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Monkeys have strong abilities to remember the visual properties of potential food sources for survival in the nature. The present study demonstrated the first observations of rhesus monkeys learning to solve complex spatial mazes in which routes were guid


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Background: After breast-conserving surgery, radiotherapy reduces recurrence and breast cancer death, but it may do so more for some groups of women than for others. We describe the absolute magnitude of these reductions according to various prognostic and other patient characteristics, and relate the absolute reduction in 15-year risk of breast cancer death to the absolute reduction in 10-year recurrence risk.
Methods: We undertook a meta-analysis of individual patient data for 10?801 women in 17 randomised trials of radiotherapy versus no radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery, 8337 of whom had pathologically confirmed node-negative (pN0) or node-positive (pN+) disease.
Findings: Overall, radiotherapy reduced the 10-year risk of any (ie, locoregional or distant) first recurrence from 35·0% to 19·3% (absolute reduction 15·7%, 95% CI 13·7–17·7, 2p<0·00001) and reduced the 15-year risk of breast cancer death from 25·2% to 21·4% (absolute reduction 3·8%, 1·6–6·0, 2p=0·00005). In women with pN0 disease (n=7287), radiotherapy reduced these risks from 31·0% to 15·6% (absolute recurrence reduction 15·4%, 13·2–17·6, 2p<0·00001) and from 20·5% to 17·2% (absolute mortality reduction 3·3%, 0·8–5·8, 2p=0·005), respectively. In these women with pN0 disease, the absolute recurrence reduction varied according to age, grade, oestrogen-receptor status, tamoxifen use, and extent of surgery, and these characteristics were used to predict large (=20%), intermediate (10–19%), or lower (<10%) absolute reductions in the 10-year recurrence risk. Absolute reductions in 15-year risk of breast cancer death in these three prediction categories were 7·8% (95% CI 3·1–12·5), 1·1% (–2·0 to 4·2), and 0·1% (–7·5 to 7·7) respectively (trend in absolute mortality reduction 2p=0·03). In the few women with pN+ disease (n=1050), radiotherapy reduced the 10-year recurrence risk from 63·7% to 42·5% (absolute reduction 21·2%, 95% CI 14·5–27·9, 2p<0·00001) and the 15-year risk of breast cancer death from 51·3% to 42·8% (absolute reduction 8·5%, 1·8–15·2, 2p=0·01). Overall, about one breast cancer death was avoided by year 15 for every four recurrences avoided by year 10, and the mortality reduction did not differ significantly from this overall relationship in any of the three prediction categories for pN0 disease or for pN+ disease.
Interpretation: After breast-conserving surgery, radiotherapy to the conserved breast halves the rate at which the disease recurs and reduces the breast cancer death rate by about a sixth. These proportional benefits vary little between different groups of women. By contrast, the absolute benefits from radiotherapy vary substantially according to the characteristics of the patient and they can be predicted at the time when treatment decisions need to be made.
Funding: Cancer Research UK, British Heart Foundation, and UK Medical Research Council.


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Tradicionalment s'ha considerat l'ocupació de Girona pels francs (any 785) com el moment "fundacional" de la ciutat medieval, en paral·lel a la consideració que ha merescut l'època de Carlemany (final del segle VIII i principi del IX) com una època formativa en la història de Catalunya. Però tenim raons per pensar que aquells moments no significaren un gran terrabastall en una ciutat que, des de començament del segle VIII, jugava un paper polític i militar significatiu en els esdeveniments de l'anomenada Marca Superior, el territori musulmà proper a les terres del regne franc. Més endavant, un cop incorporada a l'imperi carolingi, Girona mantingué la seva condició de ciutat capital de frontera o marca, fins a la conquesta de Barcelona l'any 801. Volem historiar, en la mesura del possible, aquesta etapa d'uns quaranta anys -entre 759 i 801- quan la ciutat visqué en primera línia i, també, protagonitzà les vicissituds de l'enfrontament entre dos dels grans estats d'aquell moment: la monarquia franca dels carolingis i l'emirat omeia A'al-Andalús. Els moviments d'anada i tomada dels seus exèrcits van situar Girona en primera línia de combat en aquells anys, fins a la definitiva consolidació del poder franc a principis del segle IX


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The first naturally occurring angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors described are pyroglutamyl proline-rich oligopeptides, found in the venom of the viper Bothrops jararaca, and named as bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs). Biochemical and pharmacological properties of these peptides were essential for the development of Captopril, the first active site-directed inhibitor of ACE, currently used for the treatment of human hypertension. However, a number of data have suggested that the pharmacological activity of BPPs could not only be explained by their inhibitory action on enzymatic activity of somatic ACE. In fact, we showed recently that the strong and long-lasting anti-hypertensive effect of BPP-10c [801-induced inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activity. Although more data are needed for understanding the mechanism of the BPP-10c effect on nicotinic receptor activity and its relationship with the anti-hypertensive activity, this work reveals possible therapeutic applications for BPP-10c in establishing normal acetylcholine receptor activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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TORRES, F ; FILHO, M.S. ; ANTUNES, C. ; KALININE, E. ; ANTONIOLLI, E. ; PORTELA, Luis Valmor ; SOUZA, Diogo Onofre ; TORT, A. B. L. . Electrophysiological effects of guanosine and MK-801 in a quinolinic acid-induced seizure model. Experimental Neurology , v. 221, p. 296-306, 2010


