54 resultados para 50N
Atmospheric inputs of mineral dust supply iron and other trace metals to the remote ocean and can influence the marine carbon cycle due to iron's role as a potentially limiting micronutrient. Dust generation, transport, and deposition are highly heterogeneous, and there are very few remote marine locations where dust concentrations and chemistry (e.g., iron solubility) are routinely monitored. Here we use aerosol and rainwater samples collected during 10 large-scale research cruises to estimate the atmospheric input of iron, aluminum, and manganese to four broad regions of the Atlantic Ocean over two 3 month periods for the years 2001–2005. We estimate total inputs of these metals to our study regions to be 4.2, 17, and 0.27 Gmol in April–June and 4.9, 14, and 0.19 Gmol in September–November, respectively. Inputs were highest in regions of high rainfall (the intertropical convergence zone and South Atlantic storm track), and rainfall contributed higher proportions of total input to wetter regions. By combining input estimates for total and soluble metals for these time periods, we calculated overall percentage solubilities for each metal that account for the contributions from both wet and dry depositions and the relative contributions from different aerosol types. Calculated solubilities were in the range 2.4%–9.1% for iron, 6.1%–15% for aluminum, and 54%–73% for manganese. We discuss sources of uncertainty in our estimates and compare our results to some recent estimates of atmospheric iron input to the Atlantic.
Introduction Ovine models are widely used in orthopaedic research. To better understand the impact of orthopaedic procedures computer simulations are necessary. 3D finite element (FE) models of bones allow implant designs to be investigated mechanically, thereby reducing mechanical testing. Hypothesis We present the development and validation of an ovine tibia FE model for use in the analysis of tibia fracture fixation plates. Material & Methods Mechanical testing of the tibia consisted of an offset 3-pt bend test with three repetitions of loading to 350N and return to 50N. Tri-axial stacked strain gauges were applied to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the bone and two rigid bodies – consisting of eight infrared active markers, were attached to the ends of the tibia. Positional measurements were taken with a FARO arm 3D digitiser. The FE model was constructed with both geometry and material properties derived from CT images of the bone. The elasticity-density relationship used for material property determination was validated separately using mechanical testing. This model was then transformed to the same coordinate system as the in vitro mechanical test and loads applied. Results Comparison between the mechanical testing and the FE model showed good correlation in surface strains (difference: anterior 2.3%, posterior 3.2%). Discussion & Conclusion This method of model creation provides a simple method for generating subject specific FE models from CT scans. The use of the CT data set for both the geometry and the material properties ensures a more accurate representation of the specific bone. This is reflected in the similarity of the surface strain results.
El ensayo se realizó en el Centro Experimental La Compañía, San Marcos, Carazo, en la época de postrera (Octubre—Diciembre) del 2003. Se evaluaron 16 genotipos de frijol negro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), con el objetivo de seleccionar genotipos promisorios que se adapten a los sistemas de producción del departamento de Carazo y agroecosistemas similares, en aras de presentarles alternativas de producción a los agricultores de esta zona. El presente ensayo se estableció en un diseño experimental de bloques completamente al azar (BCA), con tres repeticiones. Se estudió el rendimiento y sus componentes; variables fenológicas como días a floración, días a madurez fisiológica y hábito de crecimiento. Se realizó un análisis de varianza para las variables en estudio y la separación de medias por Tukey según la severidad. En cuanto a las variables fenológicas se observó variabilidad de las poblaciones en estudio para los caracteres de días a floración y madurez fisiológica, sobresaliendo por precocidad los genotipos como Guaymí y PRF9809 – 6. En el hábito de crecimiento se observó que en su mayoría fueron indeterminados IIb, ya que solo un genotipo presentó indeterminado IIa el EAP 9712 – 13, donde los componentes del rendimiento, el número de granos por vainas y el peso de 100 granos presentaron diferencias significativas; los mejores rendimientos los obtuvieron los genotipos PRF 9924– 50N y B 2037 con 779.33 y 714.67 kg/ha, respectivamente, y el que presentó bajo rendimiento fue el genotipo ICTA Ligero con 205.33 kg/ha. A nivel de campo la mayoría de los materiales en estudio presentaron síntomas catalogados como una categoría intermedia a la enfermedad Mustia hilachosa Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk.
El frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) de testa negro, se perfila como un importante elemento en la dieta nacional y como un producto atractivo y rentable para la exportación, debido a eso existe una demanda creciente de nuevas variedades de altos rendimientos que se adapten a los diferentes sistemas de producción y condiciones agroclimáticas de las zonas frijoleras del país. Con el objetivo de identificar esas variedades se evaluaron 15 genotipos promisorios de frijol común negro con el propósito de seleccionar los que presenten las mejores características agronómicas y de rendimiento. La investigación se llevó a cabo en época de primera (Junio- Agosto) del 2004 en la estación experimental la Compañía, San Marcos, departamento de Carazo, en un suelo franco limoso, utilizando como testigo el INTA Cárdenas que es una variedad mexicana conocida en su país como DOR-500. El ensayo se estableció en un diseño experimental unifactorial de bloques completos al azar con 3 repeticiones. El análisis de la información se basó en análisis estadístico y separación de medias por Tukey utilizando el Statistical Analysis System (versión 8.0 2002). Se evaluaron 13 variables: 3 correspondientes a los componentes fenológicos, una al acame, una al carácter de crecimiento, 5 corresponden a los componentes del rendimiento; se evaluó la mustia hilachosa, y 2 variables corresponden al valor agronómico y comercial del grano. En las variables de días afloración, madurez fisiológica y cosecha no se encontraron diferencias significativas; se encontró un tipo de hábito de crecimiento indeterminado arbustivo (II), 8 genotipos de guía corta (IIa) y 7 guía larga (IIb); el acame no interfirió mucho en la producción, ya que se mantuvo entre un 5 y 35% de plantas volcadas; en las variables; número de plantas cosechadas por parcela útil, vainas por planta, granos por vainas, peso de 100 granos y rendimiento, se encontraron diferencias significativas, mostrando los máximos rendimientos los genotipos MN13332-41, PRF9924-50N, MN13071-41 y B20-59 con 2773, 2726.3, 2717.7 y 2572 kg. ha-1 respectivamente, superando al testigo INTA Cárdenas. La mustia hilachosa se mantuvo en la categoría resistente en 14 genotipos e intermedia en el testigo, el mayor valor agronómico y comercial lo obtuvieron los genotipos MN13332-41, MN13071-41 y B20-59, que presentaron las mejores características arquitectónicas, mayor precocidad y sanidad.
Twenty-seven years (1956-1983) of oceanographic data collected at Ocean Station P (50°N/145°W), as well as supplementary data obtained in its neighborhood, have been examined for trends and interannual variability in the northeast Pacific Ocean. There is evidence that the water is warming and freshening and that the isopycnal surfaces are deepening. Trends in oxyty are mostly not significant. The most common periods for the interannual variability appear to be 2 1/2 and 6-7 years. The vertical movement of water accounts for one half of the changes in temperature and salinity and 30% of those in oxyty. Other factors, such as a shift of water masses, may also be important.
菲律宾群岛以东的西太平洋赤道和热带海域以存在活跃和复杂的近表面环流而著称。北赤道流(North equatorial current)由东向西不断强化,当到达菲律宾群岛沿岸时,由于受菲律宾群岛的阻挡和β效应,海水在西边界堆积,在西边界形成两支强的西边界流,一支向北形成黑潮(Kuroshio current),一支向南形成棉兰老流(Mindanao current)。这两支西边界流对太平洋的热量重新分配将起着重要的作用。南下的棉兰老流到达棉兰老岛东南海域时,一部分成为印度尼西亚贯穿流(Indonesian throughflow),大部分转向东和苏拉威西海出来的海水及南赤道流(South equatorial current)越过赤道流进入这海域的海水混合,成为北赤道逆流(North equatorial countercurrent)。从1990年10月获得的水文资料算出本航次东边这条断面的纬向地转流断面图,可以看出,1990年晚秋北赤道汉分布在8°N以北的海域,强度最大的流集中在8~9°N之间相对狭窄的地带。而在76号站(3.41°N,128.76°N)到45号站(7.50°N,129.99°N)这条断面上,北赤道逆流分布在3°N~8°N之间,而强度最大流集中在靠近印度尼西亚的摩尔泰岛的南段,另从本航次获得的棉兰老岛以东海域-100米处动力米高度可以看出,在此海域存在两个气旋型涡旋(Cyclonic eddy)一个中心约在10.2°N,128°N,另一个中心在129°N以东,6.5°N左右的地方。用带~(63)Ni电子捕获检测器(ECD)的气相色谱对西太平洋的一些站在0米、50米、100米、150米、200米、300米等六层海水(有些站8~10层)中的氟里昴浓度进行了测定,发现在大部分站位位于300米以上的海水中氟里昴12浓度皆高于1.0 pmol·l~(-1)。表明表层温度混合层和温跃层之间的氟里昴-12交换的比较强烈,特别是靠近棉兰老岛的地方。用水下100米、200米氟里昴-12浓度等值线地域分布和变化,追踪北赤道流,棉兰老流,北赤道流之间的联系,结果与同一海域的动力米高度的地域分布十分吻合。再通过比较本航次东边这条断面的氟里昴-12浓度断面图和地转流断面图,我们能清楚地看的到,西向流区对应着高浓度的氟里昴-12分布,特别是在8~9°N流轴上面存在着氟里昴-12浓度最大值轴,而东向流区对应着相对低浓度的氟里昴-12分布,由以上结果,我们可以得出结论:用氟里昴示踪棉兰老岛以东海域的近表面环流是十分有效的,这样,氟里昴浓度在这海域的分布对今后建立本海域的大洋环流数学模式将能起重要作用。本文根据氟里昴主要来源是北半球的工业区,提出了一个氟里昴输入棉兰老岛以东海域的机制。
1. In addition to abiotic determinants, biotic factors, including competitive, interspecific interactions, limit species’ distributions. Environmental changes in human disturbance, land use and climate are predicted to have widespread impacts on interactions between species, especially in the order Lagomorpha due to the higher latitudes and more extreme environmental conditions they occupy.
