999 resultados para 5-HTT


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Adverse childhood experiences have been described as one of the major environmental risk factors for depressive disorder. Likewise, the deleterious impact of early traumatic experiences on depression seems to be moderated by individual genetic variability. Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) seem to modulate the effect of childhood adversity on adult depression, although inconsistencies across studies have been found. Moreover, the GxE interaction concerning the different types of childhood adversity remains poorly understood. The aim of this study is to analyse the putative interaction between the 5-HTT gene (5-HTTLPR polymorphism), BDNF gene (Val66Met polymorphism) and childhood adversity in accounting for adult depressive symptoms.


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Background Adverse childhood experiences have been described as one of the major environmental risk factors for depressive disorder. Similarly, the deleterious impact of early traumatic experiences on depression seems to be moderated by individual genetic variability. Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) modulate the effect of childhood adversity on adult depression, although inconsistencies across studies have been found. Moreover, the gene×environment (G×E) interaction concerning the different types of childhood adversity remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to analyse the putative interaction between the 5-HTT gene (5-HTTLPR polymorphism), the BDNF gene (Val66Met polymorphism) and childhood adversity in accounting for adult depressive symptoms. Method A sample of 534 healthy individuals filled in self-report questionnaires of depressive symptomatology [the Symptom Check List 90 Revised (SCL-90-R)] and different types of childhood adversities [the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ)]. The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism (5-HTT gene) and the Val66Met polymorphism (BDNF gene) were genotyped in the whole sample. Results Total childhood adversity (β=0.27, p<0.001), childhood sexual abuse (CSA; β=0.17, p<0.001), childhood emotional abuse (β=0.27, p<0.001) and childhood emotional neglect (β=0.22, p<0.001) had an impact on adult depressive symptoms. CSA had a greater impact on depressive symptoms in Met allele carriers of the BDNF gene than in the Val/Val group (F=5.87, p<0.0001), and in S carriers of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism (5-HTT gene) (F=5.80, p<0.0001). Conclusions Childhood adversity per se predicted higher levels of adult depressive symptoms. In addition, BDNF Val66Met and 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms seemed to moderate the effect of CSA on adult depressive symptoms.


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Introducción. La depresión mayor es una enfermedad frecuente y compleja de origen poligénico. Dada su importancia en la fisiopatología y terapéutica de la enfermedad, se ha demostrado que el gen que codifica para el transportador de serotonina (5-HTT) está asociado con el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Se realizó un estudio para evaluar la asociación entre polimorfismos del gen 5-HTT y trastorno depresivo mayor. Métodos. Estudio de casos y controles pareados 1:1. Los participantes se clasificaron a partir de la entrevista estructurada del DSM-IV-TR. Los resultados fueron analizados con OR de McNemar y ji-cuadrado y pruebas exactas pareadas. Se utilizó la regresión logística condicional. Se evaluó la presencia de Equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg con ji-cuadrado de Pearson. Resultados. Se evaluaron 69 casos y 69 controles, cuyas características socio-demográficas y clínicas fueron similares a lo reportado previamente en la literatura. La muestra se encontraba en equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg. No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre trastorno depresivo mayor y polimorfismos del gen 5-HTT en general, aunque se encontró la asociación en sujetos de 37 años y menos. Conclusión. Los resultados son similares a lo previamente reportado por otros estudios en pacientes colombianos con trastorno bipolar, lo cual sugiere que en esta población no hay asociación entre trastornos afectivos y polimorfismos del gen 5-HTT. Se necesitan más estudios en el área.


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Serotonergic and endocannabinoid systems are important substrates for the control of emotional behavior and growing evidence show an involvement in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. In the present study, the absence of the activity of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor impaired serotonergic negative feedback in mice. Thus, in vivo microdialysis experiments revealed increased basal 5-HT extracellular levels and attenuated fluoxetine-induced increase of 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex of CB1 knockout compared to wild-type mice. These observations could be related to the significant reduction in the 5-HT transporter binding site density detected in frontal cortex and hippocampus of CB1 knockout mice. The lack of CB1 receptor also altered some 5-HT receptors related to the 5-HT feedback. Extracellular recordings in the dorsal raphe nucleus revealed that the genetic and pharmacological blockade of CB1 receptor induced a 5-HT1A autoreceptor functional desensitization. In situ hybridization studies showed a reduction in the expression of the 5-HT2C receptor within several brain areas related to the control of the emotional responses, such as the dorsal raphe nucleus, the nucleus accumbens and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, whereas an overexpression was observed in the CA3 area of the ventral hippocampus. These results reveal that the lack of CB1 receptor induces a facilitation of the activity of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus by altering different components of the 5-HT feedback as well as an increase in 5-HT extracellular levels in the prefrontal cortex in mice.


