36 resultados para AAF
Aims: To compare different methods for identifying alcohol involvement in injury-related emergency department presentation in Queensland youth, and to explore the alcohol terminology used in triage text. Methods: Emergency Department Information System data were provided for patients aged 12-24 years with an injury-related diagnosis code for a 5 year period 2006-2010 presenting to a Queensland emergency department (N=348895). Three approaches were used to estimate alcohol involvement: 1) analysis of coded data, 2) mining of triage text, and 3) estimation using an adaptation of alcohol attributable fractions (AAF). Cases were identified as ‘alcohol-involved’ by code and text, as well as AAF weighted. Results: Around 6.4% of these injury presentations overall had some documentation of alcohol involvement, with higher proportions of alcohol involvement documented for 18-24 year olds, females, indigenous youth, where presentations occurred on a Saturday or Sunday, and where presentations occurred between midnight and 5am. The most common alcohol terms identified for all subgroups were generic alcohol terms (eg. ETOH or alcohol) with almost half of the cases where alcohol involvement was documented having a generic alcohol term recorded in the triage text. Conclusions: Emergency department data is a useful source of information for identification of high risk sub-groups to target intervention opportunities, though it is not a reliable source of data for incidence or trend estimation in its current unstandardised form. Improving the accuracy and consistency of identification, documenting and coding of alcohol-involvement at the point of data capture in the emergency department is the most desirable long term approach to produce a more solid evidence base to support policy and practice in this field.
To accurately assess the impact of anthropogenic aerosols on climate, spatial and temporal distribution of its radiative properties is essential. The first step towards separating the radiative impact of natural aerosol from its anthropogenic counterparts is to gather information on natural aerosols. In this paper, we have used data from multiple satellites to derive the anthropogenic aerosol fraction (AAF) over the Afro-Asian region. The AAF was largest during the pre-monsoon season (May-June) and lowest during winter. We have shown that over desert locations the AAF was unexpectedly large (>0.4) and the regionally (and annually) averaged anthropogenic fraction over the Afro-Asian region was 0.54 +/- 0.12. Copyright (C) 2010 Royal Meteorological Society
O presente trabalho avalia o uso de dois emoticons (pequenos ícones que supostamente denotam emoções) no universo virtual, particularmente em Mensagens Instantâneas (MI) de interações ocorridas no MSN. O trabalho conta como sujeitos com um grupo de 67 indivíduos entre 17 e 23 anos residentes do Rio de Janeiro que pertencem ao mesmo nível social e não possuem nenhuma diferença hierárquica. As interações foram transformadas em txt e tratadas através da ferramenta Wordsmith 5.0 (Scott, 2008) para organizá-las, quantificá-las e prepará-las para análise. Após separadas as linhas com emoticons, essas foram classificadas de acordo com a Teoria da Polidez com vistas a verificar se o emoticon teria função polida no discurso e se poderia mitigar um AAF (Ato Ameaçador de Face). Lançou-se mão também do conceito de atos de fala para explicar aqueles emoticons que a Teoria da Polidez não deu conta. A pesquisa ocorreu com material autêntico doado pelos participantes e coletado ao longo do ano de 2011. O presente trabalho levantou dados de como os emoticons eram usados, por quem, e qual sua frequência e preferência, inclusive por parte de gênero. Os resultados apontam para uma restrição da aplicação da Teoria da Polidez para explicar os emoticons: esses parecem desempenhar múltiplas funções além daquelas de polidez e mitigação. Apontam também para uma preferência por parte de cada sexo por uma função específica para os emoticons investigados
Introdução e Objectivo: A presença de anticorpos antifosfolípidos (AAF) está associada a perdas embrionárias e fetais e a outras complicações obstétricas como pré-eclâmpsia, restrição de crescimento intra-uterino e parto pré-termo. Os doentes com lúpus eritematoso sistémico (LES) com frequência possuem AAF e síndroma antifosfolípidica (SAAF) secundária. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar comparativamente o prognóstico da gravidez em mulheres com LES na presença e na ausência de AAF. Material e Métodos:Avaliação retrospectiva de 136 gestações em mulheres com diagnóstico prévio de LES cujo seguimento foi realizado na nossa instituição entre 1993 e 2007. As grávidas com e sem AAF foram consideradas separadamente. Dados relativos a idade materna, história obstétrica passada, actividade do LES no início da gravidez, existência de nefropatia, evolução da gravidez actual, idade gestacional no parto, tipo de parto, peso do recém-nascido e a existência de complicações hipertensivas na gravidez foram analisados. Resultados: 28% (38) das grávidas com LES apresentavam AAF. Deste grupo, 28,9% tinham história de perdas fetais do segundo e/ou terceiro trimestre, em oposição a 6,12% nas doentes sem AAF(p<0,05). A avaliação da actual gravidez demonstrou uma taxa de insucesso na gravidez significativamente mais elevada na população com AAF(8,1% versus 2,1%, p<0,05). Não se verificaram diferenças significativas no peso médio do recém-nascido e na taxa de restrição intra-uterina em função da presença de AAF. A idade gestacional media no parto foi de 36,9 semanas em ambos os grupos com uma taxa idêntica de parto pré-termo. O parto ocorreu por cesariana em 47% das doentes com AAF e em 44,1% das doentes sem AAF. Conclusões:Os antecedentes obstétricos de perda fetal do 2º e 3º trimestre e a probabilidade de aborto espontâneo são mais frequentes em grávidas com LES e AAF. Nos restantes parâmetros analisados não se verificaram diferenças significativas em função da presença de AAF.
