38 resultados para 3GPP
Editorial introductòria del número de la revista, en la qual s'exposa el tema del nou estàndard de mòbil, anomenatLong-TermEvolution (LTE),també referenciat com Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access(E-UTRA), que s'està definint com el substitut del sistema UMTSde tercera generació. LTE-Advanced, al seu torn, es refereix a la versió més avançada de LTE.
Long Term Evolution based networks lack native support for Circuit Switched (CS) services. The Evolved Packet System (EPS) which includes the Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Evolved Packet Core (EPC) is a purely all-IP packet system. This introduces the problem of how to provide voice call support when a user is within an LTE network and how to ensure voice service continuity when the user moves out of LTE coverage area. Different technologies have been proposed for the purpose of providing a voice to LTE users and to ensure the service continues outside LTE networks. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the overall performance of these technologies along with Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) Inter-RAT handover to Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Networks/ GSM-EDGE radio access Networks (UTRAN/GERAN). The possible solutions for providing voice call and service continuity over LTE-based networks are Circuit Switched Fall Back (CSFB), Voice over LTE via Generic Access (VoLGA), Voice over LTE (VoLTE) based on IMS/MMTel with SRVCC and Over The Top (OTT) services like Skype. This paper focuses mainly on the 3GPP standard solutions to implement voice over LTE. The paper compares various aspects of these solutions and suggests a possible roadmap that mobile operators can adopt to provide seamless voice over LTE.
This paper provides a high-level overview of E-UTRAN interworking and interoperability with existing Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and non-3GPP wireless networks. E-UTRAN access networks (LTE and LTE-A) are currently the latest technologies for 3GPP evolution specified in Release 8, 9 and beyond. These technologies promise higher throughputs and lower latency while also reducing the cost of delivering the services to fit with subscriber demands. 3GPP offers a direct transition path from the current 3GPP UTRAN/GERAN networks to LTE including seamless handover. E-UTRAN and other wireless networks interworking is an option that allows operators to maximize the life of their existing network components before a complete transition to truly 4G networks. Network convergence, backward compatibility and interpretability are regarded as the next major challenge in the evolution and the integration of mobile wireless communications. In this paper, interworking and interoperability between the E-UTRAN Evolved Packet Core (EPC) architecture and 3GPP, 3GPP2 and IEEE based networks are clearly explained. How the EPC is designed to deliver multimedia and facilitate interworking is also explained. Moreover, the seamless handover needed to perform this interworking efficiently is described briefly. This study showed that interoperability and interworking between existing networks and E-UTRAN are highly recommended as an interim solution before the transition to full 4G. Furthermore, wireless operators have to consider a clear interoperability and interworking plan for their existing networks before making a decision to migrate completely to LTE. Interworking provides not only communication between different wireless networks; in many scenarios it contributes to add technical enhancements to one or both environments.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
A contemporary perspective on the tradeoff between transmit antenna diversity andspatial multiplexing is provided. It is argued that, in the context of most modern wirelesssystems and for the operating points of interest, transmission techniques that utilizeall available spatial degrees of freedom for multiplexing outperform techniques that explicitlysacrifice spatial multiplexing for diversity. In the context of such systems, therefore,there essentially is no decision to be made between transmit antenna diversity and spatialmultiplexing in MIMO communication. Reaching this conclusion, however, requires thatthe channel and some key system features be adequately modeled and that suitable performancemetrics be adopted; failure to do so may bring about starkly different conclusions. Asa specific example, this contrast is illustrated using the 3GPP Long-Term Evolution systemdesign.
A contemporary perspective on the tradeoff between transmit antenna diversity and spatial multi-plexing is provided. It is argued that, in the context of modern cellular systems and for the operating points of interest, transmission techniques that utilize all available spatial degrees of freedom for multiplexingoutperform techniques that explicitly sacrifice spatialmultiplexing for diversity. Reaching this conclusion, however, requires that the channel and some key system features be adequately modeled; failure to do so may bring about starkly different conclusions. As a specific example, this contrast is illustrated using the 3GPP Long-Term Evolution system design.
This article summarizes the main achievementsof the Multi-Element Transmit andReceive Antennas (METRA) Project, an ISTresearch and technological development project carried out between January 2000 and June 2001 by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Center for Personkommunikation of Aalborg University, Nokia Networks, Nokia Mobile Phones, and Vodafone Group Research and Development.The main objective of METRA was the performanceevaluation of multi-antenna terminals incombination with adaptive antennas at the basestation in UMTS communication systems. 1 AMIMO channel sounder was developed that providedrealistic multi-antenna channel measurements.Using these measured data, stochasticchannel models were developed and properly validated.These models were also evaluated inorder to estimate their corresponding channelcapacity. Different MIMO configurations andprocessing schemes were developed for both theFDD and TDD modes of UTRA, and their linkperformance was assessed. Performance evaluationwas completed by system simulations thatillustrated the benefits of MIMO configurationsto the network operator. Implementation cost vs.performance improvement was also covered bythe project, including the base station and terminalmanufacturer and network operator viewpoints.Finally, significant standards contributionswere generated by the project and presented to the pertinent 3GPP working groups.
