996 resultados para ABLATION TECHNIQUES


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW This article summarizes current understanding of the arrhythmia substrate and effect of catheter ablation for infarct-related ventricular tachycardia, focusing on recent findings. RECENT FINDINGS Clinical studies support the use of catheter ablation earlier in the course of ischemic disease with moderate success in reducing arrhythmia recurrence and shocks from implantable defibrillators, although mortality remains unchanged. Ablation can be lifesaving for patients presenting with electrical storm. Advanced mapping systems with image integration facilitate identification of potential substrate, and several different approaches to manage hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia have emerged. Novel ablation techniques that allow deeper lesion formation are in development. SUMMARY Catheter ablation is an important therapeutic option for preventing or reducing episodes of ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Present technologies allow successful ablation in the majority of patients, even when the arrhythmia is hemodynamically unstable. Failure of the procedure is often because of anatomic challenges that will hopefully be addressed with technological progress.


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BACKGROUND Ventricular tachycardia (VT) refractory to antiarrhythmic drugs and standard percutaneous catheter ablation techniques portends a poor prognosis. We characterized the reasons for ablation failure and describe alternative interventional procedures in this high-risk group. METHODS AND RESULTS Sixty-seven patients with VT refractory to 4±2 antiarrhythmic drugs and 2±1 previous endocardial/epicardial catheter ablation attempts underwent transcoronary ethanol ablation, surgical epicardial window (Epi-window), or surgical cryoablation (OR-Cryo; age, 62±11 years; VT storm in 52%). Failure of endo/epicardial ablation attempts was because of VT of intramural origin (35 patients), nonendocardial origin with prohibitive epicardial access because of pericardial adhesions (16), and anatomic barriers to ablation (8). In 8 patients, VT was of nonendocardial origin with a coexisting condition also requiring cardiac surgery. Transcoronary ethanol ablation alone was attempted in 37 patients, OR-Cryo alone in 21 patients, and a combination of transcoronary ethanol ablation and OR-Cryo (5 patients), or transcoronary ethanol ablation and Epi-window (4 patients), in the remainder. Overall, alternative interventional procedures abolished ≥1 inducible VT and terminated storm in 69% and 74% of patients, respectively, although 25% of patients had at least 1 complication. By 6 months post procedures, there was a significant reduction in defibrillator shocks (from a median of 8 per month to 1; P<0.001) and antiarrhythmic drug requirement although 55% of patients had at least 1 VT recurrence, and mortality was 17%. CONCLUSIONS A collaborative strategy of alternative interventional procedures offers the possibility of achieving arrhythmia control in high-risk patients with VT that is otherwise uncontrollable with antiarrhythmic drugs and standard percutaneous catheter ablation techniques.


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The rapid development of interventional procedures for the treatment of arrhythmias in humans, especially the use of catheter ablation techniques, has renewed interest in cardiac anatomy. Although the substrates of atrial fibrillation (AF), its initiation and maintenance, remain to be fully elucidated, catheter ablation in the left atrium (LA) has become a common therapeutic option for patients with this arrhythmia. Using ablation catheters, various isolation lines and focal targets are created, the majority of which are based on gross anatomical, electroanatomical, and myoarchitectual patterns of the left atrial wall. Our aim was therefore to review the gross morphological and architectural features of the LA and their relations to extracardiac structures. The latter have also become relevant because extracardiac complications of AF ablation can occur, due to injuries to the phrenic and vagal plexus nerves, adjacent coronary arteries, or the esophageal wall causing devastating consequences.


