998 resultados para 590 Animals (Zoology)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been shown to have several biological effects that favor the healing process, and nicotine has been shown to delay the healing process. In this study we investigated the healing of open wounds created on the back of rats treated with nicotine with or without LLLT. of 115 animals, 59 received subcutaneous injections of saline solution, and the others received subcutaneous injections of nicotine (3 mg/kg body weight), twice a day throughout the study period. After 30 days, skin wounds were created on the back of the animals. The animals receiving saline injections were divided into two groups: group 1 (G1, n = 29), in which the wounds were left untreated, and group 2 (G2, n = 30), in which the wounds were treated with LLLT (GaAlAs, 660 nm, 30 mW, 5.57 J/cm(2) per point, 0.39 J, 13 s per point, 0.42 W/cm(2)). The animals receiving nicotine injections were also divided into two groups: group 3 (G3, n = 29), in which the wounds were left untreated, and group 4 (G4, n = 27), in which the wounds were treated with LLLT. The animals were killed 3, 7 or 14 days after surgery. Wound healing was evaluated histologically both qualitatively and semiquantitatively. Wounds of G2 showed a delay in epithelial migration and connective tissue organization compared to those of G1. Wounds of G2 showed faster healing than those of G1; similarly, wounds of G4 showed more advanced healing than those of G3. LLLT acted as a biostimulatory coadjuvant agent balancing the undesirable effects of nicotine on wound tissue healing.


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Many studies show environmental enrichment is correlated with benefits to captive animals; however, one should not always assume this positive relationship given that enrichment increases the amount of resources that a territorial animal must defend and possibly affects its aggressive dynamics. In this study, we tested if environmental enrichment affects aggressive interactions in the aggressive fish Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). We compared fights staged between pairs of male tilapia of similar size (= matched in resource holding potential) in a novel arena that was either barren or enriched, to examine whether enrichment enhances territory value in line with theoretical predictions, with the potential for compromised welfare. We evaluated time elapsed until the first attack (latency), frequency of aggressive interactions and fight duration. We detected fight dynamic differences at the pair level. Higher resource value generated increased aggression but had no effect on fight duration or latency. This conclusion is in line with game theory predictions concerning resource value and contradicts the theory that enrichment of the environment will serve welfare purposes. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections have been little studied in wild and/or domestic animals, which may represent an important indicator of the presence of the pathogen in nature. Road-killed wild animals have been used for surveillance of vectors of zoonotic pathogens and may offer new opportunities for eco-epidemiological studies of paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). The presence of P. brasiliensis infection was evaluated by Nested-PCR in tissue samples collected from 19 road-killed animals; 3 Cavia aperea (guinea pig), 5 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 1 Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), 1 Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo), 2 Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum), 1 Eira barbara (tayra), 2 Gallictis vittata (grison), 2 Procyon cancrivorus (raccoon) and 2 Sphiggurus spinosus (porcupine). Specific P. brasiliensis amplicons were detected in (a) several organs of the two armadillos and one guinea pig, (b) the lung and liver of the porcupine, and (c) the lungs of raccoons and grisons. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals from endemic areas might be more common than initially postulated. Molecular techniques can be used for detecting new hosts and mapping 'hot spot' areas of PCM.


