998 resultados para 72-516
Quantitative analysis was performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal fauna from Site 516, near the crest of the Rio Grande Rise, and Site 518, on the lower western flank of the Rise. From Hole 516, 46 samples were taken, and from Hole 518, 80 samples were taken. The mean interval between samples is 20 to 25 cm. About 50 species of Quaternary and Pliocene planktonic foraminifers were identified. Quaternary sediments, dated by the initial evolutionary appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides and other criteria, have thickness, of 9.8 m in Hole 516 and 16 m in Hole 518. The Globorotalia truncatulinoides Zone is subdivided into four subzones or biostratigraphic horizons (from lower to upper): (1) Globorotalia crassaformis viola, (2) Globorotalia crassaformis hessi, (3) Globigerina calida calida, and (4) Globigerinoides ruber (pink). Thickness of these horizons in Hole 516 establishes the age of the boundaries between them as 1.47, 0.81, and 0.28 Ma, respectively. All the Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal complexes sampled are subtropical. The region of the Rio Grande Rise, therefore, has been within the southern subtropical gyre continuously for the last 2 Ma. The average annual surface water temperatures were reconstructed for the Quaternary at both sites. A micropaleontologic method for the paleotemperature analysis of the thanatocoenosis registers an average Quaternary temperature of 21.2°C at Site 516 and 21.7°C at Site 518. The temperature fluctuations increase up to 3.5°C during the accumulation of the two last horizons (since 0.81 Ma). Temperature peaks are tentatively compared with oxygen isotopic stages and with continental glaciations. Levels at which planktonic foraminiferal species disappear correspond to coldwater intervals. In the Quaternary of Site 518, some layers show signs of dissolution. Corrosive to CaCO3, the northward flow of Antarctic Bottom Water through the Vema Channel increases during the cold periods. Site 518 has two layers of redeposited foraminiferal sand with Pliocene foraminifers. The average rate of the Quaternary sedimentation in Hole 516 is 0.52 cm per thousand years, and in Hole 518 it is 0.84 cm per thousand years.
Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy (foraminifers and nannoplankton) and magnetostratigraphy of the upper Oligocene to Pleistocene have been studied in hydraulic piston Cores 516-1 to 516-44, 516A-5 to 516A-11, and 516F-1 to 516F-11, Rio Grande Rise (water depth 1313 m). Some 80 biostratigraphic datum events have been correlated to the magnetic polarity stratigraphy over an interval representing the Matuyama to Chron 5, and Chrons 16 to 23. Coring disturbance and biostratigraphic evidence of a condensed section preclude unambiguous identification of polarity or biostratigraphic events over an approximately 30-m interval in the middle and upper Miocene. Sedimentation rates varied considerably during the Neogene, but an abnormally thick upper Oligocene and lower Miocene section allows a high degree of magnetobiochronologic resolution. A new planktonic foraminiferal zonation for the Miocene completes the midlatitude Neogene zonation of the South Atlantic. Important magnetobiostratigraphic correlations at Site 516 and their estimated magnetochronology include: (1) Oligocene/ Miocene boundary = first appearance datum (FAD) Globorotalia kugleri = last appearance datum (LAD) Reticulofenestra bisecta = mid-Anomaly 6C (Chron 23) = 23.7 Ma; (2) Aquitanian/Burdigalian boundary = LAD G. kugleri = between base Anomaly 6A and top of unnumbered anomaly between 6A and 6B (Chron 21) = 21.8 Ma; (3) Zone N6/N7 boundary = LAD Catapsydrax dissimilis (= FAD G. pseudomiozea and G. zealandica) = Chron 16/17 boundary = 17.6 Ma; (4) early/middle Miocene (= Burdigalian/Langhian) boundary = FAD Praeorbulina sicana = midpart of Anomaly 5C (Chron 16) = 16.6 Ma or FAD P. glomerosa = just above Anomaly 5C (inferred) = 16.3 Ma; (5) Zone N8/N9 boundary = FAD Orbulina suturalis above Anomaly 5C (later part Chron 16, inferred); (6) Miocene/ Pliocene boundary = LAD Globoquadrina dehiscens LAD Globorotalia lenguaensis = basal Gilbert Chron = 5.3 Ma.
DSDP Site 516 contains a complete middle Eocene to lower Miocene interval with a well-developed Oligocene sequence that is more than 300 m thick. In this paper, the most important and characteristic benthic foraminiferal species from this interval are described and illustrated, and their quantitative and biostratigraphic distribution is given. Middle Eocene benthic assemblages, derived from pelagic intercalations in a partly turbiditic sequence, are low in diversity. Benthic assemblages of fairly high diversity occur in limestones, chalks, and oozes of the upper Eocene to lower Miocene. The consistently high rate of new species appearances at Site 516 during late Eocene and Oligocene contrasted greatly with the very slow rate of change in abyssal faunas at that time; there were no significant faunal changes at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The assemblages are dominated by Cibicidoides (mostly C. ungerianus or C. kullenbergi) and Lenticulina. Buliminids were also important during the Eocene and early Oligocene. Faunal comparison with other Atlantic DSDP sites and drill holes in the Gulf of Mexico suggest an approximately mid-bathyal (500-1500 m) depth of deposition during late Eocene and Oligocene.
A numerical model which describes oxygen isotope exchange during burial and recrystallization of deep-sea carbonate is used to obtain information on how sea surface temperatures have varied in the past by correcting measured d18O values of bulk carbonate for diagenetic overprinting. Comparison of bulk carbonate and planktonic foraminiferal d18O records from ODP site 677A indicates that the oxygen isotopic composition of bulk carbonate does reflect changes in sea surface temperature and d18O. At ODP Site 690, we calculate that diagenetic effects are small, and that both bulk carbonate and planktonic foraminiferal d18O records accurately reflect Paleogene warming of high latitude surface oceans, biased from diagenesis by no more than 1°C. The same is likely to be true for other high latitude sites where sedimentation rates are low. At DSDP sites 516 and 525, the effects of diagenesis are more significant. Measured d18O values of Eocene bulk carbonates are more than 2? lower at deeply buried site 516 than at site 525, consistent with the model prediction that the effects of diagenesis should be proportional to sedimentation rate. Model-corrections reconcile the differences in the data between the two sites; the resulting paleotemperature reconstruction indicates a 4°C cooling of mid-latitude surface oceans since the Eocene. At low latitudes, the contrast in temperature between the ocean surface and bottom makes the carbonate d180 values particularly sensitive to diagenetic effects; most of the observed variations in measured d18O values are accounted for by diagenetic effects rather than by sea surface temperature variations. We show that the data are consistent with constant equatorial sea surface temperatures through most of the Cenozoic, with the possible exception of the early Eocene, when slightly higher temperatures are indicated. We suggest that the lower equatorial sea surface temperatures for the Eocene and Oligocene reported in other oxygen isotope studies are artifacts of diagenetic recrystallization, and that it is impossible to reconstruct accurately equatorial sea surface temperatures without explicitly accounting for diagenetic overprinting.
(Table 2) Al203 of tephra and clay fractions in noncarbonate matter of sediments at DSDP Site 72-516