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A maioria dos pacientes que apresentam metástases hepáticas colorretais (MHCR) não são elegíveis para ressecção. Por isso, outras técnicas para se alcançar o controle locorregional da doença têm sido utilizadas. A Ablação por Radiofrequência (ARF) hepática tem sido empregada frequentemente para o tratamento desta condição devido às boas taxas de resposta, principalmente quando associada ao emprego de quimioterápicos modernos. Apesar da caracterização das MHCR no pré-operatório estar bem estabelecida, os parâmetros de ressonância magnética (RM) após ARF no período pós-cirúrgico requerem maior padronização objetiva. O coeficiente de difusão aparente de água (CDA) tem sido usado na RM como um parâmetro de isquemia e necrose. Entretanto, não está ainda bem definido seu papel e das imagens ponderadas de difusão (DWI) na avaliação da necrose coagulativa gerada pela ARF, especificamente em pacientes com MHCR. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar o espectro de mudança em RM funcional após a ARF de MHCR. Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo entre 2001 e 2006, avaliando 51 pacientes que foram submetidos à ARF por MHCR no Hospital Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, EUA) dos quais 16 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Os critérios de inclusão foram: (1) apresentar MHCR tratada cirurgicamente com intenção curativa por ARF guiados por ultrassom per-operatório, e (2) ter uma RM anterior e imediatamente após a cirurgia (até 10 dias). As imagens de RMs antes e após a ablação hepática para MCHR foram identificadas e revistas. As imagens de RM de difusão e captação de contraste foram feitas numa unidade de 1.5 T. Imagens em T2 e T1 foram realizadas na presença e ausência de contraste venoso. Todos os exames tiveram a espessura de 4 a 6 mm e um intervalo de 2 mm, apresentando um angulo de rotação de 150. O índice de difusão foi determinado com um b-valor (intensidade do gradiente de difusão) de 500 seg/mm2. As análises de parâmetros para avaliar e comparar o pré e pós ARF através da RM funcional incluiram: (1) valores do mapa de CDA, (2) captação de contraste, (3) difusão e (4) mudança no tamanho da lesão. Em adição, a sobrevida mediana global e tempo para recorrência local foram calculados. As imagens foram avaliadas por um consenso de dois radiologistas/cirurgiões. Foram avaliados no total 65 lesões, com tamanho médio pré-ablação de 1,7 cm. Após ablação o tamanho médio da lesão aumentou para 3,5 cm (p<0,001). A captação de contraste nas fases arterial e venosa diminuíram significativamente após ARF (diminuição média 10% e 17,5%, respectivamente, p = 0,002 e <0,001). O valor médio do mapa de CDA da lesão foi de 2.79 x 10-3 mm2/seg pré-ARF, e após ARF diminui em média para 1.75 x 10-3 mm2/seg (p<0.001). A sobrevida mediana global foi de 34,7 meses. A ressonância magnética funcional através da captação de contraste e difusão pode prover uma estimativa subjetiva e objetiva da necrose coagulativa tissular e da desidratação celular na área ablada por radiofrequência. Quando combinada ao aumento no tamanho do tumor, podem atuar como um marcador adicional de resposta tumoral.


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These guidelines provide a practical and evidence-based resource for the management of patients with Barrett's oesophagus and related early neoplasia. The Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) instrument was followed to provide a methodological strategy for the guideline development. A systematic review of the literature was performed for English language articles published up until December 2012 in order to address controversial issues in Barrett's oesophagus including definition, screening and diagnosis, surveillance, pathological grading for dysplasia, management of dysplasia, and early cancer including training requirements. The rigour and quality of the studies was evaluated using the SIGN checklist system. Recommendations on each topic were scored by each author using a five-tier system (A+, strong agreement, to D+, strongly disagree). Statements that failed to reach substantial agreement among authors, defined as >80% agreement (A or A+), were revisited and modified until substantial agreement (>80%) was reached. In formulating these guidelines, we took into consideration benefits and risks for the population and national health system, as well as patient perspectives. For the first time, we have suggested stratification of patients according to their estimated cancer risk based on clinical and histopathological criteria. In order to improve communication between clinicians, we recommend the use of minimum datasets for reporting endoscopic and pathological findings. We advocate endoscopic therapy for high-grade dysplasia and early cancer, which should be performed in high-volume centres. We hope that these guidelines will standardise and improve management for patients with Barrett's oesophagus and related neoplasia.


