985 resultados para 355.009861


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El presente trabajo de investigación busca responder al siguiente interrogante ¿Cuál fue la influencia de la operación “Vuelo del Ángel” en la modernización de las fuerzas Militares de Colombia (1998 – 2006)? Para dar respuesta a la pregunta anterior, se sustenta que la Operación Vuelo del Ángel significó para las Fuerzas Militares pasar a una posición ofensiva y lograr identificar las diferentes falencias que tenían para enfrentar el conflicto armado y así iniciar un proceso de modernización que le permitirá al ejército optimizar su forma de operar. Para comprobar la hipótesis de este trabajo de investigación se llevará a cabo; un análisis documental, analizarán y realizarán entrevistas que ayudarán a describir la operación Vuelo del Ángel.


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Calcium phosphate coatings, obtained at different deposition rates by pulsed laser deposition with a Nd:YAG laser beam of 355-nm wavelength, were studied. The deposition rate was changed from 0.043 to 1.16 /shot by modification of only the ablated area, maintaining the local fluence constant to perform the ablation process in similar local conditions. Characterization of the coatings was performed by scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffractometry, and infrared, micro-Raman, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The coatings showed a compact surface morphology formed by glassy gains with some droplets on them. Only hydroxyapatite (HA) and alpha-tricalcium phosphate (alpha-TCP) peaks were found in the x-ray diffractograms. The relative content of alpha TCP diminished with decreasing deposition rates, and only HA peaks were found for the lowest rate. The origin of alpha TCP is discussed.


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Concretes with service lives of less than 15 years and those with lives greater than 40 years were studied with petrographic microscope, scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe to determine why these two groups of concrete exhibit such different degrees of durability under highway conditions. Coarse aggregate used in both types of concrete were from dolomite rock, but investigation revealed that dolomite aggregate in the two groups of concretes were much different in several respects. The poorly-performing aggregate is fine-grained, has numerous euhedral and subhedral dolomite rhombohedra, and has relatively high porosity. Aggregate from durable concrete is coarse-grained, with tightly interlocked crystal fabric, anhedral dolomite boundaries, and low porosity. Aggregate in short service life concrete was found to have undergone pervasive chemical reactions with the cement which produced reaction rims on the boundaries of coarse aggregate particles and in the cement region adjacent to aggregate boundaries. Textural and porosity differences are believed to be chiefly responsible for different service lives of the two groups of concrete. The basic reaction that has occurred in the short service life concretes between coarse aggregate and cement is an alkali-dolomite reaction. In the reaction dolomite from the aggregate reacts with hydroxide ions from the cement to free magnesium ions and carbonate ions, and the magnesium ions precipitate as brucite, Mg(OH)2. Simultaneously with this reaction, a second reaction occurs in which product carbonate ions react with portlandite from the cement to form calcite and hydroxide ions. Crystal growth pressures of newly formed brucite and calcite together with other processes, e.g. hydration state changes of magnesium chloride hydrates, lead to expansion of the concretes with resultant rapid deterioration. According to this model, magnesium from any source, either from reacting dolomite or from magnesium road deicers, has a major role in highway concrete deterioration. Consequently, magnesium deicers should be used with caution, and long-term testing of the effects of magnesium deicers on highway concrete should be implemented to determine their effects on durability.


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In the main report concerning the role that magnesium may have in highway concrete aggregate, over 20,000 electron microprobe data were obtained, primarily from automated scans, or traverses, across dolomite aggregate grains and the adjacent cement paste. Representative traverses were shown in figures and averages of the data were presented in Table II. In this Appendix, detailed representative and selected analyses of carbonate aggregate only are presented. These analyses were not presented in the main report because they would be interesting to only a few specialists in dolomite· rocks. In this Appendix, individual point analyses of mineral compositions in the paste have been omitted along with dolomite compositions at grain boundaries and cracks. Clay minerals and quartz inclusions in the aggregate are also not included. In the analyses, the first three column headings from left to right show line number, x-axis, and y-axis (Line number is an artifact of the computer print-out for each new traverse. Consecutive line numbers indicate a continuous traverse with distances between each point of 1.5 to a few μ-m. X-axis and y-axis are coordinates on the electron microscope stage). The next columns present weight percent oxide content of FeO, K20, CaO, Si02, Al203, MgO, SrO, BaO, MnO, Na20, and C02 (calculated assuming the number of moles of C02 is equal to the sum of moles of oxides, chiefly CaO and MgO), TOTAL (the sum of all oxides), and total (sum of all oxides excluding COi). In many of the analyses total is omitted.


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Contient : 1° « L'Ystoire de Meliadus et de Gyron le Courtois et du chevalier sans paour », de « RUSTICIEN, de Pise » ; 2° « Le Livre de Meliadus et de Guiron le Courtois et de Palamedes », du même, contenant en partie le roman de Guiron le Courtois d' « HELIE DE BORRON », dont le prologue est conservé


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Contient : 1° « L'Ystoire de Meliadus et de Gyron le Courtois et du chevalier sans paour », de « RUSTICIEN, de Pise » ; 2° « Le Livre de Meliadus et de Guiron le Courtois et de Palamedes », du même, contenant en partie le roman de Guiron le Courtois d' « HELIE DE BORRON », dont le prologue est conservé


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Este libro se ocupa del análisis del tráfico de libros entre Europa y Nueva España durante los años 1750-1820. Se trata de la primera síntesis sobre estos asuntos con la que contamos para este interesante periodo del trasvase cultural entre Europa y México.


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Pour toute demande de reproduction de contenu se trouvant dans cette publication, communiquer avec l’Association des diplômés de l’UdeM.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es estudiar los efectos que produce una sentencia de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia en la división de poderes con el objetivo de mostrar que por medio del ejercicio de sus funciones la Corte se extralimita y produce efectos negativos desde un punto de vista orgánico puesto que se toma funciones orgánicas de la Rama legislativa. Sin embargo desde un punto de vista funcional estas extralimitaciones pueden verse de una forma positiva. Para esto se estudia la sentencia C-355/2006 puesto que su contenido vinculante permite ver como es afectada la división de poderes desde ambos puntos de vista.