998 resultados para 361.8


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Reaction of cis-Ru(bisox)(2)Cl-2, where bisox is 4,4,4',4'-tetramethyl-2,2'-bisoxazoline, with excess of pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde (py-2-al) in 1:1 (v/v) methanol-water mixture under nitrogen atmosphere and subsequent addition of excess of NH4PF6 give [Ru(bisox)(2)(py-2-al)](PF6)(2)center dot H2O (1). Refluxing of 1 in dehydrated methanol in presence of triethylamine yields the corresponding hemiacetalate complex: [Ru(bisox)(2) (pyridine-2-(alpha-methoxymethanolato))] PF6 center dot 1.5H(2)O (2). Both the complexes have been characterised by single crystal X-ray crystallography, FTIR and NMR. In cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile at a glassy carbon electrode, 2 displays a quasireversible Ru(II/III) couple at 1.08 V versus NHE which is not observed in 1. A tentative mechanism is proposed for the conversion of 1 to 2. DFT calculations with the LanL2DZ basis set have been performed to investigate these observations theoretically. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several strategies are known for sanitizing dairy herd problems caused by Staphylococcus (S.) aureus. They mostly consist of general management measures but specific decision-making at an individual animal level has not been described. A sanitation program in the form of a process chart developed by the Bern Clinic for Ruminants was undertaken in 10 dairy herds with this problem. In an affected herd the cows were divided into 3 groups: healthy, suspect, infected. Three milk samples (MS), taken at two-week intervals were cultivated. The cows were grouped according to the culture results. To measure the success of the sanitation program, the key figures <> (target < 150,000 SCC/ml) and <> (limit: 150'00 SCC/ml, target < 20 %) were used. These were compared with the corresponding key figures from dairy herds, which were followed-up by the Bern Clinic for Ruminants (control herds). The problem herd sanitation program lasted between 2 and 21 months. A total of 1598 MS were analyzed, of which 241 (15 %) were S. aureus positive (15 %). At the end of the sanitation the key figures between problem herds and control herds were similar. The sanitation program has proved to be practical. The detection of S. aureus positive cows proved to be reliable and the udder health of the herd could be significantly improved.


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OBJECTIVE: To report clinical evaluation of the clamp rod internal fixator 4.5/5.5 (CRIF 4.5/5.5) in bovine long-bone fracture repair. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Cattle (n=22) with long-bone fractures. METHODS: Records for cattle with long-bone fractures repaired between 1999 and 2004 with CRIF 4.5/5.5 were reviewed. Quality of fracture repair, fracture healing, and clinical outcome were investigated by means of clinical examination, medical records, radiographs, and telephone questionnaire. RESULTS: Successful long-term outcome was achieved in 18 cattle (82%); 4 were euthanatized 2-14 days postoperatively because of fracture breakdowns. Two cattle had movement of clamps on the rod. Moderate to severe callus formation was evident in 11 cattle 6 months postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Movement of clamps on the rod was recognized as implant failure unique to the CRIF. This occurred in cattle with poor fracture stability because of an extensive cortical defect. The CRIF system may not be ideal to treat metacarpal/metatarsal fractures because its voluminous size makes skin closure difficult, thereby increasing the risk of postoperative infections. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: CRIF cannot be recommended for repair of complicated long-bone fractures in cattle.


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Objective: To examine the effectiveness of an “Enhancing Positive Emotions Procedure” (EPEP) based on positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy in relieving distress at the time of adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in colorectal cancer patients (CRC). It is expected that EPEP will increase quality of life and positive affect in CRC patients during chemotherapy treatment intervention and at 1 month follow-up.Method: A group of 24 CRC patients received the EPEP procedure (intervention group), whereas another group of 20 CRC patients did not receive the EPEP (control group). Quality of life (EORTC-QLQC30), and mood (PANAS) were assessed in three moments: prior to enter the study (T1), at the end of the time required to apply the EPEP (T2, 6 weeks after T1), and, at follow-up (T3, one-month after T2). Patient’s assessments of the EPEP (improving in mood states, and significance of the attention received) were assessed with Lickert scales.Results: Insomnia was reduced in the intervention group. Treatment group had better scores on positive affect although there were no significantly differences between groups and over time. There was a trend to better scores at T2 and T3 for the intervention group on global health status, physical, role, and social functioning scales. Patients stated that positive mood was enhanced and that EPEP was an important resource.Conclusions: CRC patients receiving EPEP during chemotherapy believed that this intervention was important. Furthermore, EPEP seems to improve positive affect and quality of life. EPEP has potential benefits, and its implementation to CRC patients should be considered.


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Objective: To evaluate the relationship between Perceived Psychological well-being, Optimism and Resilience in women survivors of breast cancer.Method: The sample was composed of 30 women diagnosed with breast cancer who were undergoing adjuvant treatment in Oncology Units General Hospital of Jerez de la Frontera and the University Hospital Puerta del Mar (Cadiz). The average age was 47.47 years (SD = 6,356) and the average of months from diagnosis of the disease was 9.93 (SD = 8,541). Scale of Psychological Well-being administered Perceived Ryff (1989), the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R) Scheier, Carver and Bridges (1994) and the Scale of Resilience Wagnild and Young (1993) to assess psychological well-being the dispositional optimism and resilience respectivelyResults: Descriptive analyzes show that women diagnosed with breast cancer have levels of psychological well-being, dispositional optimism and higher than the average values provided by Resilience scales. On the other hand, regression analyses revealed that only some of the dimensions of resilience allowed to explain and predict some dimensions of psychological wellbeing, not dispositional optimism.Conclusions: The results seem to confirm the idea that if the capacity of women with breast moderate negative affect generated by the diagnosis itself and the consequences of their cancer treatment works and to promote their adaptation to the new situation we can contribute to increasing psychological well-being.


