985 resultados para A drink in the Passage


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El presente trabajo constituye un primer acercamiento al estudio de los cuentos comprendidos en Tales of a Troubled Land del escritor sudafricano Alan Paton (1903-1988). A modo de introducción, haremos una breve reseña histórico-social de la Sudáfrica del apartheid (Cottrell, 2005; Gibson, 2009) que vincularemos con información biográfica del escritor (Paton, 1966; Lirola, 2008). Esta información resultará, a nuestro entender, relevante al momento de hacer una lectura profunda del cuento. Luego, estudiaremos cómo se conforman los espacios interno / externo (Foucault, 1986), especialmente aquellos que posibilitan el encuentro de blancos y negros (Barnard, 2007), con el fin de explorar cómo aparecen las barreras raciales en el texto. Por último, y a la luz de lo anterior, plantearemos algunas cuestiones centrales que se constituyen en desafíos al momento de abocarnos a la tarea de traducir este cuento, especialmente las relacionadas a la metáfora cristalizada en el 'passage' que, nombrado en el título, sirve de eje estructurador de la acción. Según nuestra hipótesis, la traducción de la construcción del espacio se vuelve un desafío ya que la distribución de los espacios y la circulación de la población en y entre ellos son inherentes al apartheid, no sólo en cuanto al sistema de segregación que el término designa, o al momento histórico en el que fue implementado, sino a la (im)posibilidad de que los individuos de las diferentes razas coexistan y se interrelacionen en una tierra que (no) les es común, en un espacio construido culturalmente desde la separación en lugar de desde la unidad


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El presente trabajo constituye un primer acercamiento al estudio de los cuentos comprendidos en Tales of a Troubled Land del escritor sudafricano Alan Paton (1903-1988). A modo de introducción, haremos una breve reseña histórico-social de la Sudáfrica del apartheid (Cottrell, 2005; Gibson, 2009) que vincularemos con información biográfica del escritor (Paton, 1966; Lirola, 2008). Esta información resultará, a nuestro entender, relevante al momento de hacer una lectura profunda del cuento. Luego, estudiaremos cómo se conforman los espacios interno / externo (Foucault, 1986), especialmente aquellos que posibilitan el encuentro de blancos y negros (Barnard, 2007), con el fin de explorar cómo aparecen las barreras raciales en el texto. Por último, y a la luz de lo anterior, plantearemos algunas cuestiones centrales que se constituyen en desafíos al momento de abocarnos a la tarea de traducir este cuento, especialmente las relacionadas a la metáfora cristalizada en el 'passage' que, nombrado en el título, sirve de eje estructurador de la acción. Según nuestra hipótesis, la traducción de la construcción del espacio se vuelve un desafío ya que la distribución de los espacios y la circulación de la población en y entre ellos son inherentes al apartheid, no sólo en cuanto al sistema de segregación que el término designa, o al momento histórico en el que fue implementado, sino a la (im)posibilidad de que los individuos de las diferentes razas coexistan y se interrelacionen en una tierra que (no) les es común, en un espacio construido culturalmente desde la separación en lugar de desde la unidad


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El presente trabajo constituye un primer acercamiento al estudio de los cuentos comprendidos en Tales of a Troubled Land del escritor sudafricano Alan Paton (1903-1988). A modo de introducción, haremos una breve reseña histórico-social de la Sudáfrica del apartheid (Cottrell, 2005; Gibson, 2009) que vincularemos con información biográfica del escritor (Paton, 1966; Lirola, 2008). Esta información resultará, a nuestro entender, relevante al momento de hacer una lectura profunda del cuento. Luego, estudiaremos cómo se conforman los espacios interno / externo (Foucault, 1986), especialmente aquellos que posibilitan el encuentro de blancos y negros (Barnard, 2007), con el fin de explorar cómo aparecen las barreras raciales en el texto. Por último, y a la luz de lo anterior, plantearemos algunas cuestiones centrales que se constituyen en desafíos al momento de abocarnos a la tarea de traducir este cuento, especialmente las relacionadas a la metáfora cristalizada en el 'passage' que, nombrado en el título, sirve de eje estructurador de la acción. Según nuestra hipótesis, la traducción de la construcción del espacio se vuelve un desafío ya que la distribución de los espacios y la circulación de la población en y entre ellos son inherentes al apartheid, no sólo en cuanto al sistema de segregación que el término designa, o al momento histórico en el que fue implementado, sino a la (im)posibilidad de que los individuos de las diferentes razas coexistan y se interrelacionen en una tierra que (no) les es común, en un espacio construido culturalmente desde la separación en lugar de desde la unidad


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ADOLESCENCE AND DRUG USE THROUGH THE LENS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS: SUFFERING AND ECSTASY IN THE PASSAGE The purpose of this study is to reflect upon the psychological factors of adolescent drug addiction according to a psychoanalytic perspective. First we consider adolescence as a social-historical category and then we discuss the psychoanalytic understanding of the adolescent transition. This theoretical path builds the approach that considers drug use as a phenomenon that serves as a passage ritual to contemporary adolescence. This phenomenon is modulated by the drive organization, which determines how the individual will take ownership of the use of psychoactive substances. We conclude that the substance use may function as a buffer-object, activated to deal with the structural fragility of the contemporary affective bonds.


