972 resultados para 443


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The safety, effectiveness and capabilities of therapeutic upper fibreoptic endoscopy in children undergoing therapeutic endoscopic procedures (n = 443) was studied. Therapy for gastrointestinal bleeding formed the major group (injection sclerotherapy for varices, n = 197 procedures; thermocoagulation for haemorrhagic gastritis, n = 1; and photocoaulation for Dieulafoy's disease, n = 1). Sclerotherapy was 97% effective in controlling acute bleeding and 84% effective in obliterating varices with no serious complications or deaths. Oesophageal dilatations for surgical, caustic, congenital and peptic strictures and achalasia (n = 193) were performed with no oesophageal perforations or deaths. Foreign bodies were retrieved (n = 34) with no failures or complications. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was performed (n = 11) with one failure, proceeding to an unsuccessful surgical gastrostomy. Miscellaneous procedures included endoscopic transpyloric tube placement (n = 5) and endoscopic diathermy of pyloric web (n = 1). Therapeutic fibreoptic endoscopy is therefore concluded to be safe and effective in children, replacing rigid oesophagoscopy and some traditional surgical approaches.


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O Plenário concluiu a votação do capítulo 2, do título 1, sobre os direitos individuais e coletivos. Das emendas colocadas em votação, só uma foi aprovada, a que define como crime inafiançável e imprescritível a ação de grupos armados contra a ordem constitucional e o Estado democrático, sejam grupos civis ou militares. A criminalização do aborto ficou para ser definida em lei ordinária. Também foi rejeita a emenda que criva a figura do defensor do povo. Com o fim da votação do capítulo 2, começa a votação de um dos capítulos mais polêmicos da Constituinte: os direitos sociais. Neste capítulo estão pontos importantes sobre os direitos do trabalhador, como a jornada de trabalho, o pagamento de horas extras e estabilidade no emprego. O acordo sobre a estabilidade no emprego está praticamente fechado.


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Aims: In view of recent findings that a multidrug efflux pump CmeABC exists in Campylobacter jejuni, 391 C. jejuni and 52 Campylobacter coli of human and animal origin were examined for a multidrug resistance phenotype. Materials and methods: The MICs of ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, kanamycin, tetracycline, cetrimide, triclosan, acridine orange, paraquat and ethidium bromide were determined. Resistance to organic solvents and the effect of salicylate (known inducer of the marRAB operon in Escherichia coli and Salmonella) were also examined. Results: Two C. coli and 13 C. jejuni isolates, mainly from pigs or poultry, were resistant to three or more antibiotics and 12 of these strains had reduced susceptibility to acridine orange and/or ethidium bromide. Strains (n=20) that were less susceptible to acridine orange, ethidium bromide and triclosan were significantly more resistant (P<0.05) to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid and tetracycline, with two- to four-fold increases in MIC values compared with strains (n=20) most susceptible to acridine orange, ethidium bromide and triclosan. Growth of strains with 1 mM salicylate caused a small (up to two-fold) but statistically significant (Pless than or equal to0.005) increase in the MICs of chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin and tetracycline. Conclusions: These data indicate that multiple antibiotic resistant (MAR)-like Campylobacter strains occur and it may be postulated that these may overexpress cmeABC or another efflux system.


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La tesi è dedicata allo studio dei Responsori della Settimana Santa contenuti nel volume manoscritto Musica per la Settimana Santa conservato presso l’Accademia Filarmonica di di Bologna: (I-Baf FA1 443), che la tradizione storiografica fino ad alcuni anni fa attribuiva interamente ad Alessandro Scarlatti. Il volume raccoglie un ampio repertorio di brani musicali appartenenti a generi destinati ai periodi liturgici della Quaresima e del Triduo pasquale. Il lavoro è dedicato ai responsori considerati innanzitutto come progetto compositivo a sé stante e come fonte di rilievo nell’ambito della musica sacra e del genere responsoriale in particolare. Lo studio è suddiviso in due parti: la prima riguarda le ricerche codicologiche sul volume, del quale si riassume anche la storia con nuove ricerche sulla sua acquisizione da parte dell’Accademia Filarmonica. Viene poi esaminato il contesto storico-liturgico della musica per la Settimana Santa e si prendono in esame gli aspetti stilistici del repertorio responsoriale polifonico italiano dalla metà del ‘500 allla prima metà del ’700, in particolare nell’ambito del cosiddetto «stile osservato» del tempo. Nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo della prima parte vengono analizzati nella forma e nello stile i responsori del Ms 443 di Bologna, tenendo conto della teoria musicale e delle consuetudini contrappuntistiche in vigore tra la fine del sec. XVII e l’inizio del sec. XVIII. Nelle rispettive appendici ai capitoli si dànno le Tavole esplicative, con dati di natura codicologica, tecnico-musicale e testuale liturgica e gli elenchi dettagliati delle fonti responsoriali polifoniche rintracciate, manoscritte e a stampa. La seconda parte del lavoro presenta l’edizione critica della musica, con annessa la sua riproduzione in facsimile su CD. Nell’apparato critico la sezione dei Testi restituisce l’edizione filologica dei testi liturgici intonati.


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Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists. This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2-5nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy.


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"Sylvester & Cie.", "Der Sperrbatzen", Glückwünsche und Feiern zum 70. Geburtstag, Marie Stoltze, Nachrichten aus Frankfurt, Gelegenheitsarbeiten, Artikel für "Über Land und Meer"