1000 resultados para 363.5


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OBJETIVO: o estudo busca determinar a existência de associação entre a elevação da pressão arterial e os níveis plasmáticos dos peptídeos natriuréticos ANP e BNP, na gestação complicada pela pré-eclâmpsia. MÉTODOS: em estudo transversal caso-controle, pareado por idade gestacional, 25 grávidas normotensas e 61 portadoras de pré-eclâmpsia foram avaliadas quanto ao nível da pressão arterial e às concentrações plasmáticas dos peptídeos natriuréticos ANP e BNP. Exames clínico e laboratoriais foram realizados para o diagnóstico de pré-eclâmpsia, sendo a pressão arterial medida de forma não invasiva. As dosagens hormonais foram obtidas por radioimunoensaio, após extração em colunas Sep-pak C18. Os valores médios das concentrações plasmáticas do ANP e BNP foram comparados entre grupos com pressão arterial progressivamente maiores. A correlação entre os valores da pressão arterial e os níveis plasmáticos do ANP e BNP no sangue materno foi também investigada pela de análise de regressão no grupo completo de gestantes e em grupos específicos excluindo-se a hipertensão anterior à gestação e, em seguida, excluindo-se aquelas sem hipertensão prévia. RESULTADOS: os valores plasmáticos de ANP foram 41.5±7.3, 78.4±13.1 e 89.2±13.4 pg/mL (p<0,00001) e os de BNP plasmático foram 79.5±15.8, 176.7±42.2 e 208.3±63.5 pg/mL (p=0,005), respectivamente, para os grupos de pressão arterial média =107 mmHg, 107-139 mmHg e =140 mmHg. Verificou-se correlação positiva entre as concentrações plasmáticas do ANP e os níveis pressóricos na pré-eclâmpsia, independente da existência de estado hipertensivo prévio à gestação (p<0,0001 para pré-eclâmpsia e p<0,01 para pré-eclampsia sobreposta à hipertensão arterial crônica), ao passo que as dosagens de BNP não se mostraram associadas à pressão arterial no grupo com hipertensão arterial prévia à gestação (p=0,004 para pré-eclâmpsia e p=0,18 para pré-eclampsia sobreposta à hipertensão arterial crônica). CONCLUSÃO: o agravamento da hipertensão na pré-eclâmpsia correlacionou-se com as concentrações séricas do ANP e BNP, embora os valores do BNP possam ser influenciados pela existência de estado hipertensivo prévio.


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The general trend towards increasing e ciency and energy density drives the industry to high-speed technologies. Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs) are one of the technologies that allow contactless support of a rotating body. Theoretically, there are no limitations on the rotational speed. The absence of friction, low maintenance cost, micrometer precision, and programmable sti ness have made AMBs a viable choice for highdemanding applications. Along with the advances in power electronics, such as signi cantly improved reliability and cost, AMB systems have gained a wide adoption in the industry. The AMB system is a complex, open-loop unstable system with multiple inputs and outputs. For normal operation, such a system requires a feedback control. To meet the high demands for performance and robustness, model-based control techniques should be applied. These techniques require an accurate plant model description and uncertainty estimations. The advanced control methods require more e ort at the commissioning stage. In this work, a methodology is developed for an automatic commissioning of a subcritical, rigid gas blower machine. The commissioning process includes open-loop tuning of separate parts such as sensors and actuators. The next step is to apply a system identi cation procedure to obtain a model for the controller synthesis. Finally, a robust model-based controller is synthesized and experimentally evaluated in the full operating range of the system. The commissioning procedure is developed by applying only the system components available and a priori knowledge without any additional hardware. Thus, the work provides an intelligent system with a self-diagnostics feature and an automatic commissioning.


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Short open content animated film, this means that all the source files (except the music) are given away for use via a creative commons licence.