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A comparative approach is potentially useful for understanding the role of mammal innate immunity role in stimulating adaptive immunity as well as the relationship between these two types of immune strategies. Considerable progress has been made in the elucidation of the co-ordinated events involved in plant perception of infection and their mobilisation of defence responses. Although lacking immunoglobulin molecules, circulating cells, and phagocytic processes, plants successfully use pre-formed physical and chemical innate defences, as well as inducible adaptive immune strategies. In the present paper, we review some shared and divergent immune aspects present in both animals and plants. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The diurnal tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae exhibits a marked circadian variation in metabolism that is characterized by the significant increase in metabolism during part of the day. These increases in metabolic rate, found in the fasting animal, are absent during the first 2 d after meal ingestion but reappear subsequently, and the daily increase in metabolic rate is added to the increase in metabolic rate caused by digestion. During the first 2 d after feeding, priority is given to digestion, while on the third and following days, the metabolic demands are clearly added to each other. This response seems to be a regulated response of the animal, which becomes less active after food ingestion, rather than an inability of the respiratory system to support simultaneous demands at the beginning of digestion. The body cavity of Tupinambis is divided into two compartments by a posthepatic septum (PHS). Animals that had their PHS surgically removed showed no significant alteration in the postprandial metabolic response compared to tegus with intact PHS. The maximal metabolic increment during digestion, the relative cost of meal digestion, and the duration of the process were virtually unaffected by the removal of the PHS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the behavior of cardiac variables in animals exposed to cigarette smoke. METHODS: Two groups of Wistar rats were studied as follows: control group (C), comprising 28 animals; and smoking group (S), comprising 23 animals exposed to cigarette smoke for 30 days. Left ventricular cardiac function was assessed in vivo with transthoracic echocardiography, and myocardial performance was analyzed in vitro in preparations of isolated left ventricular papillary muscle. The cardiac muscle was assessed in isometric contractions with an extracellular calcium concentration of 2.5 mmol/L. RESULTS: No statistical difference was observed in the values of the body variables of the rats and in the mechanical data obtained from the papillary muscle between the control and smoking groups. The values of left ventricular systolic diameter were significantly greater in the smoking animals than in the control animals (C= 3.39 ± 0.4 mm and S= 3.71 ± 0.51 mm, P=0.02). A significant reduction was observed in systolic shortening fraction (C= 56.7 ± 4.2% and S= 53.5 ± 5.3%, P=0.02) and in ejection fraction (C= 0.92 ± 0.02 and S= 0.89 ± 0.04, P=0.01). CONCLUSION: The rats exposed to cigarette smoke had a reduction in left ventricular systolic function, although their myocardial function was preserved.


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Amostras de vírus rábico isoladas de animais e humanos no período de 1989 a 2000 foram tipificadas antigenicamente com a utilização de um painel de anticorpos monoclonais contra a nucleoproteína viral, pré-estabelecido para o estudo da epidemiologia molecular do vírus rábico isolado nas Américas. As amostras testadas foram isoladas no laboratório de diagnóstico do Instituto Pasteur e outros centros de diagnóstico de raiva no Brasil. Além das cepas de vírus rábico fixo CVS-31/96-IP, mantida em cérebro de camundongos e a PV-BHK/97, mantida em cultura de células, cepas de vírus rábico isoladas de cães, gatos, bovinos, eqüinos, morcegos, ovinos, caprino, suínos, raposa, sagüí, coatí, guaxinim e humanos, totalizaram 330 amostras. Seis variantes antigênicas foram definidas, compatíveis com perfís observados no painel de anticorpos monoclonais pré-estabelecido utilizado, as de número 2 (cão), 3 (Desmodus rotundus), 4 (Tadarida brasiliensis), 5 (Vampiro da Venezuela), 6 (Lasiurus cinereus) e Lab (reagente a todos os anticorpos utilizados), além de outros seis perfís desconhecidos, não compatíveis com aqueles observados no painel utilizado. A maior variabilidade foi observada entre as amostras isoladas de morcegos insetívoros e a variante mais comum isolada entre as espécies foi a variante 3 (Desmodus rotundus). Estes fatos podem representar a existência de múltiplos ciclos de transmissão independentes, envolvendo diferentes espécies de morcegos.


