1 and 2). The tankwater isolate (WP4), one municipal water isolate (WP3) and the pool isolate (WP5) were distinctly different. Patient isolates formed clusters with all of the water isolates except for WP3. Further patient isolates were unrelated to the water isolates. Conclusion The high degree of similarity between strains of M. abscessus from potable water and strains causing infection in humans from the same geographical area, strengthens the possibility that drinking water may be the source of infection in these patients.
Em diversos estados do Brasil, foram relatadas epidemias de infecções causadas por micobactérias de crescimento rápido (MCR) desde o ano 2000. A maioria dos casos foi principalmente associada ao clone BRA100 de Mycobacterium massiliense, recentemente renomeada para Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii, isolado de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos invasivos nos quais os instrumentos médicos não foram adequadamente esterilizados e/ou desinfetados. Sendo as quinolonas uma opção no tratamento de infecções por MCR e sugerida para esquemas terapêuticos para esses surtos, foram avaliadas nesse trabalho as atividades in vitro de quatro gerações de quinolonas para cepas clinicas e de referência de MCR através da microdiluição em caldo. Também foram analisadas as sequências peptídicas das regiões determinantes da resistência a quinolonas (RDRQ) das subunidades A e B da DNA gyrase (GyrA e GyrB) após o seqüenciamento de DNA seguido pela tradução da sequência de aminoácidos. Cinquenta e quatro cepas de M. abscessus subsp bolletii, incluindo o clone BRA100, isoladas em diferentes estados do Brasil, e 19 cepas de referência de MCR foram caracterizadas. Todas as 54 cepas clínicas de M. abscessus subsp. bolletii foram resistentes a todas as gerações de quinolonas e mostraram o mesmo resíduo nas RDRQ, incluindo Ala-83 em GyrA, Arg-447 e Asp-464 em GyrB, descritos como sendo responsáveis por gerar um baixo nível de resistência a quinolonas em micobactérias. Porém, outras espécies de MCR apresentaram diferentes susceptibilidade e padrões de mutações contrários aos classicamente já definidos, sugerindo que outros mecanismos de resistência, diferentes de mutações em gyrA e gyrB também possam estar envolvidos na alta resistência a quinolonas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Mycobacterium abscessus, Mycobacterium bolletii, and Mycobacterium massiliense (Mycobacterium abscessus sensu lato) are closely related species that currently are identified by the sequencing of the rpoB gene. However, recent studies show that rpoB sequencing alone is insufficient to discriminate between these species, and some authors have questioned their current taxonomic classification. We studied here a large collection of M. abscessus (sensu lato) strains by partial rpoB sequencing (752 bp) and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA). The final MLSA scheme developed was based on the partial sequences of eight housekeeping genes: argH, cya, glpK, gnd, murC, pgm, pta, and purH. The strains studied included the three type strains (M. abscessus CIP 104536(T), M. massiliense CIP 108297(T), and M. bolletii CIP 108541(T)) and 120 isolates recovered between 1997 and 2007 in France, Germany, Switzerland, and Brazil. The rpoB phylogenetic tree confirmed the existence of three main clusters, each comprising the type strain of one species. However, divergence values between the M. massiliense and M. bolletii clusters all were below 3% and between the M. abscessus and M. massiliense clusters were from 2.66 to 3.59%. The tree produced using the concatenated MLSA gene sequences (4,071 bp) also showed three main clusters, each comprising the type strain of one species. The M. abscessus cluster had a bootstrap value of 100% and was mostly compact. Bootstrap values for the M. massiliense and M. bolletii branches were much lower (71 and 61%, respectively), with the M. massiliense cluster having a fuzzy aspect. Mean (range) divergence values were 2.17% (1.13 to 2.58%) between the M. abscessus and M. massiliense clusters, 2.37% (1.5 to 2.85%) between the M. abscessus and M. bolletii clusters, and 2.28% (0.86 to 2.68%) between the M. massiliense and M. bolletii clusters. Adding the rpoB sequence to the MLSA-concatenated sequence (total sequence, 4,823 bp) had little effect on the clustering of strains. We found 10/120 (8.3%) isolates for which the concatenated MLSA gene sequence and rpoB sequence were discordant (e.g., M. massiliense MLSA sequence and M. abscessus rpoB sequence), suggesting the intergroup lateral transfers of rpoB. In conclusion, our study strongly supports the recent proposal that M. abscessus, M. massiliense, and M. bolletii should constitute a single species. Our findings also indicate that there has been a horizontal transfer of rpoB sequences between these subgroups, precluding the use of rpoB sequencing alone for the accurate identification of the two proposed M. abscessus subspecies.
