34 resultados para 2MASS
We present a photometric catalogue of compact groups of galaxies (p2MCGs) automatically extracted from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) extended source catalogue. A total of 262 p2MCGs are identified, following the criteria defined by Hickson, of which 230 survive visual inspection (given occasional galaxy fragmentation and blends in the 2MASS parent catalogue). Only one quarter of these 230 groups were previously known compact groups (CGs). Among the 144 p2MCGs that have all their galaxies with known redshifts, 85 (59?per cent) have four or more accordant galaxies. This v2MCG sample of velocity-filtered p2MCGs constitutes the largest sample of CGs (with N = 4) catalogued to date, with both well-defined selection criteria and velocity filtering, and is the first CG sample selected by stellar mass. It is fairly complete up to Kgroup similar to 9 and radial velocity of similar to 6000?km?s-1. We compared the properties of the 78 v2MCGs with median velocities greater than 3000?km?s-1 with the properties of other CG samples, as well as those (mvCGs) extracted from the semi-analytical model (SAM) of Guo et al. run on the high-resolution Millennium-II simulation. This mvCG sample is similar (i.e. with 2/3 of physically dense CGs) to those we had previously extracted on three other SAMs run on the Millennium simulation with 125 times worse spatial and mass resolutions. The space density of v2MCGs within 6000?km?s-1 is 8.0 X 10-5?h3?Mpc-3, i.e. four times that of the Hickson sample [Hickson Compact Group (HCG)] up to the same distance and with the same criteria used in this work, but still 40?per cent less than that of mvCGs. The v2MCG constitutes the first group catalogue to show a statistically large firstsecond ranked galaxy magnitude gap according to TremaineRichstone statistics, as expected if the first ranked group members tend to be the products of galaxy mergers, and as confirmed in the mvCGs. The v2MCG is also the first observed sample to show that first-ranked galaxies tend to be centrally located, again consistent with the predictions obtained from mvCGs. We found no significant correlation of group apparent elongation and velocity dispersion in the quartets among the v2MCGs, and the velocity dispersions of apparently round quartets are not significantly larger than those of chain-like ones, in contrast to what has been previously reported in HCGs. By virtue of its automatic selection with the popular Hickson criteria, its size, its selection on stellar mass, and its statistical signs of mergers and centrally located brightest galaxies, the v2MCG catalogue appears to be the laboratory of choice to study physically dense groups of four or more galaxies of comparable luminosity.
Debris discs are commonly detected orbiting main-sequence stars, but little is known regarding their fate as stars evolve along subgiant and giant stages. Jones (2008) has found strong evidence on the presence of mid-IR excess in G and K stars of luminosity class III, using photometric data from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and GLIMPSE catalogues. While the origin of these excesses remains uncertain, it is plausible that they arise from debris discs around these stars. The present study brings an unprecedent survey in the search for mid-IR excess among single and binary F, G and K-type evolved stars of luminosity classes IV, III, II and Ib. For this study, we use WISE and 2MASS photometric data for a sample of 3000 evolved stars, complete up to visual magnitude of 6.5. As major results, we found that the frequency of evolved stars showing mid-IR WISE excess increases from the luminosity classes IV and III to luminosity classes II and Ib. In addition, there is no clear difference between the presence of IR excess in binary and single stars for all the analyzed luminosity classes.
Debris discs are commonly detected orbiting main-sequence stars, but little is known regarding their fate as stars evolve along subgiant and giant stages. Jones (2008) has found strong evidence on the presence of mid-IR excess in G and K stars of luminosity class III, using photometric data from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and GLIMPSE catalogues. While the origin of these excesses remains uncertain, it is plausible that they arise from debris discs around these stars. The present study brings an unprecedent survey in the search for mid-IR excess among single and binary F, G and K-type evolved stars of luminosity classes IV, III, II and Ib. For this study, we use WISE and 2MASS photometric data for a sample of 3000 evolved stars, complete up to visual magnitude of 6.5. As major results, we found that the frequency of evolved stars showing mid-IR WISE excess increases from the luminosity classes IV and III to luminosity classes II and Ib. In addition, there is no clear difference between the presence of IR excess in binary and single stars for all the analyzed luminosity classes.
