983 resultados para 418
Os constituintes apresentam várias emendas para que a nova Carta traga justiça aos trabalhadores aposentados. A aposentadoria deve ter um valor justo. A discussão é para que se chegue ao valor que correspondente ao salário de contribuição dos aposentados. Todos entendem que é preciso que haja justiça aos aposentados. Foi aprovado todo o capítulo 1 do substitutivo do Centrão, com ressalvas no artigo 6, que tem 60 parágrafos. Começa a fase de destaques ao capítulo 1 do Centrão. Com o acordo feito entre o Centrão e as lideranças do PMDB, quase todo o Capítulo 1 deve ser aprovado com poucos destaques. Cinco pontos polêmicos só devem ser definidos pelo voto: São eles: o Crime de Tortura, o Mandato de Segurança Coletivo, a Qualificação Profissional, a permissão para que as entidades possam representar em juízo ou fora dele os seus filiados e a questão da propriedade.
Tissue-implanted ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio devices are being employed in both humans and animals for telemetry and telecommand applications, This paper describes the experimental measurement and electromagnetic modeling of propagation from 418-MHz and 916.5-MHz sources placed in the human vagina. Whole-body homogeneous and semi-segmented software models were constructed using data from the Visible Human Project. Bodyworn radiation efficiencies for a vaginally placed 418-MHz source were calculated using finite-difference time-domain and ranged between 1.6% and 3.4% (corresponding to net body losses of between 14.7 and 18.0 dB), Greater losses were encountered at 916.5 MHz, with efficiencies between 0.36% and 0.46% (net body loss ranging between 23.4 and 24.4 dB), Practical measurements were in good agreement with simulations, to within 2 dB at 418 MHz and 3 dB at 916.5 MHz. The degree of tissue-segmentation for whole-body models was found to have a minimal effect on calculated azimuthal radiation patterns and bodyworn radiation efficiency, provided the region surrounding the implanted source was sufficiently detailed.
This paper describes the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis of antenna-body interaction effects occurring when chest-mounted 418 MHz radio transmitters are used for medical telemetry applications. Whole-body software models (homogeneous, layered and tissue-segmented) were developed for an adult male subject. Using an electrically small (300 mm(2)) planar loop antenna, calculated radiation efficiencies ranged between 33.5% and 39.2% for a whole-body model, and between 60.7% and 66.1% for a torso; radiation patterns were found to be largely independent of model composition. The computed radiation efficiency for a 21.5 kg phantom representing a six-year-old female was within 1.1 dB of measured results (actual body mass 28 kg) and well-correlated azimuthal radiation patterns were noted.
The electrical and communication performance of a 0.8-mu W UHF temperature telemeter designed for human vaginal placement is discussed; a solenoidal loop antenna was used, occupying a volume of 0.1 cm(3). In situ, measured power absorption was between 19-25 dB, resulting in an effective operating range of 10 m. Capacitive loading lowered the antenna's resonant frequency by 1.4% and there was a significant polarization change in the radiated output.
Este trabalho consiste numa proposta metodológica, denominada A∴418, que visa abordar a actividade especulativa dos performers no que diz respeito às suas concepções interpretativas dos discursos musicais. Foram identificados dois factores inerentes a esta actividade – as concepções expressiva e técnica – como estando na base da configuração final deste processo. O A∴418 resulta de um processo de aplicação de técnicas de análise musical vocacionadas para o estudo da interpretação musical, são elas a Análise da Intenção Musical Interpretativa (direccionada para a concepção expressiva da narrativa sonora) e a Análise Técnica da Intenção Musical Interpretativa (direccionada para a concepção técnico-instrumental do discurso musical). A sistematização deste processo metodológico conduz à produção de uma partitura final, revista pelo músico-instrumentista, na qual acrescem ao discurso original do compositor indicações que reflectem a concepção técnicoexpressiva produzida pelo performer que interpreta a obra musical. Esta metodologia foi demonstrada através da sua aplicação à concepção musical interpretativa do Concerto para Violoncelo em La menor, RV 418, de Antonio Vivaldi, tendo em conta as demandas específicas deste instrumento musical e a leitura idiossincrática que o autor fez desta obra musical em concreto.
Pour toute demande de reproduction de contenu se trouvant dans cette publication, communiquer avec l’Association des diplômés de l’UdeM.
veröffentlicht in: Schopenhauer, Arthur : Arthur Schopenhauers sämtliche Werke - München : Piper - Bd. 16 : Der Briefwechsel Arthur Schopenhauers ; 3, Nr. 6 S 96-98;
Frankfurter Latern: Produktion, "Sängergruß an Wien", Königstein: Kur, Feldbergfest, Georg Pingler
Fil: Pró, Diego F.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana
Samples of drilled oceanic crust, from DSDP Holes 417A, 417D and 418A and ODP Hole 735B, and oceanic crust from the Oman and Cyprus ophiolites, were analyzed for B contents and d11B. Composite samples from DSDP Holes 417A, 417D and 418A were used to represent the upper 550 m of altered oceanic crustal Layer 2A. Whole-rock samples from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, and the Oman ophiolite were selected to represent crustal Layer 2B dikes. Composite samples from ODP Hole 735B were used to represent crustal Layer 3. The B content of the DSDP composites ranges from 7.2 ppm to 104 ppm and correlates with both d1818O and K, showing that it is a good indicator of the extent of low temperature alteration. The d11B of the DSDP composites varies between -2.5? and 5.4?. The B content of the samples from the Troodos ophiolite ranges from 2.4 ppm to 8.1 ppm; d11B varies from -0.9? to 7.8?. The B content of the Oman ophiolite samples ranges from 5.0 ppm to 11.1 ppm; d11B varies from -1.6? to 16.9?. The B content of the samples from ODP Hole 735B ranges from 1.1 ppm to 7.1 ppm; d11B varies from -4.3? to 24.9?. The general pattern displayed by these samples is one of greatest (and most variable) B enrichment at the top of the crust and least enrichment at the bottom of the section. All of these samples are enriched compared to unaltered MORB, which is believed to have a B content of approximately 0.5 ppm. The d11B values of deeper samples, from Layers 2B and 3, are more variable and generally higher than those from Layer 2A. Boron contents and d11B are not correlated. The data from the DSDP Site 417/418 composites indicate that the d11B of fluid circulating in the upper crust changes only slightly during alteration, increasing by an average of 5.1? with an accompanying decrease in B concentration of 7%. Low temperature alteration appears to be a water-dominated process resulting in minor modification of circulating seawater. A minimum water-rock ratio of 400 is calculated for these samples, implying a minimum low-temperature seawater flux through the upper oceanic crust of 3.4?10**14 l/y. The average B content of altered oceanic crust, as represented by these samples, is 5.2+/-1.7 ppm and the average d11B is 3.4+/-1.1?. This average isotopic composition is measurably different from the apparent average of oceanic sediments, supporting the idea that d11B could be useful for identifying the source(s) of B in island arcs.
Fil: Fernández Deagustini, María del Pilar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.