966 resultados para 3D-modeling
A three-dimensional (3D) numerical model is proposed to solve the electromagnetic problems involving transport current and background field of a high-T c superconducting (HTS) system. The model is characterized by the E-J power law and H-formulation, and is successfully implemented using finite element software. We first discuss the model in detail, including the mesh methods, boundary conditions and computing time. To validate the 3D model, we calculate the ac loss and trapped field solution for a bulk material and compare the results with the previously verified 2D solutions and an analytical solution. We then apply our model to test some typical problems such as superconducting bulk array and twisted conductors, which cannot be tackled by the 2D models. The new 3D model could be a powerful tool for researchers and engineers to investigate problems with a greater level of complicity.
A 3-D model of a superconducting staggered array undulator has been built, which could serve as a powerful tool to solve electromagnetic problems and to realize field optimization of such design. Given the limitation of 2-D simulation for irregular shapes and complex geometries, 3-D models are more desirable for a comprehensive investigation. An optimization method for the undulator peak field is proposed; up to 32% enhancement can be achieved by introducing major segment bulks. Some improvements of the undulator design are obtained by careful analyzing of the simulation results. © 2002-2011 IEEE.
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This work presents an efficient method for volume rendering of glioma tumors from segmented 2D MRI Datasets with user interactive control, by replacing manual segmentation required in the state of art methods. The most common primary brain tumors are gliomas, evolving from the cerebral supportive cells. For clinical follow-up, the evaluation of the pre- operative tumor volume is essential. Tumor portions were automatically segmented from 2D MR images using morphological filtering techniques. These seg- mented tumor slices were propagated and modeled with the software package. The 3D modeled tumor consists of gray level values of the original image with exact tumor boundary. Axial slices of FLAIR and T2 weighted images were used for extracting tumors. Volumetric assessment of tumor volume with manual segmentation of its outlines is a time-consuming proc- ess and is prone to error. These defects are overcome in this method. Authors verified the performance of our method on several sets of MRI scans. The 3D modeling was also done using segmented 2D slices with the help of a medical software package called 3D DOCTOR for verification purposes. The results were validated with the ground truth models by the Radi- ologist.
Tabletop computers featuring multi-touch input and object tracking are a common platform for research on Tangible User Interfaces (also known as Tangible Interaction). However, such systems are confined to sensing activity on the tabletop surface, disregarding the rich and relatively unexplored interaction canvas above the tabletop. This dissertation contributes with tCAD, a 3D modeling tool combining fiducial marker tracking, finger tracking and depth sensing in a single system. This dissertation presents the technical details of how these features were integrated, attesting to its viability through the design, development and early evaluation of the tCAD application. A key aspect of this work is a description of the interaction techniques enabled by merging tracked objects with direct user input on and above a table surface.
Máster Universitario en Oceanografía
The kinematics is a fundamental tool to infer the dynamical structure of galaxies and to understand their formation and evolution. Spectroscopic observations of gas emission lines are often used to derive rotation curves and velocity dispersions. It is however difficult to disentangle these two quantities in low spatial-resolution data because of beam smearing. In this thesis, we present 3D-Barolo, a new software to derive the gas kinematics of disk galaxies from emission-line data-cubes. The code builds tilted-ring models in the 3D observational space and compares them with the actual data-cubes. 3D-Barolo works with data at a wide range of spatial resolutions without being affected by instrumental biases. We use 3D-Barolo to derive rotation curves and velocity dispersions of several galaxies in both the local and the high-redshift Universe. We run our code on HI observations of nearby galaxies and we compare our results with 2D traditional approaches. We show that a 3D approach to the derivation of the gas kinematics has to be preferred to a 2D approach whenever a galaxy is resolved with less than about 20 elements across the disk. We moreover analyze a sample of galaxies at z~1, observed in the H-alpha line with the KMOS/VLT spectrograph. Our 3D modeling reveals that the kinematics of these high-z systems is comparable to that of local disk galaxies, with steeply-rising rotation curves followed by a flat part and H-alpha velocity dispersions of 15-40 km/s over the whole disks. This evidence suggests that disk galaxies were already fully settled about 7-8 billion years ago. In summary, 3D-Barolo is a powerful and robust tool to separate physical and instrumental effects and to derive a reliable kinematics. The analysis of large samples of galaxies at different redshifts with 3D-Barolo will provide new insights on how galaxies assemble and evolve throughout cosmic time.