Tietoliikenneala elää muutosten aikaa. Vanhat piirikytketyt kapeakaistaiset verkot ovat väistymässä seuraavan sukupolven verkkojen tieltä. GPRS-verkot tekevät tuloaan ja 3G-verkkojen kehitystyö on kiivaimmillaan laitetoimittajien ratkoessa verkoille asetettuja haasteita. Jää nähtäväksi, kykenevätkö 3G-verkot vastaamaan näihin haasteisiin. Työssä käsitellään 3G-verkon arkkitehtuuria, toimintaa ja puhelunohjausta MSC Server -konseptissa, sekä käydään läpi muutamia puheluesimerkkejä. 3G-verkon arkkitehtuuri, jossa puhelunohjaus on erotettu mediakerroksesta, esitetään ja uudet verkkoelementit ja niiden toiminta käsitellään. Esitelty teoria perustuu kirjallisuuteen sekä yleisesti hyväksyttyihin 3G- verkon standardeihin. Näitä standardeja julkaisevat muun muassa ITU-T ja 3GPP yhdessä yhteistyöyritystensä kanssa. Standardointityö on monin osin vielä kesken ja se on vaikeuttanut 3G-verkkojen suunnittelutyötä merkittävästi. Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää puhelunohjausta 3G-verkossa ja sen toteuttamista MSC Server –konseptilla. MSC Serverin toteutusvaihtoehtoja arvioidaan ja niistä valitaan yksi 3G-verkon puhelunohjauksen toteutusmalliksi. Työtä jatketaan tämän diplomityön jälkeen tarkemman toteutuksen suunnittelulla, päämääränä rakentaa 3G-verkko.
Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) on organisaatio, joka määrittelee ja ylläpitää kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon standardeja. Organisaatio luotiin monien eri standardointielinten toimesta havaittaessa, ettei maailmanlaajuista kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinteknologiaa voitaisi määritellä ilman laajaa yhteistyötä. 3GPP:ssä standardointityö on jakautunut usealle tekniselle määrittelyryhmälle. Jokaisen ryhmän tehtävänä on kehittää määrittelyjä ja raportteja omalla vastuualueellaan. 3GPP:ssä määrittelytyötä tehdään samanaikaisesti teknillisten määrittelyryhmien välillä. Tämä vaatii tiukkoja sääntöjä määrittelyjen luonti-, hyväksyntä- ja ylläpitotehtäviin. Vain siten on mahdollista hallita määrittelyihin tulevia muutoksia ja tarvittavaa kokonaistyömäärää. Tämä diplomityö kuvaa 3GPP:n määrittelemän UMTS-teknologian. Työssä keskitytään tarkemmin 3GPP-organisaation rakenteeseen, määritysten tekemiseen ja työskentelytapoihin. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa millainen organisaatio ja säännöt vaaditaan maailmanlaajuisen matkapuhelinjärjestelmän kehittämiseen.
Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) on Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) –organisaation määrittelemä matkaviestinjärjestelmä. UMTS tukee sekä piiri- että pakettikytkentäistä tiedonsiirtoa ja mahdollistaa langattoman, suurinopeuksisen Internet-yhteyden. Diplomityön tarkoituksena on kuvata Nokia Research Center:n toteuttama kolmannen sukupolven 3GPP yhteensopiva pakettikytkentäinen koejärjestelmä. Työssä on käytetty uutta lähestymistapaa protokollakehitykseen, yhdistämällä eri työkaluilla tuotettuja protokollia yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi. Liikenteen vaihtuessa lähitulevaisuudessa suurelta osin pakettikytkentäiseksi on mietittävä keinoja palvelunlaadun takaamiseksi. Näitä keinoja tutkittiin käyttämällä työssä toteutettua koejärjestelmää testialustana. Koejärjestelmää esiteltiin useissa konferensseissa ja se toimitettiin monille teleoperaattoreille.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä käytiin läpi kuinka LTE soveltuu tulevaisuuden mobiiliverkkoratkaisuksi. Ensiksi selvitettiin sen kehityshistoriaa ja vaatimuksia. Seuraavaksi käytiin läpi LTE:n teknistä puolta, kuten radiotekniikkaa, taajuusjakoa ja antenneja. Työssä tehtiin katsaus myös uuteen SAE verkkoarkkitehtuuriin. Teknillisen puolen jälkeen työssä käytiin läpi LTE:n kilpailijoita, sekä tutustuttiin tarkemmin sen pahimpaan haastajaan WiMAX:iin. Näiden kahden tekniikan välillä tehtiin myös vertailu. Lopuksi katsottiin tulevaisuuden trendejä ja mobiilin datasiirron kehittymistä sekä tutustuttiin LTE:n seuraavaan versioon LTE-Advanced:iin.
