126 resultados para 320504 Hematología


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Las investigaciones en curso son continuación de trabajos que están en desarrollo, algunas de ellas, desde hace más de 15 años en el laboratorio del Director solicitante, cuyos propósitos son los siguientes: Subtema 1. Determinar en ratones alimentados con dietas con 5 o 20 por ciento de aceites de diversa composición en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de semillas de a: Zizyphus mistol; b: maíz; c: Oenothera (primavera); d: Oleína; e: Hígado de bacalao, diversos parámetros de crecimiento tumoral de variantes de adenocarcinomas murinos de diversa capacidad metastásica. Subtema 2. Determinar si la suplementación dietaria de todo trans-retinoico per se o combinada con aceites de diversa composición en ácidos grasos, retarda o inhibe el crecimiento de carcinomas murinos de diversa capacidad metastásica. Subtema 3. Determinar si la acción promotora/antipromotora de los lípidos dietarios es debida a la composición particular de ácidos grasos o se relaciona con la población celular que ha sufrido la transformación maligna, iniciada por la irradiación. Subtema 4. 4.1.Determinar si la carencia en ácidos grasos esenciales en combinación con un agente cancerígeno (bena-pyrene) opera como una situación co-promotora del desarrollo tumorigénico en el epitelio malpighiano del esófago-preestómago. 4.2. Establecer si el arsénico per os, en combinación con los lípidos de la dieta opera como un agente co-carcinógeno en esos epitelios malpighianos. Subtema 5. 5.1. Establecer, por medio de estudios de epidemiología Oncológica Nutricional, si hay correlación entre consumo de ciertos nutrientes, especialmente los lípidos, y los hábitos alimentarios con el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de colon, en la población cordobesa. 5.2. Determinar en áreas de la provincia de Córdoba donde hay hidroarsenicismo crónico regional endémico (HACRE) la correlación entre el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de esófago, nutrientes, especialmente lípidos, y hábitos alimentarios. Subtema 6. 6.1. Determinar el comportamiento agregatorio de plaquetas sanguíneas isólogas y heterológas frente a células neoplásicas de diferente capacidad metastásica. 6.2. Establecer y caracterizar la capacidad procoagulante de las mencionadas células y también estudiar estos parámetros en células provenientes de cánceres humanos, correlacionándolos con la evolución clínica. Subtema 7. Obtener en forma transplantable en ratones diversos cánceres, caracterizándolos biológica, morfológica y ultraestructuralmente, a fin de constituir un banco de tumores experimentales en nuestro medio.


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En este artículo abordamos el uso y la importancia de las herramientas estadísticas que se utilizan principalmente en los estudios médicos del ámbito de la oncología y la hematología, pero aplicables a muchos otros campos tanto médicos como experimentales o industriales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar de una manera clara y precisa la metodología estadística necesaria para analizar los datos obtenidos en los estudios rigurosa y concisamente en cuanto a las hipótesis de trabajo planteadas por los investigadores. La medida de la respuesta al tratamiento elegidas en al tipo de estudio elegido determinarán los métodos estadísticos que se utilizarán durante el análisis de los datos del estudio y también el tamaño de muestra. Mediante la correcta aplicación del análisis estadístico y de una adecuada planificación se puede determinar si la relación encontrada entre la exposición a un tratamiento y un resultado es casual o por el contrario, está sujeto a una relación no aleatoria que podría establecer una relación de causalidad. Hemos estudiado los principales tipos de diseño de los estudios médicos más utilizados, tales como ensayos clínicos y estudios observacionales (cohortes, casos y controles, estudios de prevalencia y estudios ecológicos). También se presenta una sección sobre el cálculo del tamaño muestral de los estudios y cómo calcularlo, ¿Qué prueba estadística debe utilizarse?, los aspectos sobre fuerza del efecto ¿odds ratio¿ (OR) y riesgo relativo (RR), el análisis de supervivencia. Se presentan ejemplos en la mayoría de secciones del artículo y bibliografía más relevante.


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Evaluar la calidad integral en el Laboratorio Clínico del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, para estructura, proceso y resultados, con énfasis en los parámetros técnico-científicos de la sección de Hematología, durante el segundo trimestre de 1998