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Genetic and environmental factors have been implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in the elderly. Mutations in 3 genes mapped on chromosomes 21, 14 and 1 are related to the rare early onset forms of AD while the e4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene (on chromosome 19) is the major susceptibility locus for the most common late onset AD (LOAD). Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is a key neurotransmitter implicated in the control of mood, sleep, appetite and a variety of traits and behaviors. Recently, a polymorphism in the transcriptional control region upstream of the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) gene has been studied in several psychiatric diseases and personality traits. It has been demonstrated that the short variant(s) of this 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) is associated with a different transcriptional efficiency of the 5-HTT gene promoter resulting in decreased 5-HTT expression and 5-HT uptake in lymphocytes. An increased frequency of this 5-HTTLPR short variant polymorphism in LOAD was recently reported. In addition, another common polymorphic variation in the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C serotonin receptor genes previously analyzed in schizophrenic patients was associated with auditory and visual hallucinations in AD. These observations suggest that the involvement of the serotonin pathway might provide an explanation for some aspects of the affective symptoms commonly observed in AD patients. In summary, research on genetic polymorphisms related to AD and involved in receptors, transporter proteins and the enzymatic machinery of serotonin might enhance our understanding of this devastating neurodegenerative disorder.


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Parkinson’s disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons in the SNpc resulting in severe motor impairments. Serotonergic system plays an important regulatory role in the pathophysiology of PD in rats, the evaluation of which provides valuable insight on the underlying mechanisms of motor, cognitive and memory deficits in PD. We observed a decrease in 5-HT content in the brain regions of 6-OHDA infused rat compared to control. The decreased 5-HT content resulted in a decrease of total 5-HT, 5-HT2A receptors and 5-HTT function and an increase of 5-HT2C receptor function. 5-HT receptor subtypes - 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors have differential regulatory role on the modulation of DA neurotransmission in different brain regions during PD. Our observation of impaired serotonergic neurotransmission in SNpc, corpus striatum, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum and brain stem demonstrate that although PD primarily results from neurodegeneration in the SNpc, the associated neurochemical changes in other areas of the brain significantly contributes to the different motor and non motor symptoms of PD. The antioxidant enzymes – SOD, CAT and GPx showed significant down regulation which indicates increased oxidative damage resulting in neurodegeneration. We also observed an increase in the level of lipid peroxidation. Reduced expression of anti-apoptotic Akt and enhanced expression of NF-B resulting from oxidative stress caused an activation of caspase-8 thus leading the cells to neurodegeneration by apoptosis. BMC administration in combination with 5-HT and GABA to PD rats showed reversal of the impaired serotonergic neurotransmission and oxidative stress mediated apoptosis. The transplanted BMC expressed NeuN confirming that 5-HT and GABA induced the differentiation and proliferation of BMC to neurons in the SNpc along with an increase in DA content and an enhanced expression of TH. Neurotrophic factors – BDNF and GDNF rendered neuroprotective effects accompanied by improvement in behavioural deficits indicating a significant reversal of altered dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission in PD. The restorative and neuroprotective effects of BMC in combination with 5-HT and GABA are of immense therapeutic significance in the clinical management of PD.


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Introdução: Inúmeros estudos têm associado alterações no sistema serotoninérgico com doenças psiquiátricas como a depressão e os atos suicidas. O gene transportador da serotonina possui um papel central na regulação da função sináptica serotoninérgica e esse gene possui um polimorfismo na região promotora que se constitui em um gene candidato para estudos de associação do comportamento suicida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a associação entre a freqüência dos alelos “l” e “s” do polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR em pacientes com depressão maior segundo o DSM-IV que tentaram o suicídio e um grupo controle. Avaliamos também se há uma relação entre este polimorfismo e o comportamento suicida. Métodos: A amostra foi composta de 84 pacientes deprimidos que tentaram suicídio e 152 controles doadores voluntários do Banco de Sangue. A região promotora do gene 5-HTT contendo o polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR foi amplificada através do método da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). A avaliação diagnóstica destes pacientes foi feita através de entrevista psiquiátrica clínica e por entrevista diagnóstica padronizada breve Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) para adultos e uso da escala Suicide Intent Scale (SIS). Resultados: Não houve diferenças significativas na freqüência dos alelos e do genótipo nos sujeitos de pesquisa comparados ao grupo controle. Encontramos uma maior freqüência de alelo “s” e do genótipo SS e LS em pacientes deprimidos que tentaram o suicídio. A razão de chance (odds ratio) para o genótipo SS e LS contra o outro genótipo (LL) foi de 1,301 (95% I.C.= 0.737-2.296). A razão de chance (OR) para o alelo “s” em comparação com o alelo “l” foi de 1,38 (95% I.C.= 0.780-1.661).Conclusões: Nossos resultados sugerem que há um risco aumentado de suicídio nos pacientes deprimidos que possuem o genótipo SS e LS.