The introduction of a new technology High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) in the Release 5 of the 3GPP specifications raises the question about its performance capabilities. HSDPA is a promising technology which gives theoretical rates up to 14.4 Mbits. The main objective of this thesis is to discuss the system level performance of HSDPAMainly the thesis exploration focuses on the Packet Scheduler because it is the central entity of the HSDPA design. Due to its function, the Packet Scheduler has a direct impact on the HSDPA system performance. Similarly, it also determines the end user performance, and more specifically the relative performance between the users in the cell.The thesis analyzes several Packet Scheduling algorithms that can optimize the trade-off between system capacity and end user performance for the traffic classes targeted in this thesis.The performance evaluation of the algorithms in the HSDPA system are carried out under computer aided simulations that are assessed under realistic conditions to predict the results as precise on the algorithms efficiency. The simulation of the HSDPA system and the algorithms are coded in C/C++ language
With the rapid development of telecommunication industry, the IP multimedia Subsystem (IMS) could very well be the panacea for most telecom operators. It is originally defined as the core network for 3G mobile systems by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the more recent development is merging between fixed line network and wireless networkd This report researchs the characteristic of the IMS data and proposes an IMS characterization analysis. We captured the IMS traffic data with 10 tousands users for about 41 hours. By analyzing the characteristics of the IMS, we know that the most important application in the IMS is VoIP call. Then we use the tool designed by Tsinghua University & Ericsson Company to recognize the data, and the results we got can be used to build the traffic models. From the results of the traffic models, I will get some reasons and conclusion. The traffic model gives out the types of session and types of VoIP call. I bring into a concept—busy hour. This concept is very important because it can help us to know which period is the peak of the VoIP call. The busy hour is from 10:00 to 11:00 in the morning. I also bring into another concept—connection ratio. This concept is significant because it can evaluate whether the VoIP call is good when it use IMS network. By comparing the traffic model with other one’s models, we found the different results from them, both the accuracy and the busy hour. From the contract, we got the advantages of our traffic models.
O telefone celular teve uma grande evolução nos últimos anos, o que antes era utilizado exclusivamente para transmissão de voz, hoje tem características avançadíssimas incluindo várias evoluções tecnológicas. Dentro deste aspecto, a inovação que o LTE (Long Term Evolution) vem demonstrando em suas características realmente se destacam em relação as tecnologias que a antecederam e representa grande evolução se comparada com as outras. Foi desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto 3GPP e (3rd Generation Partners Project) promovido pelo Instituto Europeu de Normalização na área de Telecomunicações ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute). As operadoras que demonstram interesse em disponibilizar esta tecnologia buscam introduzir a flexibilidade do LTE para ir ao encontro dos objetivos de suas redes existentes, espectro e negócios para banda larga móvel e serviços multimídia. O LTE promete taxas de download de 326,4Mbps, taxas de upload de 86,4Mbps, RTT ( ROUND TRIP TIME ) menos de 10 mile segundos e raio das células podendo atingir até 100km. O sistema 4G (LTE) é um sistema integrado completamente baseado em IP, que é resultado de tecnologias conectadas por fios e sem fios disponibilizando um custo acessível, atendendo as exigências de uma rede de comunicação (Wireless), serviços de transferência de mensagens multimídias, conversa com vídeo, televisão móvel de alta definição, serviços mínimos como voz e dados entre outras vantagens. Desta forma, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar quais são as oportunidades e os desafios no mercado de telefonia móvel de Telecomunicações ao implantar o sistema de tecnologia LTE demonstrando o benefício dos fabricantes e operadoras no sentido econômico e tecnológico.
The introduction of new digital services in the cellular networks, in transmission rates each time more raised, has stimulated recent research that comes studying ways to increase the data communication capacity and to reduce the delays in forward and reverse links of third generation WCDMA systems. These studies have resulted in new standards, known as 3.5G, published by 3GPP group, for the evolution of the third generation of the cellular systems. In this Masters Thesis the performance of a 3G WCDMA system, with diverse base stations and thousand of users is developed with assists of the planning tool NPSW. Moreover the performance of the 3.5G techniques hybrid automatic retransmission and multi-user detection with interference cancellation, candidates for enhance the WCDMA uplink capacity, is verified by means of computational simulations in Matlab of the increase of the data communication capacity and the reduction of the delays in the retransmission of packages of information