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Typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) employ either Nck, TccP/TccP2, or Nck and TccP/TccP2 pathways to activate the neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) and to trigger actin polymerization in cultured cells. This phenotype is used as a marker for the pathogenic potential of EPEC and EHEC strains. In this paper we report that EPEC O125:H6, which represents a large category of strains, lacks the ability to utilize either Nck or TccP/TccP2 and hence triggers actin polymerization in vitro only inefficiently. However, we show that infection of human intestinal biopsies with EPEC O125:H6 results in formation of typical attaching and effacing lesions. Expression of TccP in EPEC O125:H6, which harbors an EHEC O157-like Tir, resulted in efficient actin polymerization in vitro and enhanced colonization of human intestinal in vitro organ cultures with detectable N-WASP and electron-dense material at the site of bacterial adhesion. These results show the existence of a natural category of EPEC that colonizes the gut mucosa using Nck- and TccP-independent mechanisms. Importantly, the results highlight yet again the fact that conclusions made on the basis of in vitro cell culture models cannot be extrapolated wholesale to infection of mucosal surfaces and that the ability to induce actin polymerization on cultured cells should not be used as a definitive marker for EPEC and EHEC virulence.


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En el período de enero a junio del 2009 se indagó el benefi ciado de cacao en 49 fincas de productores socios de la cooperativa CACAO-NICA en el municipio de Waslala, Nicaragua. El propósito del estudio fue generar información de los costos, tiempos y puntos críticos del benefi ciado en las fincas, y realizar un análisis FODA sobre la factibilidad de implementar el modelo de acopio de cacao en baba en dos centros comunitarios. Se aplicaron encuestas a productores y entrevistas semi-estructuradas al equipo técnico de CACAONICA y otros informantes claves vinculados con la comercialización local del cacao. Se elaboró una matriz clasifi cándose la información en relación a las variables tiempo, área de siembra, rendimientos y participación de la familia en la labores poscosecha del cacao. Todas las fi ncas visitadas poseen certifi cación orgánica. Treinta de los productores poseen áreas pequeñas de cacao (aproximadamente de una ha) y 19 cultivan entre 1.5 a siete ha. El beneficiado de cacao en la finca se compone de tres etapas y seis actividades: etapa 1 (cosecha y extracción-selección de semillas), etapa 2 (fermentación y secado) y etapa 3 (empacado y transporte). El proceso de benefi ciado se constituye de 21.7 días calendarios, sin embargo, el tiempo real requerido en días hombre resultó ser 9.14, con un costo de USD 40.33 para benefi ciar 45.45 kg de cacao (un qq). La etapa 1 resultó ser la más costosa del proceso de beneficiado (USD 30.13 por cada 45.45 kg). Los puntos críticos que afectan la calidad del benefi ciado del grano son: fermentación (41%) y secado (31%). El punto de equilibrio del benefi ciado en fi nca es 361.8 kg ha-1 ciclo-1. Rendimientos por debajo de este umbral signifi can que el cacaotal no retribuye los costos invertidos por el agricultor. La participación de la familia en el benefi ciado del cacao es relevante, especial atención requiere la participación de la mujer. La gran mayoría de los productores (69%) perciben como buena estrategia implementar el acopio de cacao en baba en beneficios centralizados, y ratifi caron su participación siempre y cuando el pago sea contra entrega del grano (USD 48.87 por cada 45.45 kg). El éxito del nuevo sistema de acopio dependerá de la gestión de capital para el condicionamiento de la instalación, la compra del grano a los productores, la definición de rutas lógicas de acopio en las comunidades, el equipamiento básico y la capacitación oportuna al personal técnico responsable de los centros de acopio.


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1.2,3-Trihydroxybenzene (THB) reacts with 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) in the solid state forming an orange-coloured charge transfer complex THB* (8HQ)(2). When the reaction was carried out in a petri dish, or when the vapours of 8HQ were allowed to react with solid THB (gravimetric study), the reaction product separated out as good quality, shiny single crystals. X-Ray diffraction studies on single crystals showed that they belong to the orthorhombic system with a = 15.408(1), b = 16.276(1), c = 7.825(1) Angstrom, Z = 4, D-x = 1.413 g cm(-3) and space group Pnaa. From the crystallographic evidence it has been found that the proton of the middle OH group of THB is transferred to the N atom of 8HQ. This accounts for the observed colour change. Kinetic studies on the solid state reaction showed that the 8HQ molecules diffuse towards THB, and the lateral diffusion occurs through surface migration, grain boundary diffusion and vapour phase diffusion. Gravimetric studies of the reaction between solid THB and 8HQ vapour showed that the diffusion of 8HQ molecules into the crystal lattice of THB has a higher energy of activation than that observed when the reactants are in contact. The nature of the crystal packing in the reaction product indicates diffusion of 8HQ molecules into the crystal lattice of THB along the c-axis, to occupy the cavities present between the THB molecules in the unit cell.