981 resultados para 303.483


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Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal describir la construcción narrativa de las políticas públicas sobre tecnologías de la información en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos en los años 2012 y 2013 en la prensa de referencia en Colombia, específicamente en El Espectador y El Tiempo. Para alcanzar este objetivo la pregunta que se planteo fue ¿cómo está conformada la construcción narrativa del discurso de políticas públicas en la prensa sobre tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones? En consiguiente se hizo una organización de información referente al objeto de estudio, a través de un método de investigación empleado por Mary Jane Spink llamado líneas narrativas. El cual le permitió a la investigación la identificación de relatos, en donde se estudia la narrativa de una política TIC emergente y da como resultado líneas narrativas.


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Tem início a votação do Título 5, sobre a Defesa do Estado e as Instituições Democráticas. Foram aprovados os últimos destaques do Título 4, que trata da organização dos poderes e sistemas de governo. Aprovado destaque dos Deputados Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ), Paulo Delgado (PT-MG) e Enoc Vieira (PFL-MA), que estabelece um sistema de votação proporcional para a Camara dos Deputados. O Deputado Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ) considera que não se deve computar votos em branco e nulos para a legenda, por comprometer a sistemática da proporcionalidade. Aprovado o destaque que mantém o número de deputados que a Câmara deve possuir, de no máximo 60 parlamentares por estado. O Deputado Roberto Cardoso Alves (PMDB-SP) declara que a Federação Brasileira e a Constituinte saem prejudicados com a decisão. O Deputado José Costa (PMDB-AL) relata que o fundamental é manter o equilíbrio federativo. Aprovado o destaque do Senador Nelson Carneiro (PMDB-RJ) que altera as atribuições do Conselho da República. Rejeitada a emenda do Deputado Vilson Souza (PMDB-PR), o qual previa que o estado de emergência fosse precedido de uma autorização do Congresso. O Deputado Nelson Jobim (PMDB-RS) discorda, pois considera que a intervenção deve ser imediata. Aprovada a emenda do Deputado José Genoíno (PT-SP), que retira do texto a expressão de atos ilícitos, por causar discussões entre o que é lícito e ilícito.


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O Plenário votou quase todo o capítulo do Poder Legislativo, só ficou faltando um artigo, o direito da população propor leis. Nesta etapa estão a instituição do imposto de renda para os parlamentares e o poder do Congresso para indicar dois terços do Tribunal de Contas da União. Os Constituintes acreditam que o Legislativo sai fortalecido na nova Constituição. A emenda da iniciativa popular, ou seja,o direito de o povo propor leis será votado à tarde. Também será votado à tarde o Sistema de Governo. Os constituintes defendem suas posições e esclarecem dúvidas. Para o presidente da Constituinte o Sistema de Governo será decidido no voto. Embora o acordo ainda seja possível.


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The viscosity ? for eighteen binary mixtures cyclopentane + cyclohexane and + cyclooctane; cyclohexane + cycloheptane, + cyclooctane, + methylcyclohexane, + n-hexane, + n-heptane, + n-octane, + i-octane, + benzene, + toluene, + ethylbenzene, + p-xylene, and + propylbenzene; methylcyclohexane + n-hexane, + i-octane, and + benzene; and cyclooctane + benzene have been reported at 303.15 K over the entire range of composition. The viscosity deviations ?? and excess Gibbs energy of activation ?G*E of viscous flow based on Eyring's theory have been calculated. The effects of molecular sizes and shapes of the component molecules and of interaction energy in the mixture have been discussed. The viscosity data have been correlated with the equations of Grunberg and Nissan, Hind, McLaughlin and Ubbelohde, Tamura and Kurata, Katti and Chaudhri, McAllister, Heric and Brewer, and of Auslaender.


