998 resultados para 3d graphs


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This paper presents a technique for performing analog design synthesis at circuit level providing feedback to the designer through the exploration of the Pareto frontier. A modified simulated annealing which is able to perform crossover with past anchor points when a local minimum is found which is used as the optimization algorithm on the initial synthesis procedure. After all specifications are met, the algorithm searches for the extreme points of the Pareto frontier in order to obtain a non-exhaustive exploration of the Pareto front. Finally, multi-objective particle swarm optimization is used to spread the results and to find a more accurate frontier. Piecewise linear functions are used as single-objective cost functions to produce a smooth and equal convergence of all measurements to the desired specifications during the composition of the aggregate objective function. To verify the presented technique two circuits were designed, which are: a Miller amplifier with 96 dB Voltage gain, 15.48 MHz unity gain frequency, slew rate of 19.2 V/mu s with a current supply of 385.15 mu A, and a complementary folded cascode with 104.25 dB Voltage gain, 18.15 MHz of unity gain frequency and a slew rate of 13.370 MV/mu s. These circuits were synthesized using a 0.35 mu m technology. The results show that the method provides a fast approach for good solutions using the modified SA and further good Pareto front exploration through its connection to the particle swarm optimization algorithm.


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The increase in the number of spatial data collected has motivated the development of geovisualisation techniques, aiming to provide an important resource to support the extraction of knowledge and decision making. One of these techniques are 3D graphs, which provides a dynamic and flexible increase of the results analysis obtained by the spatial data mining algorithms, principally when there are incidences of georeferenced objects in a same local. This work presented as an original contribution the potentialisation of visual resources in a computational environment of spatial data mining and, afterwards, the efficiency of these techniques is demonstrated with the use of a real database. The application has shown to be very interesting in interpreting obtained results, such as patterns that occurred in a same locality and to provide support for activities which could be done as from the visualisation of results. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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El uso de refuerzos NSM‐FRP en estructuras de hormigón armado se ha incrementado considerablemente en los últimos años como método de refuerzo estructural. Los ensayos de arrancamiento en viga de los refuerzos NSM‐FRP permiten el estudio del comportamiento de la unión pegada. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo aborda la simulación numérica de este tipo de ensayos, con el propósito de caracterizar correctamente la adherencia entre las barras de NSM‐FRP y el hormigón. En una fase inicial se simuló un modelo bidimensional para conseguir evaluar y verificar el comportamiento de los elementos cohesivos y ver su comportamiento primero ante diferentes modelos de material y segundo ante un modo mixto de fallo, debido a la aplicación simultanea de carga axial y carga cortante. En una segunda fase se creó un modelo tridimensional para estudiar el arrancamiento de una barra de material compuesto insertada en hormigón, creando un modelo de material de hormigón y viendo el comportamiento cualitativo del sistema ante variaciones en los parámetros de los diferentes materiales. En la tercera fase, la más importante del presente trabajo, se abordó la simulación numérica del ensayo de arrancamiento en viga. Se simularon todos los componentes del ensayo y se evaluaron diferentes alternativas para representar la interfase NSM‐FRP ‐ hormigón, usando elementos cohesivos y diferentes distribuciones de los mismos en la interfase. Para conseguir representar lo más fielmente posible las condiciones del ensayo, se diseñó también un controlador PID que permite realizar las simulaciones numéricas mediante un control en desplazamientos, lo cual permite capturar más correctamente el comportamiento de reblandecimiento de la unión pegada. El controlador PID aplica técnicas de ingeniería de control para conseguir calcular a priori la amplitud necesaria del desplazamiento impuesto que provoque una evolución establecida en una variable interna del sistema. La variable usada para correlacionar los ensayos es la diferencia en desplazamientos entre dos puntos y se escoge una evolución lineal de la misma, pero en la tesis también se exponen los resultados de escoger otras posibles variables internas con diferentes evoluciones. Se compararon las simulaciones numéricas con resultados de mediciones experimentales previamente publicadas. Los resultados carga‐deslizamiento obtenidos encajan bien con los datos experimentales. El modelo propuesto es también capaz de predecir el modo de fallo en la interfase NSM‐FRP ‐ hormigón. Finalmente, también se han llevado a cabo estudios paramétricos, para evaluar la influencia de cada parámetro en los resultados. También se realizó un estudio cualitativo de cómo se comporta la unión pegada en cada momento de la simulación, mediante el uso macros y gráficas tridimensionales, para conseguir una mejor visualización y facilitar el análisis de los resultados. ABSTRACT The use of near‐surface mounted FRP reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures has seen a considerable increase in recent years as a strengthening method. Beam pull‐out tests for near‐surface reinforcement allow obtaining the local bond‐slip behavior of a bonded joint. The main objective of the current work deals with the three‐dimensional modeling of this kind of test with the purpose of characterizing suitably the mechanics of bond between FRP rods and concrete. In an initial stage, a two bidimensional in order to evaluate and to verify the behavior of the cohesive elements. Its behavior was evaluated first testing different material models and second testing the behavior when mixed mode failure appears, due to simultaneous axial and shear load. In a second stage a tridimensional model was created in order to study the pull‐out of an inserted beam of composite material in concrete. A concrete material model was created and the influence of each material parameter was studied qualitatively. The third part, the most relevant of the present work, the numerical simulation of the Beam Pull‐Out test was faced. All the parts of the Beam Pull‐Out test were included inthe simulation and different alternatives to represent the FRP bar – concrete interface have been evaluated, using cohesive elements and different distributions of them. In order to reproduce the test conditions more reliably, a PID controller has also been designed to conduct suitably the numerical tests in order to properly capture the softening branch of the load‐slip behaviour. The PID controller applies control techniques to calculate a priori the necessary amplitude of the load in order to achieve a given evolution through the simulation of an internal variable previously chosen. The variable used in order to correlate the simulation with the test results is the difference in displacements between two points and a linear evolution was chosen, but in the thesis the results of choosing other possible internal variables with different evolutions are also shown. The numerical FE simulations were compared with experimental measurements previously published. Load‐slip predictions compare well with the corresponding experimental data. The proposed model is also able to predict the failure mode at the FRP‐concrete interface. Some parametric studies have also been carried out, in order to evaluate the influence of each material parameter in the results. A qualitative study of the behaviour of the joint was also performed, using the results of the numeric simulations and through the use of macros and 3D graphs, the tensional state of each point of the joint can be visualized in each moment of the simulation.