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El proyecto consiste en la formulación y evaluación de un proyecto de vivienda de interés social que se ajuste a las necesidades de las familias de bajos recursos, optimizando todas las variables inherentes al desarrollo del proyecto.


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Three new trinuclear copper(II) complexes, [(CuL1)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot 3.75H(2)O (1), [(CuL2)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2) (2) and [(CuL3)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](BF4)(2)center dot 0.5CH(3)CN (3) have been synthesized from three tridentate Schiff bases HL1, HL2, and HL3 (HL1 = 2-[(2-amino-ethylimino)-methyl]-phenol, HL2 = 2-[(2-methylamino-ethylimino)-methyl]-phenol and HL3 = 2-[1-(2-dimethylamino-ethylimino)-ethyl]-phenol). The complexes are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses, IR, UV-vis and EPR spectroscopy, and variable-temperature magnetic measurements. All the compounds contain a partial cubane [Cu3O4] core consisting of the trinuclear unit [(CuL)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](2+) together with perchlorate or fluoroborate anions. In each of the complexes, the three copper atoms are five-coordinated with a distorted square-pyramidal geometry except in complex 1, in which one of the Cu-II ions of the trinuclear unit is six-coordinate being in addition weakly coordinated to one of the perchlorate anions. Variable-temperature magnetic measurements and EPR spectra indicate an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling between the CuII ions of complexes 1 and 2, while this turned out to be ferromagnetic for complex 3. Experimental values have been fitted according to an isotropic exchange Hamiltonian. Calculations based on Density Functional Theory have also been performed in order to estimate the exchange coupling constants in these three complexes. Both sets of values indicate similar trends and specially calculated J values establish a magneto-structural correlation between them and the Cu-O-Cu bond angle, in that the coupling is more ferromagnetic for smaller bond angle values.


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The systemic capillary leak syndrome (SCLS), also known as Clarkson's disease, is a rare disorder characterized by paroxysmal capillary hyperpermeability with a shift of plasma fluid from the intravascular to the interstitial space. A 35-year-old previously healthy woman was admitted with rapidly developing hypovolemic shock syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, and diffuse edema. Laboratory analysis revealed a severe hemoconcentration, renal insufficiency, and paraproteinemia. After exclusion of infection, allergy, burning or drug-induced conditions, the clinical presentation was consistent with the diagnosis of SCLS. Though this is a rare entity, the substantial morbidity and mortality associated with it necessitate the physician's awareness in order to provide timely therapy. This report is meant to enhance awareness of SCLS.


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A total of 773 samples were analysed for dissolved manganese (Mn) in the Arctic Ocean aboard R.V. Polarstern during expedition ARK XXII/2 from 28 July until 07 October 2007 from Tromsø (Norway) to Bremerhaven. Concentrations of Mn were elevated in the surface layer with concentrations of up to 6 nM over the deep Basins and over 20 nM in the Laptev Sea. The general distribution of Mn through the water column is consistent with previous studies, but there are differences in the absolute concentrations that are most likely related to differences in sample area, sampling and filtration. The elevated concentrations of Mn in the surface layer are related to fresh water input. This was visible in the strong negative correlations observed between dissolved Mn and salinity. The correlation between Mn and salinity and the correlation between Mn and the quasi conservative trace water mass tracer PO4*, showed fluvial and melt water input and the Pacific and Atlantic origin of the surface waters. A large portion of the Mn delivered by the Arctic rivers is removed in the shelf seas and does not pass into the central basins. Most likely a benthic flux is at the origin of the elevated concentrations of Mn near the sediments in the Barents and Kara Seas. These elevated concentrations of Mn apparently affected the deep basins as well, as maxima in the concentrations of Mn were observed that corresponded with lowered transmission over the continental slope. A maximum in the concentration of Mn in the deep basin corresponded with anomalies in light transmission, potential temperature and dissolved iron, confirming the hydrothermal origin. The hydrothermal plume was observed throughout the Nansen Basin and over the deep Gakkel Ridge around 2500 m depth and a smaller plume was observed around 3200 m. The concentration of Mn at the Mn maximum around 2500 m depth decreased exponentially, consistent with a first order scavenging model. The concentrations of Mn were extremely low in the deep Makarov Basin (~0.05 nM) and slightly higher in the Eurasian Basin (~0.1 nM) outside the influence of the hydrothermal activity.


