982 resultados para 94-34
Background Knowledge about genital Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infections in the Pacific is limited. In this study we investigated CT infection in Samoan women. Methods We recruited women having unprotected sex aged 18 to 29 years from 41 Samoan villages. They completed a questionnaire and provided a urine sample for CT testing by PCR. Associations between CT infection and possible risk factors were explored using logistic regression. Results Altogether, 239 women were recruited; 86 (36.0%; weighted estimate of prevalence: 41.9%; 95% CI: 33.4–50.5%) were positive for CT infection. A higher proportion of women aged 18 to 24 were positive (54/145; 37.2%) than those aged 25 to 29 (32/94; 34.0%; p=0.20). Being single (OR 1.92; 95% CI: 1.02–3.63) and having two or more lifetime sexual partners (OR 3.02; 95% CI: 1.19–7.67) were associated with CT infection; 27.6% of those with one lifetime partner were positive. Participants who had a previous pregnancy were less likely to be positive (OR 0.49; 95% CI: 0.27–0.87). Primiparous and multiparous women were less likely to be positive than nulliparous women (OR 0.54; 95% CI: 0.30–0.99 and OR 0.46; 95% CI: 0.24–0.89, respectively). Conclusions The prevalence of CT infection in these Samoan women is very high. Further studies, including investigating the prevalence of CT infection in men, and strategies for sustainable control are needed.
本研究根据贵阳市区域内不同土地利用方式,选择了自然土壤、农业土壤和城市土壤为主要研究对象。对表层土壤实行多样点的统计分析、以及典型剖面有机碳迁移过程分析,同时结合同位素地球化学示踪原理,探讨了贵阳市区域内土地利用方式变化对土壤有机碳的影响,以及不同土地利用方式间土壤有机碳的来源和降解过程的差异。主要结论如下: (1) 自然土壤转化为农业土壤后,表层(0~10cm) SOC有较为明显的降低趋势。其中,相对于自然土壤(黄壤) 表层SOC(平均值)而言,玉米地、水田、果园下降了40%左右,菜地下降了15%左右。然而,不同菜地土壤间耕种强度存在较大差异,其SOC变异程度高于其它几类农业土壤(CV=57.07%)。与之相反,农业土壤表层DOC(18.86~48.20mg•L-1)接近或超过自然土壤(10.74~36.30 mg•L-1),且ƒDOC占SOC的比例明显大于自然土壤。其中,玉米地DOC最高(平均值:48.20mg•L-1),菜地次之(平均值:30.00mg•L-1),果园第三(平均值:29.87mg•L-1),水田最低(平均值:18.86mg•L-1),但水田由于干湿交替的影响,DOC的变异程度最大(CV=128.57%)。据此推断,在相同气候条件下,自然土壤转化为农业土壤后,由于表层DOC数量和比例的增加,提高了SOC的迁移性,进而加速了碳素在土壤中的迁移转化进程。 (2) 自然土壤转化为农业土壤后,剖面内部(>10cm)多数层次SOC相对于黄壤和黄色石灰土有明显的增加趋势。且通过对不同类型农业土壤人为干扰强度的调查表明:人为干扰强度越强,剖面中一定深度内SOC增加幅度越大。即:离城市较近的菜地2增长最为突出,果园其次,水田和玉米地相当。离城市较远的菜地1由于受人为干扰层次较浅,且出现了犁底层,剖面内SOC的含量水平与黄色石灰土相当。 (3) 原始土壤经搬运重组后形成城市公路绿化带土壤,表层SOC和DOC变幅较宽、离散程度较大,且没有随时间或植被类型等因素的变化而呈现明显的变化趋势。其中,SOC变异程度依次为新成公路绿化带2(CV=58.0%)、老成公路绿化带(CV=55.5%)、新成公路绿化带1(CV=34.1%)。DOC变异程度依次为新成公路绿化带1(CV=93.8%)、新成公路绿化带2(CV=85.7%)、老成公路绿化带(CV=78.0%)。 (4) 在自然土壤、农业土壤和城市绿化带土壤表层中,DOC与SOC、N、C/N、NO3-、NH4-,以及粘粒含量等的相关性均未达到显著水平。另据方差分析显示:果园、水田、菜地和玉米地表层土壤间DOC、SOC含量均无显著差异,说明农业土壤利用方式不是决定土壤表层SOC和DOC含量的绝对因素;新成公路绿化带1,2和老成公路绿化带表层土壤间DOC、SOC含量均无显著差异,说明植被类别和形成时间不是决定土壤表层SOC和DOC含量的绝对因素。 (5) 自然土壤中,枯枝落叶转化为表层(0~5cm)土壤有机质后,δ13CSOC值升高了1~4‰。通过不同碳源间δ13Corg相互关系的判断,在具备枯枝落叶覆盖的表层土壤中,DOC主要来源于枯枝落叶;而在土壤剖面内,随土壤剖面深度的增加,来自于土壤腐殖类物质的DOC占土壤DOC总量的比例呈增加趋势。在黄壤和黄色石灰土中(>5cm土层),土壤剖面中大多数层次DOC比SOC更富13C。 (6) 大多数农业土壤有机碳δ13C值显示其有机肥源中存在C4-C源。且农业土壤中受碳源多样性的影响,菜地、果园、水田和玉米地表层土壤中δ13CSOC与δ13CDOC的相关性均未达到显著水平。其次,除玉米地土壤剖面外,其它供试农业土壤剖面大多数层次δ13CDOC值比δ13CSOC偏负,说明菜地、果园、水田土壤DOC主要为外源的加入。 (7) C3植被转化为C4植被(林-农生态系统转化)后,玉米地剖面中SOC有2.55%~20.80%源于C4-C,随剖面层次的加深有降低趋势,但表现为“之”字形反复;DOC中C4-C的比例在剖面0~40cm处较为相近(25.94%~34.54%),40cm以下则急剧下降(3.18%~15.65%)。说明玉米地剖面 DOC主要来源于土壤腐殖类物质的转化。