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Durante o desenvolvimento da oclusão, a instalação de maloclusões podem resultar em desarmonias dento faciais de natureza e severidade diversas, podendo provocar alterações no desenvolvimento crânio facial, dentre as estruturas envolvidas as Articulações Temporo Mandibulares (ATM), podem sofrer alguma influência, dessa forma a avaliação desta região, no aspecto morfológico e funcional, constituí tema de interesse, sempre que levados em conta os aspectos funcionais da oclusão. A relação entre a forma e a função, tanto das cabeças da mandíbula, bem como o contorno da fossa mandibular com as maloclusões ainda é controversa e não está compreendida por completo, porém a literatura sobre o assunto, demonstra correlação entre a instalação de maloclusões e modificações neste sistema, mesmo que algumas alterações não sejam de ordem estatística e em amostras de indivíduos em tenra idade, as mesmas podem comprometer o desenvolvimento adequado em indivíduos adultos ou mesmo adultos jovens. Tendo como propósito nesse estudo a avaliação das cabeças da mandíbula quanto ao volume e superficíe dos lados direito e esquerdo, cruzado e não cruzado, a amostra selecionada foi de 20 indivíduos com mordida cruzada posterior unilateral, com idades entre 06 e 09 anos de idade, utilizando imagens de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico, imagens obtidas por um equipamento modelo i- Cat, sendo utilizado na reformatação e manipulação das imagens o programa computacional - NemoCeph 3D® versão 11.5. Nas medições propostas para esse estudo, utilizou-se o teste t pareado de Student para amostras com distribuição normal. Na observação das tabelas e seus respectivos gráficos, podemos verificar que na comparação entre os lados direito e esquerdo, e cruzado e não cruzado das cabeças da mandíbula, com relação ao volume e superfície, existem diferenças numéricas entre elas, porém não pode ser observado diferenças estatísticas significantes, nessa amostra especifica com a metodologia empregada para esse estudo. Assim foi possível concluir que nas Mordidas Cruzadas Posteriores Unilaterais as cabeças da mandíbula tanto em seu volume como em sua superfície não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes na amostra estudada.


