989 resultados para 345.02
En el desarrollo del análisis que existe respecto al fenómeno delincuencial que se ha presentado en la sociedad desde los primeros tiempos, los historiadores y analistas han llegado a la conclusión de que existe una mayor ventaja al crear organizaci
En Colombia no se evidencia a nivel constitucional ni legal, planteamientos suficientes que se refieran a la forma de efectuar un estudio del cuerpo humano para fines probatorios, es por ello que cualquier intención de llevar a cabo tal análisis
Children Order Advisory Committee discussion paper on Court Welfare Officers
Se capturaron tres invertebrados como parte de la fauna acompañante de la merluza Merluccius gayi peruanus: (1) el calamar gigante o pota Dosidicus gigas, cuya talla o longitud del manto (LM) tuvo rango de 39 a 108 cm; su principal presa fue la merluza peruana; en relación al proceso de reproducción, predominó el estadio madurante en hembras y el de evacuación en machos; (2) el calamar común Loligo gahi, que presentó una gradación latitudinal de tallas, fue mayor hacia el sur y con predominio de ejemplares pequeños e inmaduros en 3 y 4°S; (3) el camaroncito rojo o múnida Pleuroncodes monodon, en cuya población predominaron los machos cuya longitud del cefalotórax fue superior a 26 mm.
The primary objectives of the Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) project were to: (1) Provide an electronic communication tool which would link city and county engineering offices to each other and to other governmental agencies for messaging and data sharing; (2) Provide a dial-up site for reference information or files accessible on-demand; and (3) Provide a "stepping stone" to the world of electronic data transfer, recognizing that most local government employees face a huge complex of technology with limited knowledge of computers and communications tools. The system was designed to be as simple as possible, and to require minimal equipment and software cost to the users. The original system was an Apex 386/25 computer with MS-DOS 5.0 software and the final configuration was an HP Vectra XM Pentium 90 with MS-NT 3.51 and Mustang - Wildcat 5.0 software. The users of the BBS were county engineers and their staff, offices in the central office of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and Resident Construction Engineers at the Iowa DOT. Much of the activity was between the county engineers, and their staffs, and the Iowa DOT offices with which they have ongoing business activities. The BBS contained files for mapping, Internet e-mail service, Accident Location Analysis System (ALAS) data, Iowa DOT bid lettings, and Autocad and Intergraph maps and standards. The 800 line calls were recorded and gave the best indication of the usage and the trends that were being followed. The usage tended to be higher in the winter months when design activities are occurring and lower in the summer months when the construction is in progress. The project was judged a success. The BBS did provide a "stepping stone" to the world of electronic data transfer.
Satirische Antwort auf eine Anfrage zu "Die explodierte Spansau"
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
The diet and plasma lipid patterns associated with lipid oxidation susceptibility in rats fed different doses of polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) from fish oil were evaluated. Wistar rats were assigned into three groups and received diets containing 8% soybean oil (SOY), 4% soybean oil + 4% fish oil (SOY-FISH) and 8% fish oil (FISH) for 21 days. Linoleic, oleic and ?-linolenic acids in SOY diets were substituted by myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in SOY-FISH and FISH diets reducing the n-6/n-3 ratio and increasing the peroxidability index (PI). Increased dietary EPA and DHA were observed in SOY-FISH and FISH plasma at the expense of linoleic and arachidonic acid levels. Saturated fatty acids, which were significantly different between the three diets (P < 0.01), were found at the same concentration in the plasma (P = 0.23). No changes were observed in oxidative stress as measured by the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) expressed in brain homogenates. However, TBARS concentration in the plasma of the SOY-FISH group was higher than the other two groups (P = 0.02). The major differences between these three groups were the n-3 PUFA content (0.4, 1.8 and 3.2 g/100 g diet) and the saturates/polyunsaturates ratio (0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) for SOY, SOY-FISH, and FISH groups, respectively. Thus, n-3 PUFA intake from fish oil only when followed by a decrease in saturated/polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio increased oxidative susceptibility in rats measured by plasma TBARS concentration
Background: Studies have shown that the autonomic dysfunction accompanied by impaired baroreflex sensitivity was associated with higher mortality. However, the influence of decreased baroreflex sensitivity on cardiac function, especially in diastolic function, is not well understood. This study evaluated the morpho-functional changes associated with baroreflex impairment induced by chronic sinoaortic denervation (SAD). Methods and Results: Animals were divided into sinoaortic denervation (SAD) and control (C) groups. Baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated by tachycardic and bradycardic responses, induced by vasoactive drugs. Cardiac function was studied by echocardiography and by left ventricle (LV) catheterization. LV collagen content and the expression of regulatory proteins involved in intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis were quantified. Results showed higher LV mass in SAD versus C animals. Furthermore, an increase in deceleration time of E-wave in the SAD versus the C group (2.14 +/- 0.07 ms vs 1.78 +/- 0.03 ms) was observed. LV end-diastolic pressure was increased and the minimum dP/dt was decreased in the SAD versus the C group (12 +/- 1.5 mm Hg vs 5.3 +/- 0.2 mm Hg and 7,422 +/- 201 vs 4,999 +/- 345 mm Hg/s, respectively). SERCA/NCX ratio was lower in SAD than in control rats. The same was verified in SERCA/PLB ratio. Conclusions: The results suggest that baroreflex dysfunction is associated with cardiac diastolic dysfunction independently of the presence of other risk factors. (J Cardiac Fail 2011;17:519-525)