2. We reviewed the published literature on interspecific interactions in the order Lagomorpha, and compared the biogeography, macroecology, phylogeny and traits of species known to interact with those of species with no reported interactions, to investigate how projected future environmental change may affect interactions and potentially alter species’ distributions.
3. Thirty-three lagomorph species have competitive interactions reported in the literature; the majority involve hares (Lepus sp.) or the eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus). Key regions for interactions are located between 30-50°N of the Equator, and include eastern Asia (southern Russia on the border of Mongolia) and North America (north western USA).
4. Closely related, large-bodied, similarly sized species occurring in regions of human-modified, typically agricultural landscapes, or at high elevations are significantly more likely to have reported competitive interactions than other lagomorph species.
5. We identify species’ traits associated with competitive interactions, and highlight some potential impacts that future environmental change may have on interspecific interactions. Our approach using bibliometric and biological data is widely applicable, and with relatively straightforward methodologies, can provide insights into interactions between species.
6. Our results have implications for predicting species’ responses to global change, and we advise that capturing, parameterizing and incorporating interspecific interactions into analyses (for example, species distribution modelling) may be more important than suggested by the literature.
The main objective of the present study is to model the gravity fields in terms of lithospheric structure below the western continental margin of India (WCMI) identify zones of crustal mass anomalies and attempt to infer the location of Ocean Continent transition in the Arabian Sea. In this study, the area starting from the western shield margin to the region covering the deep oceanic parts of the Arabian Sea which is bounded by Carlsberg and Cerg and Central Indian ridges in the south, eastern part of the Indus Cone in the west and falling between 630E and 800E longitudes, and 50N - 240N latitudes has been considered. The vast amount of seismic reflection and refraction data in the form of crustal velocities, basement configuration and crustal thicknesses available for the west coast as well as the eastern Arabian Sea has been utilized for this purpose
A reconstruction of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) for the period 1959–2006 has been derived from the ECMWF operational ocean reanalysis. The reconstruction shows a wide range of time-variability, including a downward trend. At 26N, both the MOC intensity and changes in its vertical structure are in good agreement with previous estimates based on trans-Atlantic surveys. At 50N, the MOC and strength of the subpolar gyre are correlated at interannual time scales, but show opposite secular trends. Heat transport variability is highly correlated with the MOC but shows a smaller trend due to the warming of the upper ocean, which partially compensates for the weakening of the circulation. Results from sensitivity experiments show that although the time-varying upper boundary forcing provides useful MOC information, the sequential assimilation of ocean data further improves the MOC estimation by increasing both the mean and the time variability.
We quantify the risks of climate-induced changes in key ecosystem processes during the 21st century by forcing a dynamic global vegetation model with multiple scenarios from 16 climate models and mapping the proportions of model runs showing forest/nonforest shifts or exceedance of natural variability in wildfire frequency and freshwater supply. Our analysis does not assign probabilities to scenarios or weights to models. Instead, we consider distribution of outcomes within three sets of model runs grouped by the amount of global warming they simulate: <2°C (including simulations in which atmospheric composition is held constant, i.e., in which the only climate change is due to greenhouse gases already emitted), 2–3°C, and >3°C. High risk of forest loss is shown for Eurasia, eastern China, Canada, Central America, and Amazonia, with forest extensions into the Arctic and semiarid savannas; more frequent wildfire in Amazonia, the far north, and many semiarid regions; more runoff north of 50°N and in tropical Africa and northwestern South America; and less runoff in West Africa, Central America, southern Europe, and the eastern U.S. Substantially larger areas are affected for global warming >3°C than for <2°C; some features appear only at higher warming levels. A land carbon sink of ≈1 Pg of C per yr is simulated for the late 20th century, but for >3°C this sink converts to a carbon source during the 21st century (implying a positive climate feedback) in 44% of cases. The risks continue increasing over the following 200 years, even with atmospheric composition held constant.
