986 resultados para 396
Neste artigo procuro delimitar o universo de potenciais lesados, titulares de um direito de acção directa contra o segurador num seguro de responsabilidade civil celebrado pe los administradores de sociedades anónimas em cumprimento do dever de prestar caução consagrado no art. 396.º CSC. Defendo a identidade entre esse universo e o dos benefi ciários de qualquer outro meio de satisfação deste dever de prestar caução. Delimito esse universo por referência às categorias de sujeitos tutelados no CSC. Por fi m, faço uso dos resultados da análise para sustentar que integra esse universo o próprio Estado, na sua qualidade de credor de indemnizações fundadas em responsabilidade tributária, mas já não os credores de indemnizações que baseiem as suas pretensões no novo regime de responsabilidade ambiental
This research project investigated the use of image analysis to measure the air void parameters of concrete specimens produced under standard laboratory conditions. The results obtained from the image analysis technique were compared to results obtained from plastic air content tests, Danish air meter tests (also referred to as Air Void Analyzer tests), high-pressure air content tests on hardened concrete, and linear traverse tests (as per ASTM C-457). Hardened concrete specimens were sent to three different laboratories for the linear traverse tests. The samples that were circulated to the three labs consisted of specimens that needed different levels of surface preparation. The first set consisted of approximately 18 specimens that had been sectioned from a 4 in. by 4 in. by 18 in. (10 cm by 10 cm by 46 cm) beam using a saw equipped with a diamond blade. These specimens were subjected to the normal sample preparation techniques that were commonly employed by the three different labs (each lab practiced slightly different specimen preparation techniques). The second set of samples consisted of eight specimens that had been ground and polished at a single laboratory. The companion labs were only supposed to retouch the sample surfaces if they exhibited major flaws. In general, the study indicated that the image analysis test results for entrained air content exhibited good to strong correlation to the average values determined via the linear traverse technique. Specimens ground and polished in a single laboratory and then circulated to the other participating laboratories for the air content determinations exhibited the strongest correlation between the image analysis and linear traverse techniques (coefficient of determination, r-squared = 0.96, for n=8). Specimens ground and polished at each of the individual laboratories exhibited considerably more scatter (coefficient of determination, r-squared = 0.78, for n=16). The image analysis technique tended to produce low estimates of the specific surface of the voids when compared to the results from the linear traverse method. This caused the image analysis spacing factor calculations to produce larger values than those obtained from the linear traverse tests. The image analysis spacing factors were still successful at distinguishing between the frost-prone test specimens and the other (more durable) test specimens that were studied in this research project.
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The Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-127) was signed into law by President Clinton on April 4, 1996. Most provisions of the new law, including the commodity provisions, will be effective for seven years, 1996-2002. Unlike previous farm bills, provisions relating to commodity supports are grouped together under what is known as the Agricultural Market Transition Act (AMTA) program. Producers of seven commodities: corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice and cotton must sign Productive Flexibility Contracts (PFCs) to participate in the AMTA. These seven commodities are referred to as "contract commodities." This publication focuses on the PFCs, beginning with an overview of contract provisions. Potential short- and long-run implications of PFCs are then discussed.
u.a.: Buddhismus; Anmerkungen zur zeitgeschichtlichen Philosophie;
Tod Marie Stoltzes, Dank für die Kondolation, Begräbnis, "Gedichte" (1862), Marie Stoltze, Krebbelzeitungen, Frankfurter Latern