982 resultados para 97


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An analysis of 503 available triosephosphate isomerase sequences revealed nine fully conserved residues. Of these, four residues-K12, H95, E97 and E165-are capable of proton transfer and are all arrayed around the dihydroxyacetone phosphate substrate in the three-dimensional structure. Specific roles have been assigned to the residues K12, H95 and E165, but the nature of the involvement of E97 has not been established. Kinetic and structural characterization is reported for the E97Q and E97D mutants of Plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase (Pf TIM). A 4000-fold reduction in k(cat) is observed for E97Q, whereas the E97D mutant shows a 100-fold reduction. The control mutant, E165A, which lacks the key catalytic base, shows an approximately 9000-fold drop in activity. The integrity of the overall fold and stability of the dimeric structure have been demonstrated by biophysical studies. Crystal structures of E97Q and E97D mutants have been determined at 2.0 angstrom resolution. In the case of the isosteric replacement of glutamic acid by glutamine in the E97Q mutant a large conformational change for the critical K12 side chain is observed, corresponding to a trans-to-gauche transition about the C gamma-C delta (chi(3)) bond. In the E97D mutant, the K12 side chain maintains the wild-type orientation, but the hydrogen bond between K12 and D97 is lost. The results are interpreted as a direct role for E97 in the catalytic proton transfer cycle. The proposed mechanism eliminates the need to invoke the formation of the energetically unfavourable imidazolate anion at H95, a key feature of the classical mechanism.


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Contenido: El hecho y la norma / Octavio N. Derisi – El Nuevo Mundo en la filosofía de la historia de Vico / Alberto Caturelli – Los comentarios de Santo Tomás y de Roberto Grosseteste a la “Física” de Aristóteles / Celina A. Lértora Mendoza – Descartes : cuestiones gnoseológicas / Augusto Furlán – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Nota del Director -- Breve exposición de la hermenéutica analógica / Mauricio Beuchot -- ¿Fin de la antropología alma-cuerpo? / Lucio Florio -- Michel de Certeau : recorridos por el "creer" y sus constelaciones contemporáneas / Marcelo González -- Justicia, caridad y solidaridad en la DSI / Gustavo Irrazábal -- "Las palabras del Grito" / Hugo Rodolfo Safa -- Grupo de estudio bíblico judío cristiano / Víctor M. Fernández -- Una aproximación al acompañamiento espiritual en San Juan de la Cruz -- El lenguaje de la vida en la estética hildegardiana / Cecilia Inés Avenatti de Palumbo -- Reflexiones sobre la experiencia religiosa durante la crisis de identidad de la adolescencia / Julio V. Maffei -- Catalina de Siena : su teología hecha biografía / Gabriela María Di Renzo -- Espiritualidad sanante : salud y espiritualidad en Anselm Grün / Mónica Cristina Ukaski -- El legado póstumo de José Carlos Barcellos / Alberto Toutin -- Notas bibliográficas


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.


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Histochemical experiments are conducted in order to study the interrenal cells of European brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri).


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The reaction of Mn(II) with water-dissolved oxygen, to a higher manganese hydroxide in an alkaline medium, as with the longstanding classic Winkler method, is the first step in the method described here. The assumption for faultless results by the conventional and modified Winkler method is clean water, which contains no organic substances by Mn(III) or Mn(IV). In many cases, however, eg. in river and lake-water tests, it can be seen with the naked eye that after some time the originally brown-coloured precipitate of manganese hydroxide becomes more and more colourless. Oxygen content was analysed in the water samples and evaluated by raising the amount of the leuko-base and giving the corresponding dilution of the colouring matter solution formed still higher oxygen contents can be measured.


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The consumption of oxygen in Asellus aquaticus was measured to find if there existed a periodicity in the consumption of oxygen and how this showed itself during the course of the day, year and in various experimental conditions. From the figures obtained comparative values were calculated and from these curves were plotted of the changes in the consumption of oxygen during the day and year.


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Beach seine fishery is one of the oldest fishing methods practiced in Sri Lanka. In the recent past several modifications were observed in the structure of the net and the material used in the construction of nets. beach seine nets made of nylon material were also reported at 4 operating sites out of 17-beach seine landing centers in the Hambantota District. However, traditional beach seine nets made of coir and kuralon were the common nets used in the area. Fishing season extends from September to April of the following year. However, beach seining at Mawella was carried out throughout the year. The estimated average annual effort for the entire study area was about 4250 operations. The mean annual catch rate at Mawella, Kalametiya and Welipatanwila were estimated as 81.8, 290.7, and 167.3 kg/operation respectively. The mean annual catch rate for the entire study area was estimated as 157.3 kg/operation. The beach seines recorded an estimated annual production of 662mt in the Hambantota district. Stoleophorous sp. has made the major contribution to the beach seine catches and it was about 31.7% of the total beach seine production. Leiognathus sp. Carangids and Trichuras sp. have produced 11.5%, 9.5% and 8.5% respectively while Amblygaster sirm and other Sardinella sp. have produced 5.5% and 4.9% respectively. A sirm was found during the months of November, February, March and July. The size range of A. sirm caught by beach seine during February –March period was in the range of 5-12cm (total length). Contribution by Rastrelliger sp. and Sphyreana sp. were 2.9% and 2.6% by each category. Average income of a beach seine operation at Mawella, Kalametiya and Welipatanwila were Rs. 3330/=, 10250/= and 6222/= per operation respectively.


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MB 97海洋放线菌在大豆田应用技术研究表明 ,MB 97海洋放线菌可有效控制重迎茬大豆的减产损失 ,并总结出了相应的综合应用技术


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分离得到海洋放线菌菌株MB 97,经微生物学系统鉴定及 16SrDNA序列分析 ,定名为玫瑰黄链霉菌(StreptomycesroseoflavusMB 97)。将该菌制成生物制剂 ,在克服大豆连作障碍中应用 ,以 75kg/hm2 用量作为基肥一次施入 ,田间试验结果表明 ,在微区条件下以重茬 6年大豆为对照 ,可使大豆增产 19.4 % ;大面积示范试验 ,可使大豆增产 13.9%~ 18.3% ;经黑龙江省、湖北省两年 2 2点联网试验 ,可使大豆平均增产 15 .2 %。