936 resultados para A finite element program


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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The theme of this dissertation is the finite element method applied to mechanical structures. A new finite element program is developed that, besides executing different types of structural analysis, also allows the calculation of the derivatives of structural performances using the continuum method of design sensitivities analysis, with the purpose of allowing, in combination with the mathematical programming algorithms found in the commercial software MATLAB, to solve structural optimization problems. The program is called EFFECT – Efficient Finite Element Code. The object-oriented programming paradigm and specifically the C ++ programming language are used for program development. The main objective of this dissertation is to design EFFECT so that it can constitute, in this stage of development, the foundation for a program with analysis capacities similar to other open source finite element programs. In this first stage, 6 elements are implemented for linear analysis: 2-dimensional truss (Truss2D), 3-dimensional truss (Truss3D), 2-dimensional beam (Beam2D), 3-dimensional beam (Beam3D), triangular shell element (Shell3Node) and quadrilateral shell element (Shell4Node). The shell elements combine two distinct elements, one for simulating the membrane behavior and the other to simulate the plate bending behavior. The non-linear analysis capability is also developed, combining the corotational formulation with the Newton-Raphson iterative method, but at this stage is only avaiable to solve problems modeled with Beam2D elements subject to large displacements and rotations, called nonlinear geometric problems. The design sensitivity analysis capability is implemented in two elements, Truss2D and Beam2D, where are included the procedures and the analytic expressions for calculating derivatives of displacements, stress and volume performances with respect to 5 different design variables types. Finally, a set of test examples were created to validate the accuracy and consistency of the result obtained from EFFECT, by comparing them with results published in the literature or obtained with the ANSYS commercial finite element code.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of cusp inclination on stress distribution in implant-supported prostheses by 3D finite element method.Materials and Methods: Three-dimensional models were created to simulate a mandibular bone section with an implant (3.75 mm diameter x 10 mm length) and crown by means of a 3D scanner and 3D CAD software. A screw-retained single crown was simulated using three cusp inclinations (10 degrees, 20 degrees, 30 degrees). The 3D models (model 10d, model 20d, and model 30d) were transferred to the finite element program NeiNastran 9.0 to generate a mesh and perform the stress analysis. An oblique load of 200 N was applied on the internal vestibular face of the metal ceramic crown.Results: The results were visualized by means of von Mises stress maps. Maximum stress concentration was located at the point of application. The implant showed higher stress values in model 30d (160.68 MPa). Cortical bone showed higher stress values in model 10d (28.23 MPa).Conclusion: Stresses on the implant and implant/abutment interface increased with increasing cusp inclination, and stresses on the cortical bone decreased with increasing cusp inclination.


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The paper describes the preliminary studies of University of Minho on the use of Electric Impedance/Resistance Tomography to assess masonry structures. The study is focused on the analysis of values of current and voltage resulting from the use of an electrical source with voltage and frequency values from a distribution network. The analysis is made from results obtained through computer simulations, using a three-dimensional model of the idealized masonry structures. A finite element program was used for the simulations. Three types of electrodes were used in simulations, and the analysis of the results led to significant conclusions. Later masonry specimens were built and a series of preliminary tests were carried out in the laboratory. The comparative analysis of simulated and experimental results allowed identifying the factors that have influence on the physical results.


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Natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical and complex modal analysis. The mathematical modeling was based on the theory of Euler-Bernoulli beam. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagrangian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using Matlab ®, and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model.


