997 resultados para 3-BUTADIENE


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A series of phosphoryl (P=O) contained compounds: triethylphosphate (a), diethyl phenyl phosphate (b), ethyldiphenylphosphate (c) triarylphosphates (d and h-m), triphenylphosphine oxide (e), phenyl diphenylphosphinate (f) and diphenyl phenylphosphonate (g) have been prepared. Iron catalysts, which are generated in situ by mixing the compounds with Fe(2-EHA)(3) and (AlBu3)-Bu-i in hexane, are tested for butadiene polymerization at 50 degrees C. Phosphates donated catalysts have been, unprecedently, found to conduct extremely high syndiotactically (pentad, rrrr=46.1-94.5%) enriched 1,2-selective (1,2-structure content=56.2-94.3%) polymerization of butadiene.


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Living characteristics of facilely prepared Ziegler-Natta type catalyst system consisting of iron(III) 2-ethylhexanoate, triisobutylaluminum and diethyl phosphite have been found in the polymerization of 1,3-butadiene in hexane at 40 degrees C. The characteristics have been well demonstrated by: a first-order kinetics with respect to monomer conversion, a narrow molecular weight distribution (M-w/M-n = 1.48-1.52) of polybutadiene in the entire range of polymerization conversion and a good linearity between M-n and the yield of polymer. Feasible post-polymerization of 1,3-butadiene and block co-polymerization of 1,3-butadiene and isoprene further support the living natures of the catalyst bestowed with.


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Fe(III), Cr(III), Fe(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) chloride complexes supported by 2,6-bis[1-(iminophenyl)ethyl]pyridine have been synthesized and characterized along with single crystal X-ray diffraction. These complexes, in combination with MAO, have been examined in butadiene polymerization. The catalytic activity and regioselectivity are strongly controlled by metal center and cocatalyst (MAO/Co ratio dependent in the case of Co(II) complex). The activity decreases in the order of Fe(III) > Co(II) > Cr(III) approximate to Ni (II) complexes, in consistent with the space around the metal center. Polybutadiene with different microstructure content, from high trans-1,4 units (88-95% for iron(III) and Cr(III)), medium trans-1,4 and cis-1,4 units (55% and 35%, respectively, for iron(II)) to high cis-1,4 units 79% for Co(II) and 97% for Ni(II) call be easily achieved by varying of the metal center.


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The oxovanadium phosphonates (VO(P-204)(2) and VO(P-507)(2)) activated by various alkylaluminums (AlR3, R = Et, i-Bu, n-Oct; HAIR(2), R = Et, i-Bu) were examined in butadiene (Bd) polymerization. Both VO(P-204)(2) and VO(P-507)(2) showed higher activity than those of classical vanadium-based catalysts (e.g. VOCl3, V(acac)(3)). Among the examined catalysts, the VO(P-204)(2)/Al(Oct)(3) system (I) revealed the highest catalytic activity, giving the poly(Bd) bearing M-n of 3.76 x 10(4) g/mol, and M-w/M-n ratio of 2.9, when the [Al]/[V] molar ratio was 4.0 at 40 degrees C. The polymerization rate for I is of the first order with respect to the concentration of monomer. High thermal stability of I was found, since a fairly good catalytic activity was achieved even at 70 degrees C (polymer yield > 33%); the M-n value and M-w/M-n, ratio were independent of polymerization temperature in the range of 40-70 degrees C. By IR and DSC, the poly(Bd)s obtained had high 1,2-unit content (> 65%) with atactic configuration. The 1,2-unit content of the polymers obtained by I was nearly unchanged, regardless of variation of reaction conditions, i.e. [Al]/[V], ageing time, and reaction temperature, indicating the high stability of stereospecificity of the active sites.


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In chloroform, [RuCl2(nbd)(py)(2)] (1) (nbd = norbornadiene; py = pyridine) reacts with 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,2,3,4-tetramethyl-1,3-butadiene (1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS) to give the dimer [Ru2Cl3(eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(2)]Cl (2a), whereas, in THF [RuCl2(1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(PY)(2)] (3) is isolated as the sole product of reaction. Compound 2 exists as a 4:1 mixture of two noninterconverting isomers, the major with C, symmetry and the minor with either C, or C-2 symmetry. A single-crystal X-ray analysis of [Ru2Cl3 (eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(2)] [SbF6] (2b), the hexafluoroantimonate salt of 2a, revealed that the diphosphine coordinates in an unusual manner, as a eta(4)-six-electron donor, bonded through both P atoms and one of the double bonds of the butadiene tether. Compounds 2a and 3 react with 1,2-ethylenediamine (en) in THF to afford [RuCl2(1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(en)] (4), which rapidly dissociates a chloride ligand in chloroform to give [RuCl(eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(en)] [Cl] (5a). Complexes 4 and 5a cleanly and quantitatively interconvert in a solvent-dependent equilibrium, and in THF 5a readily adds chloride to displace the eta(2)-interaction and re-form 4. A single-crystal X-ray structure determination of [RuCl(eta(4)-1,2,3,4-Me-4-NUPHOS)(en)][ClO4] (5b) confirmed that the diphosphine coordinates in an eta(4)-manner as a facial six-electron donor with the eta(2)-coordinated double bond occupying the site trans to chloride. The eta(4)-bonding mode can be readily identified by the unusually high-field chemical shift associated with the phosphorus atom adjacent to the eta(2)-coordinated double bond. Complexes 2a, 2b, 4, and 5a form catalysts that are active for transfer hydrogenation of a range of ketones. In all cases, catalysts formed from precursors 2a and 2b are markedly more active than those formed from 4 and 5a.