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Introdução: Poucos estudos sobre a farmacogenética do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) foram conduzidos até o momento, apesar da extensa literatura sobre a participação de genes na etiologia do TDAH. Os estudos farmacogenéticos podem auxiliar na identificação a priori dos indivíduos que se beneficiarão de determinados tratamentos e dos que possivelmente apresentarão intolerância aos agentes farmacológicos. A maior parte dos estudos, até o momento, avaliou genes do sistema dopaminérgico e resultou em achados tanto positivos quanto negativos. Métodos: em um estudo naturalístico avaliamos os efeitos dos polimorfismos dos genes candidatos dopaminérgicos (DRD4, DAT1) e serotoninérgicos (HTR1B, HTR2A e 5-HTT) na resposta ao tratamento em 111 pacientes para os quais foi prescrito metilfenidato. As medidas de desfecho (Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham scale - versão IV – anexo I, Children Global Assessment Scale – anexo II, Barkley’s Stimulants Side Effects Rating Scale – anexo III) foram aplicadas no momento de avaliação e um mês após a intervenção. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 111 famílias de crianças e adolescentes eurobrasileiros de ambos os sexos que apresentavam TDAH segundo o DSM-IV. Estes pacientes foram consecutivamente triados no Programa de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre janeiro de 2003 e maio de 2004. Não foi detectada associação significativa entre os polimorfismos dos genes dopaminérgicos e serotoninérgicos avaliados e a resposta ao metilfenidato ou presença de eventos adversos. Conclusão: Os achados deste estudo quanto aos genes dopaminérgicos são negativos, concordando com três outros estudos disponíveis na literatura. Este foi o primeiro estudo a avaliar o efeito dos genes serotoninérgicos isolados na resposta ao metilfenidato e na presença de eventos adversos. Não foi encontrada nenhuma associação significativa. Os resultados dos estudos existentes são de difícil comparação devido à grande variabilidade metodológica existente entre os estudos. Assim, ensaios controlados multicêntricos prospectivos com maiores tamanhos amostrais são necessários para desvendar o papel dos genes candidatos na resposta ao tratamento para o TDAH.


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Cocaine and methylphenidate block uptake by neuronal plasma membrane transporters for dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Cocaine also blocks voltage-gated sodium channels, a property not shared by methylphenidate. Several lines of evidence have suggested that cocaine blockade of the dopamine transporter (DAT), perhaps with additional contributions from serotonin transporter (5-HTT) recognition, was key to its rewarding actions. We now report that knockout mice without DAT and mice without 5-HTT establish cocaine-conditioned place preferences. Each strain displays cocaine-conditioned place preference in this major mouse model for assessing drug reward, while methylphenidate-conditioned place preference is also maintained in DAT knockout mice. These results have substantial implications for understanding cocaine actions and for strategies to produce anticocaine medications.


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Polymorphic regions consisting of a variable number of tandem repeats within intron 2 of the gene coding for the serotonin transporter protein 5-HTT have been associated with susceptibility to affective disorders. We have cloned two of these intronic polymorphisms, Stin2.10 and Stin2.12, into an expression vector containing a heterologous minimal promoter and the bacterial LacZ reporter gene. These constructs were then used to produce transgenic mice. In embryonic day 10.5 embryos, both Stin2.10 and Stin2.12 produced consistent β-galactosidase expression in the embryonic midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord floor plate. However, we observed that the levels of β-galactosidase expression produced by both the Stin2.10 and Stin2.12 within the rostral hindbrain differed significantly at embryonic day 10.5. Our data suggest that these polymorphic variable number of tandem repeats regions act as transcriptional regulators and have allele-dependent differential enhancer-like properties within an area of the hindbrain where the 5-HTT gene is known to be transcribed at this stage of development.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase type I (P5'NI) deficiency is an autosomal recessive condition that causes nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, characterized by marked basophilic stippling and pyrimidine nucleotide accumulation in erythrocytes. We herein present two African descendant patients, father and daughter, with P5'N deficiency, both born from first cousins. Investigation of the promoter polymorphism of the uridine diphospho glucuronosyl transferase 1A (UGT1A) gene revealed that the father was homozygous for the allele (TA7) and the daughter heterozygous (TA6/TA7). P5'NI gene (NT5C3) gene sequencing revealed a further change in homozygosity at amino acid position 56 (p.R56G), located in a highly conserved region. Both patients developed gallstones; however the father, who had undergone surgery for the removal of stones, had extremely severe intrahepatic cholestasis and, liver biopsy revealed fibrosis and siderosis grade III, leading us to believe that the homozygosity of the UGT1A polymorphism was responsible for the more severe clinical features in the father. Moreover, our results show how the clinical expression of hemolytic anemia is influenced by epistatic factors and we describe a new mutation in the P5'N gene associated with enzyme deficiency, iron overload, and severe gallstone formation. To our knowledge, this is the first description of P5'N deficiency in South Americans.


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We describe herein a general method for the controlled Heck arylation of allylated malonates. Both electron-rich and electron-poor aryldiazonium salts were readily employed as the aryl-transfer agents in good yields and in high chemo-, regio-, and stereoselectivity without formation of decarboxylated byproducts. Reaction monitoring via ESI-MS was used to support the formation of chelated Pd species through the catalytic cycle. Additionally, some Heck adducts were successfully used in the total synthesis of pharmacologically active γ-lactones.