983 resultados para 350.861


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El presente libro, es el producto de varios años de ejercicio profesional en cargos de dirección administrativa y de asesoría externa en la función pública en los órganos y las entidades de la rama ejecutiva en los niveles nacional y territorial, y en los sectores central y descentralizado. La novedad del libro se encuentra en el hecho de reunir y presentar de manera analítica conceptos de la función pública, su origen y evolución en Colombia, los grandes interrogantes que debe resolver, sus reglas de juego, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia pertinentes para solventar problemas tomados de la vida real que, a medida que se estudian, se analizan y se proponen soluciones, hacen posible aclarar la nomenclatura, es decir, el lenguaje respectivo y que permiten construir, de manera sistemática, las competencias que deben tener y poner a prueba tanto los estudiosos del tema como los funcionarios que se desempeñan en este campo, así como los servidores públicos que de manera directa o indirecta son afectados por el ejercicio de la función pública.


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Nowadays, Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) and, more generally, Process Management Systems (PMPs) are process-aware Information Systems (PAISs), are widely used to support many human organizational activities, ranging from well-understood, relatively stable and structures processes (supply chain management, postal delivery tracking, etc.) to processes that are more complicated, less structured and may exhibit a high degree of variation (health-care, emergency management, etc.). Every aspect of a business process involves a certain amount of knowledge which may be complex depending on the domain of interest. The adequate representation of this knowledge is determined by the modeling language used. Some processes behave in a way that is well understood, predictable and repeatable: the tasks are clearly delineated and the control flow is straightforward. Recent discussions, however, illustrate the increasing demand for solutions for knowledge-intensive processes, where these characteristics are less applicable. The actors involved in the conduct of a knowledge-intensive process have to deal with a high degree of uncertainty. Tasks may be hard to perform and the order in which they need to be performed may be highly variable. Modeling knowledge-intensive processes can be complex as it may be hard to capture at design-time what knowledge is available at run-time. In realistic environments, for example, actors lack important knowledge at execution time or this knowledge can become obsolete as the process progresses. Even if each actor (at some point) has perfect knowledge of the world, it may not be certain of its beliefs at later points in time, since tasks by other actors may change the world without those changes being perceived. Typically, a knowledge-intensive process cannot be adequately modeled by classical, state of the art process/workflow modeling approaches. In some respect there is a lack of maturity when it comes to capturing the semantic aspects involved, both in terms of reasoning about them. The main focus of the 1st International Workshop on Knowledge-intensive Business processes (KiBP 2012) was investigating how techniques from different fields, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation (KR), Business Process Management (BPM), Service Oriented Computing (SOC), etc., can be combined with the aim of improving the modeling and the enactment phases of a knowledge-intensive process. The 1st International Workshop on Knowledge-intensive Business process (KiBP 2012) was held as part of the program of the 2012 Knowledge Representation & Reasoning International Conference (KR 2012) in Rome, Italy, in June 2012. The workshop was hosted by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale Antonio Ruberti of Sapienza Universita di Roma, with financial support of the University, through grant 2010-C26A107CN9 TESTMED, and the EU Commission through the projects FP7-25888 Greener Buildings and FP7-257899 Smart Vortex. This volume contains the 5 papers accepted and presented at the workshop. Each paper was reviewed by three members of the internationally renowned Program Committee. In addition, a further paper was invted for inclusion in the workshop proceedings and for presentation at the workshop. There were two keynote talks, one by Marlon Dumas (Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia) on "Integrated Data and Process Management: Finally?" and the other by Yves Lesperance (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, York University, Canada) on "A Logic-Based Approach to Business Processes Customization" completed the scientific program. We would like to thank all the Program Committee members for the valuable work in selecting the papers, Andrea Marrella for his valuable work as publication and publicity chair of the workshop, and Carola Aiello and the consulting agency Consulta Umbria for the organization of this successful event.


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Reciprocal interactions between Src family kinases (SFKs) and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) are critical during changes in cell attachment. Recently it has been recognized that another SFK substrate, CUB-domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1), is differentially phosphorylated during these events. However, the molecular processes underlying SFK-mediated phosphorylation of CDCP1 are poorly understood. Here we identify a novel mechanism in which FAK tyrosine 861 and CDCP1-Tyr-734 compete as SFK substrates and demonstrate cellular settings in which SFKs switch between these sites. Our results show that stable CDCP1 expression induces robust SFK-mediated phosphorylation of CDCP1-Tyr-734 with concomitant loss of p-FAK-Tyr-861 in adherent HeLa cells. SFK substrate switching in these cells is dependent on the level of expression of CDCP1 and is also dependent on CDCP1-Tyr-734 but is independent of CDCP1-Tyr-743 and -Tyr-762. In HeLa CDCP1 cells, engagement of SFKs with CDCP1 is accompanied by an increase in phosphorylation of Src-Tyr-416 and a change in cell morphology to a fibroblastic appearance dependent on CDCP1-Tyr-734. SFK switching between FAK-Tyr-861 and CDCP1-Tyr-734 also occurs during changes in adhesion of colorectal cancer cell lines endogenously expressing these two proteins. Consistently, increased p-FAK-Tyr-861 levels and a more epithelial morphology are seen in colon cancer SW480 cells silenced for CDCP1. Unlike protein kinase Cδ, FAK does not appear to form a trimeric complex with Src and CDCP1. These data demonstrate novel aspects of the dynamics of SFK-mediated cell signaling that may be relevant during cancer progression.


