999 resultados para 330.0


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O estudo epidemiológico transversal randomizado objetivou avaliar condições de saúde bucal nos competidores dos XV Jogos Pan-Americanos (JPA) e III Jogos Parapan-Americanos (JPPA), 2007. Foram enviados convites para 5.662 atletas (JPA) e 1.300 (JPPA). Radiografias panorâmicas digitais (RPD) foram utilizadas para o exame de triagem nos 2 eventos, e nos JPPA, os atletas também foram submetidos à avaliação do sangramento gengival interdental (SI) através de uma versão modificada do Índice de Sangramento Interdental de Eastman (EIBI). Foram obtidas RPDs de 410 atletas dos JPA, média de idade 24,38 (dp5,35), 55% homens; e de 118 dos atletas dos JPPA, média de idade de 32,3 (dp9,53), 77,97% homens. 121 competidores (JPPA) foram avaliados para SI: 78,51% homens, média de idade 32,6(dp9,6), e foram separados em grupos (G), conforme sua deficiência física: GI c/ deficiência visual (DV), com 2 subgrupos: GI-a: DV tardia e GI-c-: DV congênita/precoce; GII- deficiência de membro superior; com 1 subgrupo: GII-t: deficiência/ausência bilateral; GIII- deficiência de membro inferior (grupo controle). As RPDs foram examinadas por 1 examinador com o Kodak Dental Imaging(v6.7). A frequência e a distribuição do SI foram calculadas, e os grupos foram comparados. Resultados da triagem com RPDs, representados por número de observações(média por atleta) JPA//número de observações(média por atleta JPPA: Dentes erupcionados/ hígidos: 9097(22,19)//2451(20,77); Ausentes: 803(1,96 //405(3,43); Não erupcionados ou impactados: 330(0,80)//52(0,44); Parcialmente erupcionados e/ou hígidos: 109(0,27)//20(0,17); Cárie extensa: 261(0,64)//62(0,53); Cárie extensa e lesão periapical: 96(0,23)//50(0,42); Tratamento endodôntico e lesão periapical: 24(0,06)//13(0,11); Restaurados: 2298(5,60)//670(5,68); Imagens radiolúcidas patológicas circunscritas: 23(0,06)//0; Raízes-residuais: 27(0,07)//22(0,19); Implantes:6(0,01)//5(0,04); Dentes anteriores fraturados: 13 (0,03)//3(0,03); Molares bandados: 26(0,06)//11(0,09); Dentes anômalos: 7(0,02)//12(0,10). Resultados para SI: G-I>G-III (p=0.0002);GI-c>GI-a (p=0,042). Homens exibiram > freqüência de SI (3,6%+1,7) que mulheres (0,8%+0,5), p<0,01. Conclusões: Os dados das 2 populações de atletas mostraram que há uma grande variação na saúde bucal entre os indivíduos avaliados. Diversas condições com potencial de influenciar o desempenho esportivo dos atletas foram detectadas através de radiografias panorâmicas digitais, sugerindo que um programa de saúde bucal deve ser incluído como parte da preparação destes indivíduos.A avaliação da frequência e distribuição de sangramento gengival interdental em uma população de atletas que competiu nos III Jogos Parapan-Americanos, revelou que o tipo de deficiência ou limitação física dos competidores é um fator que influencia na saúde gengival desses indivíduos. O planejamento de um programa de saúde bucal para esta população deve ser adaptado às diferentes limitações de cada atleta.


