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It is well accepted that different types of distributed architectures require different degrees of coupling. For example, in client-server and three-tier architectures, application components are generally tightly coupled, both with one another and with the underlying middleware. Meanwhile, in off-line transaction processing, grid computing and mobile applications, the degree of coupling between application components and with the underlying middleware needs to be minimized. Terms such as ‘synchronous’, ‘asynchronous’, ‘blocking’, ‘non-blocking’, ‘directed’, and ‘non-directed’ are often used to refer to the degree of coupling required by an architecture or provided by a middleware. However, these terms are used with various connotations. Although various informal definitions have been provided, there is a lack of an overarching formal framework to unambiguously communicate architectural requirements with respect to (de-)coupling. This article addresses this gap by: (i) formally defining three dimensions of (de-)coupling; (ii) relating these dimensions to existing middleware; and (iii) proposing notational elements to represent various coupling integration patterns. This article also discusses a prototype that demonstrates the feasibility of its implementation.
通过无融合生殖方式固定水稻杂种优势是水稻育种中极具诱惑力的研究内容之一。自从1979年以来,我国水稻无融合生殖充种研究主要集中在筛选和鉴定水稻多胚苗材料。根据前人的研究结果,具有无融合生殖特性的植物大多数为多倍体。本试验以多胚苗水稻APIV及其衍生系为研究材料,在二倍体[APIV_((2))]、同源三倍体[APIV_((3))]和同源四倍体[APIV_((4))]水平,对其多个世代中的特征特性,其中包括形态学特征,遗传学和胚胎学特性进行了研究,旨在探讨在多倍性水平筛选水稻无融合生殖种质的可能性,获得如下主要研究结果: 1.在二倍体APIV_((2))的多个世代中,只发现单胚苗、双胚苗和三胚苗植株,多胚苗频率比较低(4.67~5.14%),多胚苗性状的表达在一定程度上受到环境因素的影响,并且,多胚苗植株的成活率比较低(11.70~17.39%),大部分多胚苗植株在三叶期之前死亡,这很可能与其胚乳的营养供应有关。根据APIV_((2))的多胚苗性状在多个自交世代和杂交世代中的表达特点,多胚苗性状不是显性性状,也不是隐性性状,而是一种比较特殊的数量性状。 2.胚胎学的研究结果表明,在APIV_((2))的2857个子房的胚囊中没有观察到与不定胚生殖有关的特异生殖现象;APIV_((2))在发生受精之前的胚囊构型包括正常蓼型胚囊(76.5%)、退化型胚囊(16.0%)和变异型胚囊(7.5%),在变异型胚囊中包括双卵卵器胚囊(86.7%)和三卵卵器胚囊(13.3%);APIV_((2))的双受精与前人在正常二倍体水稻中所观察到的结果大致相符;在不同季节的颖花和同一季节同一稻穗的不同颖花内多卵和多胚苗频率存在着明显差异。 3.在同源四倍体水稻的诱导中对种芽进行预处理,促使其胚芽鞘明显伸长后再进行诱导处理是诱导成功的关键技术。在同源四倍体APIV_((4))的同一稻穗中强势颖花的多卵频率要明显地高于弱势颖花的多卵频率。在APIV_((4))去雄后的颖花中意外地观察到了单胚和双胚现象。同源四倍体水稻APIV_((4))的有性生殖能力明显变弱,在花药内正常花粉粒少而败育花粉粒多;在受精前正常胚囊数少而退化胚囊数比较多(36.0%);花粉管进入胚囊的时间比较晚;双受精频率低而单受精频率高。 4.异倍性水稻间具有一定的可交配性,但其结实率比较低(0.20~-1.64%),通过常规杂交方法所获得的同源三倍体成活植株的频率更低(0.07%)。在湖南湘潭的秋季条件下同源三倍体水稻植株雄性完全败育,但有部分稻穗能结实(0.59%~7.71%),由此可获得饱满种子和不饱满种子。 5.通过子房培养可以获得异倍性水稻间杂种植株。在APIV_((4))/APIV_((2))杂交组合的子房培养中出现了一株双胚苗;同源三倍体成活植株的获得率仍然比较低(0.78%),但比通过常规杂交法首先获得种子,进而获得同源三倍体成活植株的效率要倍出11.14倍。根据试验结果,提出了6个问题进行讨论。认为在杂交后代中有可能筛选到多胚苗发生频率更高的单株;多胚苗性状是比较复杂的数量性状;同源四倍体水稻的有性生殖能力明显变弱;通过合理配组和复重授粉可以提高异倍性水稻间的杂并结实率;通过子房培养可以明显提高获得同源三倍体成活植株的效率;在多倍体水稻中筛选无融合生殖种质在比二倍体水稻中筛选可能更容易成功。
El proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje se basa en unas materias instrumentales, Lengua y Matemáticas, que son fundamentales para un posterior desarrollo curricular. Por ello, se realiza una evaluación inicial de cada uno de los tres ciclos de Primaria. Se establecen tres niveles o talleres, uno de expresión y comprensión oral y escrita; y dos en cálculo y resolución de problemas. Se asignan dos sesiones semanales de Niveles Flexibles a las que cada alumno asiste en el grupo al que se le ha asignado. Cuando un alumno supera los objetivos de su grupo, pasa al siguiente. En la asignatura de Lengua se marcan como objetivos que los alumnos lleguen a leer con fluidez, con la entonación adecuada, interpretando el sentido global de la lectura y usando correctamente los signos de puntuación; que desarrollen estrategias de comprensión lectora; que consoliden y potencien la habilidad lectora; y que conozcan, valoren y utilicen los elementos de