830 resultados para A. salina
Carotenoids prevent different degenerative diseases and improve human health. Microalgae are commercially exploited for carotenoids, including astaxanthin and β-carotene. Two commercially important microalgae, Dunaliella salina and Tetraselmis suecica, were treated with plant hormones salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (MJ), or by UV-C radiation (T. suecica only) and a combination thereof. Significant increases in total carotenoids were found for D. salina and T. suecica after treatment with MJ (10 μmol/L) and SA (70–250 μmol/L), respectively. T. suecica also had significant increases in total carotenoids following UV-C radiation compared to control cultures. Among the carotenoids, lutein was the highest induced carotenoid. A combination of these two treatments also showed a significant increase in total carotenoids and lutein for T. suecica, when compared to controls. Plant hormones and UV-C radiation may be useful tools for increasing carotenoid accumulation in green microalgae although the responses are species- and dose-specific and should be trialed in medium to large scale to explore commercial production.
El efecto de diferentes salinidades en la tasa metabólica de la artemia
在成功养殖杜氏盐藻(Dunaliella salina)的基础上,采用Takara cDNA库构建试剂盒,构建盐胁迫下(1.5 mol/L NaCl)杜氏盐藻的cDNA库.经鉴定,原始文库的滴度达1.2×106cfu/mL,重组率高达95%,且多数插入片段均在500 bp以上.对表达序列标签(expressed sequence tag,EST)分析发现,杜氏盐藻基因组中包含大量未鉴定的新基因.随机挑取60个单克隆进行序列测定,将所测序列经Blast比对等生物信息学方法分析后,发现其中三分之一,即20
Clinorotation experiments were established to simulate microgravity on ground. It was found that there were obvious changes of Dunaliella salina FACHB435 cells and their metabolic characteristics during clinorotation. The changes included the increases of glycerol content, the rate of H+ secretion and PM H+-ATPase activity, and the decrease of ratio of the plasma membrane (PM) phospholipid to PM protein. These results indicated that microgravity was a stress environment to Dunaliella salina. It is deduced that it would be possible to attribute the effect of microgravity on algal cells to the secondary activation of water stress.
The influence of diet on lipid and fatty acid composition of the brine shrimp Artemia salina nauplii was investigated. Various diets with different lipid composition and fatty acid profiles were fed to nauplii for 2 weeks. The lipid composition of microalgal diets, Isochrysis galbana, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Nannochloropsis oculata and baker's yeast was analyzed. Newly hatched nauplii were examined before the feeding experiment. It was shown that Artemia was able to incorporate and selectively concentrate some dietary lipids. Depot lipids were more sensitive to changes in the dietary lipid composition than the main structural lipids, polar lipids and sterols. Variations in the content of the lipid classes correlated with stage of development of the animal. The fatty acid composition of the animal varied with that of diet. The concentrations of saturated fatty acids were apparently supported in the nauplii by biosynthesis de novo. The acid 16:1(n-7) originated from the food. The concentration range of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) remained constant through the accumulation from the diet. The proportion of n-3 PUFAs varied with their level in the diet. The dynamics of alteration of 20:5(n-3) content in Artemia fed on Isochrysis, which is poor in this acid, suggested a limited capacity for elongation and desaturation of 18:3(n-3) to 20:5(n-3). None of the diets provided dietary input of 22:6(n-3). (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Two new urostylid ciliates, Metaurostylopsis songi n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis salina n. sp. and Metaurostylopsis marina (Kahl 1932) are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. These species were isolated in Korea from intertidal sediments, saline ponds, and coastal waters. Metaurostylopsis songi is in vivo about 120 pm x 25 mu m, has a slenderly ellipsoidal body, colorless cortical granules in rows on ventral and dorsal body sides, about 54 macronuclear nodules, 28-47 adoral membranelles, five frontal, two or three frontoterminal and six or seven transverse cirri, and 9-12 midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by 1-3 single cirri. In vivo M. salina is about 60 pin x 25 mu m, has a pyriform body, colorless cortical granules irregularly arranged, about 45 macronuclear nodules, 18-23 adoral membranelles, three frontal, three to five frontoterminal and two to five transverse cirri, and four or five midventral cirral pairs followed posteriorly by five to seven single cirri. Both species have three marginal cirral rows on each body side and 3 long dorsal kineties. The Korean specimens of M. marina match the Chinese population in all main features. Metaurostylopsis songi differs from M. marina by the more slender body, the number of frontal cirri (invariably five vs. four), and the arrangement of cortical granules (in rows on dorsal and ventral cortex vs. only along dorsal kinetics and anterior body margin). Metaurostylopsis salina differs from its congeners by the distinctly smaller size, the pyriform body shape, the scattered cortical granules (vs. in rows), and number of frontal cirri. It differs from M. marina also by the number of midventral cirral pairs (four or five vs. seven to 11).