Context. It is not known how many globular clusters may remain undetected towards the Galactic bulge. Aims. One of the aims of the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey is to accurately measure the physical parameters of the known globular clusters in the inner regions of the Milky Way and search for new ones, hidden in regions of large extinction. Methods. From deep near-infrared images, we derive deep JHK(S)-band photometry of a region surrounding the known globular cluster UKS 1 and reveal a new low-mass globular cluster candidate that we name VVV CL001. Results. We use the horizontal-branch red clump to measure E(B-V) similar to 2.2 mag, (m - M)(0) = 16.01 mag, and D = 15.9 kpc for the globular cluster UKS 1. On the basis of near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams, we also find that VVV CL001 has E(B-V) similar to 2.0, and that it is at least as metal-poor as UKS 1, although its distance remains uncertain. Conclusions. Our finding confirms the previous projection that the central region of the Milky Way harbours more globular clusters. VVV CL001 and UKS 1 are good candidates for a physical cluster binary, but follow-up observations are needed to decide if they are located at the same distance and have similar radial velocities.
Context. VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) is one of the six ESO Public Surveys operating on the new 4-m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). VVV is scanning the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the disk, where star formation activity is high. One of the principal goals of the VVV Survey is to find new star clusters of different ages. Aims. In order to trace the early epochs of star cluster formation we concentrated our search in the directions to those of known star formation regions, masers, radio, and infrared sources. Methods. The disk area covered by VVV was visually inspected using the pipeline processed and calibrated K(S)-band tile images for stellar over-densities. Subsequently, we examined the composite JHK(S) and ZJK(S) color images of each candidate. PSF photometry of 15 x 15 arcmin fields centered on the candidates was then performed on the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit reduced images. After statistical field-star decontamination, color-magnitude and color-color diagrams were constructed and analyzed. Results. We report the discovery of 96 new infrared open clusters and stellar groups. Most of the new cluster candidates are faint and compact (with small angular sizes), highly reddened, and younger than 5 Myr. For relatively well populated cluster candidates we derived their fundamental parameters such as reddening, distance, and age by fitting the solar-metallicity Padova isochrones to the color-magnitude diagrams.
Context. White dwarfs can be used to study the structure and evolution of the Galaxy by analysing their luminosity function and initial mass function. Among them, the very cool white dwarfs provide the information for the early ages of each population. Because white dwarfs are intrinsically faint only the nearby (~ 20 pc) sample is reasonably complete. The Gaia space mission will drastically increase the sample of known white dwarfs through its 5-6 years survey of the whole sky up to magnitude V = 20-25. Aims. We provide a characterisation of Gaia photometry for white dwarfs to better prepare for the analysis of the scientific output of the mission. Transformations between some of the most common photometric systems and Gaia passbands are derived. We also give estimates of the number of white dwarfs of the different galactic populations that will be observed. Methods. Using synthetic spectral energy distributions and the most recent Gaia transmission curves, we computed colours of three different types of white dwarfs (pure hydrogen, pure helium, and mixed composition with H/He = 0.1). With these colours we derived transformations to other common photometric systems (Johnson-Cousins, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and 2MASS). We also present numbers of white dwarfs predicted to be observed by Gaia. Results. We provide relationships and colourcolour diagrams among different photometric systems to allow the prediction and/or study of the Gaia white dwarf colours. We also include estimates of the number of sources expected in every galactic population and with a maximum parallax error. Gaia will increase the sample of known white dwarfs tenfold to about 200 000. Gaia will be able to observe thousands of very cool white dwarfs for the first time, which will greatly improve our understanding of these stars and early phases of star formation in our Galaxy.
Context. White dwarfs can be used to study the structure and evolution of the Galaxy by analysing their luminosity function and initial mass function. Among them, the very cool white dwarfs provide the information for the early ages of each population. Because white dwarfs are intrinsically faint only the nearby (~ 20 pc) sample is reasonably complete. The Gaia space mission will drastically increase the sample of known white dwarfs through its 5-6 years survey of the whole sky up to magnitude V = 20-25. Aims. We provide a characterisation of Gaia photometry for white dwarfs to better prepare for the analysis of the scientific output of the mission. Transformations between some of the most common photometric systems and Gaia passbands are derived. We also give estimates of the number of white dwarfs of the different galactic populations that will be observed. Methods. Using synthetic spectral energy distributions and the most recent Gaia transmission curves, we computed colours of three different types of white dwarfs (pure hydrogen, pure helium, and mixed composition with H/He = 0.1). With these colours we derived transformations to other common photometric systems (Johnson-Cousins, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and 2MASS). We also present numbers of white dwarfs predicted to be observed by Gaia. Results. We provide relationships and colour-colour diagrams among different photometric systems to allow the prediction and/or study of the Gaia white dwarf colours. We also include estimates of the number of sources expected in every galactic population and with a maximum parallax error. Gaia will increase the sample of known white dwarfs tenfold to about 200 000. Gaia will be able to observe thousands of very cool white dwarfs for the first time, which will greatly improve our understanding of these stars and early phases of star formation in our Galaxy.