la comunicación y sus tipos. En Matemáticas los objetivos son conseguir automatismos operativos y resolutivos; desarrollar estrategias de cálculo mental; resolver problemas de la vida cotidiana; organizar los datos de un problema; y resolver problemas buscando los datos de un texto. Las actividades que se realizan en lengua están enfocadas a lecturas mecánicas y comprensivas de cuentos, narraciones, poemas u obras de teatro; se trabaja en la interpretación de textos leídos; se completan finales de lecturas; se intenta averiguar el contenido de los cuentos por lo que dicen sus títulos; se memorizan pequeños poemas y obras de teatro; y se aplican técnicas de animación a la lectura. En cuanto a las matemáticas se realizan fichas de operaciones; se realizan problemas dados de la vida cotidiana; se memorizan las tablas y se trabaja el cálculo mental.
The polychaete worm Nereis diversicolor engineers its environment by creating oxygenated burrows in anoxic intertidal sediments. The authors carried out a laboratory microcosm experiment to test the impact of polychaete burrowing and feeding activity on the lability and methylation of mercury in sediments from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. The concentration of labile inorganic mercury and methylmercury in burrow walls was elevated compared to worm-free sediments. Mucus secretions and organic detritus in worm burrows increased labile mercury concentrations. Worms decreased sulfide concentrations, which increased Hg bioavailability to sulfate-reducing bacteria and increased methylmercury concentrations in burrow linings. Because the walls of polychaete burrows have a greater interaction with organisms, and the overlying water, the concentrations of mercury and methylmercury they contain is more toxicologically relevant to the base of a coastal food web than bulk samples. The authors recommend that researchers examining Hg in marine environments account for sediment dwelling invertebrate activity to more fully assess mercury bioavailability.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The leaf area index (LAI) is a key characteristic of forest ecosystems. Estimations of LAI from satellite images generally rely on spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) or radiative transfer model (RTM) inversions. We have developed a new and precise method suitable for practical application, consisting of building a species-specific SVI that is best-suited to both sensor and vegetation characteristics. Such an SVI requires calibration on a large number of representative vegetation conditions. We developed a two-step approach: (1) estimation of LAI on a subset of satellite data through RTM inversion; and (2) the calibration of a vegetation index on these estimated LAI. We applied this methodology to Eucalyptus plantations which have highly variable LAI in time and space. Previous results showed that an RTM inversion of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) near-infrared and red reflectance allowed good retrieval performance (R-2 = 0.80, RMSE = 0.41), but was computationally difficult. Here, the RTM results were used to calibrate a dedicated vegetation index (called "EucVI") which gave similar LAI retrieval results but in a simpler way. The R-2 of the regression between measured and EucVI-simulated LAI values on a validation dataset was 0.68, and the RMSE was 0.49. The additional use of stand age and day of year in the SVI equation slightly increased the performance of the index (R-2 = 0.77 and RMSE = 0.41). This simple index opens the way to an easily applicable retrieval of Eucalyptus LAI from MODIS data, which could be used in an operational way.