L’effet de la disponibilité des AAF sur le taux d’homicide est un sujet qui n’a jamais su faire consensus au sein du corpus scientifique. En tenant compte des réalités canadiennes relatives à l’utilisation d’une arme à feu dans les homicides, la présente étude évaluera la relation entre la disponibilité des armes à feu et le taux d’homicide au Canada, par le biais de séries chronologiques simples et multiples. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de la recherche proviennent de l’Enquête sur l’homicide effectuée par Statistiques Canada, du programme de la déclaration uniforme de la criminalité (DUC), des catalogues Juristats et des catalogues produits par Statistiques Canada sur les causes de décès au pays. Globalement, des relations positives et significatives sont observées entre les deux phénomènes au temps t. Au temps t-1 et t-2, des relations négatives sont observées entre la disponibilité des armes à feu et le taux d’homicide, tandis que des relations positives sont constatées entre le taux d’homicides et la disponibilité des armes à feu. Les résultats confirment que le taux d’homicide et la disponibilité des armes à feu sont des phénomènes qui s’influencent mutuellement dans le temps. En raison du niveau d’agrégation des données, il n’est pas possible de départager l’influence respective des deux phénomènes. Les résultats soutiennent toutefois davantage les thèses de l’autoprotection et de l’autodéfense. Enfin, les résultats montrent l’importance de développer des indices de disponibilité propres aux deux types d’armes à feu impliqués dans les homicides au Canada.
El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico y Síndrome Antifosfolípido son condiciones que asociadas al embarazo aumentan el riesgo de eventos trombóticos, hasta en un 40%. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura para identificar la mejor evidencia relacionada con eventos trombóticos obstétricos no neurológicos en un periodo de 10 años; con lectura crítica de la totalidad de artículos encontrados. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 1340 artículos, de los cuales 7 y 14 artículos respectivamente para LES y SAAF cumplieron criterios para su selección. La evidencia fue en su mayoría nivel III. El LES muestra una tendencia como factor de riesgo para ETV (OR 8,05 IC95% 0,23 – 276), al igual que el SAAF pero con mayor peso estadístico (OR 23.9 IC95% 5,12- 111). Discusión: No se encuentra evidencia en la literatura que caracterice integralmente los eventos trombóticos venosos en las pacientes obstétricas con SAAF y LES. Las gestantes con SAAF presentan mayor riesgo para eventos trombóticosque las pacientes con LES pese a ser mayor que en la población general. Esta tendencia se asoció con AAF altos positivos, triple positividad para AAF, ANA- positivo y LES asociado a SAAF, con resultados marcados durante el puerperio, e influencia en resultados obstétricos relacionada con variables inmunológicas (títulos AAF altos positivos y positividad para ACL, AL, B2GP), edad y antecedentes trombóticos. Conclusión: Existe mayor riesgo de presentar ETV en pacientes obstétricas con SAAF más que con LES, con una tendencia protrombóticasignificativa en el puerperio.