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Objetivando analisar as indicações de profilaxia antirrábica humana no Município de Jaboticabal-SP, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo descritivo no período de 2000 a 2006, com levantamento de dados registrados nas fichas de investigação de atendimento e cálculo do custo com as vacinas destinadas à profilaxia pós-exposição. Constatou-se que 2.493 pessoas agredidas por animais foram submetidas à profilaxia com uso de vacina, num total de 7.108 doses e um custo de R$ 179.105,14. da totalidade de casos notificados, 2.184 (71,5 %) foram causados por cães e gatos clinicamente sadios no momento da agressão e que assim se mantiveram durante o período de observação, a qual foi feita pela própria vítima ou pelo dono do animal. Considerando este fato e também a situação epidemiológica da raiva no Município, pode-se inferir que essas vítimas poderiam ter sido dispensadas da profilaxia; entretanto, apenas 464 o foram, ou seja, 1.720 pessoas podem ter recebido vacina sem necessidade, ou seja 4.590 doses a um custo de R$ 114.420,81. em comparação com os números de outros municípios do Estado de São Paulo e com a média nacional, constata-se que o número de profilaxias pós-exposição contra raiva é muito alto em Jaboticabal, evidenciando que na conduta não se considerou o estado do agressor e a condição do Município de área controlada para raiva. Recomenda-se conscientização e capacitação permanentes das equipes de saúde pública quanto à epidemiologia da doença e à necessidade de observação adequada do animal agressor. É essencial a integração dos serviços médicos e veterinários no atendimento às vitimas, visando uma melhor avaliação do caso para que a decisão de se instituir ou não a profilaxia pós-exposição seja feita com critério e segurança.


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Oxygen uptake and the influence of declining oxygen pressures (Po2's) were examined in a Brazilian spirostreptid millipede, Pseudonannolene tricolor. The data were obtained in a Warburg respirometer at 25-degrees-C from both male and female animals, sexually inactive, in the intermolt stage, and fasting for 24 h. In a sudden exposure to a decreased Po2 the millipedes regulated respiration down to at least 71 mmHg O2. From a Po2 of 35 mmHg O2 downward the animals started to show oxyconformity. When the millipedes were exposed to a stepwise declining Po2 the results indicated only conformation. After exposure to hypoxia, P. tricolor showed a pattern of underrepayment on return to normoxia, but larger millipedes accumulated more O2 debt than smaller ones.


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Objective: the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of low-intensity laser therapy on the wound healing process treated with steroid. Background Data: Various biological effects have been associated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT). Materials and Methods: Forty-eight rats were used, and after execution of a wound on the dorsal region of each animal, they were divided into 4 groups (n = 12), receiving the following treatments: G1 (control), wounds and animals received no treatment; G2, wounds were treated with LLLT; G3, animals received an intraperitoneal injection of steroid dosage (2 mg/kg of body weight); G4, animals received steroid and wounds were treated with LLLT. The laser emission device used was a GaAIAs (904 nm), in a contact mode, with 2.75 mW gated with 2.900 Hz during 120 sec (33 J/cm(2)). After the period of 3, 7, and 14 days, the animals were sacrificed and the parts sent to histological processing and dyed using hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and Masson trichromium (MT) techniques. Results: the results have shown that the wounds treated with steroid had a delay in healing, while LLLT accelerated the wound healing process. Also, wounds treated with laser in the animals treated with steroid presented a differentiated healing process with a larger collagen deposition and also a decrease in both the inflamatory infiltrated and the delay on the wound healing process. Conclusion: LLLT accelerated healing, caused by the steroid, acting as a biostimulative coadjutant agent, balancing the undesirable effects of cortisone (in the tissue healing process.


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Strains (105) of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated in Brazil between 1982 and 1990 mere bio-serotyped. They were also studied for plasmid profile, autoagglutination and calcium dependence at 37 degrees C, Congo red uptake, pyrazinamidase activity, esculin hydrolysis, salicin fermentation and drug sensitivity: 95.24% were biotype 2, serogroup O:3; 2.86% were biotype 1, serogroup O:1; and 1.90% were biotype 2, non-agglutinable. Plasmids were found in 77.14% of the strains (one in each strain). There was total correlation between the presence of the virulence plasmid and autoagglutination, calcium dependence at 37 degrees C and Congo red uptake. The esculin, salicin and pyrazinamidase tests were not efficient in differentiating pathogenic from non-pathogenic Y, pseudotuberculosis isolates. All strains were highly sensitive to the drugs used. These results indicate that Y. pseudotuberculosis is a potential pathogen for humans in Brazil, especially because the bio-serogroups detected among animals are those most frequently associated with human diseases.