Five isolates of non-pigmented, rapidly growing mycobacteria were isolated from three patients and,in an earlier study, from zebrafish. Phenotypic and molecular tests confirmed that these isolates belong to the Mycobacterium chelonae-Mycobacterium abscessus group, but they could not be confidently assigned to any known species of this group. Phenotypic analysis and biochemical tests were not helpful for distinguishing these isolates from other members of the M. chelonae–M.abscessus group. The isolates presented higher drug resistance in comparison with other members of the group, showing susceptibility only to clarithromycin. The five isolates showed a unique PCR restriction analysis pattern of the hsp65 gene, 100 % similarity in 16S rRNA gene and hsp65 sequences and 1-2 nt differences in rpoB and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences.Phylogenetic analysis of a concatenated dataset including 16S rRNA gene, hsp65, and rpoB sequences from type strains of more closely related species placed the five isolates together, as a distinct lineage from previously described species, suggesting a sister relationship to a group consisting of M. chelonae, Mycobacterium salmoniphilum, Mycobacterium franklinii and Mycobacterium immunogenum. DNA–DNA hybridization values .70 % confirmed that the five isolates belong to the same species, while values ,70 % between one of the isolates and the type strains of M. chelonae and M. abscessus confirmed that the isolates belong to a distinct species. The polyphasic characterization of these isolates, supported by DNA–DNA hybridization results,demonstrated that they share characteristics with M. chelonae–M. abscessus members, butconstitute a different species, for which the name Mycobacterium saopaulense sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is EPM10906T (5CCUG 66554T5LMG 28586T5INCQS 0733T).
This thesis documented pathogenic species of nontuberculous mycobacteria in the Brisbane water distribution system. When water and shower aerosol strains were compared with human strains of mycobacteria, the study found that the likelihood of acquiring infection from municipal water was specific for four main species. The method for isolation of mycobacteria from water was refined, followed by sampling from 220 sites across Brisbane. A variety of species (incl 15 pathogens) were identified and genotypically compared to human strains. For M. abscessus and M. lentiflavum, water strains clustered with human strains. Pathogenic strains of M. kansasii were found, though non-pathogenic strains dominated. Waterborne strains of M. fortuitum differed to human strains. Extensive home sampling of 20 patients with NTM disease, supported the theory that the risk of acquiring NTM from water or shower aerosols appears species specific for M. avium, M. kansasii, M. lentiflavum and M. abscessus.
Background Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are normal inhabitants of a variety of environmental reservoirs including natural and municipal water. The aim of this study was to document the variety of species of NTM in potable water in Brisbane, QLD, with a specific interest in the main pathogens responsible for disease in this region and to explore factors associated with the isolation of NTM. One-litre water samples were collected from 189 routine collection sites in summer and 195 sites in winter. Samples were split, with half decontaminated with CPC 0.005%, then concentrated by filtration and cultured on 7H11 plates in MGIT tubes (winter only). Results Mycobacteria were grown from 40.21% sites in Summer (76/189) and 82.05% sites in winter (160/195). The winter samples yielded the greatest number and variety of mycobacteria as there was a high degree of subculture overgrowth and contamination in summer. Of those samples that did yield mycobacteria in summer, the variety of species differed from those isolated in winter. The inclusion of liquid media increased the yield for some species of NTM. Species that have been documented to cause disease in humans residing in Brisbane that were also found in water include M. gordonae, M. kansasii, M. abscessus, M. chelonae, M. fortuitum complex, M. intracellulare, M. avium complex, M. flavescens, M. interjectum, M. lentiflavum, M. mucogenicum, M. simiae, M. szulgai, M. terrae. M. kansasii was frequently isolated, but M. avium and M. intracellulare (the main pathogens responsible for disease is QLD) were isolated infrequently. Distance of sampling site from treatment plant in summer was associated with isolation of NTM. Pathogenic NTM (defined as those known to cause disease in QLD) were more likely to be identified from sites with narrower diameter pipes, predominantly distribution sample points, and from sites with asbestos cement or modified PVC pipes. Conclusions NTM responsible for human disease can be found in large urban water distribution systems in Australia. Based on our findings, additional point chlorination, maintenance of more constant pressure gradients in the system, and the utilisation of particular pipe materials should be considered.
