985 resultados para 304.82
This study evaluated the physicochemical properties and protein and mineral content of honey samples from Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil, one of the major honey exporters in the country. Nutritional importance of the minerals detected was also analyzed. Physicochemical properties were examined according to the AOAC and CAC official methods; the protein content was determined using the Bradford method, and the minerals were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. All analyses were performed in triplicate. The levels of macrominerals sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) varied from 1.80-47.20, 21.30-1513.30, 14.58-304.82, and 2.48-28.33 mg/kg, respectively, and the trace elements iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), and chromium (Cr) varied from 0.12-8.76, 0.07-1.29, 0.06-1.96, 0.07-1.85 mg/kg, 0.36 × 10-3-62.00 × 10-3 and 22.50 × 10-3-170.33 × 10-3 µg/kg, respectively. Myracrodruon urundeuva honey sample had high contents of macrominerals (Na, K, Ca, and Mg). Protein content of the Anacardium occidentale honey sample was the highest (1121.00 µg/g) among the samples analyzed. Among the minerals detected in the honey samples, K showed the highest concentration, followed by Ca, Na, and Mg. The presence of trace elements can show environmental contamination. The honey samples studied were free of trace elements contamination, except for Mn; the Piptadenia moniliformis was the only honey sample that was in compliance with the law requirements. The variations of the chemical constituents in the honey samples are probably related to differences in the floral origin and mineral and protein contents and confirm the nutritional importance of Ceará State honey.
Con la llegada al poder del Primer Ministro del Reino Unido Tony Blair en 1997, se implementaron una serie de cambios en la política de migración, orientados a atraer migrantes laborales. En éste trabajo de investigación se analizó la nueva política de migración de RU y el impacto de ésta sobre la fuerza laboral nacional. Usando los preceptos del paradigma liberal de las Relaciones Internacionales, se realizó un balance sobre las consecuencias positivas y negativas que tuvo la implementación de una política de migración orientada a recibir inmigrantes a larga escala, sobre la población trabajadora del país británico en ámbitos sociales, culturales, demográficos y económicos. A manera de conclusión el balance arroja resultados que indican que éste giro en la política migratoria no implicó beneficios significativos para la población nativa, especialmente en temas económicos y sociales.
La siguiente investigación sostiene que las migraciones ilegales marroquíes hacia España, propiciaron la formulación de una vertiente mediterránea en el marco de la Política Europea de Vecindad, en lo que supuso un liderazgo español en los procesos de negociación e implementación de esta estrategia mediante la retórica del codesarrollo. Con el objetivo de obtener beneficios concretos en el tratamiento del fenómeno migratorio, el papel de España implicó una europeización de su política exterior, y concretamente de sus asuntos fronterizos con Marruecos, en un proceso denominado Top-Down que implicó una adaptación del país ibérico a la arquitectura político-institucional construida por la PEV. En definitiva, la prueba de este proceso yace en la inclusión de un Plan de Acción UE-Marruecos en 2005, y de un Estatuto Avanzado Euro-marroquí que redefinió las prioridades alcanzadas en materia bilateral por la PEV.
La presente investigación, tiene como objetivo analizar a partir de la segunda oleada migratoria de misiones protestantes norteamericanas hacia el centro y sur de América a finales de los 80s, la incidencia de estas en la organización interna, las estrategias para acceder al poder y el proyecto político de los partidos políticos, Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN) de México y Partido Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA) de El Salvador. Esta investigación pretende determinar la influencia de estas migraciones en la construcción, consolidación o transformación de los partidos políticos anteriormente mencionados, llegando así a una notoria tendencia derechista de estos en la actualidad, partiendo de que ambos partidos como ideología política son conservadores, y cuentan con una fuerte influencia republicana, sin dejar de lado una democracia cristiana y un propósito anticomunista.
El interés de esta monografía es la construcción de un Sistema de Migración entre México y Estados Unidos, a través de la creación del grupo identitario Chicano. Se va analizar desde la teoría de Sistemas de Migración de Oliver Bakewell, las razones por las cuales los Chicanos en la década de los 60 hasta el 2000 en el sudeste de Estados Unidos, pueden entenderse como un Sistema de Migración. Los Chicanos pueden ser entendidos como un Sistema de Migración, a partir de la interacción de flujos migratorios como personas, bienes y redes de información; instituciones como tratados, redes de migración ilegal y oportunidades laborales; estrategias, de parte de los Estados o agentes que permiten o restringe la migración, por medio de leyes y políticas migratorias, lo anterior tiene una reacción diferente en los siguientes puntos: origen, tránsito y destino de los migrantes mexicanos.