Las marismas son ecosistemas de pastizal ubicados en la interfase marino-terrestre, regulados por procesos físicos relacionados con la posición relativa en el relieve y los movimientos de las mareas. En los últimos aos el corrimiento de la frontera agrícola llevó a la ganadería hacia estas áreas marginales, de alto valor intrínseco por brindar servicios ecosistémicos y ser sustento de una gran biodiversidad. El objetivo general de la tesis fue estudiar los efectos del pastoreo y las mareas sobre el suelo y la vegetación de estos ecosistemas en tres posiciones del gradiente topográfico: alto, medio y bajo. Se utilizó como sistema de estudio una marisma ubicada al sur de la Bahía de Samborombón. Se observó que el pastoreo (0.6 animales.ha-1) favoreció los procesos de compactación del suelo en todo el gradiente y aumentó la salinidad de las posiciones medias y bajas. Asimismo, modificó la composición florística en las posiciones altas y medias y disminuyó la calidad forrajera en todo el gradiente. Los cambios en la composición florística se debieron a una disminución en la cobertura de la especie dominante de la comunidad (Spartina densiflora) y de especies de alta calidad forrajera y un aumento de la cobertura de pastos rastreros y dicotiledóneas en la posición alta y de especies tolerantes a la salinidad en la posición media. A su vez, se encontraron poblaciones de la especie dominante S. densiflora localmente adaptadas a las posiciones altas y bajas en relación a la respuesta a ciclos diarios de inundación salina (simulando la marea). La población proveniente de la posición baja resultó más tolerante a la inundación salina al mantener una baja relación Na+/K+, retrasar la senescencia y mantener la elongación de sus láminas. En conjunto, los resultados encontrados aportan nuevos conocimientos sobre la estructura y funcionamiento de ecosistemas de marisma en relación a los principales disturbios que las afectan. En el aspecto práctico, la información generada servirá como base para plantear objetivos de manejo sustentables compatibles con objetivos de producción y conservación.
Microalgae have potential as a chemical feed stock in a range of industrial applications. Nannochloropsis salina was subject to EMS mutagenesis and the highest lipid containing cells selected using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Assessment of growth, lipid content and fatty acid composition identified mutant strains displaying a range of altered traits including changes in the PUFA content and a total FAME increase of up to 156% that of the wild type strain. Combined with a reduction in growth this demonstrated a productivity increase of up to 76%. Following UV mutagenesis, lipid accumulation of the mutant cultures was elevated to more than 3 fold that of the wild type strain, however reduced growth rates resulted in a reduction in overall productivity. Changes observed are indicative of alterations to the regulation of the omega 6 Kennedy pathway. The importance of these variations in physiology for industrial applications such as biofuel production is discussed.
Para el estudio de la microalga Dunaliella salina Teodoresco, se colectaron muestras de 2 lagunas hipersalinas; las Salinas de Chimus y las Salinas de Chilca. La metodología usada fue la técnica de micropipeta, tratamiento con antibiótico y la técnica de sedimentación algal, obteniendo cultivos unialgales y axénicos. El medio usado fue medio Johnson modificado en agua de mar, utilizado concentraciones de NaCl (1 – 5M), éste permitió evaluar el crecimiento, densidad y velocidad algal a través de conteo en cámara de Newbahuer y lecturas de absorvancia en espectrofotómetro. La relación entre los métodos de conteo, se realizó con el análisis de regresión potencial. Las mejores densidades algales se observaron en cultivo de concentraciones 1M, 1,5M y 3,5M de NaCl, para las cepas de las salinas de Chimus y Chilca. La mayor densidad algal ( 4,603 x 106 cels. ml-1 equivalente al 56.4 % para la cepa de Chimus) se observó en el cultivo de 1,5M de NaCl. La velocidad de crecimiento durante la fase exponencial para ambas cepas, estuvieron entre 0,56-0,83 div. día-1, con un Td de 29-43 horas, en cámara de Newbahuer como en espectrofotómetro y a las mismas concentraciones de cultivo.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Farmacia) UANL, 2012.
The present work is a base line attempt to investigate and assess the toxicities of three surfactants viz. anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), non ionic Triton X-1OO (TX-IOO) and cationic cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). These compounds represent simple members of the often neglected group of aquatic pollutants i.e. the anionic alkyl sulfates, non ionics and the cationics. These compounds are widely used In plastic industry, pesticide/herbicide formulations, detergents, oil spill dispersants, molluscicides etc. The test organisms selected for the present study are the cyanobacterium Synechocystis salina Wislouch representing a primary producer in the marine environment and a fresh water adapted euryhaline teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (peters) at the consumer level of the ecological pyramid. The fish species, though not indigenous to our country, is now found ubiquitously in fresh water systems and estuaries. Also it is highly resistant to pollutants and has been suggested as an indicator of pollution in tropical region .
The group cyanobacteria includes a large number of organisms characterised by a low state of cellular organization. Their cells lack a well defined nucleus. Cell division is by division of the protoplast by an ingrowth of the septum. These organisms are characterised generally by a blue green colouration of the cell, the chief pigments being chlorophyll-a, carotenes, xanthophylls, C phycocyanin and C phycoerythrin. The product of photosynthesis is glycogen. These organisms lack flagellate reproductive bodies and there is a total lack of sexual reproduction. They are also unique because of the presence of murein in the place of cellulose (cell wall) and the absence of chloroplast, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Just like bacteria some of them possess Plasmids and can fix atmospheric nitrogen. In the present study growth kinetics, heavy metal tolerance, tolerance mechanisms, heavy metal intake, and antibacterial activity of §ynechocystics salina Wislouch - a nanoplanktonic, euryhaline, Cyanobacterium present in Cochin back waters has been carried out for the potential biotechnological application of this organism. _§; salina occur as small spherical cells of 3n diameter (sometimes in pairs) with bluish green colour. The species is characterised by jerky movement of the cells and is structrually similar to other cyanobacteria
L’extracció intensiva d’aigua subterrània en zones properes a la costa pot produir canvis en les condicions hidrogeològiques naturals dels aqüífers costaners. Les conseqüències més evidents d’aquest fenomen són el descens del nivell freàtic, la intrusió salina i els riscos geotècnics que se’n deriven i que poden afectar l’estabilitat de les edificacions que hi ha a la zona. Per encàrrec de l’Ajuntament de Calonge, el centre GEOCAMB de la UdG ha fet un estudi sobre aquest problema en el seu terme municipal