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Introducción y objetivos: El conocimiento de la anatomía de las venas pulmonares y de la aurícula izquierda es fundamental para la planeación y prevención de posibles complicaciones durante la ablación de las venas pulmonares, procedimiento realizado para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular. Este estudio pretende caracterizar la anatomía (tamaño y forma) de las venas pulmonares y determinar las variantes anatómicas más comunes de las mismas. Métodos: Se analizaron 277 estudios de angioresonancia tridimensional y tomografía computarizada realizados previo al procedimiento de aislamiento de venas pulmonares. Se evaluaron los diámetros de la aurícula izquierda, de los ostia de las venas pulmonares y se determinaron la presencia de venas pulmonares comunes, accesorias y ramificaciones tempranas. Resultados: 75% de nuestros pacientes presentaron la anatomía normal de dos venas pulmonares derechas y dos izquierdas. En un 10,1% de los casos se encontraron venas supernumerarias y en un 11,2% se encontró un tronco común. En un 61% de los pacientes se encontraron ramas ostiales, las cuales en un 39,4% de los casos se presentaron en la vena pulmonar inferior derecha. Conclusiones: La evaluación de la morfología de la aurícula derecha y las venas pulmonares por medio de angioresonancia o tomografía computarizada, es necesaria para la realización de ablación por radiofrecuencia dada la alta frecuencia de variantes anatómicas y presencia de ramas ostiales.