We compare the variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) as simulated by the coupled climate models of the RAPID project, which cover a wide range of resolution and complexity, and observed by the RAPID/MOCHA array at about 26N. We analyse variability on a range of timescales. In models of all resolutions there is substantial variability on timescales of a few days; in most AOGCMs the amplitude of the variability is of somewhat larger magnitude than that observed by the RAPID array, while the amplitude of the simulated annual cycle is similar to observations. A dynamical decomposition shows that in the models, as in observations, the AMOC is predominantly geostrophic (driven by pressure and sea-level gradients), with both geostrophic and Ekman contributions to variability, the latter being exaggerated and the former underrepresented in models. Other ageostrophic terms, neglected in the observational estimate, are small but not negligible. In many RAPID models and in models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3), interannual variability of the maximum of the AMOC wherever it lies, which is a commonly used model index, is similar to interannual variability in the AMOC at 26N. Annual volume and heat transport timeseries at the same latitude are well-correlated within 15-45N, indicating the climatic importance of the AMOC. In the RAPID and CMIP3 models, we show that the AMOC is correlated over considerable distances in latitude, but not the whole extent of the north Atlantic; consequently interannual variability of the AMOC at 50N is not well-correlated with the AMOC at 26N.
We compare the variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) as simulated by the coupled climate models of the RAPID project, which cover a wide range of resolution and complexity, and observed by the RAPID/MOCHA array at about 26N. We analyse variability on a range of timescales, from five-daily to interannual. In models of all resolutions there is substantial variability on timescales of a few days; in most AOGCMs the amplitude of the variability is of somewhat larger magnitude than that observed by the RAPID array, while the time-mean is within about 10% of the observational estimate. The amplitude of the simulated annual cycle is similar to observations, but the shape of the annual cycle shows a spread among the models. A dynamical decomposition shows that in the models, as in observations, the AMOC is predominantly geostrophic (driven by pressure and sea-level gradients), with both geostrophic and Ekman contributions to variability, the latter being exaggerated and the former underrepresented in models. Other ageostrophic terms, neglected in the observational estimate, are small but not negligible. The time-mean of the western boundary current near the latitude of the RAPID/MOCHA array has a much wider model spread than the AMOC does, indicating large differences among models in the simulation of the wind-driven gyre circulation, and its variability is unrealistically small in the models. In many RAPID models and in models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3), interannual variability of the maximum of the AMOC wherever it lies, which is a commonly used model index, is similar to interannual variability in the AMOC at 26N. Annual volume and heat transport timeseries at the same latitude are well-correlated within 15--45N, indicating the climatic importance of the AMOC. In the RAPID and CMIP3 models, we show that the AMOC is correlated over considerable distances in latitude, but not the whole extent of the north Atlantic; consequently interannual variability of the AMOC at 50N, where it is particularly relevant to European climate, is not well-correlated with that of the AMOC at 26N, where it is monitored by the RAPID/MOCHA array.
The ability to run General Circulation Models (GCMs) at ever-higher horizontal resolutions has meant that tropical cyclone simulations are increasingly credible. A hierarchy of atmosphere-only GCMs, based on the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM1), with horizontal resolution increasing from approximately 270km to 60km (at 50N), is used to systematically investigate the impact of spatial resolution on the simulation of global tropical cyclone activity, independent of model formulation. Tropical cyclones are extracted from ensemble simulations and reanalyses of comparable resolutions using a feature-tracking algorithm. Resolution is critical for simulating storm intensity and convergence to observed storm intensities is not achieved with the model hierarchy. Resolution is less critical for simulating the annual number of tropical cyclones and their geographical distribution, which are well captured at resolutions of 135km or higher, particularly for Northern Hemisphere basins. Simulating the interannual variability of storm occurrence requires resolutions of 100km or higher; however, the level of skill is basin dependent. Higher resolution GCMs are increasingly able to capture the interannual variability of the large-scale environmental conditions that contribute to tropical cyclogenesis. Different environmental factors contribute to the interannual variability of tropical cyclones in the different basins: in the North Atlantic basin the vertical wind shear, potential intensity and low-level absolute vorticity are dominant, while in the North Pacific basins mid-level relative humidity and low-level absolute vorticity are dominant. Model resolution is crucial for a realistic simulation of tropical cyclone behaviour, and high-resolution GCMs are found to be valuable tools for investigating the global location and frequency of tropical cyclones.