Les naines brunes sont des objets de masse intermédiaire entre celle nécessaire pour former une étoile et celle d'une planète. Les naines brunes sont classées, des plus chaudes aux plus froides, en types spectraux L, T et Y, caractérisés par une couleur J-K moyenne qui varie de 1.2 à 1.8 pour les étoiles de type L0 à L8, et de 1.8 à -0.5 pour les étoiles de type L8 à T8. Par ailleurs, la couleur J-K de certains types spectraux présente une dispersion de l'ordre d'une magnitude. Ce travail tente de faire la lumière sur la nature de cette grande dispersion, présente dans la couleur J-K des naines brunes de type L2. Les observations ont été réalisées avec la caméra infrarouge CPAPIR à l'Observatoire du Mont Mégantic. Nous avons ciblé un total de 22 naines brunes qui ont été observées en K, et 12 parmi celles-ci ont aussi été observées en J. Chacune des naines brunes a été calibrée à l'aide d'une étoile standard, ce qui rend nos résultats indépendants des données 2MASS. Nous observons une corrélation entre les couleurs J-K de nos données et de celles de 2MASS. Cela montre que la grande dispersion en J-K de nos données et des données 2MASS est due aux propriétés physiques des naines brunes et non à des erreurs observationnelles. L'examen des facteurs qui pourraient être responsables de cette grande dispersion, soit la classification spectrale, la métallicité, la gravité de surface, une binarité non résolue, la présence de nuages de condensats et la rotation, montre que la gravité de surface serait le facteur le plus susceptible d'être responsable de la grande dispersion des valeurs de J-K.
Nous présentons la découverte de quatorze nouveaux systèmes binaires ayant une séparation supérieure à 250 UA et dont au moins l'une des composantes est une naine M ou une naine L. Ces systèmes ont d'abord été identifiés en cherchant des objets ayant un mouvement propre commun autour d'étoiles connues possédant un mouvement propre élevé, grâce à une corrélation croisée de grands relevés du ciel dans l'infrarouge proche (2MASS, SDSS et SIMP). Un suivi astrométrique, afin de confirmer le mouvement propre commun, a été réalisé sur toutes les cibles avec la caméra SIMON et/ou la caméra CPAPIR à l'Observatoire du Mont-Mégatic (OMM) ou à l'Observatoire interaméricain du Cerro Tololo (CTIO). Un suivi spectroscopique a aussi été effectué sur la plupart des compagnons avec GMOS ou GNIRS à Gemini afin de déterminer leurs types spectraux. La probabilité que deux objets forment un système binaire par hasard a été évaluée afin de s'assurer que les couples candidats que nous présentons soient réellement liés.Un de nos nouveaux systèmes a un compagnon de masse sous-stellaire : 2M1259+1001 (L4.5). L'étude des systèmes que nous avons découverts pourra, entre autre, nous aider à mieux comprendre les mécanismes de formation des étoiles de très faible masse et des naines brunes.
We studied, for the first time, the near-infrared, stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relations for a sample of field galaxies taken from a homogeneous Fabry-Perot sample of galaxies [the Gassendi HAlpha survey of SPirals (GHASP) survey]. The main advantage of GHASP over other samples is that the maximum rotational velocities were estimated from 2D velocity fields, avoiding assumptions about the inclination and position angle of the galaxies. By combining these data with 2MASS photometry, optical colours, HI masses and different mass-to-light ratio estimators, we found a slope of 4.48 +/- 0.38 and 3.64 +/- 0.28 for the stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, respectively. We found that these values do not change significantly when different mass-to-light ratio recipes were used. We also point out, for the first time, that the rising rotation curves as well as asymmetric rotation curves show a larger dispersion in the Tully-Fisher relation than the flat ones or the symmetric ones. Using the baryonic mass and the optical radius of galaxies, we found that the surface baryonic mass density is almost constant for all the galaxies of this sample. In this study we also emphasize the presence of a break in the NIR Tully-Fisher relation at M(H,K) similar to -20 and we confirm that late-type galaxies present higher total-to-baryonic mass ratios than early-type spirals, suggesting that supernova feedback is actually an important issue in late-type spirals. Due to the well-defined sample selection criteria and the homogeneity of the data analysis, the Tully-Fisher relation for GHASP galaxies can be used as a reference for the study of this relation in other environments and at higher redshifts.