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, using a biomechanical test, the force needed to remove implants with surface modification by laser (Nd:YAG) in comparison with implants with machined surfaces. Twenty-four rabbits received one implant with each surface treatment in the tibia, machined surface (MS) and laser-modified surface (LMS). After 4, 8 and 12 weeks of healing, the removal torque was measured by a torque gauge. The surfaces studied were analyzed according to their topography, chemical composition and roughness. The average removal torque in each period was 23.28, 24.0 and 33.85 Ncm for MS, and 33.0, 39.87 and 54.57 Ncm for LMS, respectively. The difference between the surfaces in all periods of evaluation was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Surface characterization showed that a deep and regular topography was provided by the laser conditioning, with a great quantity of oxygen ions when compared to the MS. The surface micro-topography analysis showed a statistical difference (p < 0.01) between the roughness of the LMS (R a = 1.38 ± 0.23 μm) when compared to that of the MS (R a = 0.33 ± 0.06 μm). Based on these results, it was possible to conclude that the LMS implants' physical-chemical properties increased bone-implant interaction when compared to the MS implants. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Die qualitative und quantitative Analyse von Biomolekülen hat in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Durch das Aufkommen und die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung neuer Separations- und Detektionsmethoden und deren Verbindung miteinander zu leistungsfähigen Einheiten, erlangte man Schritt für Schritt neue Erkenntnisse bei ihrer Untersuchung. Die Elementmassenspektrometrie als nachweisstarke Detektionsmethode wird von vielen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgruppen bei der Trennung und Quantifizierung von Proteinen und Metalloproteinen mittels Detektion der in den Biomolekülen vorkommenden Metalle und Heteroatome angewendet. Heteroatome (z.B. Schwefel, Phosphor) haben im Plasma des ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometer) schlechte Ionisationseigenschaften und dementsprechend deutlich höhere Nachweisgrenzen als Metalle. Ein Ansatz, schlecht oder nicht detektierbare Verbindungen (also solche, die keine Metalle oder Heteroatome enthalten) mit dem ICP-MS sichtbar zu machen, ist die Markierung der selbigen mit Metallionen oder -cluster. rnIn dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen, der Analyse ganz unterschiedlicher Substanzklassen, zum einen metallische Nanopartikel und zum anderen Proteine, neue Impulse zu geben und zukünftiges Potential bei der Anwendung gekoppelter Techniken zur Separation und Detektion aufzuzeigen. Durch die Verwendung einer alten, aber neu konzipierten Trenntechnik, der Gelelektrophorese (GE), und deren Kopplung an einen modernen Detektor, dem ICP-MS, kann die für die Proteinanalytik weit verbreitete Gelelektrophorese ihr enormes Potential bei der Trennung verschiedenster Verbindungsklassen mit der exzellenten Nachweisstärke und Elementspezifität des ICP-MS verbinden und dadurch mit deutlich weniger Arbeitsaufwand als bisher qualitative und auch quantitative Ergebnisse produzieren. Bisher war dies nur mit großem präparativem Aufwand unter Verwendung der laser ablation möglich. Bei der Analyse von Nanopartikeln konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass durch die GE-ICP-MS-Kopplung aufgrund der guten Trenneigenschaften der GE vorhandene Spezies bzw. Fraktionen voneinander separiert werden und mit Hilfe des ICP-MS Informationen auf atomarem Niveau gewonnen werden können. Es war möglich, das atomare Verhältnis der Metallatome im Kern und der Schwefelatome in der Ligandenhülle eines Nanopartikels zu bestimmen und damit die Größe des Partikels abzuschätzen. Auch konnte die Anzahl der Goldatome in einem dem Schmid-Cluster ähnlichen Nanopartikel bestimmt werden, was vorher nur mit Hilfe von MALDI-TOF möglich war. Bei der Analyse von Biomolekülen konnte auf einfache Weise der Phosphorylierungsgrad verschiedener Proteine bestimmt werden. Auch bei kleinen Molekülen erzielt die Gelelektrophorese ausgezeichnete Trennergebnisse, wie z. B. bei der Analyse verschiedener Brom- und Iodspezies.rnDie stöchiometrische Kopplung eines Proteins an einen Nanopartikel, ohne eine der beiden Verbindungen in einem größeren Maße zu verändern, stellte jedoch eine Herausforderung dar, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht vollständig gelöst werden konnte. Verschiedene Ansätze zur Kopplung der beiden Substanzen wurden erprobt, jedoch führte keine zu dem gewünschten Ergebnis einer stöchiometrisch vollständigen und spezifischen Modifikation eines Proteins mit einem Nanopartikel. Durch das Potential der GE-ICP-MS-Kopplung bei der Analyse beider Substanz-klassen und dem Beweis der Praktikabilität und Zuverlässigkeit der Methode ist jedoch der Grundstein für weitere Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet gelegt worden. Ist eine geeignete chemische Kopplung der beiden Substanzklassen gefunden und beherrscht, steht auf analytischer Seite eine leistungsstarke Kombination aus Trennung und Detektion zur Verfügung, um die Quantifizierung von Proteinen entscheidend zu verbessern.rn


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This thesis has focused on three key areas of interest for femtosecond micromachining and inscription. The first area is micromachining where the work has focused on the ability to process highly repeatable, high precision machining with often extremely complex geometrical structures with little or no damage. High aspect ratio features have been demonstrated in transparent materials, metals and ceramics. Etch depth control was demonstrated especially in the work on phase mask fabrication. Practical chemical sensing and microfluidic devices were also fabricated to demonstrate the capability of the techniques developed during this work. The second area is femtosecond inscription. Here, the work has utilised the non-linear absorption mechanisms associated with femtosecond pulse-material interactions to create highly localised refractive index changes in transparent materials to create complex 3D structures. The techniques employed were then utilised in the fabrication of Phase masks and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) phantom calibration artefacts both of which show the potential to fill voids in the development of the fields. This especially the case for the OCT phantoms where there exists no previous artefacts of known shape, allowing for the initial specification of parameters associated with the quality of OCT machines that are being taken up across the world in industry and research. Finally the third area of focus was the combination of all of the techniques developed through work in planar samples to create a range of artefacts in optical fibres. The development of techniques and methods for compensating for the geometrical complexities associated with working with the cylindrical samples with varying refractive indices allowed for fundamental inscription parameters to be examined, structures for use as power monitors and polarisers with the optical fibres and finally the combination of femtosecond inscription and ablation techniques to create a magnetic field sensor with an optical fibre coated in Terfenol-D with directional capability. Through the development of understanding, practical techniques and equipment the work presented here demonstrates several novel pieces of research in the field of femtosecond micromachining and inscription that has provided a broad range of related fields with practical devices that were previously unavailable or that would take great cost and time to facilitate.