与林-农生态系统转变过程中的变化趋势相反,洼地农业土壤退耕弃荒一段时间(林-农-林生态系统转化)后,土壤剖面内C4-C占SOC的比例随土壤层次的加深逐渐增加,变化范围在5.77~26.76%。 (8) 在C3植被转向C4植被(林-农生态系统转化)后,玉米地δ13CSOC值与C4-C、C3-C相关系数(r)分别为0.372和-0.102,δ13CDOC值与C4-C、C3-C相关系数分别为0.131和-0.339,其相关性均未达到显著水平。而再从C4植被转回C3植被后,土壤δ13CSOC与C3-C之间呈显著相关性(r=0.88,n=7),说明退耕弃荒后新加入的C3-C对土壤δ13CSOC值影响较大。其SOC的主要来源于洼地周边坡面土壤的侵蚀堆积物和新生草本植被残体。结合当前SOC降解过程的研究成果,本研究认为:洼地土壤退耕弃荒后一段时间里,土壤SOC可能处于累积大于损失状态。这有利于土壤性状向良性方向发展。 (9) 根据同位素值的相互关系和有机碳的来源调查,判断公路绿化带土壤中C4-C为原始土壤所带来。大气颗粒物和雨水中的DOC是表层土壤DOC的主要来源。公路绿化带土壤剖面中,随着时间的增加,土壤腐殖类物质与DOC的相互转化逐渐加强。 上述结论可为人类认识城市区域(特别是有强烈酸性沉降历史的喀斯特城市区域)土地利用方式改变对土壤碳循环的影响,以及不同土地利用方式间土壤有机碳迁移转化过程提供科学依据,也可为正确评估城市区域土壤与其他圈层间碳循环的源、汇关系提供基础资料。
Increasing consumer demand for seafood, combined with concern over the health of our oceans, has led to many initiatives aimed at tackling destructive fishing practices and promoting the sustainability of fisheries. An important global threat to sustainable fisheries is Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, and there is now an increased emphasis on the use of trade measures to prevent IUU-sourced fish and fish products from entering the international market. Initiatives encompass new legislation in the European Union requiring the inclusion of species names on catch labels throughout the distribution chain. Such certification measures do not, however, guarantee accuracy of species designation. Using two DNA-based methods to compare species descriptions with molecular ID, we examined 386 samples of white fish, or products labelled as primarily containing white fish, from major UK supermarket chains. Species specific real-time PCR probes were used for cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to provide a highly sensitive and species-specific test for the major species of white fish sold in the UK. Additionally, fish-specific primers were used to sequence the forensically validated barcoding gene, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Overall levels of congruence between product label and genetic species identification were high, with 94.34% of samples correctly labelled, though a significant proportion in terms of potential volume, were mislabelled. Substitution was usually for a cheaper alternative and, in one case, extended to a tropical species. To our knowledge, this is the first published study encompassing a large-scale assessment of UK retailers, and if representative, indicates a potentially significant incidence of incorrect product designation.
En el C.P. Solar del Cid de Burgos, el equipo de Profesores de Ciclo superior de EGB realiza un proyecto de conocimiento del medio con dos rutas, teniendo como objetivos acercar a los alumnos a los espacios geográficos y al conocimiento in situ de los elementos que lo conforman. Un viaje-itinerario a la zona de Peña Amaya y otra a la Lora y Valle alto del Ebro elaboran una guía-didáctica de las rutas para los alumnos, materiales audiovisuales así como información complementaria para el profesorado. Su objetivo general es facilitar al alumno el conocimiento de aspectos básicos del curriculo a través de un entorno tan cercano a él como es la provincia donde reside. (No habla de resultados sólo tiene criterios de evaluación en el Proyecto). La obra no está publicada..