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Drugs known to inhibit the metabolism of cyclosporine are administered concomitantly to those who undergo cardiothoracic transplantation. The aim of this study was to examine in quantitative terms the relationship between cyclosporine oral dose rate and the trough concentration (Css(trough)) at steady state in patients who undergo cardiothoracic transplantation and are administered cyclosporine alone or in combination with drugs known to inhibit its metabolism. Dose and whole blood cyclosporine Css(tough) observations measured using the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) (396 observations) or the TDx assay (435 observations) were collected as part of routine blood concentration monitoring from 182 patients who underwent cardiothoracic transplantation. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed-effects modeling approach to examine the effect of metabolic inhibitors on dose-rate-Css(trough) ratio. The mean (and 95% confidence interval) dose-rate-Css(trough) ratio for cyclosporine generated from concentrations measured using EMIT was 94 (82.5-105.5) Lh(-1) for patients administered cyclosporine alone, 66.7 (58.1-75.3) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant diltiazem, 47.9 (15.4 -80.4) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant itraconazole, 21.7 (14.8-28.5) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant ketoconazole, and 14.9 (11.8-18.1) Lh(-1) for patients concomitantly administered diltiazem and ketoconazole. For patients administered concomitant cyclosporine, ketoconazole, and diltiazem, the dosage of cyclosporine, if it is administered alone, should be 20% to achieve the same blood concentrations. This will allow safer drug concentration targeting of cyclosporine after cardiothoracic transplantation.


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Mycophenolic acid is an immunosuppressant administered as a bioavailable ester, mycophenolate mofetil. The pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid have been reported to be variable. Accurate measurement of concentrations of this drug could be important to adjust doses. The aim of this study was to compare the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT [Dade Behring; San Jose, CA, U.S.A.]) for mycophenolic acid with a high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay using samples collected from renal transplant recipients. The HPLC assay used solid phase extraction and a C18 stationary phase with ultraviolet (UV) detection (254 nm). The immunoassay required no manual sample preparation. Plasma samples (n = 102) from seven patients, collected at various times after a dose, were analyzed using both methods. Both assays fulfilled quality-control criteria. Higher concentrations were consistently measured in patient samples when using EMIT. The mean (+/- standard deviation [SD]) bias (EMIT-HPLC) was 1.88 +/- 0.86 mg/L. The differences in concentrations were higher in the middle of a dosage interval, suggesting that a metabolite might have been responsible for overestimation. Measurement of glucuronide concentrations by HPLC demonstrated only a weak correlation between assay differences and glucuronide concentrations. If the crossreacting substance is active, EMIT could provide a superior measure of immunosuppression; if inactive, further work is needed to improve antibody specificity. In conclusion, it was found that EMIT overestimates the concentration of mycophenolic acid in plasma samples from renal transplant recipients compared with HPLC analysis.


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Sulfate is required for detoxification of xenobiotics such as acetaminophen (APAP), a leading cause of liver failure in humans. The NaS1 sulfate transporter maintains blood sulfate levels sufficiently high for sulforiation reactions to work effectively for drug detoxification. In the present study, we identified two loss-of-function polymorphisms in the human NaS1 gene and showed the Nas1-null mouse to be hypersensitive to APAP hepatotoxicity. APAP treatment led to increased liver damage and decreased hepatic glutathione levels in the hyposulfatemic Nas1-null mice compared with that in normosulfatemic wild-type mice. Analysis of urinary APAP metabolites revealed a significantly lower ratio of APAP-sulfate to APAP-glucuronide in the Nas1-null mice. These results suggest hyposulfatemia increases sensitivity to APAP-induced hepatotoxicity by decreasing the sulfonation capacity to metabolize APAP. In conclusion, the results of this study highlight the importance of plasma sulfate level as a key modulator of acetaminophen metabolism and suggest that individuals with reduced NaS1 sulfate transporter function would be more sensitive to hepatotoxic agents.


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Acetazolamide ingestion and its sequelae have not been previously reported in children. A 12-month-old girl, weighing 10 kg, developed metabolic acidosis following ingestion of between 500 and 1250 mg of acetazolamide. The maximum base deficit recorded was 11.6. She was treated with sodium bicarbonate and recovered completely. Accidental poisoning should be included in the differential diagnosis of a child presenting with metabolic acidosis.


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Objective: To determine the presentation rates for paediatric poisoning by ingestion and the determinants of hospital admission. Methodology: Cross-sectional survey using an injury surveillance database from emergency departments in South Brisbane, Mackay and Mt Isa, Queensland, from January 1998 to December 1999. There were 1516 children aged 0-14 years who presented following ingestional poisoning. Results: The presentation rates for poisoning were 690, 40 and 67 per 100 000 population aged 0-4, 5-9 and 10-14 years, respectively. The admission rates to hospital for poisoning were 144, 14 and 22 per 100 000 population aged 0-4, 5-9 and 10-14 years, respectively. Although presentation rates for poisoning were higher in the rural centres the admission rates were disproportionately high for the 0-4 years age group. The agents most frequently ingested were paracetamol, Dimetapp(R), rodenticides and essential oils. Conclusion: There is a need to design and implement interventions aimed at reducing poison exposures and unnecessary hospital admissions in the 0-4 years age group.