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The establishment of radiofrequency catheter ablation techniques as the mainstay in the treatment of tachycardia has renewed new interest in cardiac anatomy. The interventional arrhythmologist has drawn attention not only to the gross anatomic details of the heart but also to architectural and histological characteristics of various cardiac regions that are relevant to the development or recurrence of tachyarrhythmias and procedural related complications of catheter ablation. In this review, therefore, we discuss some anatomic landmarks commonly used in catheter ablations including the terminal crest, sinus node region, Koch’s triangle, cavotricuspid isthmus, Eustachian ridge and valve, pulmonary venous orifices, venoatrial junctions, and ventricular outflow tracts. We also discuss the anatomical features of important structures in the vicinity of the atria and pulmonary veins, such as the esophagus and phrenic nerves. This paper provides basic anatomic information to improve understanding of the mapping and ablative procedures for cardiac interventional electrophysiologists.


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In the Himalayas, a large area is covered by glaciers and seasonal snow and changes in its extent can influence availability of water in the Himalayan Rivers. In this paper, changes in glacial extent, glacial mass balance and seasonal snow cover are discussed. Glacial retreat was estimated for 1868 glaciers in 11 basins distributed in the Indian Himalaya since 1962. The investigation has shown an overall reduction in glacier area from 6332 to 5329km2 from 1962 to 2001/2 - an overall deglaciation of 16%. Snow line at the end of ablation season on the Chhota Shigri glacier observed using field and satellite methods suggests a change in altitude from 4900 to 5200m from the late 1970s to present. Seasonal snow cover was monitored in the 28 river sub-basins using normalized difference snow index (NDSI) technique in Central and Western Himalaya. The investigation has shown that in the early part of winter, i.e. from October to December, a large amount of snow retreat was observed. For many basins located in lower altitude and in the south of the Pir Panjal range, snow ablation was observed throughout the winter season. In addition, average stream runoff of the Baspa basin for the month of December increased by 75%. This combination of glacial retreat, negative mass balance, early melting of seasonal snow cover and winter-time increase in stream runoff might suggest an influence of global warming on the Himalayan cryosphere.


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In the Himalayas, large area is covered by glaciers, seasonal snow and changes in its extent can influence availability of water in the Himalayan Rivers. In this paper, changes in glacial extent, glacial mass balance and seasonal snow cover have been discussed. Field and satellite based investigations suggest, most of the Himalayan glaciers are retreating though the rate of retreat is varying from glacier to glacier, ranging from few meters to almost 50 meters per year, depending upon the numerous glacial, terrain and meteorological parameters. Retreat was estimated for 1868 glaciers in eleven basins distributed across the Indian Himalaya since 1962 to 2001/02. Estimates show an overall reduction in glacier area from 6332 to 5329 sq km, an overall deglaciation of 16 percent.Snow line at the end of ablation season on the Chhota Shigri glacier suggests a change in altitude from 4900 to 5200 m from late 1970’s to the present. Seasonal snow cover monitoring of the Himalaya has shown large amounts of snow cover depletion in early part of winter, i.e. from October to December. For many basins located in lower altitude and in south of Pir Panjal range, snow ablation was observed through out the winter season. In addition, average stream runoff of the Baspa basin during the month of December shows an increase by 75 per cent. This combination of glacial retreat, negative mass balance, early melting of seasonal snow cover and winter time increase in stream runoff suggest an influence of climate change on the Himalayan cryosphere.