IODP Hole U1309D (Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N) is the second deepest hole drilled into slow spread gabbroic lithosphere. It comprises 5.4% of olivine-rich troctolites (~ > 70% olivine), possibly the most primitive gabbroic rocks ever drilled at mid-ocean ridges. We present the result of an in situ trace element study carried out on a series of olivine-rich troctolites, and neighbouring troctolites and gabbros, from olivine-rich intervals in Hole U1309D. Olivine-rich troctolites display poikilitic textures; coarse-grained subhedral to medium-grained rounded olivine crystals are included into large undeformed clinopyroxene and plagioclase poikiloblasts. In contrast, gabbros and troctolites have irregularly seriate textures, with highly variable grain sizes, and locally poikilitic clinopyroxene oikocrysts in troctolites. Clinopyroxene is high Mg# augite (Mg# 87 in olivine-rich troctolites to 82 in gabbros), and plagioclase has anorthite contents ranging from 77 in olivine-rich troctolites to 68 in gabbros. Olivine has high forsterite contents (82-88 in olivine-rich troctolites, to 78-83 in gabbros) and is in Mg-Fe equilibrium with clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene cores and plagioclase are depleted in trace elements (e.g., Ybcpx ~ 5-11 * Chondrite), they are in equilibrium with the same MORB-type melt in all studied rock-types. These compositions are not consistent with the progressively more trace element enriched (evolved) compositions expected from olivine rich primitive products to gabbros in a MORB cumulate sequence. They indicate that clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized concurrently, after melts having the same trace element composition, consistent with crystallization in an open system with a buffered magma composition. The slight trace element enrichments and lower Cr contents observed in clinopyroxene rims and interstitial grains results from crystallization of late-stage differentiated melts, probably indicating the closure of the magmatic system. In contrast to clinopyroxene and plagioclase, olivine is not in equilibrium with MORB, but with a highly fractionated depleted melt, similar to that in equilibrium with refractory oceanic peridotites, thus possibly indicating a mantle origin. In addition, textural relationships suggest that olivine was in part assimilated by the basaltic melts after which clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized (impregnation). These observations suggest a complex crystallization history in an open system involving impregnation by MORB-type melt(s) of an olivine-rich rock or mush. The documented magmatic processes suggest that olivine-rich troctolites were formed in a zone with large magmatic transfer and accumulation, similar to the mantle-crust transition zone documented in ophiolites and at fast spreading ridges.
IODP Site U1309 was drilled at Atlantis Massif, an oceanic core complex, at 30°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). We present the results of a bulk rock geochemical study (major and trace elements) carried out on 228 samples representative of the different lithologies sampled at this location. Over 96% of Hole U1309D is made up of gabbroic rocks. Diabases and basalts cross-cut the upper part of the section; they have depleted MORB compositions similar to basalts sampled at MAR 30°N. Relics of mantle were recovered at shallow depth. Mantle peridotites show petrographic and geochemical evidence of extensive melt-rock interactions. Gabbroic rocks comprise: olivine-rich troctolites (> 70% modal olivine) and troctolites having high Mg# (82-89), high Ni (up to 2300 ppm) and depleted trace element compositions (Yb 0.06-0.8 ppm); olivine gabbros and gabbros (including gabbronorites) with Mg# of 60-86 and low trace element contents (Yb 0.125-2.5 ppm); and oxide gabbros and leucocratic dykes with low Mg# (< 50), low Ni (~65 ppm) and high trace element contents (Yb up to 26 ppm). Troctolites and gabbros are amongst the most primitive and depleted oceanic gabbroic rocks. The main geochemical characteristics of Site U1309 gabbroic rocks are consistent with a formation as a cumulate sequence after a common parental MORB melt, although (lack of systematic) downhole variations indicate that the gabbroic series were built by multiple magma injections. In detail, textural and geochemical variations in olivine-rich troctolites and gabbronorites suggest chemical interaction (assimilation?) between the parental melt and the intruded lithosphere. Site U1309 gabbroic rocks do not represent the complementary magmatic product of 30°N volcanics, although they sample the same mantle source. The bulk trace element composition of Site U1309 gabbroic rocks is similar to primitive MORB melt compositions; this implies that there was no large scale removal of melts from this gabbro section. The occurrence of such a large magmatic sequence implies that a high magmatic activity is associated with the formation of Atlantis Massif. Our results suggest that almost all melts feeding this magmatic system stays trapped into the intruded lithosphere.
