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Las voces y los instrumentos de un conjunto de jóvenes procedentes de más de 40 institutos públicos de Valencia, Cataluña y Baleares, la mayoría sin estudios de Conservatorio, se fusionan con artistas profesionales. En la propuesta final, se forman diez grupos, que previamente ensayan en sus institutos, efectos y texturas con instrumentos de fabricación casera. Tras un curso de intensa dedicación, el encuentro Com sona l´ESO (Cómo suena la ESO) pone el broche final, durante tres días, al trabajo autogestionado de un grupo de docentes. La actividad se financia con la venta de camisetas y llaveros y el escenario, la iluminación y los equipos de sonido corren a cargo del Ayuntamiento de Denia.
We report three eye-movement experiments and an antecedent choice task investigating the interpretation of reflexives in different syntactic contexts. This included contexts in which the reflexive and a local antecedent were coarguments of the same verbal predicate (John heard that the soldier had injured himself), and also so-called picture noun phrases, either with a possessor (John heard about the soldier’s picture of himself) or without (John heard that the soldier had a picture of himself). While results from the antecedent choice task indicated that comprehenders would choose a nonlocal antecedent (‘John’ above) for reflexives in either type of picture noun phrase, the eye-movement experiments suggested that participants preferred to initially interpret the reflexive in each context as referring to the local antecedent (‘the soldier’), as indexed by longer reading times when it mismatched in gender with the reflexive. We also observed a difference in the time-course of this effect. While it was observed during first-pass processing at the reflexive for coargument reflexives and those in picture noun phrases with a possessor, it was comparatively delayed for reflexives in possessorless picture noun phrases. These results suggest that locality constraints are more strongly weighted cues to retrieval than gender agreement for both coargument reflexives and those inside picture noun phrases. We interpret the observed time-course differences as indexing the relative ease of accessing the local antecedent in different syntactic contexts.
Includes bibliography.
We introduce a five-parameter continuous model, called the McDonald inverted beta distribution, to extend the two-parameter inverted beta distribution and provide new four- and three-parameter sub-models. We give a mathematical treatment of the new distribution including expansions for the density function, moments, generating and quantile functions, mean deviations, entropy and reliability. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood and the observed information matrix is derived. An application of the new model to real data shows that it can give consistently a better fit than other important lifetime models. (C) 2012 The Franklin Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Von O. Krieger
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-07