921 resultados para 8-hydroxyguanine, DNA repair, lymphocytes


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Oxidative DNA-Schäden, wie 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanin (8-oxoG), werden kontinuierlich in allen Zellen durch endogene und exogene Noxen gebildet. Ohne eine effektive Reparatur können DNA-Schäden nach erfolgter Replikation als Mutationen fixiert werden und somit die Kanzerogenese initiieren.rnUntersuchungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Reparatur, vorrangig von oxidativen DNA-Schäden, in humanen Lymphozyten. Dabei sollte ebenfalls überprüft werden, inwiefern eine Aktivierung dieser Immunzellen, die u.a. zu einer Initiierung der Proliferation führt, modulierend auf die DNA-Reparatur wirkt. Für diese Untersuchungen wurden primäre Lymphozyten aus Buffy Coats isoliert. Eine Aktivierung von T Lymphozyten, welche physiologisch Antigen-vermittelt über den T-Zell-Rezeptor verläuft, wurde durch eine ex vivo Stimulation mit Phytohämagglutinin (PHA) nachgeahmt. Die Induktion oxidativer DNA-Basenmodifikationen erfolgte mit Hilfe des Photosensibilisators Acridinorange in Kombination mit sichtbarem Licht. Das Schadensausmaß sowie die Reparatur wurden mittels der Alkalischen Elution unter Nutzung der Reparaturendonuklease Fpg bestimmt.rnDie Ergebnisse zeigten, dass global keine Reparatur induzierter oxidativer DNA-Schäden in primären Lymphozyten stattfindet. Eine Aktivierung der Lymphozyten mittels PHA führte hingegen zu einer deutlichen Reduktion der induzierten DNA-Schäden innerhalb einer 24-stündigen Reparaturzeit. Diese verbesserte Reparatur konnte auf eine Steigerung der Transkription und somit eine erhöhte Proteinmenge von OGG1, welches die Reparatur von 8-oxoG DNA-Glykosylase initiiert, zurückgeführt werden. Weiterführende mechanistische Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass der transkriptionellen Regulation von OGG1 eine Aktivierung der JNK-Signalkaskade zugrunde liegt. Als ein verantwortlicher Transkriptionsfaktor konnte NF-YA identifiziert werden. Dessen erhöhte Bindung am OGG1-Promotor in Folge einer PHA-Stimulation konnte durch eine JNK-Hemmung reduziert werden.rnDie Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Aktivierung von Lymphozyten, welche die Proliferation initiiert und dadurch mit dem Risiko für die Entstehung von Mutationen und malignen Entartungen verknüpft ist, gleichzeitig eine transkriptionelle Hochregulation von OGG1 bewirkt, die die Reparatur oxidativer DNA-Schäden sicherstellt. Die Fähigkeit zur Steigerung der DNA-Reparatur unter den gezeigten Bedingungen bietet den proliferierenden Zellen einen Schutzmechanismus zur Erhaltung ihrer genomischen Stabilität.rn