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芳香环状低聚物的合成是二十世纪八十年代末发展起来的研究领域,其特有的环状结构和可进行可控的开环聚合决定了芳香环状低聚物具有广阔的应用前景。本文从研究单体结构与成环反应的关系出发,开拓了一种合成芳香环状聚醚酮的新方法—改进的Friedel-Crafte反应法,采用该方法成功地合成了一系列新型结构的大环化合物,并首次利用流变仪对开环聚合过程中的流变行为进行了较为系统的观测。根据acoson-Stockmayer环化理论,应用基质辅助激光解吸离子化飞行时间质谱(MAIDL-TOF MS),对一系列芳香环状低聚物组分分布进行分析,研究了芳香环状低聚物的产率、组分分布与单体结构的关系。结果表明:芳香聚醋、聚麟酸醋及芳香聚醚环状低聚物系列中,InCn与1nn呈良好的线性关系,符合J-S理论分布。环状齐聚物的产率与组分分布受单体的中心键角影响,单体的中心键角在100°~120°范围内,其中心键角愈小,γ值愈大。γ值愈大,反应产物中小环化合物的含量越高,而小环化合物的含量的增加是高产率地合成环状齐聚物的前提之一。在此理论的指导下,通过对单体结构的模拟,高选择性地合成了一种新型结构的芳香环状聚硫醋二聚体,对其结构进行了精确的表征,在不同溶剂中得到了该环状二聚体的单晶,单晶X闪ray衍射表明该二聚体为环张力极小的大环化合物。基于上述理论,以有利于成环的邻苯二酞氯为酞基化试剂,对Friedel-Crafts酞基化反应在合成芳香环状齐聚物中的应用进行了系统研究,开拓了一种合成芳香环状预聚体的新方法—改进的Friedel-Crafts酞基化反应法。发现反应体系中Lewis碱的存在有利于选择性地形成环状产物。并进一步确定反应最佳条件为: Lewis碱和催化剂Alcl3与富电单体的摩尔比分别为1.2和3.4; 1,2-二氯乙烷为本反应的最佳溶剂;等当量的反应单体要求缓慢滴加到形成“假高稀”的溶剂体系中;Lewis碱NMP,DMF等都适用于本反应体系。在此优化条件下,以邻苯二酞氯和间苯二酞氯为酞基化试剂,室温下,合成了一系列芳香环状聚醚酮酮、聚醚酮、聚醚矾酮等新型结构的环状齐聚物,利用MALDI-TOF-MS,NMR,GPC,FTIR,DSC,元素分析等手段对环状结构进行了精确的表征;DSC分析表明含邻苯二拨基结构的环状齐聚物为无定型材料;部分产物的产率高达90%。在阴离子引发剂联苯双酚钾存在下,制备的环状齐聚物成功进行了熔融开环聚合,得到了相应结构的高分子量的线性开环聚合产物。其中,含邻苯二拨基结构的环状聚醚酮酮、环状聚醚酮矾的开环聚合产物的比浓粘度分别达到0.42dL/g,0.36 dL/g(0.5%的DMF溶液,25士0.1℃);四种含间苯二锁基结构的环状齐聚物的开环聚合产物的Tg与常规亲电沉淀反应合成的线性高聚物的Tg相同。含侧甲基的开环聚合产物的Tg比对应的开环聚合的产物的Tg高约5℃。研究结果表明用亲电缩聚方法制备芳香环状聚醚酮与亲核缩聚法相比较,具有成本低廉、反应条件温和丫产率高、易于大规模制备等优势,开拓了一种制备环状化合物的方法。自从美国G.E.公司利用环状聚碳酸酷的开环聚合制备线性聚碳酸醋以来,对芳香环状低聚物的开环聚合过程的研究仅局限在由GPC监测反应某一时刻的产物的分子量,而缺乏对与应用更为接近的开环聚合中的粘度的变化的研究。本文以界面缩聚反应高产率地合成芳香环状双酚A聚酷二聚体为对象,研究了流变仪在开环聚合中的应用。利用流变仪对环状二聚体开环聚合过程进行了较为系统的观测,研究了不同条件下的开环聚合中的流变行为,结果表明,开环聚合存在引发期,而且在引发期,熔融体的粘度低于10Pa·S,超过引发期,粘度呈指数级增长。引发期的长短可以通过引发剂的种类、浓度、开环聚合的温度等条件进行有效地控制。芳香环状聚酷二聚体与环状聚碳酸醋的开环共聚合的流变行为的研究结果表明:开环共聚合可以降低开环聚合的温度,调整引发期,是提高聚合产物的分子量的有效途径。用流变仪对以改进的Friedel-Crafts反应合成的芳香环酮齐聚物的开环聚合中的流变行为进行了监控。在330℃,剪切速率为0.05S-l下,熔融的环状齐聚物的粘度为2.0Pa·S。通过对开环聚合的反应条件的控制,同样实现了开环聚合的可控,通过改变其开环聚合的引发期的长短及粘度的变化规律,可、适应不。条一定为加工设计与成型加工提供理论指导和模型设计,必将进一步推进开环聚合工 艺向应用方向的发展。