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Concentrations of dissolved (0.2 µm filtered) aluminium (Al) have been determined for the first time in the Eurasian part of the Arctic Ocean over the entire water column during expedition ARK XXII/2 aboard R.V. Polarstern (2007). An unprecedented number of 666 samples was analysed for 44 stations along 5 ocean transects. Dissolved Al in surface layer water (SLW) was very low, close to 1 nM, with lowest SLW concentrations towards the Canadian part of the Arctic Ocean and higher values adjacent to and in the shelf seas. The low SLW concentrations indicate no or little influence from aeolian dust input. Dissolved Al showed a nutrient-type increase with depth up to 28 nM, but large differences existed between the different deep Arctic basins. The differences in concentrations of Al between water masses and basins could largely be related to the different origins of the water masses. In the SLW and intermediate water layers, Atlantic and Pacific inflows were of importance. Deep shelf convection appeared to influence the Al distribution in the deep Eurasian Basin. The Al distribution of the deep Makarov Basin provides evidence for Eurasian Basin water inflow into the deep Makarov Basin. A strong correlation between Al and Silicon (Si) was observed in all basins. This correlation and the nutrient-like profile indicate a strong biological influence on the cycling and distribution of Al. The biological influence can be direct by the incorporation of Al in biogenic silica, indirect by preferential scavenging of Al onto biogenic siliceous particles, or by a combination of both processes. From the slope of the overall Al-Si relationship in the intermediate water layer (AIDW; ~ 200-2000 m depth), an Al/Si ratio of 2.2 atoms Al per 1000 atoms Si was derived. This ratio is consistent with the range of previously reported Al/Si uptake ratio in biogenic opal frustules of diatoms. In the deepest waters (>2000 m depth) a steeper slope of the Al-Si relationship of 7.4 to 13 atoms Al per 1000 atoms Si likely results from entrainment of cold shelf water into the deep basins, carrying the signal of dissolution of terrigenous particles with a much higher Al:Si ratio of crustal abundance. Only a small enrichment with such crustal Al and Si component may readily account for the higher Al:Si slope in the deepest waters.


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Concentrations of dissolved (<0.2 µm) Fe (DFe) in the Arctic shelf seas and in the surface waters of the central Arctic Ocean are presented. In the Barents and Kara seas, near-surface DFe minima indicate depletion of DFe by phytoplankton growth. Below the surface, lower DFe concentrations in the Kara Sea (~0.4-0.6 nM) than in the Barents Sea (~0.6-0.8 nM) likely reflect scavenging removal or biological depletion of DFe. Very high DFe concentrations (>10 nM) in the bottom waters of the Laptev Sea shelf may be attributed to either sediment resuspension, sinking of brine or regeneration of DFe in the lower layers. A significant correlation (R2 = 0.60) between salinity and DFe is observed. Using d18O, salinity, nutrients and total alkalinity data, the main source for the high (>2 nM) DFe concentrations in the Amundsen and Makarov Basins is identified as (Eurasian) river water, transported with the Transpolar Drift (TPD). On the North American side of the TPD, the DFe concentrations are low (<0.8 nM) and variations are determined by the effects of sea-ice meltwater, biological depletion and remineralization and scavenging in halocline waters from the shelf. This distribution pattern of DFe is also supported by the ratio between unfiltered and dissolved Fe (high (>4) above the shelf and low (<4) off the shelf).


