8 resultados para 71299


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Program-Bladet, joka ilmestyi vuosina 1882 sekä 1892-1916, on kiinnostava aikansa kulttuurielämän tutkimuksen lähde. Lehdessä kerrotaan yksityiskohtaiset tiedot Helsingissä järjestetyistä teatteriesityksistä ja konserteista sekä näissä esiintyneistä taiteilijoista. Helsinkiläisten liikeyritysten ilmoituksia ja mainoksia on runsaasti, ja lehdessä kerrotaan myös teatteri- ja konserttimaailman pieniä uutisia.


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Queramos o no el estado actual no puede limitarse a ser un espectador pasivo, tanto por los peligros de un individualismo anarquizante como por la necesidad de disciplinar los grupos que actúan en su seno, para que de su acción concertada resulte la armonía del orden y la paz social. Un orden que es un equilibrio dinámico y una paz no exenta de problemas y tensiones. El problema es de reajuste conceptual, institucional y fáctico entre las esferas individual y pública de la vida humana, con nueva delimitación de las fronteras y deberes que incumben a las personas y al Estado. En el campo educativo es conveniente un cierto dirigismo sin caer en la planificación absoluta. Si se ha agudizado la intervención estatal en las actividades sociales ha sido por la propia ideología liberal. Pero, debido a la complejidad estatal es necesario aplica una buena dosis de racionalización. En definitiva, debe existir una planificación escolar por parte del estado teniendo en cuenta toso los factores: demográficos, económicos, geográficos e históricos, sociales , pedagógicos y por último, financieros.


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This paper presents possible selective current compensation strategies based on the Conservative Power Theory (CPT). This recently proposed theory, introduces the concept of complex power conservation under non-sinusoidal conditions. Moreover, the related current decompositions results in several current terms, which are associated with a specific physical phenomena (power absorption P, energy storage Q, voltage and current distortion D). Such current components are used in this work for the definition of different current compensators, which can be selective in terms of minimizing particular disturbing effects. The choice of one or other current component for compensation directly affects the sizing and cost of active and/or passive devices and it will be demonstrated that it can be done to attend predefined limits for harmonic distortion, unbalances and/or power factor. Single-phase compensation strategies will be discussed by means of the CPT and simulation results will demonstrate their performance. © 2009 IEEE.


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The precise evaluation of electromagnetic field (EMF) distributions inside biological samples is becoming an increasingly important design requirement for high field MRI systems. In evaluating the induced fields caused by magnetic field gradients and RF transmitter coils, a multilayered dielectric spherical head model is proposed to provide a better understanding of electromagnetic interactions when compared to a traditional homogeneous head phantom. This paper presents Debye potential (DP) and Dyadic Green's function (DGF)-based solutions of the EMFs inside a head-sized, stratified sphere with similar radial conductivity and permittivity profiles as a human head. The DP approach is formulated for the symmetric case in which the source is a circular loop carrying a harmonic-formed current over a wide frequency range. The DGF method is developed for generic cases in which the source may be any kind of RF coil whose current distribution can be evaluated using the method of moments. The calculated EMFs can then be used to deduce MRI imaging parameters. The proposed methods, while not representing the full complexity of a head model, offer advantages in rapid prototyping as the computation times are much lower than a full finite difference time domain calculation using a complex head model. Test examples demonstrate the capability of the proposed models/methods. It is anticipated that this model will be of particular value for high field MRI applications, especially the rapid evaluation of RF resonator (surface and volume coils) and high performance gradient set designs.