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The passage of indeterminacy in the intensification of being is a digital video projection by Daniel McKewen. The work used digital visual effects and experimentation with time-based video synchronisation to manipulate images of celebrities plundered from the internet and television. The result was a sequence of images that served as both portrait of the constructed nature of screen-based imagery, as well as portrait of the pop culture audience that consumes such constructions.


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Estimating the prevalence of drink driving is a difficult task. Self‐reported drink driving indicates that drink driving is far more common than official statistics suggest. In order to promote a responsible attitude towards alcohol consumption and drink driving within the Queensland community, the Queensland Police Service, Queensland Health and Queensland Transport developed theDrink Rite’ program (Queensland Police Service information sheet, 2009). However, the feasibility of the program is now in doubt as the National Health and Medical Research Council’s guidelines for alcohol consumption changed in 2009 to state “For healthy men and women, drinking no more than four standard drinks on a single occasion reduces the risk of alcohol‐related injury arising from that occasion” (NHMRC Publication, 2009, p. 51). As such, adhering to the NHMRC guidelines places restrictions on how the existing Drink Rite program can be operated (i.e. by reducing the number of standard drinks provided to participants from eight to four). It is arguable that a reduction in the number of alcoholic drinks provided to participants in the program will result in a large reduction in observed BAC readings. This, in turn, will lead to a potential loss of message content when discussing the variation in the effects of alcohol.


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This study reports characteristics of inertia-gravity waves (IGWs) in the atmospheric boundary layer during the passage of Tropical Cylone-03B, using the Doppler Sound Detection and Ranging (SODAR) observations at the Indian tropical station of Gadanki (13.45 degrees N, 79.2 degrees E; near the east coast of India). Wavelet analysis of horizontal winds indicates significant wave motion (60h) near the characteristic inertial period. The hodograph analysis of the filtered winds shows an anti-cyclonic turning of horizontal wind with height and time, indicating the presence of IGW. This study finds important implications in boundary layer dynamics during the passage of tropical cyclones.


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Many of British rivers hold stocks of salmon (Salmo salar L.) and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) and during most of the year some of the adult fish migrate upstream to the head waters where, with the advent of winter, they will eventually spawn. For a variety of reasons, including the generation of power for milling, improving navigation and measuring water flow, man has put obstacles in the way of migratory fish which have added to those already provided by nature in the shape of rapids and waterfalls. While both salmon and sea trout, particularly the former, are capable of spectacular leaps the movement of fish over man-made and natural obstacles can be helped, or even made possible, by the judicious use of fish passes. These are designed to give the fish an easier route over or round an obstacle by allowing it to overcome the water head difference in a series of stages ('pool and traverse' fish pass) or by reducing the water velocity in a sloping channel (Denil fish pass). Salmon and sea trout make their spawning runs at different flow conditions, salmon preferring much higher water flows than sea trout. Hence the design of fish passes requires an understanding of the swimming ability of fish (speed and endurance) and the effect of water temperature on this ability. Also the unique features of each site must be appreciated to enable the pass to be positioned so that its entrance is readily located. As well as salmon and sea trout, rivers often have stocks of coarse fish and eels. Coarse fish migrations are generally local in character and although some obstructions such as weirs may allow downstream passages only, they do not cause a significant problem. Eels, like salmon and sea trout, travel both up and down river during the course of their life histories. However, the climbing power of elvers is legendary and it is not normally necessary to offer them help, while adult silver eels migrate at times of high water flow when downstream movement is comparatively easy: for these reasons neither coarse fish nor eels are considered further. The provision of fish passes is, in many instances, mandatory under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975. This report is intended for those involved in the planning, siting, construction and operation of fish passes and is written to clarify the hydraulic problems for the biologist and the biological problems for the engineer. It is also intended to explain the criteria by which the design of an individual pass is assessed for Ministerial Approval.


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This report presents the first attempt at a national assessment of an Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) for dissolved oxygen (DO) in estuaries with the objective of allowing the passage of migratory salmonids. Under the Control of Pollution Act, Water Authorities and River Purification Boards have powers to control discharges to estuaries and need to define an EQS for the calculation of consent conditions. The object of any such standards is to permit the existence of good quality salmonid fisheries with only very occasional restrictions to the passage of fish. The report gives brief summaries of the DO regime in estuaries, the oxygen requirements of salmonids, and of tentative standards proposed by various authorities. These standards are then compared with DO and fishery data from UK estuaries, provided by the appropriate regulatory authorities. It concludes that a minimum annual lower 95-percentile of 5.0 mg/1 will meet the objective in most estuaries, and that a lower value of 3.0 mg/1 will permit the establishment of a more restricted fishery. However, more stringent standards may be needed in estuaries containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants. containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants.


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Reprinted from the Buffalo Historical Society Publications.