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Extremely low summer sea-ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean in 2007 allowed extensive sampling and a wide quasi-synoptic hydrographic and d18O dataset could be collected in the Eurasian Basin and the Makarov Basin up to the Alpha Ridge and the East Siberian continental margin. With the aim of determining the origin of freshwater in the halocline, fractions of river water and sea-ice meltwater in the upper 150 m were quantified by a combination of salinity and d18O in the Eurasian Basin. Two methods, applying the preformed phosphate concentration (PO*) and the nitrate-to-phosphate ratio (N/P), were compared to further differentiate the marine fraction into Atlantic and Pacific-derived contributions. While PO*-based assessments systematically underestimate the contribution of Pacific-derived waters, N/P-based calculations overestimate Pacific-derived waters within the Transpolar Drift due to denitrification in bottom sediments at the Laptev Sea continental margin. Within the Eurasian Basin a west to east oriented front between net melting and production of sea-ice is observed. Outside the Atlantic regime dominated by net sea-ice melting, a pronounced layer influenced by brines released during sea-ice formation is present at about 30 to 50 m water depth with a maximum over the Lomonosov Ridge. The geographically distinct definition of this maximum demonstrates the rapid release and transport of signals from the shelf regions in discrete pulses within the Transpolar Drift. The ratio of sea-ice derived brine influence and river water is roughly constant within each layer of the Arctic Ocean halocline. The correlation between brine influence and river water reveals two clusters that can be assigned to the two main mechanisms of sea-ice formation within the Arctic Ocean. Over the open ocean or in polynyas at the continental slope where relatively small amounts of river water are found, sea-ice formation results in a linear correlation between brine influence and river water at salinities of about 32 to 34. In coastal polynyas in the shallow regions of the Laptev Sea and southern Kara Sea, sea-ice formation transports river water into the shelf's bottom layer due to the close proximity to the river mouths. This process therefore results in waters that form a second linear correlation between brine influence and river water at salinities of about 30 to 32. Our study indicates which layers of the Arctic Ocean halocline are primarily influenced by sea-ice formation in coastal polynyas and which layers are primarily influenced by sea-ice formation over the open ocean. Accordingly we use the ratio of sea-ice derived brine influence and river water to link the maximum in brine influence within the Transpolar Drift with a pulse of shelf waters from the Laptev Sea that was likely released in summer 2005.


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Polonium-210 and Lead-210 have been measured in the water column and on suspended particulate matter during the POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XXII/2. The data have been submitted to Pangaea following a Polonium-Lead intercalibration exercise organized by GEOTRACES, where the AWI lab results range within the data standard deviation from 10 participating labs. Polonium-210 and Lead-210 in the ocean can be used to identify the sources and sinks of suspended matter. In seawater, Polonium-210 (210Po) and Lead-210 (210Pb) are produced by stepwise radioactive decay of Uranium-238. 210Po (138 days half life) and 210Pb (22.3 years half life) have high affinities for suspended particles. Those radionuclides are present in dissolved form and adsorbed onto particles. Following adsorption onto particle surfaces, 210Po especially is transported into the interior of cells where it bonds to proteins. In this way, 210Po also accumulates in the food chain. 210Po is therefore considered to be a good tracer for POC, and traces particle export over a timescale of month. 210Pb (22.3 years half life) adsorbs preferably onto structural components of cells, biogenic silica and lithogenic particles, and is therefore a better tracer more rapidly sinking matter. Our goal during ARK XXII/2 was to trace pathways of particulate and dissolved matter leaving the Siberian Shelf. The pathways of particulate and dissolved matter will be followed by the combined use of 210Po and 234Th as a tracer pair (and perhaps 210Pb) for particle flux (Cai, P.; Rutgers van der Loeff, MM (2008) doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.708354). This information gathered from the water column will be complemented with the results of the 210Po-210Pb study in sea ice (Camara-Mor, P, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar-SCIC, Barcelona, Spain) to provide a more thorough picture of particle transport from the shelf to the open sea and from surface to depth.