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Glutamate acts as a neurotransmitter within the Central Nervous System (CNS) and modifies immune cell activity. In lymphocytes, NMDA glutamate receptors regulate intracellular calcium, the production of reactive oxygen species and cytokine synthesis. MK-801, a NMDA receptor open-channel blocker, inhibits calcium entry into mast cells, thereby preventing mast cell degranulation. Several lines of evidence have shown the involvement of NMDA glutamate receptors in amphetamine (AMPH)-induced effects. AMPH treatment has been reported to modify allergic lung inflammation. This study evaluated the effects of MK-801 (0.25mg/kg) and AMPH (2.0mg/kg), given alone or in combination, on allergic lung inflammation in mice and the possible involvement of NMDA receptors in this process. In OVA-sensitized and challenged mice, AMPH and MK-801 given alone decreased cellular migration into the lung, reduced IL-13 and IL10 levels in BAL supernatant, reduced ICAM-1 and L-selectin expression in granulocytes in the BAL and decreased mast cell degranulation. AMPH treatment also decreased IL-5 levels. When both drugs were administered, treatment with MK-801 reversed the decrease in the number of eosinophils and neutrophils induced by AMPH in the BAL of OVA-sensitized and challenged mice as well as the effects on the expression of L-selectin and ICAM-1 in granulocytes, the IL-10, IL-5 and IL-13 levels in BAL supernatants and increased mast cell degranulation. At the same time, treatment with MK-801, AMPH or with MK-801+AMPH increased corticosterone serum levels in allergic mice. These results are discussed in light of possible indirect effects of AMPH and MK-801 via endocrine outflow from the CNS (i.e., HPA-axis activity) to the periphery and/or as a consequence of the direct action of these drugs on immune cell activity, with emphasis given to mast cell participation in the allergic lung response of mice.


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The neonatal rat brain is vulnerable to neuronal apoptosis induced by antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), especially when given in combination. This study evaluated lamotrigine alone or in combination with phenobarbital, phenytoin, or the glutamate antagonist (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate (MK-801) for a proapoptotic action in the developing rat brain. Cell death was assessed in brain regions (striatum, thalamus, and cortical areas) of rat pups (postnatal day 8) by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay, 24 h after acute drug treatment. Lamotrigine alone did not increase neuronal apoptosis when given in doses up to 50 mg/kg; a significant increase in cell death occurred after 100 mg/kg. Combination of 20 mg/kg lamotrigine with 0.5 mg/kg MK-801 or 75 mg/kg phenobarbital resulted in a significant increase in TUNEL-positive cells, compared with MK-801 or phenobarbital treatment alone. A similar enhancement of phenytoin-induced cell death occurred after 30 mg/kg lamotrigine. In contrast, 20 mg/kg lamotrigine significantly attenuated phenytoin-induced cell death. Lamotrigine at 10 mg/kg was without effect on apoptosis induced by phenytoin. Although the functional and clinical implications of AED-induced developmental neuronal apoptosis remain to be elucidated, our finding that lamotrigine alone is devoid of this effect makes this drug attractive as monotherapy for the treatment of women during pregnancy, and for preterm or neonatal infants. However, because AEDs are often introduced as add-on medication, careful selection of drug combinations and doses may be required to avoid developmental neurotoxicity when lamotrigine is used in polytherapy.


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u.a. Hervorhebung der Dissertation; Streitigkeiten zwischen Arthur und Johanna Schopenhauer; Bildnis von Arthur Schopenhauer;


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[GS 5, S. 13-290]. Aufzeichnungen und Entwürfe, 1939-1946; veröffentlicht in Amsterdam, 1947:; 1. "Philosophische Fragmente", published by the Institute of Social Research, New York City, 1944. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 320 S., gebunden; 2. Aus der "Dialektik der Aufklärung"; Kapitel: "Begriff der Aufklärung":; 2a) Typoskript mit deutschen Titel "Mythos und Aufklärung", 53 Blatt (2 Exemplare); 2b) Entwürfe und Teilstücke, Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen von Theodor W. Adorno, 11 Blatt; 2c) Gliederungspunkte zum Kapitel "Begriff der Aufklärung", hier noch mit dem Titel "Mythologie und Aufklärung", Typoskript mit eigenen Ergänzungen von Max Horkheimer, 3 Blatt; 2d) "Zur Frage der Grenze der Entmythologisierung", Entwurf, Typoskript mit eigenen Ergänzungen von Theodor W. Adorno, 1 Blatt; 2e) "Aufklärung mythisch", Entwurf, Typoskript mit eigenen Korrekturen und Ergänzungen, 1 Blatt; 2f) Entwurf des Anfangs des Kapitels "Begriff der Aufklärung", 1 Heft, 16 Blatt, davon 8 leer; 2g) Max Horkheimer und Theodor W. Adorno: Eigene Notizen zum Begriff der Aufklärung, 12 Blatt;