The dynamical processes that lead to open cluster disruption cause its mass to decrease. To investigate such processes from the observational point of view, it is important to identify open cluster remnants (OCRs), which are intrinsically poorly populated. Due to their nature, distinguishing them from field star fluctuations is still an unresolved issue. In this work, we developed a statistical diagnostic tool to distinguish poorly populated star concentrations from background field fluctuations. We use 2MASS photometry to explore one of the conditions required for a stellar group to be a physical group: to produce distinct sequences in a colour-magnitude diagram (CMD). We use automated tools to (i) derive the limiting radius; (ii) decontaminate the field and assign membership probabilities; (iii) fit isochrones; and (iv) compare object and field CMDs, considering the isochrone solution, in order to verify the similarity. If the object cannot be statistically considered as a field fluctuation, we derive its probable age, distance modulus, reddening and uncertainties in a self-consistent way. As a test, we apply the tool to open clusters and comparison fields. Finally, we study the OCR candidates DoDz 6, NGC 272, ESO 435 SC48 and ESO 325 SC15. The tool is optimized to treat these low-statistic objects and to separate the best OCR candidates for studies on kinematics and chemical composition. The study of the possible OCRs will certainly provide a deep understanding of OCR properties and constraints for theoretical models, including insights into the evolution of open clusters and dissolution rates.
We present the discovery of a wide (67 AU) substellar companion to the nearby (21 pc) young solar-metallicity M1 dwarf CD-35 2722, a member of the approximate to 100 Myr AB Doradus association. Two epochs of astrometry from the NICI Planet-Finding Campaign confirm that CD-35 2722 B is physically associated with the primary star. Near-IR spectra indicate a spectral type of L4 +/- 1 with a moderately low surface gravity, making it one of the coolest young companions found to date. The absorption lines and near-IR continuum shape of CD-35 2722 B agree especially well the dusty field L4.5 dwarf 2MASS J22244381-0158521, while the near-IR colors and absolute magnitudes match those of the 5 Myr old L4 planetary-mass companion, 1RXS J160929.1-210524 b. Overall, CD-35 2722 B appears to be an intermediate-age benchmark for L dwarfs, with a less peaked H-band continuum than the youngest objects and near-IR absorption lines comparable to field objects. We fit Ames-Dusty model atmospheres to the near-IR spectra and find T(eff) = 1700-1900 K and log(g) = 4.5 +/- 0.5. The spectra also show that the radial velocities of components A and B agree to within +/- 10 km s(-1), further confirming their physical association. Using the age and bolometric luminosity of CD-35 2722 B, we derive a mass of 31 +/- 8 M(Jup) from the Lyon/Dusty evolutionary models. Altogether, young late-M to mid-L type companions appear to be overluminous for their near-IR spectral type compared with field objects, in contrast to the underluminosity of young late-L and early-T dwarfs.
With Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry and proper motions, Bonatto et al. suggested that FSR 1767 is a globular cluster (GC), while with J and K NTT/SOFI photometry Froebrich, Meusinger & Scholz concluded that it is not a star cluster. In this study, we combine previous and new evidence that are consistent with a GC. For instance, we show that the horizontal branch (HB) and red giant branch (RGB) stars, besides sharing a common proper motion, have radial density profiles that consistently follow the King`s law independently. Reddening maps around FSR 1767 are built using the bulge RGB as reference and also Schlegel`s extinction values to study local absorptions. Both approaches provide similar maps and show that FSR 1767 is not located in a dust window, which otherwise might have produced the stellar overdensity. Besides, neighbouring regions of similar reddening as FSR 1767 do not present the blue HB stars that are a conspicuous feature in the colour-magnitude diagram of FSR 1767. We report the presence of a compact group of stars located in the central parts of FSR 1767. It appears to be a detached post-collapse core, similar to those of other nearby low-luminosity GCs projected towards the bulge. We note that while the NTT/SOFI photometry of the star cluster FSR 1716 matches perfectly that from 2MASS, it shows a considerable offset for FSR 1767. We discuss the possible reasons why both photometries differ. We confirm our previous structural and photometric fundamental parameters for FSR 1767, which are consistent with a GC.
