5 resultados para A2M
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Inconsistent matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) levels have been reported in hypertension, with higher, similar and lower MMPs levels reported in hypertensives compared with normotensives. Differences between studies may reflect lack of control of drug effects, accompanying diseases and pre-analytical issues. We compared MMP-2, MMP-8 and MMP-9 levels in 38 untreated hypertensive patients (with no other diseases) with those found in 33 normotensive controls. We also studied endogenous MMPs inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and alpha-2-macroglobulin-A2M). Additionally, we assessed MMPs and A2M levels in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. We hypothesized that similar MMPs/endogenous inhibitors` profiles would be found in this animal model of hypertension and in clinical hypertension. MMPs, TIMPs and A2M were measured in plasma samples with commercially available ELISA and gelatin zymography. We found unaltered MMP-2, MMP-8, TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and A2M levels in hypertension. However, hypertensives had higher MMP-9 levels and MMP-9/A2M ratios than normotensives. Moreover, while we found similar MMP-2 and A2M levels in SHR and WKY rats, we found higher MMP-9 levels and MMP-9/A2M ratios in SHR versus WKY rats. These findings show consistent abnormal net plasma MMP-9 (but not MMP-2) activity in clinical and experimental hypertension. These parallel alterations in clinical hypertension and in SHR suggest an important role for MMPs in hypertension. While MMPs may be a relevant pharmacological target, antihypertensive drugs that down-regulate MMPs may offer advantages in the management of this disease.
A sensitive method for quantifying mouse plasma alpha-macroglobulins (AM) using an inhibition ELISA is described. AM are important plasmaproteinase inhibitors that possibly act also as immunomodulatory molecules. The standard protocol develope in our experiments involves coating well with 10 µg/ml A2M in carbonate buffer, followed by incubation with a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of the plasma to be tested (diluted 1/1000) and goat anti-AM (diluted 1/1250). This is followed by further incubation, first with the enzyme-conjugated antibody and with the substrate prior to the reading of absorbance levels of the reaction products. Standard curve samples must be included in each plate, employing known amounts of the purified Murine Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (MuA2M) used for coating, with concentrations ranging from 0.001 to 10 µg/ml. Using test samples in triplicates and a 6-point standard curve in a single ELISA plate, 25 plasma samples can be tested accurately. The method offers an useful tool for establishing AM levelsin small samples of mouse plasma.
A metilação de ilhas CpG em regiões regulatórias de vários genes tem sido descrita como um processo importante no silenciamento de genes supressores de tumor e diretamente envolvida no processo de carcinogênese de uma série de tumores. O estudo desses genes afetados pela metilação em tumores visa à procura de marcadores moleculares para o diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento de tumores, e também a caracterização do seu papel no processo biológico do câncer. O nosso grupo de pesquisa participou de um Projeto Temático que visa a identificação de genes metilados em tumores de cabeça e pescoço (processo 03/09497-3) e foi então proposta a utilização do sistema de duplo-híbrido de levedura como ferramenta no início da análise funcional destes genes. Dessa maneira, utilizando como isca o gene CRABP2 identificado como diferencialmente metilado em câncer de cabeça e pescoço, foi realizado o rastreamento de duplo-híbrido para a identificação de interações físicas proteína-proteína. Foram rastreados aproximadamente 2,1x105 transformantes neste sistema, dos quais 550 foram inicialmente positivos para His+. Desses, 182 transformantes confirmaram a marca His+ e foram testados para -galactosidase. Em seguida, 19 foram selecionados para passar pela etapa do “plasmid linkage”. Após esse teste, 9 clones confirmaram a ligação dos marcadores His+ e β-gal+ com a presença do plasmídeo LEU2 . Assim, após o sequenciamento dos insertos contidos nos clones identificados, ciclina D3 (CCND3), alfa-macroglobulina 2 (A2M) (2 clones), canal aniônico dependente de voltagem 2 (VDAC2), tubulina alfa 1 (TUBA1), tubulina alfa 2 (TUBA2), tubulina beta (TUBB), fator de ligação ao “enhancer” do gene interleucina 2 (ILF2) e desoxi-hipusina sintase (DHPS) emergiram como ligantes de CRABP2
Let in even-dimensional a±nely connected space without a torsion A2m be given a composition Xm£Xm by the affinor a¯ ®. The affinor b¯ ®, determined with the help of the eigen-vectors of the matrix (a¯ ®), de¯nes the second composition Ym £ Y m. Conjugate compositions are introduced by the condition: the a±nors of any of both compositions transform the vectors from the one position of the composition, generated by the other a±nor, in the vectors from the another its position. It is proved that the compositions de¯ne by a±nors a¯ ® and b¯ ® are conjugate. It is proved also that if the composition Xm£Xm is Cartesian and composition Ym£Y m is Cartesian or chebyshevian, or geodesic than the space A2m is affine.