It has been postulated that susceptible individuals may acquire infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) from water and aerosol exposure. This study examined household water and shower aerosols of patients with NTM pulmonary disease. The mycobacteria isolated from clinical samples from 20 patients included M. avium (5 patients), M. intracellulare (12 patients), M. abscessus (7 patients), M. gordonae (1 patient), M. lentiflavum (1 patient), M. fortuitum (1 patient), M. peregrinum (1 patient), M. chelonae (1 patient), M. triplex (1 patient), and M. kansasii (1 patient). One-liter water samples and swabs were collected from all taps, and swimming pools or rainwater tanks. Shower aerosols were sampled using Andersen six-stage cascade impactors. For a subgroup of patients, real-time PCR was performed and high-resolution melt profiles were compared to those of ATCC control strains. Pathogenic mycobacteria were isolated from 19 homes. Species identified in the home matched that found in the patient in seven (35%) cases: M. abscessus (3 cases), M. avium (1 case), M. gordonae (1 case), M. lentiflavum (1 case), and M. kansasii (1 case). In an additional patient with M. abscessus infection, this species was isolated from potable water supplying her home. NTM grown from aerosols included M. abscessus (3 homes), M. gordonae (2 homes), M. kansasii (1 home), M. fortuitum complex (4 homes), M. mucogenicum (1 home), and M. wolinskyi (1 home). NTM causing human disease can be isolated from household water and aerosols. The evidence appears strongest for M. avium, M. kansasii, M. lentiflavum, and M. abscessus. Despite a predominance of disease due to M. intracellulare, we found no evidence for acquisition of infection from household water for this species.
An outbreak of infections affecting 311 patients who had undergone different invasive procedures occurred in 2004 and 2005 in the city of Belem, in the northern region of Brazil. Sixty-seven isolates were studied; 58 were from patients who had undergone laparoscopic surgeries, 1 was from a patient with a postinjection abscess, and 8 were from patients who had undergone mesotherapy. All isolates were rapidly growing nonpigmented mycobacteria and presented a pattern by PCR-restriction enzyme analysis of the hsp65 gene with BstEII of bands of 235 and 210 bp and with HaeIII of bands of 200, 70, 60, and 50 bp, which is common to Mycobacterium abscessus type 2, Mycobacterium bolletii, and Mycobacterium massiliense. hsp65 and. rpoB gene sequencing of a subset of 20 isolates was used to discriminate between these three species. hsp65 and rpoB sequences chosen at random from 11 of the 58 isolates from surgical patients and the postinjection abscess isolate presented the highest degrees of similarity with the corresponding sequences of M. massiliense. In the same way, the eight mesotherapy isolates were identified as M. bolletii. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) grouped all 58 surgical isolates, while the mesotherapy isolates presented three different PFGE patterns and the postinjection abscess isolate showed a unique PFGE pattern. In conclusion, molecular techniques for identification and typing were essential for the discrimination of two concomitant outbreaks and one case, the postinjection abscess, not related to either outbreak all of which were originally attributed to a single strain of M. abscessus.
