993 resultados para 320-U1336


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We present a high-resolution magnetostratigraphy and relative paleointensity (RPI) record derived from the upper 85 meters of IODP Site U1336, an equatorial Pacific early to middle Miocene succession recovered during Expedition 320/321. The magnetostratigraphy is well resolved with reversals typically located to within a few centimeters resulting in a well-constrained age model. The lowest normal polarity interval, from 85 to 74.87 meters, is interpreted as the upper part of Chron C6n (18.614-19.599 Ma). Another 33 magnetozones occur from 74.87 to 0.85 m, which are interpret to represent the continuous sequence of chrons from Chron C5Er (18.431-18.614 Ma) up to the top of Chron C5An.1n (12.014 Ma). We identify three new possible subchrons within Chron C5Cn.1n, Chron 5Bn.1r, and C5ABn. Sedimentation rates vary from about 7 to 15 m/Myr with a mean of about 10 m/Myr. We observe rapid, apparent changes in the sedimentation rate at geomagnetic reversals between ~16 and 19 Ma that indicate a calibration error in geomagnetic polarity timescale (ATNTS2004). The remanence is carried mainly by non-interacting particles of fine-grained magnetite, which have FORC distributions characteristic of biogenic magnetite. Given the relative homogeneity of the remanence carriers throughout the 85-m-thick succession and the quality with which the remanence is recorded, we have constructed a relative paleointensity (RPI) record that provides new insights into middle Miocene geomagnetic field behavior. The RPI record indicates a gradual decline in field strength between 18.5 Ma and 14.5 Ma, and indicates no discernible link between RPI and either chron duration or polarity state.


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Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (d13C and d18O) of foraminiferal tests are amongst the most important tools in paleoceanography but the extent to which recrystallization can alter the isotopic composition of the tests is not well known. Here, we compare three middle Miocene (16-13 Ma) benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records from eastern equatorial Pacific sites with different diagenetic histories to investigate the effect of recrystallization. To test an extreme case, we analyzed stable isotope compositions of benthic foraminifera from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1336, for which the geochemistry of bulk carbonates and associated pore waters indicate continued diagenetic alteration in sediments > 14.7 Ma. Despite this diagenetic overprinting, the amplitudes and absolute values of the analyzed U1336 stable isotopes agree well with high resolution records from better preserved Sites U1337 and U1338 nearby. Our results suggest that although benthic foraminiferal tests of all three sites show some degree of textural changes due to recrystallization, they have retained their original stable isotope signatures. The good agreement of the benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records demonstrates that recrystallization occurred extremely rapidly (<100 kyr) after deposition. This is confirmed by the preservation of orbital cyclicities in U1336 stable isotope data and d18O values being different to inorganic calcite that would precipitate from U1336 pore waters during late recrystallization. The close similarity of the benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records between the sites allows the well resolved paleo-magnetic results of Site U1336 to be transferred to Sites U1337 and U1338 improving the global Geological Timescale.


