991 resultados para 5-Bromo-3-methoxysalicylaldehyde,


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Thiosemicarbazones have emerged as an important class of ligands over a period of time, for a variety of reasons, such as variable donor properties, structural diversity and biological applications. Interesting as the coordination chemistry may be, the driving force for the study of these ligands has undoubtedly been their biological properties and the majority of the 3000 or so publications on thiosemicarbazones since 2000 have alluded to this feature. Thiosemicarbazones with potential donor atoms in their structural skeleton fascinate coordination chemists with their versatile chelating behavior. The thiosemicarbazones of aromatic aldehydes and ketones form stable chelates with transition metal cations by utilizing both their sulfur and azomethine nitrogen as donor atoms. They have been shown to possess a diverse range of biological activities including anticancer, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, antimalarial and antifungal properties owing to their ability to diffuse through the semipermeable membrane of the cell lines. The enhanced effect may be attributed to the increased lipophilicity of the metal complexes compared to the ligand alone.


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Mr= 363.17, orthorhombic, P21212 ~, a= 5.251(4), b=14.962(5), c=19.112(5)A, U= 1501.41/k 3, Z=4, Dx=1.61Mgm -3, /t(CuKa)= 3.02 mm -1, 2(Cu Ka)= 1.5418/~, final R = 7.0% for 1091 reflections with Fo> 2e(Fo). The glycosidic torsion angle ZCN is 13"1 (12) °. The ribose has a C (3')-exo,C (4)-endo twist geometry. The dioxolane ring assumes an envelope conformation with 0(3') displaced by 0.453 (10)/k from the plane of the other four atoms. The conformation about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. The structure is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds between screw-axis-related molecules. The crystal packing and the conformation of the molecule are very similar to those found in the structure of 2',3'-O-isopropylideneuridine which lacks the Br atom at the 5-position.


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Partindo de ciclopentadieno, ciclohexadieno, p-benzoquinona e 2,5-dibromo-pbenzoquinona, os adutos 1, 5, 30 e 31 foram sintetizados. Os adutos 1, 5 e 30 foram utilizados como produtos de partida para a síntese de 13 (treze) novos compostos, em sua maioria com potenciais características para apresentarem atividade biológica inibidora de glicosidases e reguladora da liberação de Insulina no sangue. O aduto 31 é inédito na literatura até o momento. Cinco novas propostas de mecanismos são apresentadas. Os álcoois racêmicos 6 e 29 foram submetidos a reações de transesterificação catalisadas por lipase de Pseudomonas cepacia em diferentes preparações e seus enantiômeros separados com enantiosseletividade (E) maior que 100 em todos os casos. Este processo resultou, também, na obtenção dos respectivos acetatos 43 e 44 enantiomericamente puros e com excelentes rendimentos químicos. Os compostos 6, 29 e 34 depois de terem suas estruturas moleculares resolvidas através dos métodos espectroscópicos de rotina, tiveram suas estruturas moleculares calculadas pelo método ab initio e por Funcionais de Densidade. As geometrias otimizadas foram submetidas ao método GIAO para o cálculo dos tensores de blindagem magnética isotrópica. Estes cálculos mostraram-se eficazes na descrição dos deslocamentos químicos da maioria dos átomos, incluindo os dos anéis ciclopropanos presentes nas estruturas moleculares de cada composto. Algumas dificuldades foram encontradas para a descrição do sistema vinílico halogenado dos álcoois 6 e 29. Foram utilizadas moléculas modelo para verificar a extensão de tais dificuldades.


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Um novo método, simples e sensível para a determinação de arsênio em solo é proposto neste trabalho. Este método é baseado na redução de prata (I) e ferro (III) pela arsina seguida da reação de complexação do ferro (II) com o reagente espectrofotométrico 2-(5-bromo-2-piridilazo)-5-di-etilaminofenol (Br-PADAP). A determinação de arsênio apresentou uma sensitividade de Sandell de 3.1x10-4 cm-2, foi linear na faixa de 0.1 µg ml-1 to 2.0 µg ml-1 (r560 = 0.9995), apresentou uma absortividade molar de 2.45x105 l mol-1 cm-1 e um limite de detecção de 1.4 ng ml-1 (3s) estes dados foram obtidos para 10 ml de amostra. A seletividade foi melhorada com o uso de EDTA com agente mascarante. O método proposto foi aplicado na determinação do arsênio na presença de outros íons e em amostras de solo. Os resultados revelaram que antimônio (III), mercúrio (II), germânio (IV), platina (IV) interferem na análise em todas as proporções analisadas. As interferências podem ser facilmente removidas pelo uso do EDTA. A precisão e a exatidão deram resultados satisfatórios, com desvio padrão relativo abaixo de 5%. As recuperações de arsênio em solo variaram de 95,55 a 102,70% com uma média de 99,63%. Estes resultados demonstraram que o método proposto é aplicável para a análise do arsênio em diferentes amostras de solo.


