986 resultados para A. acrystata biom wm
Two shelf communities from the central part off the California Peninsula are described. The community of Amphiodia urtica - Nephtys ferruginea develops in the central part of the shelf within the depth range 95-105 m. The community of Nephtys ferruginea - Amphiura acrystata develops on the shelf edge at depth 110 m. Biomasses of both communities are very low (about 10 g/m**2). Species richness of the shelf community is high; more than 60 species occur in samples (43-51 species per a community). Various echinoderms and some other groups are abundant on the Californian shelf; these groups are absent in shelf areas of Peruvian and Benguela upwellings. Species structures of the communities were analyzed; the communities were shown to consist of coexisting, but not interacting guilds; this indicates that the communities are undersaturated with individuals. At the same time values of ABC-indices indicate that the communities are stable. We suggest that in this case adaptation to unfavorable but stable environment is observed (selection of species-stressolarents). An explanation seems to lie in the penetrating type of the upwelling in the Californian upwelling zone. Low biomass values seem to result from mass development of necto-benthic carnivorous crustaceans-galateids Pleuroncodes planiceps.
Seamounts are of great interest to science, industry and conservation because of their potential role as 'stirring rods' of the oceans, their enhanced productivity, their high local biodiversity, and the growing exploitation of their natural resources. This is accompanied by rising concern about the threats to seamount ecosystems, e.g. through over-fishing and the impact of trawling. OASIS described the functioning characteristics of seamount ecosystems. OASIS' integrated hydrographic, biogeochemical and biological information. Based on two case studies. The scientific results, condensed in conceptual and mass balanced ecosystem models, were applied to outline a model management plan as well as site-specific management plans for the seamounts investigated. OASIS addressed five main objectives: Objective 1: To identify and describe the physical forcing mechanisms effecting seamount systems Objective 2: To assess the origin, quality and dynamics of particulate organic material within the water column and surface sediment at seamounts. Objective 3: To describe aspects of the biodiversity and the ecology of seamount biota, to assess their dynamics and the maintenance of their production. Objective 4: Modelling the trophic ecology of seamount ecosystems. Objective 5: Application of scientific knowledge to practical conservation.
In the Arctic, under-ice primary production is limited to summer months and is not only restricted by ice thickness and snow cover but also by the stratification of the water column, which constrains nutrient supply for algal growth. RV Polarstern visited the ice-covered Eastern Central basins between 82 to 89°N and 30 to 130°E in summer 2012 when Arctic sea ice declined to a record minimum. During this cruise, we observed a widespread deposition of ice algal biomass of on average 9 g C per m**2 to the deep-sea floor of the Central Arctic basins. Data from this cruise will contribute to assessing the impact of current climate change on Arctic productivity, biodiversity, and ecological function.
At stations to 1530 m depth in the Mozambique Channel and on the Saya-de-Malha and Walters banks seston biomass 2 m above the bottom was lower than at 30 m. Above the Walters shoal this difference was 13.2 mg/m**3 and was not equal to zero for P < 0.001. These results contradict previous ideas of biomass increase in benthic layers. The most likely cause of the observed impoverishment of plankton may be predominant consumption of living zooplankton component of seston by bottom and near-bottom predators. In the area of the Walters shoal this consumption is estimated as being about 300 mg/m**2 per day. Animals inhabiting this area live mainly on plankton brought in by horizontal advection, so that existence of faunal assemblages even on shallow-water submarine elevations is supported not mainly by local photosynthesis, but by primary production of surrounding waters.
Macrobenthos biomass and bottom biocoenoses were studied in the sublittoral zone of the southern East Siberian Sea. The macrobenthos is characterized by relatively high abundance (from 30 to 2680 #/m**2), biomass (from 0.25 to 578.8 g/m**2), and diversity (83 species in total). Lateral distribution of macrobenthos biomass correlates with a substrate type and salinity and is substantially higher in areas washed by the Arctic water mass than in estuaries with mixed fresh and Arctic waters and shows a tendency to decreasing in the convergence zone of different water masses. The highest macrobenthos biomass is observed in cores of water masses in the Long Strait area and in the eastern part of the sea.
After detachment from benthic habitats, the epibiont assemblages on floating seaweeds undergo substantial changes, but little is known regarding whether succession varies among different seaweed species. Given that floating algae may represent a limiting habitat in many regions, rafting organisms may be unselective and colonize any available seaweed patch at the sea surface. This process may homogenize rafting assemblages on different seaweed species, which our study examined by comparing the assemblages on benthic and floating individuals of the fucoid seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus and Sargassum muticum in the northern Wadden Sea (North Sea). Species richness was about twice as high on S. muticum as on F. vesiculosus, both on benthic and floating individuals. In both seaweed species benthic samples were more diverse than floating samples. However, the species composition differed significantly only between benthic thalli, but not between floating thalli of the two seaweed species. Separate analyses of sessile and mobile epibionts showed that the homogenization of rafting assemblages was mainly caused by mobile species. Among these, grazing isopods from the genus Idotea reached extraordinarily high densities on the floating samples from the northern Wadden Sea, suggesting that the availability of seaweed rafts was indeed limiting. Enhanced break-up of algal rafts associated with intense feeding by abundant herbivores might force rafters to recolonize benthic habitats. These colonization processes may enhance successful dispersal of rafting organisms and thereby contribute to population connectivity between sink populations in the Wadden Sea and source populations from up-current regions.
Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae) is the most abundant and hence ecologically most important primary producer, carbon sink and habitat provider in the western Baltic Sea. All F. vesiculosus L. specimens were collected on 23 April 2014 from a depth of 0.2-1 m in the non-tidal Kiel Fjord, western Baltic Sea (54°27'N; 10°12'E), where this species forms dense and almost monospecific stands on stones. After sampling the algal thalli were stored in a refrigerator box with water from the sampling site, transported to Bremerhaven and stored at 10 °C for one day in filtered seawater. Experiments were conducted with vegetative apical tips (6.7±0.5 cm length), the actively growing region of F. vesiculosus, which were randomly selected and cut from 144 different individuals prior to the experiments. These tips were acclimated to laboratory conditions for three days in filtered seawater at 10 °C before the start of the experiment. Furthermore, 30 additional vegetative apices were freeze-dried to document the initial biochemical status of F. vesiculosus in its native habitat. A temperature gradient was installed in a walk-in constant cooling chamber (15 °C) in nine water baths (5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28 and 29 °C ± 0.1 °C) which were tempered by thermostats (5, 10 and 15 °C: Huber Variostat CC + Pilot ONE, Peter Huber Kältemaschinen GmbH, Offenburg, Germany; 20 and 28 °C: Haake DC3, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, USA; 24, 26, 27 and 29 °C: Haake DC10). Every temperature treatment consisted of four 2 L glass beakers (n = 4). In each beaker four F. vesiculosus apices were grown in 2 µm-filtered North Sea water diluted with demineralized water in a ratio of 1:1 and enriched with nutrients after Provasoli (1968; 1/10 enrichment), leading to a salinity of about 15.6 which equaled habitat conditions. The algae were exposed to an irradiance of 130 µmol photons m-2 s-1 ±10 % (Powerstar HGI-TS 150 W, OSRAM GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany) measured at the top of the beaker under a 16:8 h L:D cycle. The media in the beakers was changed every third or fourth day and aerated with artificial air containing 380 ppm CO2 (gas mixing device; HTK Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). Before the experiment, the algae were acclimated to the final temperatures in steps of 5 °C for 2 days each, beginning at 10 °C. After 21 days exposure time, three out of four samples per replicate were freeze-dried for further biochemical analyses, and afterwards the thermostats were turned off to reduce the temperature to 16±0.4 °C for another 10 days permitting growth under post-culture conditions.
According to monitoring data gained between 1982-1992, macrobenthos in the Tiksi Bay is characterized by low indices of the total abundance, biomass and taxonomic diversity. 30 macrobenthic species have been recorded in the Tiksi Bay. The bottom biocenoses within the estuarine-arctic water mass consist of widespread eurybiontic boreal-arctic and brackish-water species. The maximal number of species was observed at a depth of 8.5 m. The maximum biomass was recorded on muddy grounds. The studied bottom fauna is characterized by a high population density (from 1160-600 ind/m**2) and low biomass of 15.5-22.4 g/m**2. The predominant benthic animals of the main Lena River channel 4.7 km upstream Stolb Island are Chironomidae, Plecoptera and Oligochaeta. In total, 48 species of macrobenthos were registered here. In spring the average density of macrozoobenthos in the channel is 680, in summer 770, in autumn 720 and in winter 380 ind/m**2, with the average biomass varying between 2.9 g/m**2 in spring, 7.06 in summer, 4.4 in autumn, and 2.6 in winter.
The book is devoted to investigations of benthic fauna and geology of the Southern Atlantic Ocean. These works have been carried out in terms of exploring biological structure of the ocean and are of great importance for development of this fundamental problem. They are based on material collected during Cruise 43 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov in 1985-1986 and Cruise 43 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev in 1989. Problems of quantitative distribution, group composition and trophic structure of benthos in the Southern Scotia Sea, along the east-west Transatlantic section along 31°30'S, and offshore Namibia in the area of the Benguela upwelling are under consideration in the book. Authors present new data on fauna of several groups of deep-sea bottom animals and their zoogeography. Much attention is paid to analysis of morphological structure of the Scotia Sea floor considered in terms of plate tectonics. Bottom sediments along the Transatlantic section and facial variation of sediments in the area of South Shetland Islands and of the continental margin of Namibia are under consideration.
