994 resultados para 480


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Em reunião no gabinete do Ministro Paulo Brossard, Governo e Constituinte conversam sobre Sistema de Governo. 4 partidos que juntos representam 85% dos votos da Constituinte. O Ministro da Justiça Paulo Brossard assegura que o Presidente Sarney acatará o que ficar definido na Constituinte. O Governo respeita a soberania da Constituinte. Em reunião entre o presidente da Constituinte e os líderes partidários fica definido a data para a votação do Sistema de Governo e o mandato de 5 anos para Presidente da República. Para os parlamentaristas a decisão será a mudança imediata ou para o próximo mandato. Entre os presidencialistas a tendência maior é manter o atual sistema realizando eleições para Presidente da República ainda este ano. A Constituinte está terminando o capítulo do Poder: Legislativo. Principais votações: Bancadas de até 70 membros; recesso de 90 dias: pagamento de imposto de renda integral para parlamentares: criação da figura do primeiro ministro. Na prática, todo o capítulo do Poder Legislativo até agora votado é parlamentarista.


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DSDP Site 480 in the Gulf of California represents a paleoclimatic record of great potential significance. Much of the 152-meter section is varved, which means that proxy records of climatic change can be analyzed with unusual precision on a variety of time scales. In this paper we present pollen and dinoflagellate evidence that suggests that the base of the section is much older than was previously thought. We propose a basal date of between 300,000 and 350,000 YBP.


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My thesis investigates the dynamics behind the changing nature of the leadership of the western Roman army in the fifth century through the concept of ‘warlordism’. I carried this out by analyzing those cases of insubordination and military unrest in the officer class of the western Roman army, which can be shown to be linked to the slow decline of central authority and the imperial office in the period 395-480. My thesis demonstrates that theories of ‘Warlordism’, as developed in social sciences, can be useful for both the late Imperial west as for other eras of ancient history, such as the late Roman republic. Warlordism was a way of continuing politics, if necessary by military means, when commanders found themselves outside the legitimate framework. Unlike the case of usurpation of the imperial office, when there was little hope of achieving permanent recognition and acceptance, it offered insubordinate officers a chance of returning to the ruling imperial regime depending on circumstances and the success of their resistance. I propose that warlordism functioned as an alternative to usurpation, a tool for military dissidence, fuelled by an economy of violence. Contrary to modern warlordism, the warlordism of the fifth century AD represented a transient phase which no imperial commander was willing to prolong indefinitely. At some stage, given the means, warlords in the western Roman army wanted to become part of the imperial echelon again. Yet these alternative methods of violent opposition, and the acquisition of force through private means, ensured the breakdown of the state’s monopoly on violence and the disintegration of centralized armies. What started as an accidental revolution became a new form of military rule.


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Aims. We present a study of the optical and near-infrared (NIR) properties of the Type Ia Supernova (SNIa) 2003du.


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We present simultaneous multicolor infrared and optical photometry of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 during its short 2005 January outburst, supported by simultaneous X-ray observations. The variability is dominated by short timescales, ~10 s, although a weak superhump also appears to be present in the optical. The optical rapid variations, at least, are well correlated with those in X-rays. Infrared JHKs photometry, as in the previous outburst, exhibits especially large-amplitude variability. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of the variable infrared component can be fitted with a power law of slope α=-0.78+/-0.07, where F_ν~ν^α. There is no compelling evidence for evolution in the slope over five nights, during which time the source brightness decayed along almost the same track as seen in variations within the nights. We conclude that both short-term variability and longer timescale fading are dominated by a single component of constant spectral shape. We cannot fit the SED of the IR variability with a credible thermal component, either optically thick or thin. This IR SED is, however, approximately consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission from a jet. These observations therefore provide indirect evidence to support jet-dominated models for XTE J1118+480 and also provide a direct measurement of the slope of the optically thin emission, which is impossible, based on the average spectral energy distribution alone.