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A mathematical model for finite strain elastoplastic consolidation of fully saturated soil media is implemented into a finite element program. The algorithmic treatment of finite strain elastoplasticity for the solid phase is based on multiplicative decomposition and is coupled with the algorithm for fluid flow via the Kirchhoff pore water pressure. A two-field mixed finite element formulation is employed in which the nodal solid displacements and the nodal pore water pressures are coupled via the linear momentum and mass balance equations. The constitutive model for the solid phase is represented by modified Cam—Clay theory formulated in the Kirchhoff principal stress space, and return mapping is carried out in the strain space defined by the invariants of the elastic logarithmic principal stretches. The constitutive model for fluid flow is represented by a generalized Darcy's law formulated with respect to the current configuration. The finite element model is fully amenable to exact linearization. Numerical examples with and without finite deformation effects are presented to demonstrate the impact of geometric nonlinearity on the predicted responses. The paper concludes with an assessment of the performance of the finite element consolidation model with respect to accuracy and numerical stability.


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Superplastic bulging is the most successful application of superplastic forming (SPF) in industry, but the non-uniform wall thickness distribution of parts formed by it is a common technical problem yet to be overcome. Based on a rigid-viscoplastic finite element program developed by the authors, for simulation of the sheet superplastic forming process combined with the prediction of microstructure variations (such as grain growth and cavity growth), a simple and efficient preform design method is proposed and applied to the design of preform mould for manufacturing parts with uniform wall thickness. Examples of formed parts are presented here to demonstrate that the technology can be used to improve the uniformity of wall thickness to meet practical requirements. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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The aim of this study is to optimize the heat flow through the pultrusion die assembly system on the manufacturing process of a specific glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultrusion profile. The control of heat flow and its distribution through whole die assembly system is of vital importance in optimizing the actual GFRP pultrusion process. Through mathematical modeling of heating-die process, by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, an optimum heater selection, die position and temperature control was achieved. The thermal environment within the die was critically modeled relative not only to the applied heat sources, but also to the conductive and convective losses, as well as the thermal contribution arising from the exothermic reaction of resin matrix as it cures or polymerizes from the liquid to solid condition. Numerical simulation was validated with basis on thermographic measurements carried out on key points along the die during pultrusion process.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Laboratory of Archaeometry del National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” d’Atenes, Grècia, entre juny i setembre 2006. Aquest estudi s’emmarca dins d’un context més ampli d’estudi del canvi tecnològic que es documenta en la producció d’àmfores de tipologia romana durant els segles I aC i I dC en els territoris costaners de Catalunya. Una part d’aquest estudi contempla el càlcul de les propietats mecàniques d’aquestes àmfores i la seva avaluació en funció de la tipologia amforal, a partir de l’Anàlisi d’Elements Finits (AEF). L’AEF és una aproximació numèrica que té el seu origen en les ciències d’enginyeria i que ha estat emprada per estimar el comportament mecànic d’un model en termes, per exemple, de deformació i estrès. Així, un objecte, o millor dit el seu model, es dividit en sub-dominis anomenats elements finits, als quals se’ls atribueixen les propietats mecàniques del material en estudi. Aquests elements finits estan connectats formant una xarxa amb constriccions que pot ser definida. En el cas d’aplicar una força determinada a un model, el comportament de l’objecte pot ser estimat mitjaant el conjunt d’equacions lineals que defineixen el rendiment dels elements finits, proporcionant una bona aproximació per a la descripció de la deformació estructural. Així, aquesta simulació per ordinador suposa una important eina per entendre la funcionalitat de ceràmiques arqueològiques. Aquest procediment representa un model quantitatiu per predir el trencament de l’objecte ceràmic quan aquest és sotmès a diferents condicions de pressió. Aquest model ha estat aplicat a diferents tipologies amforals. Els resultats preliminars mostren diferències significatives entre la tipologia pre-romana i les tipologies romanes, així com entre els mateixos dissenys amforals romans, d’importants implicacions arqueològiques.


