1000 resultados para 918.6


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A expansão da lesão é considerada importante componente epidemiológico em vários patossistemas. Com o propósito de avaliar a expansão da pústula da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix) em três cultivares de cafeeiro e o valor das respectivas taxas de expansão da lesão (TEL) sob condições controladas delineou-se este estudo. O experimento foi instalado em câmaras de crescimento de plantas com temperatura de 20±2 ºC e umidade relativa de 70%. Foram inoculadas vinte plantas de cada uma das cultivares Acaiá, Catuaí e Rubi, de três meses de idade, com 0,5mg/mL da suspensão de urediniósporos. Após 42 dias da inoculação, sete pústulas foram marcadas aleatoriamente, em 7 plantas de cada cultivar e, em seguida, fotografadas na face abaxial da folha, com câmara digital, durante 15 dias, para posterior mensuração da área, utilizando o programa Image Tool da UTHSCA. Todas as imagens digitalizadas foram padronizadas em 4,0 x 4,0 cm. Ao final do experimento, foi avaliada a produção de urediniósporos/cm² de pústula, em hemacitômetro. As curvas de progresso da expansão da pústula nas três cultivares foram ajustadas ao modelo exponencial. A TEL foi de 0,14, 0,16 e 0,16 mm²/dia e o número de urediniósporos produzidos foi de 918,6, 929,3 e 934,8/cm² de pústula, para as cultivares Acaiá, Catuaí e Rubi, respectivamente. Não houve diferenças, entre as três cultivares, consideradas suscetíveis, em relação à TEL e à produção final de urediniósporos. Estes resultados podem contribuir para maior compreensão dos possíveis mecanismos que atuam no aumento da severidade da ferrugem do cafeeiro, sem que ocorram novas infecções.


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Objetivo: Comparar las complicaciones del uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual en los pacientes llevados a cateterismo cardíaco en el Servicio de Hemodinamia de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, del 1º de enero de 2005 al 31 de diciembre de 2010, mediante punción arterial femoral percutánea. Metodología: Se realizó un Estudio Observacional, Analítico, de tipo Cohorte Retrospectiva. Partiendo de dos grupos de personas con indicación de cateterismo cardíaco por cualquier causa, uno expuesto al procedimiento con Angioseal® y el otro con compresión manual. Resultados: Con el uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual la aparición de complicaciones fue 7,3% vs 4,1%, estas diferencias no fueron significativas (OR 1,81 IC95 0,96-3,40; RR 1,75 IC95 0,96-3,18) . La enfermedad coronaria (OR 2,27 IC95 1,07-4,79; RR 2,18 IC95 1,06-4,46) y a la colocación de stent (OR 3,49 IC95 1,82-6,69; RR 3,25 IC95 1,75-6,02 si se relacionaron significativamente con la aparición de complicaciones menores. Conclusión: No encontramos soporte para aprobar o desaprobar el uso de Angioseal® o compresión manual como manejo de la hemostasia, con respecto a las complicaciones. Sin embargo, se encontró que la colocación de stents está fuertemente relacionada con el desarrollo de complicaciones menores, lo cual hace que estos pacientes deban ser objeto de monitorización estrecha.