Nos últimos anos tem sido observado um aumento de relatos de infecções associadas às micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT). No entanto, o conhecimento da frequência e as espécies envolvidas nas infecções pulmonares no Brasil são limitados. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a ocorrência de espécies de MNT isoladas no Laboratório de Micobactérias do Instituto Evandro Chagas, Laboratório de Regional de Saúde Pública da Região Norte. Foram analisadas todas as MNT isoladas de espécimes clínicos pulmonares e não pulmonares de indivíduos com infecção, de acordo com os critérios da American Thoracic Society e Ministério da Saúde entre os anos de 2004 a 2007. As MNT foram caracterizadas por PCR-restriction analysis (PRA-hsp65) e sequenciamento dos genes do RNAr 16S, hsp65, rpoB. Foram identificados 51 indivíduos com infecção pulmonar, sendo as seguintes MNT envolvidas: M. abscessus (n=2), M. bolletii (n=4), M. massiliense (n=9), M. avium (n=5), M. colombiense (n=5), M. fortuitum (n=4), M. simiae (n=2), M. interjectum (n=4), M. intracellulare (n=5), M. kansasii (n=1), M. scrofulaceum (n=1) e M. terrae (n=1). Em oito indivíduos foram isoladas MNT não identificadas ao nível de espécie, podendo representar nova entidade taxonômica pertencente ao complexo M.simiae. O presente estudo descreveu a diversidade de MNT isoladas de espécimes clínicos pulmonares no estado do Pará, Região Amazônica Brasileira. O achado de casos infecções pulmonares diagnosticados e tratados sem sucesso por vários meses como tuberculose apontam para a necessidade de isolamento e identificação da micobactéria envolvida antes estabelecimento de falência terapêutica.
Nos últimos anos tem sido observado um aumento de relatos de infecções causadas por micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT). No entanto, dados sobre frequência e espécies envolvidas em infecções pulmonares no Brasil são limitados, principalmente em estados da Região Norte do Brasil. O conhecimento das espécies de MNT associadas às infecções pulmonares tem importância clínica e epidemiológica, sendo as técnicas moleculares ferramentas capazes de oferecer um diagnóstico espécie-específico, o qual é necessário para a instituição de terapia adequada. O presente trabalho descreve a diversidade de MNT isoladas de espécimes pulmonares encaminhados ao Instituto Evandro Chagas entre 1999 e 2011 para pesquisa de micobactérias. As MNT foram inicialmente caracterizadas por PCR-restriction analysis (PRA-hsp65) e reidentificadas por sequenciamento dos genes RNAr 16S, hsp65, rpoB e região ITS1. De acordo com os achados, o método de PRA-hsp65 mostrou-se uma ferramenta prática para identificação MNT, permitindo a distinção de uma grande variedade de espécies de forma rápida, simples e barata, em comparação com o sequenciamento. Além disso, como sugerido no presente estudo, de acordo com a diversidade de espécies local, este método pode ser passível de modificações para proporcionar maior poder discriminatório. Para isolados do complexo Mycobacterium avium (MAC), a aplicação da análise de sequência do gene rpoB não se mostrou como alternativa adequada para discriminação de isolados do Estado do Pará, gerando resultados discrepantes com baixa resolução taxonômica. Um espectro particular de MNT foi associado aos casos de infecção pulmonar na região, representado principalmente por espécies dos complexos M. chelonae-M. abscessus (M. abscessus, M. massiliense e M. bolletii), M. avium (M. avium, M. intracellulare e M. colombiense) e M. simiae (M. simiae e taxa não nomeados). Dentre esse último, duas potenciais espécies foram detectadas, M. paraensis sp. nov. e M. amazoniensis sp. nov., sendo propostas como novos membros do complexo M. simiae. Entre os indivíduos afetados, as principais características encontradas foram sexo feminino, a idade superior a 50 anos, etnia parda e história de infecção prévia por tuberculose. Embora este estudo não demonstre a real magnitude de infecções pulmonares por MNT no Estado do Pará, ele descreve a diversidade de espécies e claramente retrata a importância desse grupo na região, chegando a representar 13,5% dos isolamentos micobacterianos em um laboratório de referência. Conjuntamente a esse achado, a identificação de casos de MNT em indivíduos presuntivamente diagnosticados com TB, indica a necessidade de confirmação bacteriológica, especialmente nos casos de resistência primária ao esquema básico da tuberculose.
As micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT) estão amplamente presentes no ambiente, tendo sido isoladas em águas naturais, sistemas de distribuição de água, solo e animais. Caracterizam-se pela presença de ácido micólico na parede celular. Em geral, são adquiridas através de inalação de gotículas de água contendo micobactérias. Podem causar formas variadas de doença como linfadenite, pulmonar, cutânea e disseminada. São patógenos oportunistas, com patogenicidade variável, que requerem defeitos na imunidade local ou sistêmica, congênitos ou adquiridos para causar doenças em humanos. Foram avaliados aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e radiológicos de 44 casos de micobacteriose não tuberculosa na forma pulmonar no Hospital João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB) através de estudo retrospectivo e foram tratados e acompanhados 21/44 (47,7%) pacientes durante um período de seis a dezessete meses através de estudo do tipo coorte prospectivo. Os dados mostraram um incremento de mais de 100% no número de casos a partir do ano de 2010 em relação aos anos anteriores no HUJBB. As micobactérias mais isoladas foram M. intracellulare (22,7%) e M. massiliense (20,5%). As condições mais frequentemente associadas à doença incluíram tratamento prévio para tuberculose (93,2%), bronquiectasias (59%), HIV (11,4%), asma (9,1%) e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (9,1%). Não foram observadas diferenças nos aspectos radiológicos entre as espécies, exceto na análise das radiografias de tórax, onde atelectasias foram mais frequentes nos grupo M. massiliense do que no grupo de M. abscessus. A resposta ao tratamento de acordo com a análise das culturas para micobactérias mostrou que em 58,8% dos casos ocorreu negativação, persistência da positividade em 11,7% e positividade após negativação inicial em 11,7%. Durante o período de acompanhamento, a taxa de óbito foi de 17,7%. Os dados sugerem que a forma pulmonar da micobacteriose não tuberculosa tem se tornado uma doença com importância cada vez maior em nossa região. Adicionalmente, a resposta ao tratamento tem sido bastante satisfatória quando comparada à literatura. Entretanto, é necessário um seguimento desses pacientes por período mais prolongado para estabelecer o real desfecho da nossa abordagem terapêutica.
We report on a patient who was chronically treated with steroids. She simultaneously developed pulmonary nocardiosis as well as a soft tissue infection and osteomyelitis by mycobacterium abscessus. Both infections are rare, but more frequently occur in immunocompromised hosts. The patient was healed after 12 month of adequate antibiotic treatment.
Background. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are environmentally ubiquitous organisms whose epidemiology is poorly understood. Species differ with respect to disease presentation, prognosis, and antimicrobial susceptibility. We reviewed one Texas pediatric hospital's experience with NTM and tuberculosis (TB) disease.^ Methods. This was a retrospective case series of children with culture-confirmed mycobacterial infections seen at a children's hospital from 2003-2008.^ Results. One hundred sixty-two isolates were identified from 150 children; 132 (81.5%) had NTM species isolated, and 30 (18.5%) had M. tuberculosis isolated; 2 children had both NTM and M. tuberculosis isolated. The most common species were Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) (29%), M. tuberculosis (18.5%), M. abscessus (13%), M. fortuitum (11.7%), and M. chelonae-abscessus (9.9%). TB was the most common organism isolated from respiratory specimens. MAC and M. simiae were significantly more likely to be associated with lymphadenopathy than other NTM species (p < 0.001). Mycobacterium fortuitum was significantly more likely to be associated with soft tissue infections than other NTM species (p < 0.001). Seventy-five children met criteria for NTM disease (30 lymphadenopathy, 17 pulmonary, 17 soft tissue infections, 11 bacteremia). Children with NTM lymphadenopathy were more likely to be Hispanic (OR 24, CI 2.8-1063), younger (3.3 years vs. 10.6 years, p < 0.001), and previously healthy (OR 0.004, CI 0-0.06) than children with NTM pulmonary disease. Children with NTM disease were less likely to be previously healthy (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.09-0.88) and foreign-born (OR 0.09, CI 0.03-0.29) than children with TB.^ Conclusions. Children with NTM lymphadenopathy were younger and more likely to be healthy than children with NTM pulmonary disease. Tuberculosis comprised a large proportion of mycobacterial disease in this series. Children with NTM pulmonary disease were less likely to be previously healthy and born abroad when compared to children with TB. There was wide variation in antimicrobial susceptibility patterns among NTM species. This, together with the large percentage of disease caused by TB, emphasizes the importance of securing a specific microbiologic diagnosis in children with pulmonary or lymph node disease caused by mycobacteria.^