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Isentropic compressibilities ?S, and excess isentropic compressibilities ?SE have been determined from measurements of speeds of sound u and densities ? of 14 binary mixtures of triethylamine (TEA) and tri-n-butylamine (TBA) with n-hexane, n-octane, iso-octane, n-propylamine, n-butylamine, n-hexylamine and n-octylamine. The relative magnitude and sign of ?SE have been interpreted in terms of molecular interactions and interstitial accommodation. The values of ?SE for TEA + alkane are positive while for TBA + alkane are negative. The values of ?SE for TEA + primary amine become progressively less positive and eventually to negative with the increase in chain length of alkylamine. In case of TBA + primary amine, the values of ?SE increase from n-propylamine to n-butylamine, and then decrease with chain length of primary amine. The experimental speeds of sound u have been analyzed in terms of collision factor theory, free length theory and Prigogine–Flory–Patterson statistical theory of solutions.


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The speeds of sound u, isentropic compressibilities ?S, molar sound functions R, excess isentropic compressibilities ?SE and excess molar volumes VE for eight binary mixtures of cyclopentane, cyclohexane, cyclooctane and methylcyclohexane with benzene and of cyclohexane with toluene, ethyl benzene, p-xylene and propyl benzene at 303.15 K are reported. The effects of molecular sizes and shapes of the component molecules and of interaction energy in the mixture have been discussed. The Prigogine–Flory–Patterson theory has been applied to analyze the present binary mixtures along with the mixtures of cis- and trans-decalins with benzene and toluene taken from the literature.


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Isentropic compressibilities, Rao's molar sound functions, molar refractions, excess isentropic compressibilities, excess molar volumes, viscosity deviations and excess Gibbs energies of activation of viscous flow for seven binary mixtures of tetrahydrofuran (THF) with cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane, n-hexane, benzene, toluene, p-xylene and propylbenzene over the entire range of composition at 303.15 K have been derived from experimental densities, speeds of sound, refractive indices and viscosities. The excess partial molar volumes of THF in different solvents have been estimated. The experimental results have been analyzed in terms of the Prigogine–Flory–Patterson theory.


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Isentropic compressibilities ?S, excess isentropic compressibilities image, excess molar volumes VE, viscosity deviations ??, and excess Gibbs energy of activation of viscous flow ?G*E for nine binary mixtures of C4H8O with CCl4, CHCl3, CHCl2CHCl2, 1-C6H13Cl, 1-C6H13Br, CH3CO2CH3, CH3CO2C2H5, CH3CO2C4H9, and CH3CO2C5H11 at 303.15 K have been derived from experimental densities ?, speeds of sound u, refractive indexes nD and viscosities ?. The limiting values of excess partial molar volumes of C4H8O at infinite dilution image in different solvents have been estimated. The results obtained for dynamic viscosity of binary mixtures were used to test the semi-empirical relations of Grunberg–Nissan, Tamura–Kurata, Hind–McLaughlin–Ubbelohde, Katti–Chaudhri, McAllister, Heric, and Auslaender. Finally, the experimental refractive indexes were compared with the predicted results for Lorentz–Lorenz, Dale–Gladstone, Eykman, Arago–Boit, Newton, Oster, Heller, and Wiener equations.


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Speeds of sound u, isentropic compressibilities ?S, viscosities ?, excess isentropic compressibilities ?SE, excess molar volumes VE, viscosity deviations ??, and excess Gibbs energies of activation ?G*E of viscous flow have been investigated for six binary mixtures of diethyl malonate, diethyl bromomalonate, and ethyl chloroacetate with tetra- and trichloromethane at 303.15 K. The values of ?SE, VE, ??, and ?G*E are highly dependent on the type of components involved and the composition curves are unsymmetrical. The results obtained for viscosity of binary mixtures were used to test the semi-empirical relations of Grunberg-Nissan, Tamura-Kurata, Hind-McLaughlin-Ubbelohde, Katti-Chaudhri, McAllister, Heric-Brewer and Auslaender. The experimental speeds of sound have been analyzed in terms of collision factor theory and free length theory of solutions.


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