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The Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO; ~16.9 to 14.7 Ma) provides an outstanding opportunity to investigate climate-carbon cycle dynamics during a geologically recent interval of global warmth. We present benthic stable oxygen (d18O) and carbon (d13C) isotope records (5-12 kyr time resolution) spanning the late early to middle Miocene interval (18 to 13 Ma) at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1335 (eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean). The U1335 stable isotope series track the onset and development of the MCO as well as the transitional climatic phase culminating with global cooling and expansion of the East Antarctic ice-sheet at ~13.8 Ma. We integrate these new data with published stable isotope, geomagnetic polarity and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner-derived carbonate records from IODP Sites U1335, U1336, U1337 and U1338 on a consistent, astronomically-tuned timescale. Benthic isotope and XRF scanner-derived CaCO3 records depict prominent 100 kyr variability with 400 kyr cyclicity additionally imprinted on d13C and CaCO3 records, pointing to a tight coupling between the marine carbon cycle and climate variations. Our inter-site comparison further indicates that the lysocline behaved in highly dynamic manner throughout the MCO, with >75% carbonate loss occurring at paleo-depths ranging from ~3.4 to ~4 km in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Carbonate dissolution maxima coincide with warm phases (d18O minima) and d13C decreases, implying that climate-carbon cycle feedbacks fundamentally differed from the late Pleistocene glacial-interglacial pattern, where dissolution maxima correspond to d13C maxima and d18O minima. Carbonate dissolution cycles during the MCO were, thus, more similar to Paleogene hyperthermal patterns.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare patellar tendon sonographic findings in active, currently asymptomatic, elite athletes with those in nonathletic controls. DESIGN: Cross-sectional cohort study with convenience control sample. SETTING: The Victorian Institute of Sport Tendon Study Group, an institutional elite athlete study group in Australia. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: Two hundred elite male and female athletes from the sports of basketball, cricket, netball, and Australian rules football. Forty athletes who had current symptoms of jumper's knee were excluded from analysis, leaving 320 subject tendons in athletes who were currently asymptomatic. Twenty-seven nonathletic individuals served as controls. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Sonographic patellar tendon appearance. We measured the dimensions of subject tendons and noted the presence or absence of hypoechoic regions and tendon calcification. Dimensions of hypoechoic regions were measured, and approximate cross-sectional areas were calculated. Chi-squared analysis was used to test the prevalence of hypoechoic regions in subjects and controls and men and women. RESULTS: In currently asymptomatic subjects, hypoechoic regions were more prevalent in athlete tendons (22%) than in controls (4%), in male subject tendons (30%) than in female subjects (14%), and in basketball players (32%) than in other athletes (9%) (all p < 0.01). Bilateral tendon abnormalities were equally prevalent in men and women but more prevalent in basketball players (15%) than in other athletes (3%) (p < 0.05). Sonographic hypoechoic regions were present in 35 of 250 (14%) patellar tendons in athletes who had never had anterior knee pain. CONCLUSIONS: Patellar tendon sonographic hypoechoic areas were present in asymptomatic patellar tendons of a proportion of elite athletes but rarely present in controls. This has implications for clinicians managing athletes with anterior knee pain.


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This recent decision of the New South Wales Court of Appeal considers the scope of the parens patriae jurisdiction in cases where the jurisdiction is invoked for the protection of a Gillick competent minor. As outlined below, in certain circumstances the law recognises that mature minors are able to make their own decisions concerning medical treatment. However, there have been a number of Commonwealth decisions which have addressed the issue of whether mature minors are able to refuse medical procedures in circumstances where refusal will result in the minor dying. Ultimately, this case confirms that the minor does not necessarily have a right to make autonomous decisions; the minor’s right to exercise his or her autonomous decision only exists when such decision accords with what is deemed to be in his or her best interests.


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Environment Bay of Plenty Commissioned GNS Science to measure nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in rainfalla nd rainfall recharge to groundwater at the Kaharoa rainfall recharge site. The aim of this work is to determine nutrient concentrations in rainfall recharge to groundwater and rainfall under pasoral land use.


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Faz uma retrospectiva da Contabilidade Pública no Brasil, tendo como referência a Lei 4.320, de 1964.


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A 320 kV high voltage (HV) platform has been constructed at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) to satisfy the increasing requirements of experimental studies in some heavy ion associated directions. A high charge state all-permanent magnet ECRIS-LAPECR2 has been designed and fabricated to provide intense multiple charge state ion beams (such as 1000 e mu A O6+, 16.7 e mu A Ar14+, 24 e mu A Xe27+, etc.) for the HV platform. LAPECR2 has a dimension of 0 650 mm x 560 mm. The powerful 3D magnetic confinement to the ECR plasma and the optimum designed magnetic field for the operation at 14.5 GHz makes it possible to obtain very good performances from this source. After a brief introduction of the ECRIS and accelerator development at IMP, the conceptual design of LAPECR2 source is presented. The first test results of this all-permanent magnet ECRIS are given in this paper.


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Molar heat capacities of n-butanol and the azeotropic mixture in the binary system [water (x=0.716) plus n-butanol (x=0.284)] were measured with an adiabatic calorimeter in a temperature range from 78 to 320 K. The functions of the heat capacity with respect to thermodynamic temperature were established for the azeotropic mixture. A glass transition was observed at (111.9 +/- 1.1) K. The phase transitions took place at (179.26 +/- 0.77) and (269.69 +/- 0.14) K corresponding to the solid-liquid phase transitions of. n-butanol and water, respectively. The phase-transition enthalpy and entropy of water were calculated. A thermodynamic function of excess molar heat capacity with respect to temperature was established, which took account of physical mixing, destructions of self-association and cross-association for n-butanol and water, respectively. The thermodynamic functions and the excess thermodynamic ones of the binary systems relative to 298.15 K were derived based on the relationships of the thermodynamic functions and the function of the measured heat capacity and the calculated excess heat capacity with respect to temperature.