OBJECTIVES To evaluate prosthetic parameters in the edentulous anterior maxilla for decision making between fixed and removable implant prosthesis using virtual planning software. MATERIAL AND METHODS CT- or DVT-scans of 43 patients (mean age 62 ± 8 years) with an edentulous maxilla were analyzed with the NobelGuide software. Implants (≥3.5 mm diameter, ≥10 mm length) were virtually placed in the optimal three-dimensional prosthetic position of all maxillary front teeth. Anatomical and prosthetic landmarks, including the cervical crown point (C-Point), the acrylic flange border (F-Point), and the implant-platform buccal-end (I-Point) were defined in each middle section to determine four measuring parameters: (1) acrylic flange height (FLHeight), (2) mucosal coverage (MucCov), (3) crown-Implant distance (CID) and (4) buccal prosthesis profile (ProsthProfile). Based on these parameters, all patients were assigned to one of three classes: (A) MucCov ≤ 0 mm and ProsthProfile≥45(0) allowing for fixed prosthesis, (B) MucCov = 0-5 mm and/or ProsthProfile = 30(0) -45(0) probably allowing for fixed prosthesis, and (C) MucCov ≥ 5 mm and/or ProsthProfile ≤ 30(0) where removable prosthesis is favorable. Statistical analyses included descriptive methods and non-parametric tests. RESULTS Mean values were for FLHeight 10.0 mm, MucCov 5.6 mm, CID 7.4 mm, and ProsthProfile 39.1(0) . Seventy percent of patients fulfilled class C criteria (removable), 21% class B (probably fixed), and 2% class A (fixed), while in 7% (three patients) bone volume was insufficient for implant planning. CONCLUSIONS The proposed classification and virtual planning procedure simplify the decision-making process regarding type of prosthesis and increase predictability of esthetic treatment outcomes. It was demonstrated that in the majority of cases, the space between the prosthetic crown and implant platform had to be filled with prosthetic materials.
The role of matter has remained central to the making and the thinking of architecture, yet many attempts to capture its essence have been trapped in a dialectic tension between form and materiality, between material consistency and immaterial modes of perception, between static states and dynamic processes, between the real and the virtual, thus advancing an increasing awareness of the perplexing complexity of the material world. Within that complexity, the notion of agency – emerging from and within ecological, politico-economic and socio-cultural processes – calls for a reconceptualization of matter, and consequently processes of materialisation, offering a new understanding of context and space, approached as a field of dynamic relationships. In this context, cutting across boundaries between architectural discourse and practice as well as across the vast trans-disciplinary territory, this dissertation aims to illustrate a variety of design methodologies that have derived from the relational approach. More specifically, the intention is to offer new insights into spatial epistemologies embedded within the notion of atmosphere – commonly associated with the so-called New Phenomenology – and to reflect upon its implications for architectural production. In what follows, the intended argumentation has a twofold dimension. First, through a scrutiny of the notion of atmosphere, the aim is to explore ways of thinking and shaping reality through relations, thus acknowledging the aforementioned complexity of the material universe disclosed through human and non-human as well as material and immaterial forces. Secondly, despite the fact that concerns for atmospherics have flourished over the last few decades, the objective is to reveal that the conceptual foundations and procedures for the production of atmosphere might be found beneath the surface of contemporary debates. Hence, in order to unfold and illustrate previously advocated assumptions, an archaeological approach is adopted, tracing a particular projective genealogy, one that builds upon an atmospheric awareness. Accordingly, in tracing such an atmospheric awareness the study explores the notoriously ambiguous nature and the twofold dimension of atmosphere – meteorological and aesthetic – and the heterogeneity of meanings embedded in them. In this context, the notion of atmosphere is presented as parallactic. It transgresses the formal and material boundaries of bodies. It calls for a reevaluation of perceptual experience, opening a new gap that exposes the orthodox space-bodyenvironment relationships to questioning. It offers to architecture an expanded domain in which to manifest itself, defining architectural space as a contingent construction and field of engagement, and presenting matter as a locus of production/performance/action. Consequently, it is such an expanded or relational dimension that constitutes the foundation of what in the context of this study is