14 resultados para 38295
Diplomityössä selvitettiin kartonkipakkausten konvertoimiseen käytettäviä laitteistoja ja niiden valmistajia. Tuote johon työssä keskityttiin, oli muovipinnoitetusta taivekartongista valmistettu kartonkivuoka. Työssä käsiteltiin ensin yleistä asiaa kartongeista ja niiden ominaisuuksista, jonka jälkeen esiteltiin kartonkivuokien konvertoimiseen käytettäviä menetelmiä. Menetelmistä työssä keskityttiin erityisesti leikkaukseen, nuuttaukseen ja muodonantoon. Leikkaus ja nuuttaus, eli stanssaus suoritetaan joko tasostanssilla, rotaatiostanssilla tai mallileikkurilla. Muodonanto suoritetaan prässäämällä tai taivuttamalla käyttäen vuoanmuodostajaa. Näistä prässääminen soveltuu paremmin primääripakkauksena toimivan vuoan muodostamiseen. Nykyaikaisissa prässeissä muovaavia työkalupareja voi olla yhdestä viiteen kappaletta. Työssä oli vertailuosio, jossa pistemenetelmän avulla pisteytettiin neljä erilaista linjavaihtoehtoa. Vertailussa painotettiin tuotantokapasiteettia, linjan yleistä joustavuutta, sekä joustavuutta häiriön sattuessa. Vertailussa korkeimman pistemäärän sai laite, jossa samaan laitteeseen on yhdistetty stanssaus ja muodonanto. Jos aihionsiirto saadaan luotettavasti automatisoitua, on tulevaisuuden linjavaihtoehdoissa varteenotettava vaihtoehto linja, jossa tasostanssi hoitaa leikkauksen ja nuuttauksen, ja tämän jälkeen prässääviä laitteita on useampi kappale. Myös mallileikkuri on varteenotettava vaihtoehto osaksi vuoan valmistuslinjaa, jos sen nopeutta saadaan nostettua.
Un crédito de síntesis para el segundo ciclo de ESO propone una inmersión real de los jóvenes en el mundo de África mediante la combinación del trabajo de aula, en el que se realiza un trabajo de documentación destinado a conocer diferentes aspectos de la realidad africana, y la estancia de tres días fuera de la escuela, en La Conreria (Barcelona), con educadores especializados. Los chicos y chicas simulan ser miembros de una ONG que lleva un proyecto de desarrollo en una zona subsahariana, de este modo conocen cómo viven sus gentes y los problemas que tienen, así como los esfuerzos que están realizando para desarrollarse y salir de la pobreza.
This project, "Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean", implemented by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) will support the following: - Technical assistance to three countries of the Caribbean in the evaluation of existing fiscal systems and regulations as they relate to energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies so as to identify gaps and barriers to implement these technologies and to provide options for their removal Development of national documents on strengthening fiscal and regulatory systems for at six countries – Guyana, Curacao, Belize, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Antigua & Barbuda - Provision of technical assistance in proposing innovative fiscal and regulatory incentives to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives in three countries - Development of a training manual on innovative fiscal and regulatory incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives - Implementation of capacity building workshops on best practices to improve the fiscal and management environment with a view to support the employment of EE and RE initiatives - Development of three national (Aruba, The Bahamas and Suriname) energy policies that incorporate strategies for energy efficiency and the employment of renewable energy technologies. These may be used as examples for other Caribbean countries.
In this work we propose a mathematical approach to estimate the dengue force of infection, the average age of dengue first infection, the optimum age to vaccinate children against dengue in a routine fashion and the optimum age interval to introduce the dengue vaccine in a mass vaccination campaign. The model is based on previously published models for vaccination against other childhood infections, which resulted in actual vaccination programmes in Brazil. The model was applied for three areas of distinct levels of endemicity of the city of Recife in Northeastern State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Our results point to an optimal age to introduce the dengue vaccine in the routine immunization programme at two years of age and an age interval to introduce a mass vaccination between three and 14 years of age.
Horses, asses and zebras belong to the genus Equus and are the only extant species of the family Equidae in the order Perissodactyla. In a previous work we demonstrated that a key factor in the rapid karyotypic evolution of this genus was evolutionary centromere repositioning, that is, the shift of the centromeric function to a new position without alteration of the order of markers along the chromosome. In search of previously undiscovered evolutionarily new centromeres, we traced the phylogeny of horse chromosome 5, analyzing the order of BAC markers, derived from a horse genomic library, in 7 Equus species (E. caballus, E. hemionus onager, E. kiang, E. asinus, E. grevyi, E. burchelli and E. zebra hartmannae). This analysis showed that repositioned centromeres are present in E. asinus (domestic donkey, EAS) chromosome 16 and in E. burchelli (Burchell's zebra, EBU) chromosome 17, confirming that centromere repositioning is a strikingly frequent phenomenon in this genus. The observation that the neocentromeres in EAS16 and EBU17 are in the same chromosomal position suggests that they may derive from the same event and therefore, E. asinus and E. burchelli may be more closely related than previously proposed; alternatively, 2 centromere repositioning events, involving the same chromosomal region, may have occurred independently in different lineages, pointing to the possible existence of hot spots for neocentromere formation. Our comparative analysis also showed that, while E. caballus chromosome 5 seems to represent the ancestral configuration, centric fission followed by independent fusion events gave rise to 3 different submetacentric chromosomes in other Equus lineages.
82 viviendas en carabanchel
We present NH_3(1,1) and (2,2) observations of MBM 12, the closest known molecular cloud (65-pc distance), aimed at finding evidence for on-going star formation processes, No local temperature (with a T_rot upper limit of 12 K) or linewidth enhancement is found, which suggests that the area of the cloud that we have mapped (∼ 15-arcmin size) is not currently forming stars. Therefore this nearby 'starless' molecular gas region is an ideal laboratory to study the physical conditions preceding new star formation. A radio continuum source has been found in Very Large Array archive data, close to but outside the NH_3 emission. This source is likely to be a background object.
En tres bosques semideciduos y en tres tipos de vegetación ruderal del Área Protegida de Recursos Manejados Mil Cumbres (Sierra del Rosario, Pinar del Río, Cuba), se analizan las comunidades de coleópteros y se las compara respecto a la composición, riqueza, abundancia, diversidad, equitatividad, ordenación y complementariedad. La composición de coleópteros conocida hasta el momento es de 166 especies, incluidas en 75 géneros y 34 familias. La vegetación ruderal presentaó mayor riqueza y abundancia que los bosques semideciduos. El bosque y la vegetación ruderal de Pan de Guajaibón exhibieron los valores más altos de riqueza, abundancia y número de especies únicas. Ambas formaciones vegetales de Sierra Chiquita presentaron la mayor diversidad y equitatividad. Las comunidades de coleópteros más afines estaban entre los bosques y entre la vegetaciones ruderales en Forneguera y Pan de Guajaibón. Cada bosque y tipo de vegetación ruderal presentaba especies exclusivas.