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In the structure of the title complex [Cs(C8H4Cl3O2)(H2O)]n, the Cs salt of the commercial herbicide fenac [(2,3,6-trichlorophenyl)acetic acid], the irregular eight-coordination about Cs+ comprises a bidentate chelate (O:Cl) interaction involving a carboxyl O-atom and an ortho-related ring substituted Cl atom which is also bridging, a triple-bridging carboxyl O-atom and a bridging water molecule. A two-dimensional sheet polymer is generated, lying parallel to (100), within which there are water O---H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen-bonding interactions.


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Objective To determine whether a 5-day course of oral prednisolone is superior to a 3-day course in reducing the 2-week morbidity of children with asthma exacerbations who are not hospitalised. Design, setting and participants Double-blind randomised controlled trial of asthma outcomes following a 5-day course of oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg) compared with a 3-day course of prednisolone plus placebo for 2 days. Participants were children aged 2–15 years who presented to the emergency departments of three Queensland hospitals between March 2004 and February 2007 with an acute exacerbation of asthma, but were not hospitalised. Sample size was defined a priori for a study power of 90%. Main outcome measures Difference in proportion of children who were symptom-free at Day 7, as measured by intention-to-treat (ITT) and per-protocol analysis; quality of life (QOL) on Days 7 and 14. Results 201 children were enrolled, and there was an 82% completion rate. There was no difference between groups in the proportion of children who were symptom-free (observed difference, 0.04 [95% CI, − 0.09 to 0.18] by ITT analysis; 0.04 [95% CI, − 0.17 to 0.09] by per-protocol analysis). There was also no difference between groups in QOL (P = 0.42). The difference between groups for the primary outcome was within the equivalence range calculated post priori. Conclusion A 5-day course of oral prednisolone confers no advantage over a 3-day course for children with asthma exacerbations who are not hospitalised.


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Solution processable diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-bithiophene polymers (PDBT) with long branched alkyl side chains on the DPP unit are synthesized. These polymers have favourable highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels for the injection and transport of both holes and electrons. Organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) using these polymers as semiconductors and gold as source/drain electrodes show typical ambipolar characteristics with very well balanced high hole and electron mobilities (μ h = 0.024 cm 2 V -1 s -1 and μ e = 0.056 cm 2 V -1 s -1). These simple and high-performing polymers are promising materials for ambipolar organic thin film transistors for low-cost CMOS-like logic circuits.


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The Zeeman effect of chlorine nuclear quadrupole resonance in polycrystalline samples of 2,6-, 2,5 and 3,5-dichlorophenol has been investigated at room temperature in order to study the effect of hydrogen bonding on the electric field gradient asymmetry parameter n. While the two n.q.r. lines in 3,5-dichlorophenol gave an asymmetry parameter of 10%, those in 2,6- and 2,5-dichlorophenol gave different values of n for the two chlorines. The chlorine atom which is ortho to the OH group and involved in hydrogen bonding (i.e., corresponding to the low frequency line) gave an asymmetry parameter of 0.21 in 2,6-dichlorophenol and 0.17 in 2,5-dichlorophenol while the other chlorine (i.e., corresponding to the high frequency line) gave a lower value of 0.12 in 2,6-dichlorophenol and 0.11 in 2,5-dichlorophenol. These values of n are discussed in terms of hydrogen bonding and bond parameters.


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C18H2204, orthorhombic, P212~21, a = 7.343 (4), b = 11.251 (4), c = 19.357 (4)A, Z = 4, Dr, ' = 1.20, D e = 1.254 g cm -3, F(000) = 648, p(MoKa) = 0.94 cm -~. X-ray intensity data were collected on a Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer and the structure was solved by direct methods. Full-matrix least-squares refinement gave R = 0.052 (R w = 0.045) for 1053 observed reflections. The stereochemical configuration at C(2) has been shown to be 2-exo-methyl-2-endo-(2,6-dimethoxyphenyl), i.e. (3) in contrast to the structure (2) assigned earlier based on its ~H NMR data.