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Infrared observations of the outbursting black hole XTE J1118+480 (ATEL #383) were performed using SQIID on the Kitt Peak National Observatory 2.1m telescope. Observations spanning 2005 January 15.42-15.58 found it somewhat fainter than the previous outburst (IAUC # 7394 , # 7407 ), at average brightness J=12.91+/-0.03, H=12.50+/-0.03, K=11.95+/-0.03. The colors again correspond to an approximately flat spectrum in F_nu. No orbital variation is apparent, but there is substantial unresolved rapid variability with rms amplitude 22% in K (between 2s exposures). Further observations are planned nightly until Jan 21.


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6 Briefe zwischen E. Lederer und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1939; 1 Brief von Theodor W. Adorno an Minna Ledermann, 26.04.1941; 1 Brief von W. W. Lee an Max Horkheimer, 15.11.1938; 69 Brief zwischen Berta Lehmann, Flora Lehmann an Max Horkheimer, 1939-1944; 2 Briefe von Berta Lehmann, Flora Lehmann an Juliette Favez, März 1939; 1 Brief vom Reisebüro Anselm Stuttgart an Max Horkheimer, 02.04.1941; 4 Briefe zwischen der Auswandererstelle Marx Stuttgart und Max Horkheimer, 28.11.1940, 1941; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Karl Adler, 24.01.1941; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Walter C. Louchheim, 1940; 5 Briefe zwischen dem American Consul General Stuttgart und Max Horkheimer, 1939-23.11.1940; 4 Brief zwischen der Auswandererstelle Adler Stuttgart und Max Horkheimer, 1940; 2 Briefe zwischen der Auswandererstelle Stuttgart und Max Horkheimer, 20.02.1940; 5 Briefe zwischen N. C. Leites und Max Horkheimer, 17.05.1937, 1937; 4 Briefe zwischen Irmgard Lenel und Max Horkheimer, 1941, 1942; 3 Briefe zwischen Heidi Lenssen und Max Horkheimer, 01.02.1937, 1937; 3 Briefe zwischen Theo F. Lentz und Max Horkheimer, 05.07.1945, 1945; 11 Briefe zwischen Jella Lepman und Max Horkheimer,1939-1941; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an das American Consul General London, 1941; 1 Brief von R. Leppla an Max Horkheimer, 21.06.1948; 7 Briefe zwischen Max Lerner und Max Horkheimer, 1941, 1942; 5 Briefe und Beilagen zwischen Adolf Laschnitzer und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1940; 2 Briefe ziwschen dem The Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars, New York und Max Horkheimer, 23.110.1940, 07.11.1940; 3 Briefe und 1 Beilage zwischen Andrée Lespiaut und Max Horkheimer, 13.11.1948; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an A. Lesser, 21.05.1935; 1 Brief von Bobby Level und Frank Level an Max Horkheimer, 20.07.1949; 1 Brief von Julius Walter Levi an Max Horkheimer, 15.05.1940; 1 Brief von Bernhard W. Levmore an Leo Löwenthal, 13.08.1940; 3 Briefe von Margot von Mendelssohn an Bernhard W. Levmore, 1940; 3 Briefe zwischen Ernst Levy und Max Horkheimer, 21.05.1927, 1937; 1 Brief von Erwin Levy an Max Horkheimer, 23.03.1935; 17 Briefe zwsichen Hanna Levy und Max Horkheimer, Friedrich Pollock, 1936-1937; 6 Briefe zwischen Herbert Levy und Friedichpollock, 1939-1940; 1 Brief von Friedrich Pollock an Heinz Langerhans, 11.08.1939; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an die Society of the Protection of Science and Learning, The Scott Polar Research Institut, Cambridge, England, 24.11.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Marie Levy und Max Horkheimer, 18.12.1938, 03.08.1939; 10 Briefe und 1 Beilage zwischen Max Lexandrowitz, Magarete Lexandrowitz und Max Horkheimer, 1940; 1 Brief vom National Refugee Service New York an Max Horkheimer, 19.03.1940; 1 Rechnung vom Librairie Generale de Droit & de Jurisprudence Paris an Max Horkheimer, 18.05.1938; 2 Briefe zwsichen L. Lichtwitz und Max Horkheimer, 16.04.1936, 25.07.1938;


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Frankfurter Latern: Produktion, Königstein: Kur, Schmitten


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Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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[vom Seibert]. [Poesie: Reinhard]