Sandy beaches of the Anapa Bay Bar are a unique natural resource, but they are gradually being degrade under both natural and anthropogenic factors. Emissions of sand and shelly ground from the adjacent sea bottom partly compensate for this process. Concentration of carbonates may reach up to 50% in beach sands, and most of these carbonates are of mollusk origin. The major deposit formation role belongs to the key bivalve species: Chamelea gallina (Linnaeus, 1758). Average biomass of this mollusk species reaches up to 450 g/m**2 at depths 5-10 m. The other two subdominating mollusk species, bivalve Donax trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) and gastropod Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846), may impact as 16 g/m**2 and 6 g/m**2, respectively. Annually, 350 kg of shelly ground per running meter are newly deposited on the Anapa beach.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate summer and fall residency and habitat selection by gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, together with the biomass of benthic amphipod prey on the coastal feeding grounds along the Chukotka Peninsula. Thirteen gray whales were instrumented with satellite transmitters in September 2006 near the Chukotka Peninsula, Russia. Nine transmitters provided positions from whales for up to 81 days. The whales travelled within 5 km of the Chukotka coast for most of the period they were tracked with only occasional movements offshore. The average daily travel speeds were 23 km/day (range 9-53 km/day). Four of the whales had daily average travel speeds <1 km/day suggesting strong fidelity to the study area. The area containing 95% of the locations for individual whales during biweekly periods was on average 13,027 km**2 (range 7,097-15,896 km**2). More than 65% of all locations were in water <30 m, and between 45 and 70% of biweekly kernel home ranges were located in depths between 31 and 50 m. Benthic density of amphipods within the Bering Strait at depths <50 m was on average ~54 g wet wt/m**2 in 2006. It is likely that the abundant benthic biomass is more than sufficient forage to support the current gray whale population. The use of satellite telemetry in this study quantifies space use and movement patterns of gray whales along the Chukotka coast and identifies key feeding areas.
The few existing studies on macrobenthic communities of the deep Arctic Ocean report low standing stocks, and confirm a gradient with declining biomass from the slopes down to the basins as commonly reported for deep-sea benthos. In this study we have further investigated the relationship of faunal abundance (N), biomass (B) as well as community production (P) with water depth, geographical latitude and sea ice concentration. The underlying dataset combines legacy data from the past 20 years, as well as recent field studies selected according to standardized quality control procedures. Community P/B and production were estimated using the multi-parameter ANN model developed by Brey (2012). We could confirm the previously described negative relationship of water depth and macrofauna standing stock in the Arctic deep-sea. Furthermore, the sea-ice cover increasing with high latitudes, correlated with decreasing abundances of down to < 200 individuals/m**2, biomasses of < 65 mg C/m**2 and P of < 75 mg C/m**2/y. Stations under influence of the seasonal ice zone (SIZ) showed much higher standing stock and P means between 400 - 1400 mg C/m**2/y; even at depths up to 3700 m. We conclude that particle flux is the key factor structuring benthic communities in the deep Arctic ocean, explaining both the low values in the ice-covered Arctic basins and the high values along the SIZ.
At present time, there is a lack of knowledge on the interannual climate-related variability of zooplankton communities of the tropical Atlantic, central Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, due to the absence of appropriate databases. In the mid latitudes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant mode of atmospheric fluctuations over eastern North America, the northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe. Therefore, one of the issues that need to be addressed through data synthesis is the evaluation of interannual patterns in species abundance and species diversity over these regions in regard to the NAO. The database has been used to investigate the ecological role of the NAO in interannual variations of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass along the zonal array of the NAO influence. Basic approach to the proposed research involved: (1) development of co-operation between experts and data holders in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UK, and USA to rescue and compile the oceanographic data sets and release them on CD-ROM, (2) organization and compilation of a database based on FSU cruises to the above regions, (3) analysis of the basin-scale interannual variability of the zooplankton species abundance, biomass, and species diversity.
In order to examine the long-term development of offshore macrozoobenthic soft-bottom communities of the German Bight, four representative permanent stations (MZB-SSd, -FSd, -Slt, -WB) have been sampled continuously since 1969. Inter-annual variability and possible long-term trends were analysed based on spring-time samples from 1969 until 2000. This is part of the ecological long-term series of the AWI and is supplemented by periodic large-scale mapping of the benthos. The main factors influencing the development of the benthic communities are biological interactions, climate, food supply (eutrophication) and the disturbance regime. The most frequent disturbances are sediment relocations during strong storms or by bottom trawling, while occasional oxygen deficiencies and extremely cold winters are important disturbance events working on a much larger scale. Benthic communities at the sampling stations show a large inter-annual variability combined with a variation on a roughly decadal scale. In accordance with large-scale system shifts reported for the North Sea, benthic community transitions occurred between roughly the 1970ies, 80ies and 90ies. The transitions between periods are not distinctly marked by strong changes but rather reflected in gradual changes of the species composition and dominance structure.
Vertical distribution of total zooplankton biomass and major taxonomic groups are investigated by layers to depths of 2500-3400 m on the basis of three series of net plankton collections. Zooplankton is most abundant above 1500-2000 m. Since true deep-water species do not occur in the Sea of Japan, biomass drops much more sharply at greater depths than it does in the ocean. Since few carnivores inhabit the deep layers, abundant remains of planktonic organisms fall to the bottom, and carnivorous detritovores feeding on these remains are dominant in deep water bottom fauna.