A first-of-a-kind, extended-term cloud aircraft campaign was conducted to obtain an in-situ statistical characterization of continental boundary-layer clouds needed to investigate cloud processes and refine retrieval algorithms. Coordinated by the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Aerial Facility (AAF), the Routine AAF Clouds with Low Optical Water Depths (CLOWD) Optical Radiative Observations (RACORO) field campaign operated over the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site from 22 January to 30 June 2009, collecting 260 h of data during 59 research flights. A comprehensive payload aboard the Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies (CIRPAS) Twin Otter aircraft measured cloud microphysics, solar and thermal radiation, physical aerosol properties, and atmospheric state parameters. Proximity to the SGP's extensive complement of surface measurements provides ancillary data that supports modeling studies and facilitates evaluation of a variety of surface retrieval algorithms. The five-month duration enabled sampling a range of conditions associated with the seasonal transition from winter to summer. Although about two-thirds of the cloud flights occurred in May and June, boundary-layer cloud fields were sampled under a variety of environmental and aerosol conditions, with about 77% of the flights occurring in cumulus and stratocumulus. Preliminary analyses illustrate use of these data to analyze cloud-aerosol relationships, characterize the horizontal variability of cloud radiative impacts, and evaluate surface-based retrievals. We discuss how an extended-term campaign requires a simplified operating paradigm that is different from that used for typical, short-term, intensive aircraft field programs.
Natural killer (NK) cell activity was evaluated after the initiation and promotion steps in a medium-term multi-organ bioassay for carcinogenesis. NK cell activity was assessed in vitro by Cr-51 release assay at the 4th and 30th weeks of the experiment. Male Wistar rats were sequentially initiated with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN i.p.), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN drinking water), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU i.p.), dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine (DHPN drinking water) and N,N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH s.c.) at subcarcinogenic doses for 4 weeks (DMBDD initiation). One group was evaluated at the 4th week and the other was maintained without any further treatment until the 30th week. Two initiated groups were exposed through the diet to 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) or phenobarbital (PB), from the 6th until the 30th week, Five additional groups were studied to evaluate the effects of each initiator on NK activity. All groups submitted to initiation only, initiation plus promotion, or promotion only, developed significantly more preneoplastic lesions than the untreated control group. The main target organs for tumor development in the initiated animals n ere the liver and the colon, irrespective of treatment with 2-AAF or PB. NK cell activity was not affected bal exposure to genotoxic carcinogens after initiation, at the 4th week. Treatments only with PB or 2-AAF did not change NK cell activity, However, decreased NK cell activity was registered in the group only initiated with DMBDD and in the group given DMBDD+2-AAF. This late depression of NK cell activity at the 30th week could be related to the production of suppressing molecules by the tumor cells.
A variety of chemicals can adversely affect the immune system and influence tumor development. The modifying potential of chemical carcinogens on the lymphoid organs and cytokine production of rats submitted to a medium-term initiation-promotion bioassay for carcinogenesis was investigated. Male Wistar rats were sequentially initiated with N-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), N-butyl-N-(4hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN), dihydroxy-di-n-propylnitrosamine (DHPN), and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) during 4 weeks. Two initiated groups received phenobarbital (PB) or 2-acetyl amino fluorene (2-AAF) for 25 weeks and two noninitiated groups received only PB or 2-AAF. A nontreated group was used as control. Lymphohematopoietic organs, liver, kidneys, lung, intestines, and Zymbal's gland were removed for histological analysis. Interleukin (IL)-2, IL-12, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-10, and transforming growth factor betal (TGF-beta1) levels were determined by ELISA in spleen cell culture supernatants. At the fourth week, exposure to the initiating carcinogens resulted in cell depletion of the thymus, spleen and bone marrow, and impairment of IL-2, IL-12, and IFN-gamma production. However, at the 30th week, no important alterations were observed both in lymphoid organs and cytokine production in the different groups. The results indicate that the initiating carcinogens used in the present protocol exert toxic effects on the lymphoid organs and affect the production of cytokines at the initiation step of carcinogenesis. This early and reversible depression of the immune surveillance may contribute to the survival of initiated cells facilitating the development of future neoplasia. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The lymphoproliferative response and T lymphocyte subsets were evaluated at different stages of carcinogenesis in male Wistar, rats sequentially initiated with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN), N-butyl-N-4(hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine (DHPN) and N,N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) (DMBDD initiation). One group was evaluated at the 4th week and other initiated group at the 30th week. Two initiated groups were also exposed through diet to 7-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) or phenobarbital (PB), from the 6th until the 30th week. Two groups received only 2-AAF or PB until the 30th week. Five groups were studied to evaluate the effects of each initiator. The lymphoproliferative response was induced in vitro by concanavalin A and the percentage of T lymphocyte subsets was determined by flow cytometry, All groups submitted to initiation only, initiation plus promotion, or promotion only, developed significantly more preneoplastic: lesions than the untreated control group. The main target organs for tumor development were the liver, colon, urinary bladder, kidneys and Zymbal glands, mainly in the group treated with DMBDD + 2-AAF, There were no alterations of the lymphoproliferative response and of the T lymphocyte subsets percentage in the DMBDD-treated group at the 4th and 30th weeks. At the 30th week, the T lymphocyte subsets percentage was also not affected in the initiated groups after treatments with 2-AAF or PB. The lymphoproliferative response, however, was decreased in the DMBDD + 2-AAF group and in the groups treated only with 2-AAF or PB, the present results indicate that the initiating chemicals used in the DMBDD initiation protocol do not exert any influence on the immune system. The alteration of lymphoproliferative response induced at the advanced stage of carcinogenesis without alteration of T lymphocyte subsets may indicate that the influence of 2-AAF and PB on the immune system is functional and not toxic. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The chronic ethanol intake influence on the gluthatione S-transferase (GST-P) and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) expression in remodeling/persistent preneoplastic lesions (PNLs) was evaluated in the resistant hepatocyte model. Male Wistar rats were allocated into five groups: G1, non-treated, fed water and chow ad libitum; G2, non-treated and pair-fed chow (restricted to match that of G3 group) and a maltodextrin (MD) solution in tap water (matched ethanol-derived calories); G3, fed 5% ethanol in drinking water and chow ad libitum; G4, diethylnitrosamine (DEN, 200 mg/kg, body weight) plus 200 parts per million of 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) for 3 weeks and pair-fed chow (restricted to match that of G5 group) and an MD solution in tap water (matched ethanol-derived calories); G5, DEN/2-AAF treatment, fed ethanol 5% and chow ad libitum. All animals were subjected to 70% partial hepatectomy at week 3 and sacrificed at weeks 12 or 22, respectively. Liver samples were collected for histological analysis or immunohistochemical expression of GST-P, TGF-alpha and proliferating cell nuclear antigen or zymography for matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9. At the end of ethanol treatment, there was a significant increase in the percentage of liver area occupied by persistent GST-P-positive PNLs, the number of TGF-alpha-positive PNLs and the development of liver tumors in ethanol-fed and DEN/2-AAF-treated groups (G5 versus G4, P < 0.001). In addition, ethanol feeding led to a significant increase in cell proliferation mainly in remodeling and persistent PNLs with immunoreactivity for TGF-alpha at week 22 (P < 0.001). Gelatinase activities were not altered by ethanol treatment. The results demonstrated that ethanol enhances the selective growth of PNL with double expression of TGF-alpha and GST-P markers.
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are autoantibodies against enzymes present in primary granules of neutrophils and lysosomes of monocytes detected in systemic vasculitis and in other diseases, including infections, ANCA are markers of active Wegener granulomatosis, which presents some anatomo-pathologic and immune response features similar to those of leprosy. Thus, we raised the hypothesis that ANCA may be present in leprosy as markers specifically linked to the presence of vasculitis. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of ANCA in leprosy and its correlation with the clinical forms of the disease. Sera from 60 normal individuals and from 59 patients with different clinical forms of leprosy were studied. The patients were also allocated into reactional and nonreactional groups. By indirect immunofluorescence, ANCA were positive, an atypical pattern A-ANCA, in 28.8% of the patient sera. A-ANCA predominated, although not significantly (p >0,05), in the reactional groups (37.9% vs 20.0%), and in those at the lepromatous pole (41.6% vs 20.0%). There was no correlation between ANCA positivity and either disease duration, disease activity, or therapeutic regimen (p >0.05), An interesting finding was the correlation between ANCA and gender: 94.1% of ANCA-positive patients were males (p <0.01), a feature that so far has not been reported in ANCA-related diseases and for which there is no explanation at the moment. By ELISA, the sera of the lepromatous leprosy patients did not show activity against either PR3, MPO, HLE, the most common ANCA antigens. Because A-ANCA are nonspecific, this finding requires further investigation for the determination of the responsible antigen(s), in conclusion, A-ANCA are present in 28.8% of leprosy patients but are not related to vasculitis in the erythema nodosum leprosum reaction and are not a marker of a specific clinical form.