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To study the behaviour of beam-to-column composite connection more sophisticated finite element models is required, since component model has some severe limitations. In this research a generic finite element model for composite beam-to-column joint with welded connections is developed using current state of the art local modelling. Applying mechanically consistent scaling method, it can provide the constitutive relationship for a plane rectangular macro element with beam-type boundaries. Then, this defined macro element, which preserves local behaviour and allows for the transfer of five independent states between local and global models, can be implemented in high-accuracy frame analysis with the possibility of limit state checks. In order that macro element for scaling method can be used in practical manner, a generic geometry program as a new idea proposed in this study is also developed for this finite element model. With generic programming a set of global geometric variables can be input to generate a specific instance of the connection without much effort. The proposed finite element model generated by this generic programming is validated against testing results from University of Kaiserslautern. Finally, two illustrative examples for applying this macro element approach are presented. In the first example how to obtain the constitutive relationships of macro element is demonstrated. With certain assumptions for typical composite frame the constitutive relationships can be represented by bilinear laws for the macro bending and shear states that are then coupled by a two-dimensional surface law with yield and failure surfaces. In second example a scaling concept that combines sophisticated local models with a frame analysis using a macro element approach is presented as a practical application of this numerical model.


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A finite element analysis was carried out to study the role of prefabricated threaded split shaft post (Flexi-Post) on dentinal stress in pulpless tooth. Three dimensional plane strain model of mesio-distal section of a human maxillary central incisor without restoration was analysed with the MSC/NASTRAN (MacNeal/ Schwendler) general purpose finite analysis program was executed on a microcomputer. The model as discretized into 48.954 axisymmetric finite elements defined by 10.355 nodes. Each element was assigned unique elastic properties to represent the materials modeled. Homogeneity, isotropy and linear elasticity were assume for all material. A simulation of static load of 100N was applied to the incisal edge of the post; vertical. Maximal principal stresses and von Mises equivalent stress were calculated. Using the element analysis model employed in this study, the following can be concluded concerning threaded split shaft post (Flexi-Post): Maximum principal stresses in dentin were located at cervical place and at the post apex. The apical threads of the post not redirecting stresses away from the root.


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Many new viscoelastic materials have been developed recently to help improve noise and vibration levels in mechanical structures for applications in automobile and aeronautical industry. The viscoelastic layer treatment applied to solid metal structures modifies two main properties which are related to the mass distribution and the damping mechanism. The other property controlling the dynamics of a mechanical system is the stiffness that does not change much with the viscoelastic material. The model of such system is usually complex, because the viscoelastic material can exhibit nonlinear behavior, in contrast with the many available tools for linear dynamics. In this work, the dynamic behavior of sandwich beam is modeled by finite element method using different element types which are then compared with experimental results developed in the laboratory for various beams with different viscoelastic layer materials. The finite element model is them updated to help understand the effects in the damping for various natural frequencies and the trade-off between attenuation and the mass add to the structure.


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There has been a significant increase in the number of facial fractures stemming from sport activities in recent years, with the nasal bone one of the most affected structures. Researchers recommend the use of a nose protector, but there is no standardization regarding the material employed. Clinical experience has demonstrated that a combination of a flexible and rigid layer of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) offers both comfort and safety to practitioners of sports. The aim of the present study was the investigation into the stresses generated by the impact of a rigid body on the nasal bone on models with and without an EVA protector. For such, finite element analysis was employed. A craniofacial model was constructed from images obtained through computed tomography. The nose protector was modeled with two layers of EVA (1 mm of rigid EVA over 2 mm of flexible EVA), following the geometry of the soft tissue. Finite element analysis was performed using the LS Dyna program. The bone and rigid EVA were represented as elastic linear material, whereas the soft tissues and flexible EVA were represented as hyperelastic material. The impact from a rigid sphere on the frontal region of the face was simulated with a constant velocity of 20 m s-1 for 9.1 mu s. The model without the protector served as the control. The distribution of maximal stress of the facial bones was recorded. The maximal stress on the nasal bone surpassed the breaking limit of 0.130.34 MPa on the model without a protector, while remaining below this limit on the model with the protector. Thus, the nose protector made from both flexible and rigid EVA proved effective at protecting the nasal bones under high-impact conditions.