959 resultados para 690202 Coastal water transport


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A study of fishing crafts was conducted in some coastal states of Nigeria to elucidate findings on the existing crafts as the baseline for further developments. Based on the technical designs, three types of fishing crafts were identified; planked, dug-out and half dug-out canoes. The planked canoes have the largest cubic number and dug-out canoes the least. At loadwater line, the ratio of freeboard to draft was 2 : 1 for planked canoes, indicating reserved buoyancy. Trim of planked canoe is by stern; the beam-length ratio for dug-out canoes showed high drag. Most of the sea-going canoes have U-shaped bottom hull profile capable of withstanding the rigours of surf landing and displayed good stability against longitudinal water wave. Gunwale and thwarts provided respectively the longitudinal and transverse strength of planked and half dug-out canoes. With its characteristics 'weight low down' construction, planked canoe represent the climax of small scale fishing crafts developments in Nigerian coastal waters. It's only draw back is durability. Further improvement in this canoe should be aimed at increasing the hull size and stiffness, water tightness of deck by coating, caulking, fastening, increasing level of motorization and installation of deck working equipments. Experimental design and use of fibre glass, aluminium and ferrocement hulls, together with improved planked canoe is highly advocated


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Generally, wetlands are thought to perform water purification functions, removing contaminants as water flows through sediment and vegetation. This paradigm was challenged when Grant et al. (2001) reported that Talbert Salt Marsh (Figure 1.) increased fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) output to coastal waters, contributing to poor coastal water quality. Like most southern California wetlands, Talbert Salt Marsh has been severely degraded. It is a small (10 ha), restored wetland, only 1/100th its original size, and located at the base of a highly urbanized watershed. Is it reasonable to expect that this or any severely altered wetland will perform the same water purification benefits as a natural wetland? To determine how a more pristine southern California coastal wetland attenuated bacterial contaminants, we investigated FIB concentrations entering and exiting Carpinteria Salt Marsh (Figure 2.), a 93 ha, moderate-sized, relatively natural wetland.(PDF contains 4 pages)


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Length-weight relationships (LWR) of 76 fish populations, distributed among 11 families, 18 genera and 22 species, inhabiting coastal (marine/brackish water ) ecosystems in Nigeria were estimated (39 cases) or assembled from the literature (37 cases). The mean exponent (b = 2.912) is significantly less than 3. While the frequency distribution of a was positively skewed, that of b was approximately normal. The mean a and b data are also presented by fish genera and families.


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Study Goals and Objectives: 1) Improve existing nutrient-related eutrophication assessment methods, updating (from early 1990s to early 2000s) the eutrophication assessment for systems included in the study with the improved method. 2) Develop a human-use/socioeconomic indicator to complement the assessment indicator. The human-use indicator was developed to evaluate costs of nutrient-related degradation in coastal waters and to put the issue into a broader context relevant to the interested public and legislators as well as to scientists. 3) Project objectives included collecting existing water quality data, developing an accessible database appropriate for application to a national study, and applying the assessment methods to 14 coastal systems – nine systems north of Cape Cod and five systems south. The geographical distribution of systems was used to examine potential regional differences in condition. 4) The intent is to use the lessons learned in this pilot study on a national scale to guide completion of an update of the 1999 National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment.


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This investigation was carried out from June ‘89 to May ‘90 and focuses on the occurrence and abundance of Acetes shrimps in the Kutubdia channel. The shrimps of the genus Acetes occurred throughout the year in the area of investigation. Acetes showed a bimodal peak in occurrence, one in late monsoon season (August - September) and other in pre-monsoon season (February - March). But the maximum number of Acetes shrimps was recorded in March (462 individuals/haul). The Acetes population of this channel was dominated by four species, Acetes erythraeus (38.50%), A. indicus (32.98%), A. chinensis (4.48%) and A. japonicus (3.32%).


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Adverse effects of toxic substances on the environmental quality have become a subject of concern in recent years. Toxicity of heavy metals has never been in dispute and therefore their presence in our natural environment is undesirable. This study was undertaken to establish the capability of Perna viridis as a monitor for pollution in the Manora channel. Accumulation of Zinc, Copper, Iron and Manganese by marine mussels, sampled from Manora channel, was determined. Metal load varied markedly between individuals from the same populatin. This variability was partly accounted for systematic relationship between metal load and body weight and age. The distribution of metal between the major organs was considered, but the analysis of separate organs showed no advantage for their use as a biological monitor. comparison between Iron, Manganese, Copper and Zinc concentration in ambient sea water and in the mussel showed no clear correspondence. The results suggest that the mussel is capable of acting as a biological monitor, although may not be a good short term monitor of Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Copper. It may have potential as a long term and site comparison monitor for metals, once inherent variability is taken into account


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Wave-number spectrum technique is proposed to retrieve coastal water depths by means of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image of waves. Based on the general dispersion relation of ocean waves, the wavelength changes of a surface wave over varying water depths can be derived from SAR. Approaching the analysis of SAR images of waves and using the general dispersion relation of ocean waves, this indirect technique of remote sensing bathymetry has been applied to a coastal region of Xiapu in Fujian Province, China. Results show that this technique is suitable for the coastal waters especially for the near-shore regions with variable water depths.


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To understand the present actuality of the marine ecosystem in the southern coastal water region of the Shandong Peninsula and the impact of the global change and the human activities to the marine ecosystem of the region, the macrobenthic community structure was researched based on data from 26 sampling stations carried out on four seasonal cruises from December 2006 to November 2007. The data was analyzed using PRIMER 6.0 and SPSS 15.0 software packages. The results showed that 236 macrobenthic species in total were collected from the research region by the field works. Most of the species belong to Polychaeta (76 species), Mollusca (75) and Crustacea (60). Of which, 33 species were common species by the four cruises. The dominant species were different among the four seasons, however, the polychaete species Nephtys oligobranchia and Sternaspis scutata were always dominant in the four seasons. The abundances and biomasses of the macrobenthos from the research region were variable in tire four seasons. The results of CLUSTER and MDS analysis showed that the similarities of macrobenthic structures among the stations were low, most of the similarities were at about 40% of similarity values, only that of two stations were up to 60%. In accordance with the similarity values of the macrobenthic structures, the 26 stations were clustered as six groups at arbitrary similarity level of 30%. The ABC curve indicated that the marcofauna communities in the research region had riot been disturbed distinctly. The results of BIOENV and BVSTEP (Spearman) analysis implied that the concentrations of organic matter in bottom water and heavy metal copper in sediment, water depth and temperature of bottom were the most significant environmental factors to affect the macrobentic community.