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The elastic constants of NaBrO3 and NaClO3 are evaluated from ultrasonic velocity measurements using pulse superposition techniques. The values of C11, C12 and C44 for NaBrO3 at 298°K are 5.578, 1.705, 1.510 (x 1010 N/m2) and for NaClO3 the values are 4.897, 1.389, 1.174. The values at 77°K are respectively 6.35, 1.98 and 1.65 for NaBrO3 and 6.15, 2.16 and 1.32 for NaClO3.


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The elastic constantsC 11,C 12 and C 44 of sodium chlorate single crystal have been evaluated using 10 MHz ultrasonic pulse echo superposition technique. The values are C 11=4.90,C 12=1.39,C 44=1.17 (× 1010 N/m 2) at 298 K and 6.15, 2.16, 1.32 (×1010 N/m 2) at 77 K. The data agree well with the values measured earlier up to 223 K. Brief mention is also made of the low temperature bonding problems in these soft crystals.


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Os constituintes discutem sobre a mudança no regimento interno e fazem manifesto sobre a proteção ao meio ambiente.


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Morphological observations on the two types of Pseudospora are given. The two Pseudospora whic are described are Pseudospora eudorini and Pseudospora volvocis. The systematic classification of the genus Pseudospora is discussed.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Recent analyses of terrestrial (pollen) and marine microfossils (foraminifera and radiolaria) in cores V28-204 and RC14-99 from the northwest Pacific Ocean extend the continuous, chronostratigraphically-controlled records of the regional vegetation of the Pacific coast of Japan and offshore marine environments through three full glacial cycles. The high-resolution pollen time series show systematic relationships between fluctuations in Japanese vegetation and global ice volume over the last 350 kyr. ... Comparison with solar insolation at 30°N and with an index of orbital parameters suggests that variation in northeast Asian summer monsoon intensity is related to orbital forcing.


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在2×1.7串列加速器上,利用装有CCD的Spectrapro-500i光谱单色仪的测量装置,采用束-箔方法,在2 MeV束能下研究350-450 nm波长范围的离化态氧原子光谱。本文报道在350-450 nm范围已确定的182条光谱线,这些谱线大都属于O II到O IV原子的n、1能级间的跃迁的弱谱线。实验结果与现有的一些理论一致。实验发现,有28条谱线在以前的文献中没有报道。


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Molybdenum L-shell X-rays were produced by Xeq+ (q = 25-30) bombardment at low energies from 2.65 to 4.55 keV/amu (350-600 keV). We observed a kinetic energy threshold of Mo L-shell ionization down to 2.65-3.03 keV/amu (350-400 keV). The charge state effect of the incident ions was not observed which shows that the ions were neutralized, reaching an equilibrium charge state and losing their initial charge state memory before production of L-shell vacancies resulted in X-ray production. The experimental ionization cross sections were compared with those from Binary Encounter Approximation theory. Taking into account projectile deflection in the target nuclear Coulomb field, the ionization cross section of Mo L-shell near the kinetic energy threshold was well described. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, a new process is proposed to recover rare earths from nitric acid leaching of apatite without interfering with the normal route for fertilizer production using solvent extraction with dimethyl heptyl methyl phosphonate CH3P(O)(OC8H17)(2) (P-350, B). In the present work, the leaching conditions are studied. In selected condition, apatite was dissolved in 20% (v/v) nitric acid solution at 60-70 degrees C while agitating. The most suitable acidity for extraction is 0.4 M HNO3. More than 98% of rare earths in apatite can be recovered using countercurrent extraction process with six stages when phase ratio = 0.5, and defluorination is unnecessary. The influences of phase ratio, stage number, acidity and salting-out agent on extractabilities Of P-350 are studied. The results show that rare earths can be separated with P-350 from Ca, P, Fe and other impurities. Mixed rare earth oxides (REO) of which purity is more than 95% with yield over 98% can be obtained.