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Oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen, wie 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanin (8-oxoG), werden endogen in allen Zellen gebildet. Die beobachtbaren Spiegel ergeben sich aus dem Gleichgewicht zwischen der Bildung durch reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), sowie der gleichzeitigen Reparatur der DNA-Schäden. Durch ihr hohes mutagenes Potential, tragen oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen zur spontanen Mutationsrate bei. Der Ausfall wichtiger DNA-Reparaturmechanismen führt in Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Knockout-Mäusen zu einem Anstieg von 8 oxoG und der spontanen Mutationsrate.rnIn dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob die basalen Spiegel an oxidativen Basenmodifikationen und die spontanen Mutationsraten in vivo durch die orale Gabe von Resveratrol moduliert werden können. Resveratrol ist ein Pflanzeninhaltsstoff (u.a. aus Rotwein) mit einer Vielzahl von Wirkungen, der bereits in zahlreichen Studien ein chemopräventives Potential gezeigt hat und antioxidativ wirkt.rnAn verschiedenen Mausgenotypen wurden zum einen eine Kurzzeit-Behandlung (7 Tage mit 100 mg/kg per Gavage) und zum anderen eine Langzeit-Behandlung (3-9 Monate mit 0,04% ad libitum) mit Resveratrol durchgeführt. Die oxidativen DNA Schäden wurden in primären Maushepatozyten mit Hilfe einer modifizierten Alkalischen Elution, mit der bakteriellen Formamidopyrimidin-DNA Glykosylase als Sonde, bestimmt. Zur Analyse der Mutationsrate wurde der BigBlue® Mutationsassay mit anschließender Sequenzierung der Mutationen verwendet.rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kurzzeit- und die Langzeit-Behandlung mit Resveratrol die basalen Spiegel oxidativer DNA-Basenmodifikationen senken. Die Reduktion ist jeweils wesentlich ausgeprägter in den reparaturdefizienten Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Mäusen zu erkennen. Auch die spontane Mutationsrate wird durch eine mehrmonatige Behandlung mit Resveratrol um ungefähr 20-30% reduziert.rnAnschließende mechanistische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass dieser Schutz wahrscheinlich auf einer Induktion der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen begründet ist. So wurde gefunden, dass primäre Hepatozyten aus mit Resveratrol behandelten Mäusen wesentlich besser gegen exogen herbeigeführten oxidativen Stress geschützt sind, als Hepatozyten von unbehandelten Tieren. Ein weiterer Hinweis ist die Hochregulation der mRNA-Spiegel von verschiedenen antioxidativen Schutzenzymen, wie Superoxiddismutase 1 / 2, Hämoxygenase 1, Glutathionperoxidase 1, nach der Gabe von Resveratrol in Mäuselebern. Außerdem sind die oxidativen Markermutationen (GC->TA-Transversionen) stärker von der Reduktion der spontanen Mutationsrate betroffen, als andere Mutationen (z.B. GC->AT-Transitionen).rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass spontane Mutationen in vivo durch Fremdstoffe in der Nahrung reduziert werden können. Im Falle von Resveratrol wird diese Reduktion wahrscheinlich durch eine Stimulation der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen ausgelöst.rn


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8-Oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1), with intrinsic AP lyase activity, is the major enzyme for repairing 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a critical mutagenic DNA lesion induced by reactive oxygen species. Human OGG1 excised the damaged base from an 8-oxoG·C-containing duplex oligo with a very low apparent kcat of 0.1 min–1 at 37°C and cleaved abasic (AP) sites at half the rate, thus leaving abasic sites as the major product. Excision of 8-oxoG by OGG1 alone did not follow Michaelis–Menten kinetics. However, in the presence of a comparable amount of human AP endonuclease (APE1) the specific activity of OGG1 was increased ∼5-fold and Michaelis–Menten kinetics were observed. Inactive APE1, at a higher molar ratio, and a bacterial APE (Nfo) similarly enhanced OGG1 activity. The affinity of OGG1 for its product AP·C pair (Kd ∼ 2.8 nM) was substantially higher than for its substrate 8-oxoG·C pair (Kd ∼ 23.4 nM) and the affinity for its final β-elimination product was much lower (Kd ∼ 233 nM). These data, as well as single burst kinetics studies, indicate that the enzyme remains tightly bound to its AP product following base excision and that APE1 prevents its reassociation with its product, thus enhancing OGG1 turnover. These results suggest coordinated functions of OGG1 and APE1, and possibly other enzymes, in the DNA base excision repair pathway.


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U8. DNA repair


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DNA is susceptible to damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are produced during normal and pathophysiological processes in addition to ionizing radiation, environmental mutagens, and carcinogens. 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is probably one of the most abundant DNA lesion formed during oxidative stress. This potentially mutagenic lesion causes G → T transversions and is therefore an important candidate lesion for repair, particularly in mammalian cells. Several pathways exist for the removal, or repair, of this lesion from mammalian DNA. The most established is via the base excision repair enzyme, human 8-oxoguanine glycosylase (hOgg1), which acts in combination with the human apurinic endonuclease (hApe). The latter is known to respond to regulation by redox reactions and may act in combination with hOgg1. We discuss evidence in this review article concerning alternative pathways in humans, such as nucleotide excision repair (NER), which could possibly remove the 8-oxodG lesion. We also propose that redox-active components of the diet, such as vitamin C, may promote such repair, affecting NER specifically. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc.