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对铀原子单色和双色多光子共振电离光谱开展了深入的研究。报道了用双色三步共振光电离技术测量位于 330 0 3~ 34 2 6 4cm- 1 范围内的奇宇称高激发态能级的位置。利用总角动量选择定则指定了这些能级的总角动量 J值。


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplemental protein during the rainy season on body growth, ingestive behavior and reproductive performance of crossbred Gir x Holstein dairy heifers, with mean age of 21 ± 4.1 months and average initial body weight of 296.7 ± 57.3 kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates per treatment. Heifers remained on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture, managed according to a rotational grazing system and, as treatment, it was supplemented with protein concentrate (34%, 43%, 56% and 66% BW) and level of supply of 0.30% body weight (BW). The animals were weighed and the mean weight of the lot was used for the calculation of adjustment of the amount of concentrate offered. Heifers that reached 330.0 kg of live weight were artificially inseminated and, 45 days after insemination, pregnancy diagnosis was performed for the calculation of pregnancy rate and age at conception. No significant difference of protein levels was observed on grazing, eating behavior, productive performance and age at conception of dairy heifers on pasture. The average daily weight gain of BW and age at conception were, on average, 0.907 kg/animal and 24.03 months, respectively.


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A limiting factor in the accuracy and precision of U/Pb zircon dates is accurate correction for initial disequilibrium in the 238U and 235U decay chains. The longest-lived-and therefore most abundant-intermediate daughter product in the 235U isotopic decay chain is 231Pa (T1/2 = 32.71 ka), and the partitioning behavior of Pa in zircon is not well constrained. Here we report high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-Pb zircon data from two samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, which show evidence for incorporation of excess 231Pa during zircon crystallization. The most precise analyses from the two samples have consistent Th-corrected 206Pb/238U dates with weighted means of 11.9325 ± 0.0039 Ma (n = 9) and 11.920 ± 0.011 Ma (n = 4), but distinctly older 207Pb/235U dates that vary from 12.330 ± 0.048 Ma to 12.140 ± 0.044 Ma and 12.03 ± 0.24 to 12.40 ± 0.27 Ma, respectively. If the excess 207Pb is due to variable initial excess 231Pa, calculated initial (231Pa)/(235U) activity ratios for the two samples range from 5.6 ± 1.0 to 9.6 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 5.2 to 11.4 ± 5.8. The data from the more precisely dated sample yields estimated DPazircon/DUzircon from 2.2-3.8 and 5.6-9.6, assuming (231Pa)/(235U) of the melt equal to the global average of recently erupted mid-ocean ridge basaltic glasses or secular equilibrium, respectively. High precision ID-TIMS analyses from nine additional samples from Hole 735B and nearby Hole 1105A suggest similar partitioning. The lower range of DPazircon/DUzircon is consistent with ion microprobe measurements of 231Pa in zircons from Holocene and Pleistocene rhyolitic eruptions (Schmitt (2007; doi:10.2138/am.2007.2449) and Schmitt (2011; doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133330)). The data suggest that 231Pa is preferentially incorporated during zircon crystallization over a range of magmatic compositions, and excess initial 231Pa may be more common in zircons than acknowledged. The degree of initial disequilibrium in the 235U decay chain suggested by the data from this study, and other recent high precision datasets, leads to resolvable discordance in high precision dates of Cenozoic to Mesozoic zircons. Minor discordance in zircons of this age may therefore reflect initial excess 231Pa and does not require either inheritance or Pb loss.