In this work, chitosan was used as a coating of pure perlite in order to increase the accessibility of the groups OH- e NH2+the adsorptionof ions Mn2+ e Zn2+.The characterization results of the expanded perlite classified as microporous and whose surface area 3,176 m2 g-1after the change resulted in 4,664 m2g-1.From the thermogravimetry(TG) it was found that the percentage of coating was34,3%.The infrared analysis can prove the presence of groups Si-OH, Si-O e Al-O-Siresulting from the perlite and C=O, NH2and OH characterization of chitosan. The experiments on experiments on the adsorption of Mn and Zn were performed in the concentration range of10 a 50 mgL-1and the adsorption capacity inpH 5,8 e 5,2 was 19,49 and 23,09 mgg-1to 25 oC,respectively.The adsorption data were best fitted to Langmuir adsorption model to Langmuir adsorption model for both metalionsisindicative of monolayer adsorption. The kinetics of adsorption were calculated from the equation of Lagergren fitting the model pseudo-second-order for all initial concentrations, suggesting that adsorption of ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ follows the kinetics of pseudo-second-order and whose constant Speedk2(g/mg.min) are 0,105 e 3,98 and capacity and maximum removal qe 4,326 e 3,348,respectively.In this study we used a square wave voltammetry cathodic stripping voltammetry to quantify the adsorbed ions, and the working electrode glassy carbon, reference electrode silver / silver chloride and a platinum auxiliary electrode. The attainment of the peaks corresponding to ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ was evaluated in and electrochemical cell with a capacity of 30 mL using a buffer system (Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4)at pH 4 and was adjusted with solutionsH3PO4 0,1molL-1and NaOH 0,1 molL-1and addition of the analyte has been a cathodic peak in- 0,873 Vand detection limit of2,55x10-6molL-1para Zn.The dough used for obtaining the adsorption isotherm was 150 mg and reached in 120 min time of equilibrium for both metal ions.The maximum adsorption for 120 min with Mn concentration 20 mgL-1 and Zn 10 mgL-1,was91, 09 e 94, 34%, respectively
The experiment was carried out aiming to evaluate the gas exchange of dwarf elephant grass genotypes under different hydric conditions, in a randomized design with three replications. Genotypes of dwarf elephant grass (Mott, CNPGL 94-34-3 and CNPGL 92-198-7) were analyzed under two hydric conditions: irrigated (I) and non-irrigated (NI). Differences between treatments I and NI were observed for all genotypes for photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration and water vapor pressure deficit. Genotype CNPGL 94-34-3 presented highest tolerance to hydric stress, followed by Mott and CNPGL 92-198-7 genotypes. All genotypes presented high photosynthetic rate, under ideal conditions of soil humidity, thus characterizing the analyzed dwarf elephant grass genotypes as plants with high photosynthetic efficiency.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cisplatin, a major antineoplastic drug used in the treatment of solid tumors, is a known nephrotoxin. This retrospective cohort study evaluated the prevalence and severity of cisplatin nephrotoxicity in 54 children and its impact on height and weight.We recorded the weight, height, serum creatinine, and electrolytes in each cisplatin cycle and after 12 months of treatment. Nephrotoxicity was graded as follows: normal renal function (Grade 0); asymptomatic electrolyte disorders, including an increase in serum creatinine, up to 1.5 times baseline value (Grade 1); need for electrolyte supplementation <3 months and/or increase in serum creatinine 1.5 to 1.9 times from baseline (Grade 2); increase in serum creatinine 2 to 2.9 times from baseline or need for electrolyte supplementation for more than 3 months after treatment completion (Grade 3); and increase in serum creatinine ≥3 times from baseline or renal replacement therapy (Grade 4).Nephrotoxicity was observed in 41 subjects (75.9%). Grade 1 nephrotoxicity was observed in 18 patients (33.3%), Grade 2 in 5 patients (9.2%), and Grade 3 in 18 patients (33.3%). None had Grade 4 nephrotoxicity. Nephrotoxicity patients were younger and received higher cisplatin dose, they also had impairment in longitudinal growth manifested as statistically significant worsening on the height Z Score at 12 months after treatment. We used a multiple logistic regression model using the delta of height Z Score (baseline-12 months) as dependent variable in order to adjust for the main confounder variables such as: germ cell tumor, cisplatin total dose, serum magnesium levels at 12 months, gender, and nephrotoxicity grade. Patients with nephrotoxicity Grade 1 where at higher risk of not growing (OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.07-24.3, P=0.04). The cisplatin total dose had a significant negative relationship with magnesium levels at 12 months (Spearman r=-0.527, P=<0.001).