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The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug zomepirac (ZP) is metabolised to a chemically reactive acyl glucuronide conjugate (ZAG) which can form covalent adducts with proteins. In vivo, such adducts could initiate immune or toxic responses. In rats given ZP, the major band detected in liver homogenates by immunoblotting with a polyclonal ZP antiserum was at 110 kDa. This adduct was identified as ZP-modified dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) by immunoblotting using the polyclonal ZP antiserum and monoclonal DPP IV antibodies OX-61 and 236.3. In vitro, ZAG, but not ZP itself, covalently modified recombinant human and rat DPP IV. Both monoclonal antibodies recognized DPP IV in livers from ZP- and vehicle-dosed rats. Confirmation that the 110 kDa bands which were immunoreactive with the ZP and DPP IV antibodies represented the same molecule was obtained from a rat liver extract reciprocally immunodepleted of antigens reactive with these two antibodies. Furthermore, immunoprecipitations with OX-61 antibody followed by immunolotting with ZP antiserum, and the reciprocal experiment, showed that both these antibodies recognised the same 110 kDa molecule in extracts of ZP-dosed rat liver. The results verify that DPP IV is one of the protein targets for covalent modification during hepatic transport and biliary excretion of ZAG in rats. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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1. An isolated perfused rat liver (IPRL) preparation was used to investigate separately the disposition of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) naproxen (NAP), its reactive acyl glucuronide metabolite (NAG) and a mixture of NAG rearrangement isomers (isoNAG), each at 30 mug NAP equivalents ml(-1) perfusate (n = 4 each group). 2. Following administration to the IPRL, NAP was eliminated slowly in a log-linear manner with an apparent elimination half-life (t(1/2)) of 13.4 +/-4.4 h. No metabolites were detected in perfusate, while NAG was the only metabolite present in bile in measurable amounts (3.9 +/-0.8%, of the dose). Following their administration to the IPRL, both NAG and isoNAG were rapidly hydrolysed (t(1/2) in perfusate=57 +/-3 and 75 +/- 14min respectively). NAG also rearranged to isoNAG in the perfusate. Both NAG and isoNAG were excreted intact in bile (24.6 and 14.8% of the NAG and isoNAG doses, respectively). 3. Covalent NAP-protein adducts in the liver increased as the dose changed from NAP to NAG to isoNAG (0.20 to 0.34 to 0.48% of the doses, respectively). Similarly, formation of covalent NAP-protein adducts in perfusate were greater in isoNAG-dosed perfusions. The comparative results Suggest that isoNAG is a better substrate for adduct formation with liver proteins than NAG.


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Many non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which form acyl glucuronide conjugates as major metabolites have shown an antiproliferative effect on colorectal tumors. This study assesses the extent to which rearrangement of an acyl glucuronide metabolite of a model NSAID into beta -glucuronidase-resistant isomers facilitates its passage through the small intestine to reach the colon. Rats were dosed orally with diflunisal (DF), its acyl glucuronide (DAG) and a mixture of rearrangement isomers (iso-DAG) at 10 mg DF equivalents/kg. The parent drug DF appeared in plasma after all doses, with maximum concentrations of 20.5 +/- 2.5, 28.8 +/- 8.3 and 11.0 +/- 1.6 mug DF/ml respectively, obtained at 3.8 +/- 0.3, 3.6 +/- 1.8 and 7.5 +/- 0.9 hr after the DF, DAG and iso-DAG doses respectively. At 48 hr, 16.2 +/- 3.3, 19.8 +/- 0.8 and 42.9 +/- 10.1% of the doses respectively were recovered in feces, with less than or equal to 1% remaining in the intestine. About half of each dose was recovered as DF and metabolites in 48 hr urine: for DF and DAG doses, the majority was in the first 24 hr urine. whereas for iso-DAG doses, recoveries in the first and second 24 hr periods were similar. The results show that hydrolysis of both DAG and iso-DAG, and absorption of liberated DF, occur during passage through the gut, but that these processes occur more slowly and to a lesser degree for iso-DAG. The intrinsic hydrolytic capacities of various intestinal segments (including contents) towards DAG and iso-DAG were obtained by incubating homogenates under saturating concentrations of DAG/iso-DAG at 37 degreesC. Upper small intestine, lower small intestine, caecum and colon released 2400, 3200, 9200 and 22800 mug DF/hr/g tissue plus contents respectively from DAG substrate, and 18, 10, 140 and 120 mug DF/hr/g tissue plus contents respectively from iso-DAG substrate. The much greater resistance of iso-DAG to hydrolysis appears attributable to its resistance to beta -glucuronidases. The data suggest that in rats dosed with DF, DAG excreted in bile would be substantially hydrolysed in the small intestine and liberated DF reabsorbed, but that portion which rearranges to iso-DAG would likely reach the colon. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.