o estudo da distribuição de extinção na Galáxia e nas Nuvens de Magalhães é feito através da análise dos mapas de avermelhamento derivados da emissão 100f-Lmda poeira E(B- V)FIR de Schlegel et ai. (1998). Comparamos valores de avermelhamento E(B- V)FIR com os derivados do conteúdo estelar de 103 aglomerados abertos velhos e 150 aglomerados globulares da Galáxia. As diferenças entre os dois avermelhamentos, quando significativas, ocorrem principalmente em baixas latitudes galáticas, no sentido de que os valores E(B-V)FIR são mais altos devido à contribuição do fluxo 100f-Lmda poeira que se encontra atrás dos aglomerados. As diferenças também podem surgir por um valor de E(B-V)FIR superestimado devido aos grãos de poeira terem temperatura T> 21 K o que parece ocorrer principalmente na direção do Centro da Galáxia. Construímos um catálogo geral de nebulosas escuras unificando 15 catálogos da literatura reunindo~ 6300 itens. Após cruzamentos, o catálogo unificado contém 4956 nebulosas escuras. Medimos valores de E(B-V)PIR no centro destas nebulosas escuras e amostramos seus arredores. Encontramos contraste preferencialmente para nebulosas escuras a médias e altas latitudes galáticas. Nebulosas escuras próximas ao Plano Galático apresentam flutuações maiores nos valores de E(B- V)FIR nos arredores, devido às contribuições de densidade de coluna de poeira das nebulosas e meio difuso acumulados em profundidade ao longo da linha de visada. Utilizamos a fotometria JHKs do 2MASS para obter mapas de extinção em regiões candidatas a regiões de baixa extinção (janelas) na direção do Bojo Galático Confirmamos a existência das janelas e encontramos uma grande semelhança entre os mapas de extinção na banda K derivados a partir do conteúdo estelar e os derivados da emissão da poeira. Tal semelhança na distribuição do avermelhamento nos mapas se deve à maior parte das nuvens de poeira estar localizada entre nós e as estrelas do Bojo. Realizamos a busca de aglomerados infravermelhos jovens compactos (semelhantes aos aglomerados Arches e Quintuplet) próximo ao Centro Galático utilizando o Atlas de imagens JHKs do 2MASS. Encontramos 58 candidatos a aglomerados, importantes alvos para grande telescópios. Nas direções das Nuvens de Magalhães, testamos os valores de E(B- V)FIR nas linhas de visada de galáxias de fundo comparando esses valores com os avermelhamentos derivados através dos espectros observados das galáxias. A obtenção do avermelhamento foi feita comparando a distribuição de contínuo dos espectros das galáxias observadas na direção das Nuvens com o contínuo de espectros médios de semelhante população estelar (formados por galáxias em altas latitudes galáticas) corrigidos por extinção . O avermelhamento foi derivado para 36 galáxias projetadas sobre as Nuvens de Magalhães e obtivemos um avermelhamento médio total (galático + interno) de E(B-V) = 0.12 para a Grande Nuvem e E(B-V) = 0.05 para Pequena Nuvem, sendo o avermelhamento interno estimado em E(B- V)i = 0.06 e E(B- V)i = 0.04 para Grande e Pequena Nuvem respectivamente. Para 86 % da amostra obtivemos uma boa concordância entre os valores de avermelhamento espectroscópicos e os derivados da emissão da poeira Os casos de diferenças significativas foram interpretados como devidos à distribuição de poeira ter uma escala menor que a resolução dos mapas de avermelhamento E(B-V)FIR ou ao superaquecimento da poeira, como ocorre principalmente na direção do Centro Galático. As presentes análises da extinção através da Galáxia e das Nuvens de Magalhães fornecem evidências da importância, utilidade e algumas limitações dos mapas de poeira de Schlegel et aI. (1998) para estudos galáticos e extragaláticos.