The efficiency of sputtered refractory elements by H+ and He++ solar wind ions from Mercury's surface and their contribution to the exosphere are studied for various solar wind conditions. A 3D solar wind-planetary interaction hybrid model is used for the evaluation of precipitation maps of the sputter agents on Mercury's surface. By assuming a global mineralogical surface composition, the related sputter yields are calculated by means of the 2013 SRIM code and are coupled with a 3D exosphere model. Because of Mercury's magnetic field, for quiet and nominal solar wind conditions the plasma can only precipitate around the polar areas, while for extreme solar events (fast solar wind, coronal mass ejections, interplanetary magnetic clouds) the solar wind plasma has access to the entire dayside. In that case the release of particles form the planet's surface can result in an exosphere density increase of more than one order of magnitude. The corresponding escape rates are also about an order of magnitude higher. Moreover, the amount of He++ ions in the precipitating solar plasma flow enhances also the release of sputtered elements from the surface in the exosphere. A comparison of our model results with MESSENGER observations of sputtered Mg and Ca elements in the exosphere shows a reasonable quantitative agreement. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An industrial manipulator equipped with an automatic clay extruder is used to realize a machine that can manufacture additively clay objects. The desired geometries are designed by means of a 3D modeling software and then sliced in a sequence of layers with the same thickness of the extruded clay section. The profiles of each layer are transformed in trajectories for the extruder and therefore for the end-effector of the manipulator. The goal of this thesis is to improve the algorithm for the inverse kinematic resolution and the integration of the routine within the development software that controls the machine (Rhino/Grasshopper). The kinematic model is described by homogeneous transformations, adopting the Denavit-Hartenberg standard convention. The function is implemented in C# and it has been preliminarily tested in Matlab. The outcome of this work is a substantial reduction of the computation time relative to the execution of the algorithm, which is halved.
The object of this paper is presenting the University of Economics – Varna, using a 3D model with 3Ds MAX. Created in 1920, May 14, University of Economics - Varna is a cultural institution with a place and style of its own. With the emergence of the three-dimensional modeling we entered a new stage of the evolution of computer graphics. The main target is to preserve the historical vision, to demonstrate forward-thinking and using of future-oriented approaches.
El modelat d'escenes és clau en un gran ventall d'aplicacions que van des de la generació mapes fins a la realitat augmentada. Aquesta tesis presenta una solució completa per a la creació de models 3D amb textura. En primer lloc es presenta un mètode de Structure from Motion seqüencial, a on el model 3D de l'entorn s'actualitza a mesura que s'adquireix nova informació visual. La proposta és més precisa i robusta que l'estat de l'art. També s'ha desenvolupat un mètode online, basat en visual bag-of-words, per a la detecció eficient de llaços. Essent una tècnica completament seqüencial i automàtica, permet la reducció de deriva, millorant la navegació i construcció de mapes. Per tal de construir mapes en àrees extenses, es proposa un algorisme de simplificació de models 3D, orientat a aplicacions online. L'eficiència de les propostes s'ha comparat amb altres mètodes utilitzant diversos conjunts de dades submarines i terrestres.
The increasing use of 3D modeling of Human Face in Face Recognition systems, User Interfaces, Graphics, Gaming and the like has made it an area of active study. Majority of the 3D sensors rely on color coded light projection for 3D estimation. Such systems fail to generate any response in regions covered by Facial Hair (like beard, mustache), and hence generate holes in the model which have to be filled manually later on. We propose the use of wavelet transform based analysis to extract the 3D model of Human Faces from a sinusoidal white light fringe projected image. Our method requires only a single image as input. The method is robust to texture variations on the face due to space-frequency localization property of the wavelet transform. It can generate models to pixel level refinement as the phase is estimated for each pixel by a continuous wavelet transform. In cases of sparse Facial Hair, the shape distortions due to hairs can be filtered out, yielding an estimate for the underlying face. We use a low-pass filtering approach to estimate the face texture from the same image. We demonstrate the method on several Human Faces both with and without Facial Hairs. Unseen views of the face are generated by texture mapping on different rotations of the obtained 3D structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to estimate 3D for Human Faces in presence of Facial hair structures like beard and mustache without generating holes in those areas.
A partir das dimensões dos indivíduos pode-se definir dimensionamentos adequados para os produtos e postos de trabalho, proporcionando segurança e conforto aos usuários. Com o avanço da tecnologia de digitalização de imagens (escaneamento) 3D, é possível tirar algumas medidas de maneira mais rápida e com a redução da presença do entrevistado durante o processo. No entanto, faltam estudos que avaliem estas tecnologias no Brasil, sendo necessária a realização de uma comparação das tecnologias e das respectivas precisões para que seu uso em pesquisas. Com o objetivo de oferecer métodos comparativos para escolha dos marcadores e equipamentos a serem utilizados em uma pesquisa antropométrica tridimensional da população brasileira, no presente estudo estão comparadas duas tecnologias de escaneamento: o sistema a laser WBX da empresa norte americana Cyberware e o sistema MHT da empresa russa Artec Group. O método para avaliação da precisão dimensional dos dados advindos desses equipamentos de digitalização de imagens 3D teve cinco etapas: Estudo dos processos de escaneamento; Escaneamento dos marcadores de pontos anatômicos; Escaneamento utilizando um corpo de prova cilíndrico; Escaneamento de um manequim; Escaneamento de um voluntário que teve seus pontos anatômicos marcados para a retirada de medidas. Foi feita uma comparação entre as medidas retiradas manualmente, por meio de antropômetro e virtualmente, com o auxílio do software de modelagem tridimensional Rhinoceros. Em relação aos resultados obtidos na avaliação do manequim e do voluntário, concluiu-se que a magnitude do erro absoluto é semelhante para ambos os scanners, e permanece constante independentemente das dimensões sob análise. As principais diferenças são em relação às funcionalidades dos equipamentos.