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To newly identify loci for age at natural menopause, we carried out a meta-analysis of 22 genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in 38,968 women of European descent, with replication in up to 14,435 women. In addition to four known loci, we identified 13 loci newly associated with age at natural menopause (at P < 5 x 10(-8)). Candidate genes located at these newly associated loci include genes implicated in DNA repair (EXO1, HELQ, UIMC1, FAM175A, FANCI, TLK1, POLG and PRIM1) and immune function (IL11, NLRP11 and PRRC2A (also known as BAT2)). Gene-set enrichment pathway analyses using the full GWAS data set identified exoDNase, NF-kappaB signaling and mitochondrial dysfunction as biological processes related to timing of menopause.


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In order to survive and replicate in a variety of stressful conditions during its life cycle, Mycobacteriumtuberculosis must possess mechanisms to safeguard the integrity of the genome. Although DNA repair and recombination related genes are thought to play key roles in the repair of damaged DNA in all organisms, so far only a few of them have been functionally characterized in the tubercle bacillus. In this study, we show that M.tuberculosis RecG (MtRecG) expression was induced in response to different genotoxic agents. Strikingly, expression of MtRecG in Escherichiacoli recG mutant strain provided protection against mitomycin C, methyl methane sulfonate and UV induced cell death. Purified MtRecG exhibited higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction (HJ) compared with a number of canonical recombinational DNA repair intermediates. Notably, although MtRecG binds at the core of the mobile and immobile HJs, and with higher binding affinity for the immobile HJ, branch migration was evident only in the case of the mobile HJ. Furthermore, immobile HJs stimulate MtRecG ATPase activity less efficiently than mobile HJs. In addition to HJ substrates, MtRecG exhibited binding affinity for a variety of branched DNA structures including three-way junctions, replication forks, flap structures, forked duplex and a D-loop structure, but demonstrated strong unwinding activity on replication fork and flap DNA structures. Together, these results support that MtRecG plays an important role in processes related to DNA metabolism under normal as well as stress conditions.


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Radiation therapy is one of the most common and effective strategies used to treat cancer. The irradiation is usually performed with a fractionated scheme, where the dose required to kill tumour cells is given in several sessions, spaced by specific time intervals, to allow healthy tissue recovery. In this work, we examined the DNA repair dynamics of cells exposed to radiation delivered in fractions, by assessing the response of histone-2AX (H2AX) phosphorylation (γ-H2AX), a marker of DNA double strand breaks. γ-H2AX foci induction and disappearance were monitored following split dose irradiation experiments in which time interval between exposure and dose were varied. Experimental data have been coupled to an analytical theoretical model, in order to quantify key parameters involved in the foci induction process. Induction of γ-H2AX foci was found to be affected by the initial radiation exposure with a smaller number of foci induced by subsequent exposures. This was compared to chromatin relaxation and cell survival. The time needed for full recovery of γ-H2AX foci induction was quantified (12 hours) and the 1:1 relationship between radiation induced DNA double strand breaks and foci numbers was critically assessed in the multiple irradiation scenarios.