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Paper submitted to the 43rd International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), Taipei, Taiwan, August 29-31, 2012.


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This paper presents a prototype tracking system for tracking people in enclosed indoor environments where there is a high rate of occlusions. The system uses a stereo camera for acquisition, and is capable of disambiguating occlusions using a combination of depth map analysis, a two step ellipse fitting people detection process, the use of motion models and Kalman filters and a novel fit metric, based on computationally simple object statistics. Testing shows that our fit metric outperforms commonly used position based metrics and histogram based metrics, resulting in more accurate tracking of people.


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Hybrid face recognition, using image (2D) and structural (3D) information, has explored the fusion of Nearest Neighbour classifiers. This paper examines the effectiveness of feature modelling for each individual modality, 2D and 3D. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the fusion of feature modelling techniques for the 2D and 3D modalities yields performance improvements over the individual classifiers. By fusing the feature modelling classifiers for each modality with equal weights the average Equal Error Rate improves from 12.60% for the 2D classifier and 12.10% for the 3D classifier to 7.38% for the Hybrid 2D+3D clasiffier.


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The main aim of radiotherapy is to deliver a dose of radiation that is high enough to destroy the tumour cells while at the same time minimising the damage to normal healthy tissues. Clinically, this has been achieved by assigning a prescription dose to the tumour volume and a set of dose constraints on critical structures. Once an optimal treatment plan has been achieved the dosimetry is assessed using the physical parameters of dose and volume. There has been an interest in using radiobiological parameters to evaluate and predict the outcome of a treatment plan in terms of both a tumour control probability (TCP) and a normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). In this study, simple radiobiological models that are available in a commercial treatment planning system were used to compare three dimensional conformal radiotherapy treatments (3D-CRT) and intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatments of the prostate. Initially both 3D-CRT and IMRT were planned for 2 Gy/fraction to a total dose of 60 Gy to the prostate. The sensitivity of the TCP and the NTCP to both conventional dose escalation and hypo-fractionation was investigated. The biological responses were calculated using the Källman S-model. The complication free tumour control probability (P+) is generated from the combined NTCP and TCP response values. It has been suggested that the alpha/beta ratio for prostate carcinoma cells may be lower than for most other tumour cell types. The effect of this on the modelled biological response for the different fractionation schedules was also investigated.


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Digital Songlines (DSL) is an Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID) project that is developing protocols, methodologies and toolkits to facilitate the collection, education and sharing of indigenous cultural heritage knowledge. This paper outlines the goals achieved over the last three years in the development of the Digital Songlines game engine (DSE) toolkit that is used for Australian Indigenous storytelling. The project explores the sharing of indigenous Australian Aboriginal storytelling in a sensitive manner using a game engine. The use of the game engine in the field of Cultural Heritage is expanding. They are an important tool for the recording and re-presentation of historically, culturally, and sociologically significant places, infrastructure, and artefacts, as well as the stories that are associated with them. The DSL implementation of a game engine to share storytelling provides an educational interface. Where the DSL implementation of a game engine in a CH application differs from others is in the nature of the game environment itself. It is modelled on the 'country' (the 'place' of their heritage which is so important to the clients' collective identity) and authentic fauna and flora that provides a highly contextualised setting for the stories to be told. This paper provides an overview on the development of the DSL game engine.