As distribuidoras de combustíveis utilizam containers de aço inoxidável para o armazenamento de biocombustíveis, entretanto, na literatura, há poucos relatos sobre os aspectos corrosivos desse aço em biodiesel. O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar o comportamento corrosivo do aço inoxidável austenítico 304 na presença de biodiesel, não lavado e lavado com soluções aquosas de ácido cítrico, oxálico, acético e ascórbico 0,01 mol L-1e comparar com os resultados obtidos para o cobre (ASTM D130). Empregaram-se técnicas como: espectrometria de absorção atômica (EAA) e microscopia óptica (MO). Os resultados de EAA mostraram uma baixa taxa de corrosão para o aço inoxidável, os elementos de liga estudados foram Cr, Ni e Fe, a maior taxa observada foi para o cromo, 1,78 ppm/dia em biodiesel não lavado ou lavado. As MO do aço 304, quando comparados com as do cobre, comprovaram a baixa taxa de corrosão para o sistema aço 304/biodiesel, entretanto comprovaram que, tanto o aço 304, quanto o cobre, sofrem corrosão em amostras de biodiesel.
Welded equipment for cryogenic applications is utilized in chemical, petrochemical, and metallurgical industries. One material suitable for cryogenic application is austenitic stainless steel, which usually doesn`t present ductile/brittle transition temperature, except in the weld metal, where the presence of ferrite and micro inclusions can promote a brittle failure, either by ferrite cleavage or dimple nucleation and growth, respectively. A 25-mm- (1-in.-) thick AISI 304 stainless steel base metal was welded with the SAW process using a 308L solid wire and two kinds of fluxes and constant voltage power sources with two types of electrical outputs: direct current electrode positive and balanced square wave alternating current. The welded joints were analyzed by chemical composition, microstructure characterization, room temperature mechanical properties, and CVN impact test at -100 degrees C (-73 degrees F). Results showed that an increase of chromium and nickel content was observed in all weld beads compared to base metal. The chromium and nickel equivalents ratio for the weld beads were always higher for welding with square wave AC for the two types of fluxes than for direct current. The modification in the Cr(eq)/Ni(eq) ratio changes the delta ferrite morphology and, consequently, modifies the weld bead toughness at lower temperatures. The oxygen content can also affect the toughness in the weld bead. The highest absorbed energy in a CVN impact test was obtained for the welding condition with square wave AC electrical output and neutral flux, followed by DC(+) electrical output and neutral flux, and square wave AC electrical output and alloyed flux.
The small amounts of antibacterial peptides that can be isolated from insects do not allow detailed studies of their range of activity, side-chain sugar requirements, or their conformation, factors that frequently play roles in the mode of action. In this paper, we report the solid-phase step-by-step synthesis of diptericin, an 82-mer peptide, originally isolated from Phormia terranovae. The unglycosylated peptide was purified to homogeneity by conventional reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, and its activity spectrum was compared to that Of synthetic unglycosylated drosocin, which shares strong sequence homology with diptericin's N-terminal domain. Diptericin appeared to have antibacterial activity:for only a limited number of Gram-negative bacteria. Diptericin's submicromolar potency against Escherichia coli strains indicated that, in a manner similar to drosocin, the presence of the carbohydrate side chain is not,necessary to kill bacteria. Neither the N-terminal, drosocin-analog fragment, nor the C-terminal, glycine-rich attacin-analog region was active against any of the bacterial strains studied, regardless of whether the Gal-GalNAc disaccharide units were attached. This suggested that the active site of diptericin fell outside the drosocin or attacin homology domains. In addition, the conformation of diptericin did not seem to play a role in the antibacterial activity, as was demonstrated by the complete lack of ordered structure by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Diptericin completely killed bacteria within I h, considerably faster than drosocin and the attacins; unlike some other, fast-acting antibacterial peptides, diptericin did not lyse normal mammalian cells. Taken together, these data suggest diptericin does not belong to any known class of antibacterial peptides.