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En el intento de aproximación a la comprensión de las especificidades del personaje que ocupa la presente investigación –Cecilia Porras–, tropezamos con algunos vacíos dentro del estudio del contexto regional. Porras nace en Cartagena, en una de las familias de élite de la región, pero opta por aproximarse a la ciudad de Barranquilla –e incluso colateralmente a Bogotá–, espacios que le brindaban condiciones de posibilidad sociales, económicas y políticas, muy distintas a las que ofrecía la Heroica. Pese a que en la bibliografía disponible es posible encontrar una gran variedad de análisis referentes a los espacios y momentos en los que Porras se desempeñó –la Cartagena y la Barranquilla de mediados del siglo XX–, notamos dificultades a la hora de visualizar el modo en que estos referentes espaciales y temporales determinaron los procesos de configuración del orden socio-político en el caso concreto de cada ciudad, así como en la manera en que estas interactuaron entre sí con el centro político del país –la ciudad andina de Santafé de Bogotá– y con el resto del mundo.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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One of the aims of the SvalGlac project is to obtain an improved estimate, with reliable error estimates, of the volume of Svalbard glaciers and their potential contribution to sea level rise. As part of this work, we present volume calculations, with detailed error estimates, for eight glaciers on Wedel Jarlsberg Land, southern Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The volume estimates are based upon a dense net of GPR-retrieved ice thickness data collected over several field campaigns spanning the period 2004-2011. The total area and volume of the ensemble are 502.9±18.6 km2 and 80.72±2.85 km3, respectively. Excluding Ariebreen (a tiny glacier, menor que 0.4 km2 in area), the individual areas, volumes and average ice thickness lie within 4.7-141.0 km2, 0.30-25.85 km3 and 64-183 m, respectively. The maximum recorded ice thickness, ca. 619±13 m, is found in Austre Torellbreen. To estimate the ice volume of small non-echo-sounded tributary glaciers, we used a function providing the best fit to the ice thickness along the centre line of a collection of such tributaries where echo-soundings were available, and assuming parabolic cross-sections. We did some tests on the effect on the measured ice volumes of the distinct radio-wave velocity (RWV) of firn as compared to ice, and cold versus temperate ice, concluding that the changes in volume implied by such corrections were within the error bounds of our volume estimate using a constant RWV for the entire glacier inferred from common mid-point measurements on the upper ablation area.


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This course was an overview of what are known as the “Homological Conjectures,” in particular, the Zero Divisor Conjecture, the Rigidity Conjecture, the Intersection Conjectures, Bass’ Conjecture, the Superheight Conjecture, the Direct Summand Conjecture, the Monomial Conjecture, the Syzygy Conjecture, and the big and small Cohen Macaulay Conjectures. Many of these are shown to imply others. This document contains notes for a course taught by Tom Marley during the 2009 spring semester at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The notes loosely follow the treatment given in Chapters 8 and 9 of Cohen-Macaulay Rings, by W. Bruns and J. Herzog, although many other sources, including articles and monographs by Peskine, Szpiro, Hochster, Huneke, Grith, Evans, Lyubeznik, and Roberts (to name a few), were used. Special thanks to Laura Lynch for putting these notes into LaTeX.


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The distribution of Li isotopes in pore waters to a depth of 1157 m below seafloor is presented for ODP Sites 918 and 919 in the Irminger Basin, offshore Greenland. Lithium isotope data are accompanied by strontium isotope ratios to decipher diagenetic reactions in the sediments which are characterized by the pervasive presence of volcanic material, as well as by very high accumulation rates in the upper section. The lowering of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio below contemporaneous seawater values indicates several zones of volcanic material alteration. The Li isotope profiles are complex suggesting a variety of exchange reactions with the solid phases. These include cation exchange with NH4+ and mobilization from sediments at depth, in addition to the alteration of volcanic matter. Lithium isotopes are, therefore, a sensitive indicator of sediment-water interaction. d6Li values of pore waters at these two sites vary between -42 and -25?. At shallow depths (<100 mbsf), rapid decreases in the Li concentration, accompanied by a shift to heavier isotopic compositions, indicate uptake of Li into alteration products. A positive anomaly of d6Li observed at both sites is coincident with the NH4+ maximum produced by organic matter decomposition and may be related to ion exchange of Li from the sediments by NH4+. In the lower sediment column at Site 918, dissolved Li increases with depth and is characterized by enrichment of 6Li. The Li isotopic compositions of both the waters and the solid phase suggest that the enrichment of Li in deep interstitial waters is a result of release from pelagic sediments. The significance of sediment diagenesis and adsorption as sinks of oceanic Li is evaluated. The maximum diffusive flux into the sediment due to volcanic matter alteration can be no more than 5% of the combined inputs from rivers and submarine hydrothermal solutions. Adsorption on to sediments can only account for 5-10% of the total inputs from rivers and submarine hot springs.