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Background: There is good evidence that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are beneficial after myocardial infarction (MI). However, it is not known how widely this evidence is used in practice and whether all eligible patients receive this therapy. Aim: To assess the usage of ACE inhibitors in patients after MI in a large teaching hospital. Method: A one month prospective analysis, combined with a three month retrospective analysis, was conducted at the Royal Brisbane Hospital (RBH) in February-March 2000. Patients admitted with an MI or who had been diagnosed with an MI during admission from November 1999 to March 2000 were identified from the coronary care unit (CCU) records. Inpatient medication charts and outpatient records were then reviewed. Information collected included: ACE inhibitor use, doses, reasons for prescribing/not prescribing ACE inhibitors, and ACE inhibitor prescribers (cardiologists or general physicians). Results: Forty four patients with an MI were included in the study, 28 of whom were prescribed ACE-inhibitors (64%). Twenty four of the 28 patients on ACE inhibitors were prescribed perindopril. The major reason given for prescribing ACE inhibitors was signs of congestive cardiac failure. All ACE inhibitors initiated in patients after MI at RBH were ordered by cardiologists. Conclusion: ACE inhibitors were prescribed appropriately in 88% of patients who met criteria for their use. This high percentage of appropriate prescribing was encouraging. Reevaluation as part of an ongoing quality assurance activity could be used to ensure this is maintained.
Studies conducted on volcanic islands have greatly contributed to our current understanding of how organisms diversify. The Canary Islands archipelago, located northwest of the coast of northern Africa, harbours a large number of endemic taxa. Because of their low vagility, mygalomorph spiders are usually absent from oceanic islands. The spider Titanidiops canariensis, which inhabits the easternmost islands of the archipelago, constitutes an exception to this rule. Here, we use a multi-locus approach that combines three mitochondrial and four nuclear genes to investigate the origins and phylogeography of this remarkable trap-door spider. We provide a timeframe for the colonisation of the Canary Islands using two alternative approaches: concatenation and species tree inference in a Bayesian relaxed clock framework. Additionally, we investigate the existence of cryptic species on the islands by means of a Bayesian multi-locus species delimitation method. Our results indicate that T. canariensis colonised the Canary Islands once, most likely during the Miocene, although discrepancies between the timeframes from different approaches make the exact timing uncertain. A complex evolutionary history for the species in the archipelago is revealed, which involves two independent colonisations of Fuerteventura from the ancestral range of T. canariensis in northern Lanzarote and a possible back colonisation of southern Lanzarote. The data further corroborate a previously proposed volcanic refugium, highlighting the impact of the dynamic volcanic history of the island on the phylogeographic patterns of the endemic taxa. T. canariensis includes at least two different species, one inhabiting the Jandia peninsula and central Fuerteventura and one spanning from central Fuerteventura to Lanzarote. Our data suggest that the extant northern African Titanidiops lineages may have expanded to the region after the islands were colonised and, hence, are not the source of colonisation. In addition, T. maroccanus may harbour several cryptic species.
The objective of this thesis was to study the relationship between firstorder capabilities and online innovations. First-order capabilities can be divided into market and technology capabilities, and they play an important role in the production of innovations. The study was carried out in publishing industry, where many changes have taken place in the online environment during the last few years. In the empirical research, four companies were studied, two magazine publishers and two newspaper publishers. The analysis was done in two phases; first every case was analyzed alone and then the cases were compared in cross-case analysis. The most important finding was the positive impact of market capability to the production of online innovations. The study also increased understanding about the relationship between market and technology capabilities and online innovations in general.
Estos poemas están repletos de peculiares mascotas. Conoce extraños y maravillosos animales, el caracol supersónico, el gato fantasma, el perro hablador.
Gene therapy may represent a promising alternative strategy for cardiac muscle regeneration. In vivo electroporation, a physical method of gene transfer, has recently evolved as an efficient method for gene transfer. Here, we describe two protocols involving in vivo electroporation for gene transfer to the beating heart.