993 resultados para 330.15


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El objetivo de este documento es presentar una descripción de la relación de Estado y Mercado en los autores clásicos. En general, hay un acuerdo en la importancia que tiene el mercado para el funcionamiento de la economía. Sin embargo, la metáfora de la mano invisible o del laissez-faire ha llevado a minimizar la importancia que autores como Adam Smith y David Ricardo le otorgaron al Estado en sus escritos. Frente a esto, es importante resaltar la relación entre Estado y Mercado en los autores que estuvieron en el inicio de la Economía Política.


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Recent evidence show that factor shares, if properly measured, are far from constant. Moreover, the shares of natural resources and raw labor seem to be negatively correlated with income per capita while the share of human and physical capital is positively correlated with income per capita. Now, if factor shares are not constant then (i) growth accounting exercises rely on a false assumption and (ii) there is a measurement problem. The effect that change s in factor shares ha ve on output depend on the relative abundance of factors and, fo r this reason, it is necessary to have correct measures. We propose an empiri cal methodology to solve the measurement issue and estimate TFP growth.


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We have undertaken a 330-360 GHz molecular line survey of the halo gas surrounding the hot core associated with G34.26+0.15. In contrast to our molecular line survey of the hot core itself, where 338 lines from at least 38 species were detected, only 18 lines from 9 species were detected in the halo. The lines are mainly single transitions of simple di atomic and triatomic molecules. Lower limits to their column densities have been evaluated by an LTE method. In the case of methanol, where four transitions were detected, the rotation temperature and column density have been evaluated by the rotation diagram technique. We have modified the previous depth-dependent chemical model developed in Paper II to calculate the column densities observed along a general line of sight drawn through the model cloud. The model is also extended to produce beam-averaged column densities for better comparison with those observed. We compare the model column densities with those observed and make recommendations for future depth-dependent chemical modelling of hot cores.


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We describe a detailed depth-and time-dependent model of the molecular cloud associated with the ultracompact H II region G 34.3+0.15. Previous work on observations of NH3 and CS indicates that the molecular cloud has three distinct physical components:- an ultracompact hot core, a compact hot core and an extended halo. We have used the physical parameters derived from these observations as input to our detailed chemical kinetic modelling. The results of the model calculations are discussed with reference to the different chemistries occuring in each component and are compared with abundances derived from our recent spectral line survey of G 34.3+0.15 (Paper I).


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A 330--360 GHz spectral survey of the hot molecular core associated with the 'cometary' ultracompact HII region G 34.3+/-0.15 observed with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope has detected 338 spectral lines from at least 35 distinct chemical species plus 19 isotopomers. 70 lines remain unidentified. Chemical abundance and rotation temperature have been determined by rotation diagram analysis for 12 species, and lower limits to abundance found for 38 others.


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Abschlussvorlesung von Günter Buchholz, in welcher er sich über das Grimmsche Märchen "Hans im Glück" dem Problem des Wertes zuwendet und sich mit der Geschichte der ökonomischen Theorie befasst.


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Inter- und Transdisziplinarität erfährt in Lehre und Forschung heutzutage eine vielversprechende Entwicklung, nicht nur im Schweizer Hochschulsystem, sondern auch auf europäischer und globaler Ebene. Sollen die Probleme unserer Zeit adäquat verstanden, analysiert und schliesslich gelöst werden, ist es unabdingbar, die disziplinären Kompetenzen in einen konstruktiven Austauschprozess und Dialog zu bringen. Die Behandlung unserer komplexen, menschlichen, sozialen, politischen und die Umwelt betreffenden Probleme drängt zunehmend auf die Durchlässigkeit des disziplinären Wissens und Wissenssystems. Dieses Buch richtet sich an all jene, die sich in ihrer täglichen Arbeit in Lehre, Forschung oder Studium mit komplexen Fragenstellungen beschäftigen und sich dabei nicht auf die Reduktion auf eine einzelne Disziplin beschränken können. Es zeigt den aktuellen Stand der inter- und transdisziplinären Lehre und Forschung in der Schweiz auf. Schwerpunkt liegt bei der Präsentation von erfolgreichen Projekten, ihren konzeptuellen, theoretischen und methodologischen Grundlagen sowie den daraus gewonnenen Erfahrungen.


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Este relatório do conteúdo do Seminário faz um resumo dos trabalhos feitos durante os dias de seminário e consiste em (1) uma breve documentação dos principais assuntos discutidos das discussões e (2) uma avaliação e alguns recomendações pelos moderadores SNV-UCM/BEA.