to be referred to as affective tectonics. Namely, a tectonics that represents processual and experiential multiplicity of convergent time and space, body and environment, the material and the immaterial; a tectonics in which matter neither appears as an inert and passive substance, nor is limited to the traditionally regarded tectonic significance or expressive values, but is presented as an active element charged with inherent potential and vitality. By defining such a relational materialism, the intention is to expand the spectrum of material attributes revealing the intrinsic relationships between the physical properties of materials and their performative, transformative and affective capacities, including effects of interference and haptic dynamics – i.e. protocols of transmission and interaction. The expression that encapsulates its essence is: ACTIVE MATERIALITY RESUMEN El significado de la materia ha estado desde siempre ligado al pensamiento y el quehacer arquitectónico. Sin embargo, muchos intentos de capturar su esencia se han visto sumergidos en una tensión dialéctica entre la forma y la materialidad, entre la consistencia material y los modos inmateriales de la percepción, entre los estados estáticos y los procesos dinámicos, entre lo real y lo virtual, revelando una creciente conciencia de la desconcertante complejidad del mundo material. En esta complejidad, la noción de la operatividad o capacidad agencial– que emerge desde y dentro de los procesos ecológicos, políticos y socio-culturales– requiere de una reconceptualización de la materia y los procesos inherentes a la materialización, ofreciendo una nueva visión del contexto y el espacio, entendidos como un campo relacional dinámico. Oscilando entre el discurso arquitectónico y la práctica arquitectónica, y atravesando un extenso territorio trans-disciplinar, el objetivo de la presente tesis es ilustrar la variedad de metodologías proyectuales que emergieron desde este enfoque relacional. Concretamente, la intención es indagar en las epistemologías espaciales vinculadas a la noción de la atmósfera– generalmente asociada a la llamada Nueva Fenomenología–, reflexionando sobre su impacto en la producción arquitectónica. A continuación, el estudio ofrece una doble línea argumental. Primero, a través del análisis crítico de la noción de atmósfera, el objetivo es explorar maneras de pensar y dar forma a la realidad a través de las relaciones, reconociendo la mencionada complejidad del universo material revelado a través de fuerzas humanas y no-humanas, materiales e inmateriales. Segundo, a pesar de que el interés por las atmósferas ha florecido en las últimas décadas, la intención es demostrar que las bases conceptuales y los protocolos proyectuales de la creación de atmósferas se pueden encontrar bajo la superficie de los debates contemporáneos. Para corroborar e ilustrar estas hipótesis se propone una metodología de carácter arqueológico, trazando una particular genealogía de proyectos– la que se basa en una conciencia atmosférica. Asimismo, al definir esta conciencia atmosférica, el estudio explora tanto la naturaleza notoriamente ambigua y la dimensión dual de la atmósfera– meteorológica y estética–, como la heterogeneidad de significados derivados de ellas. En este contexto, la atmósfera se entiende como un concepto detonante, ya que sobrepasa los limites formales y materiales de los cuerpos, llevando a la re-evaluación de la experiencia perceptiva y abriendo a preguntas la ortodoxa relación espacio- cuerpo-ambiente. En consecuencia, la noción de la atmósfera ofrece a la arquitectura una dimensión expandida donde manifestarse, definiendo el espacio como una construcción contingente, performativa y afectiva, y presentando la materia como locus de producción/ actuación/ acción. Es precisamente esta dimensión expandida relacional la que constituye una base para lo que en el contexto del presente estudio se define como una tectónica afectiva. Es decir, una tectónica que representa una multiplicidad procesual y experiencial derivada de la convergencia entre el tiempo y el espacio, el cuerpo y el entorno, lo material y lo inmaterial; una tectónica en la que la materia no aparece como una substancia pasiva e inerte, ni es limitada al significado considerado tradicionalmente constructivo o a sus valores expresivos, sino que se presenta como elemento activo cargado de un potencial y vitalidad inherentes. A través de la definición de este tipo de materialismo afectivo, la intención es expandir el espectro de los atributos materiales, revelando las relaciones intrínsecas entre las propiedades físicas de los materiales y sus capacidades performativas, transformativas y afectivas, incluyendo efectos de interferencias y dinámicas hápticas– o dicho de otro modo, protocolos de transmisión e interacción. Una expresión que encapsula su esencia vendría a ser: MATERIALIDAD ACTIVA