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Green oil, which leads to the deactivation of the catalysts used for the selective hydrogenation of acetylene, has long been observed but its formation mechanism is not fully understood. In this work, the formation of 1,3-butadiene, known to be the precursor of green oil, on both Pd(111) and Pd(211) surfaces is examined using density functional theory calculations. The pathways containing C-2 + C-2 coupling reactions as well as the corresponding hydrogenation reactions are studied in detail. Three pathways for 1,3-butadiene production, namely coupling plus hydrogenation and further hydrogenation, hydrogenation plus coupling plus hydrogenation, and a two step hydrogenation followed by coupling, are determined. By comparing the effective barriers, we identify the favored pathway on both surfaces. A general understanding toward the deactivation process of the industrial catalysts is also provided. In addition, the effects of the formation of subsurface carbon atoms as well as the Ag alloying on the 1,3-butadiene formation on Pd-based catalysts are also investigated and compared with experimental results.


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The Houston region is home to arguably the largest petrochemical and refining complex anywhere. The effluent of this complex includes many potentially hazardous compounds. Study of some of these compounds has led to recognition that a number of known and probable carcinogens are at elevated levels in ambient air. Two of these, benzene and 1,3-butadiene, have been found in concentrations which may pose health risk for residents of Houston.^ Recent popular journalism and publications by local research institutions has increased the interest of the public in Houston's air quality. Much of the literature has been critical of local regulatory agencies' oversight of industrial pollution. A number of citizens in the region have begun to volunteer with air quality advocacy groups in the testing of community air. Inexpensive methods exist for monitoring of ozone, particulate matter and airborne toxic ambient concentrations. This study is an evaluation of a technique that has been successfully applied to airborne toxics.^ This technique, solid phase microextraction (SPME), has been used to measure airborne volatile organic hydrocarbons at community-level concentrations. It is has yielded accurate and rapid concentration estimates at a relatively low cost per sample. Examples of its application to measurement of airborne benzene exist in the literature. None have been found for airborne 1,3-butadiene. These compounds were selected for an evaluation of SPME as a community-deployed technique, to replicate previous application to benzene, to expand application to 1,3-butadiene and due to the salience of these compounds in this community. ^ This study demonstrates that SPME is a useful technique for quantification of 1,3-butadiene at concentrations observed in Houston. Laboratory background levels precluded recommendation of the technique for benzene. One type of SPME fiber, 85 μm Carboxen/PDMS, was found to be a sensitive sampling device for 1,3-butadiene under temperature and humidity conditions common in Houston. This study indicates that these variables affect instrument response. This suggests the necessity of calibration within specific conditions of these variables. While deployment of this technique was less expensive than other methods of quantification of 1,3-butadiene, the complexity of calibration may exclude an SPME method from broad deployment by community groups.^


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Controlled polymerization of 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene using reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization has been demonstrated for the first time. 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene, more commonly known as chloroprene, has significant industrial relevance as a crosslinked rubber, with uses ranging from adhesives to integral automotive components. However, problems surrounding the inherent toxicity of the lifecycle of the thiourea-vulcanized rubber have led to the need for control over the synthesis of poly(2-chloro-1,3-butadiene). To this end, four chain transfer agents in two different solvents have been trialed and the kinetics are discussed. 2-Cyano-2-propylbenzodithioate (CPD) is shown to polymerize 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene in THF, using AIBN as an initiator, with complete control over the target molecular weight, producing polymers with low polydispersities (Mw/Mn < 1.25 in all cases).


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Nesta Dissertação, foram realizadas reações de copolimerização de 1,3-butadieno com diferentes alfa-olefinas (1-hexeno, 1-octeno e 1-dodeceno) utilizando-se um sistema catalítico do tipo Ziegler-Natta ternário constituído por versatato de neodímio, hidreto de diisobutilalumínio e cloreto de t-butila. O sistema catalítico também foi avaliado em reações de homopolimerização com cada alfa-olefina. As condições reacionais, tanto da síntese do catalisador como das reações de polimerização, foram mantidas constantes. Foi estudada a influência de diferentes teores de cada alfa-olefina (1, 3, 5, 10, 20 e 30 % em relação ao 1,3-butadieno) sobre a conversão da polimerização, a microestrutura, a massa molar, as propriedades viscosimétricas e a estabilidade térmica dos polímeros obtidos. Foi avaliada, ainda, a influência do tamanho da cadeia da alfa-olefina sobre as características da polimerização. Os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), cromatografia por exclusão de tamanho (SEC), viscosimetria capilar e termogravimetria (TG). A microestrutura dos polímeros, praticamente, não variou com a adição das alfa-olefinas. A massa molar numérica média (Mn) não sofreu alterações significativas, enquanto que a massa molar ponderal média (Mw) apresentou tendência ao aumento, quanto maior foi a incorporação de comonômero. A viscosidade intrínseca não apresentou uma tendência com a adição da alfa-olefina na reação, permanecendo na faixa de 2,015 a 3,557 dL/g. A estabilidade térmica do copolímero mostrou uma tendência a aumentar com a incorporação das alfa-olefinas


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Polymerizing 1,3-butadiene into syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene with art iron(III) catalyst system has been investigated. Activity of the catalyst was affected by the type of cocatalyst alkylaluminum and the phosphorus compound as an electron donor, molar ratio of catalyst components, and their aging sequence and aging time of the catalyst. The microstructure and configuration of the polymer was decided by the catalyst components, the higher [Al]/[Fe] molar ratio tending to yield syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene, while the higher [P]/[Fe] molar ratio favors the formation of amorphous 1,2-polybutadiene.


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Mass spectra from the interaction of intense, femtosecond laser pulses with 1,3-butadiene, 1-butene, and n-butane have been obtained. The proportion of the fragment ions produced as a function of intensity, pulse length, and wavelength was investigated. Potential mass spectrometry applications, for example in the analysis of catalytic reaction products, are discussed.