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Cytogenetic analysis in myeloma reveals marked chromosomal instability. Both widespread genomic alterations and evidence of aberrant class switch recombination, the physiological process that regulates maturation of the antibody response, implicate the DNA repair pathway in disease pathogenesis. We therefore assessed 27 SNPs in three genes (XRCC3, XRCC4 and XRCC5) central to DNA repair in patients with myeloma and controls from the EpiLymph study and from an Irish hospital registry (n = 306 cases, 263 controls). For the haplotype-tagging SNP (htSNP) rs963248 in XRCC4, Allele A was significantly more frequent in cases than in controls (86.4 versus 80.8%; odds ratio 1.51; 95% confidence interval 1.10-2.08; P = 0.0133), as was the AA genotype (74 versus 65%) (P = 0.026). Haplotype analysis was performed using Unphased for rs963248 in combination with additional SNPs in XRCC4. The strongest evidence of association came from the A-T haplotype from rs963248-rs2891980 (P = 0.008). For XRCC5, the genotype GG from rs1051685 was detected in 10 cases from different national populations but in only one control (P = 0.015). This SNP is located in the 3'-UTR of XRCC5. Overall, these data provide support for the hypothesis that common variation in the genes encoding DNA repair proteins contributes to susceptibility to myeloma.


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P>Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri utilizes the type III effector protein PthA to modulate host transcription to promote citrus canker. PthA proteins belong to the AvrBs3/PthA family and carry a domain comprising tandem repeats of 34 amino acids that mediates protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. We show here that variants of PthAs from a single bacterial strain localize to the nucleus of plant cells and form homo- and heterodimers through the association of their repeat regions. We hypothesize that the PthA variants might also interact with distinct host targets. Here, in addition to the interaction with alpha-importin, known to mediate the nuclear import of AvrBs3, we describe new interactions of PthAs with citrus proteins involved in protein folding and K63-linked ubiquitination. PthAs 2 and 3 preferentially interact with a citrus cyclophilin (Cyp) and with TDX, a tetratricopeptide domain-containing thioredoxin. In addition, PthAs 2 and 3, but not 1 and 4, interact with the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex formed by Ubc13 and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme variant (Uev), required for K63-linked ubiquitination and DNA repair. We show that Cyp, TDX and Uev interact with each other, and that Cyp and Uev localize to the nucleus of plant cells. Furthermore, the citrus Ubc13 and Uev proteins complement the DNA repair phenotype of the yeast Delta ubc13 and Delta mms2/uev1a mutants, strongly indicating that they are also involved in K63-linked ubiquitination and DNA repair. Notably, PthA 2 affects the growth of yeast cells in the presence of a DNA damage agent, suggesting that it inhibits K63-linked ubiquitination required for DNA repair.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bioactivity-directed fractionation of the MeCOEt extract of Trichilia emetica (Meliaceae) resulted in the isolation of the limonoids nymania 1 (1), drageana 4 (3), trichilin A (4), rohituka 3 (5),and Tr-B (7) and the novel seco-A protolimonoid 8. of these, nymania 1 and Tr-B showed selective inhibitory activity toward DNA repair-deficient yeast mutants. The isolation, structure elucidation, C-13 NMR spectral assignments, and biological activities of:these compounds are reported.


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Previous studies have shown that the DNA repair component Metnase (SETMAR) mediates resistance to DNA damaging cancer chemotherapy. Metnase has a nuclease domain that shares homology with the Transposase family. We therefore virtually screened the tertiary Metnase structure against the 550,000 compound ChemDiv library to identify small molecules that might dock in the active site of the transposase nuclease domain of Metnase. We identified eight compounds as possible Metnase inhibitors. Interestingly, among these candidate inhibitors were quinolone antibiotics and HIV integrase inhibitors, which share common structural features. Previous reports have described possible activity of quinolones as antineoplastic agents. Therefore, we chose the quinolone ciprofloxacin for further study, based on its wide clinical availability and low toxicity. We found that ciprofloxacin inhibits the ability of Metnase to cleave DNA and inhibits Metnase-dependent DNA repair. Ciprofloxacin on its own did not induce DNA damage, but it did reduce repair of chemotherapy-induced DNA damage. Ciprofloxacin increased the sensitivity of cancer cell lines and a xenograft tumor model to clinically relevant chemotherapy. These studies provide a mechanism for the previously postulated antineoplastic activity of quinolones, and suggest that ciprofloxacin might be a simple yet effective adjunct to cancer chemotherapy. Cancer Res; 72(23); 6200-8. (C) 2012 AACR.