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C18H2204, orthorhombic, P212~21, a = 7.343 (4), b = 11.251 (4), c = 19.357 (4)A, Z = 4, Dr, ' = 1.20, D e = 1.254 g cm -3, F(000) = 648, p(Mo Ka) = 0.94 cm -~. X-ray intensity data were collected on a Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer and the structure was solved by direct methods. Full-matrix least-squares refinement gave R = 0.052 (R w = 0.045) for 1053 observed reflections. The stereochemical configuration at C(2) has been shown to be 2-exo-methyl-2-endo- (2,6-dimethoxyphenyl), i.e. (3) in contrast to the structure (2) assigned earlier based on its ~H NMR data.


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The reaction of the [(eta(5)-C5Me5)MoCl4] complex with [LiBH4 - TH F] in toluene at - 70 degrees C, followed by pyrolysis at 110 degrees C, afforded dark brown [(eta(5)-C5Me5Mo)(3)MoB9H18], 2, in parallel with the known [(eta(5)-C5Me5Mo)(2)B5H9], 1. Compound 2 has been characterized in solution by H-1, B-11, and C-13 NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis, and the structural types were unequivocally established by crystallographic studies. The title compound represents a novel class of vertex-fused clusters in which a Mo atom has been fused in a perpendicular fashion between two molybdaborane clusters. Electronic structure calculations employing density functional theory yield geometries in agreement with the structure determinations, and on grounds of density functional theory calculations, we have analyzed the bonding patterns in the structure,


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In the title molecule, C20H13N3S, the triazoloisoquinoline ring system is approximately planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.045 angstrom and a maximum deviation of 0.090 (2) angstrom from the mean plane for the triazole ring C atom which is bonded to the thiophene ring. The phenyl ring is twisted by 52.0 (1)degrees with respect to the mean plane of the triazoloisoquinoline ring system. The thiophene ring is rotationally disordered by approximately 180 degrees over two sites, the ratio of refined occupancies being 0.73 (1): 0.27 (1).


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A series of 2′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are prepared by reacting G(cyclic)p with takadiastase T1 ribonuclease and separating the products chromatographically. The 3′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are obtained by separating the products of alkaline degradation of 3′-5′-poly(G). The optical rotatory dispersion and hypochromism of both 2′-5′- and 3′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are studied at two different pH. The optical rotatory dispersion spectrum of 2′-5′-GpG is significantly different from that of 3′-5′-GpG. The magnitude of rotation of the long-wavelength peak of 2′-5′-GpG is larger than that of 3′-5′-GpG. This finding contradicts the explanation that the extra stability and more intense circular dichroism band of other 3′-5′-dinucleoside monophosphates is due to H-bond formation between 2′-OH and either the base or the phosphate oxygen. The end phosphate group has a marked effect on the spectrum of GpG between 230 and 250 mμ. In addition the optical rotatory dispersion spectra of 2′-5′ exhibit strong pH, temperature, and solvent dependence between 230 and 250 mμ. ΔH and AS for order ⇌ disorder transition is estimated to be 9.7 kcal/mole and 35.2 eu, respectively. The optical rotatory dispersion spectra of guanine-rich oligoribonucleotides, GpGpC, GpGpU, GpGpGpC, and GpGpGpU are compared to the calculated optical rotatory dispersion from the semiempirical expression of Cantor and Tinoco, using measured optical rotatory dispersion of dimers. Contrary to previous studies, agreement is found not at all satisfactory. However, optical rotatory dispersion of 3′-5′-GpGpGpC and GpGpGpU can be estimated from the semiempirical expression, if a next-nearest interaction parameter is introduced empirically. Such interaction parameter can be calculated from the measured properties of trinucleotide sequences like GpGpG, GpGpC, and GpGpU, assuming that only the nearest-neighbor interaction is important. The optical rotatory dispersion of single-stranded poly(G) is also predicted. The importance of syn-anti equilibrium and next-nearest-neighbor interaction in oligoguanylic acids is suggested as a probable explanation.